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1、SCE -Engineering On Brand Experiences 构建符合品牌精神的体验 feel with your eyes 在注视中感知 execute with your heart 用心智去实践 create loyalty beyond reason 创造超越理性的忠 诚 1 SCE - What consumers want now is an emotional connection. They want to be able to connect with whats behind the brand, whats behind the promise. 现在的顾客

2、需要的,是一种情感上的 联系,他 们渴望触摸到品牌背后、承 诺背后的微妙感受 2 Customers not going to buy simply rational. They feel the world through their senses, the five senses, and thats whats important. 顾客的购买意欲并不只是来自理性的判断, 值得重视的是他们是通过感性认识,即五官感受来感知周遭世界。 3 The brands that can move to that emotional level, that can create loyalty bey

3、ond reason, are going to be the brands where premium profits lie. 打动顾客内心情感并带来超越理性的忠诚的品牌才能成功 创造丰厚的回报。 Kevin Roberts, CEO Worldwide, SAATCHI & SAATCHI 盛世国际总裁, 凯文罗伯兹 4 Workshop Outline 课程纲要 The Emotional Customer 感性的顾客 Experience Clues 顾客体验的暗示 Engineering On Brand Experiences 构建品牌体验Mapping The Experien

4、ce 绘制体验蓝图 Improving Experience Metrics 提升体验标值 5 Sensitized to Clues that impact Customer Experience 敏锐感知影响顾客体验的暗示 Equipped with practical ideas and Workshop tools to Engineer On Brand Experiences Outcomes 装备切合实际的观念和工具,构建符课程结果 合品牌精神的体验 Linked SCE implementation with measurable business outcomes 建立SCE

5、实施成效与可衡量经营成果间的联系 6 Customers Cannot NOT Have An Experience 顾客不会毫无体验 How random or managed is the experience were delivering? 对顾客体验是采取放任自流的态度,还是对其精心设计并认真实施? 7 SCE Engineering On Brand Experiences SCE 构建符合品牌精神的体验 “ orchestrating the signals produced by products, services, and the environment to produc

6、e a specific customer impression.” “融合融合产产品、服品、服 务务和和环环境境给顾给顾客客带带来的各种体来的各种体验验元素,演元素,演 绎绎出一段特殊的出一段特殊的顾顾客体客体验验” Lewis P. Carbone Author “Clued In” ”CLUED IN“ 一书作者,刘易斯卡邦 8 Management Of The Experience Is Where Real Customer Value Is Created 实现顾客的真实价值来自顾客体验管理 Experiential Value 体验价值 how customers feel a

7、bout themselves 顾客如何感知自我 Brand Value 品牌价值 the value of the brand to the Company 品牌对公司的价值 Brand Loyalty 品牌忠诚 preference, commitment, and advocacy 喜好、承 诺、 拥护 Financial Performance 财务业绩 profit, valuation, strength 利润、价 值、 实力 9 Brand ManagementExperience Management 品牌管理体验管理 Brand Experience management i

8、s management is focused on how focused on how customers feel about the SCE customers/ employees feel company. about 品牌管理 themselves. 侧重于顾客 体验管理 对公司的感受. 侧重于顾客/员工 自身的感受. 10 Its not about how they feel about the brand its how they feel about themselves when they the brand 重点并不是顾客对品牌有何感受, 而是在于顾客在与品牌接触中如

9、何感知自我11 associate with The Importance of Emotional Response 情感反应的重要性 Brands that evoke a stronger emotional response than comparable goods are able to sell in greater volumes, create very strong customer loyalty and charge 20 to 200 percent more than their competitors. 能在顾客心目中产生强烈的情感反应的品牌商品不仅在销售量上远超

10、过同类商品,更能在顾客中建立极强的忠诚度,且通常价格会比竞争对手高出二成到二倍. 12 The Importance of Emotional Response 情感反应的重要性 Brands are now being forced into two distinct categories: (a) low-priced commodities or (b) brands you will pay more for because you care about them. Brands in the middle of the road will get run over, either b

11、y the low-price leaders or by the brands people love. 品牌现已经趋向走入两种截然不同的类别:一 类是价格低廉的商品,另一 类是顾客因中情于它而愿意花上更高的价钱得到的品牌商品。而 处在这两类商品之间的,不 论是与低价商品还是与广受喜爱的品牌商品竞争,都逃不 过被碾身而过的下10-year study by Boston Consulting Group 摘录自波士顿咨询集团历经十年的品牌研究 结果 Michael Silverstein and Neil Fiske (Portfolio, 2003) 场。 13 The rule of t

12、humb among cognitive scientists is that 95 percent of all human behavior is unconscious. 认知科学家们普遍认为在所有人类行为中类占95%之多的行动是超出意识之外的。 摘自George Lakoff and Market Johnson, Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought 14 新皮质 思维脑区 Thinking Brain Feeling Brain 边缘系统 情绪脑区 Uncons

13、cious Brain 爬行脑 潜意识脑区 Thanks to the structure of our brains, no human being is immune to the influence of their unconscious emotions. 正是由于大脑的特殊构造,人类对潜意识中的感觉才不会无动于衷。 摘自Paul MacLean, The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions (New York: Plenum, 1990). 15 Without emotion, there is n

14、o production of neurotransmitters in the brain, and you dont create the connection. 缺少了情感大脑无法产生神经介源自Dr. Clotaire Rapaille 质,人 们就无法建立情感联系。 Chairman of Archetype Discoveries Worldwide 16 “The tangible attributes of a product or service have far less influence on consumer preference than the sub-consci

15、ous sensory and emotional elements derived from the total experience.” “一项产品或服务的有形特性对于顾客偏好的影响, 远远不及由全面体验而产生的潜意识的感官和情感元素。” Gerald Zaltman (Harvard) of ZMET 哈佛大学市场意识实验室创立者, 萨尔特曼博士 17 Experience Clues 体验暗示 18 Experience Clues 体验暗示 In interacting with organizations, customers consciously and unconscious

16、ly filter Experience Clues and organize them into a set of impressions, some more rational or calculative and others more emotional. 在与公司交流中, 顾客会有意无意地衡量他们所遇到的每个暗示。当 这些暗示纠合在一起,就会形成印象。有些印象会趋于理性或精于盘算,而也有些印象更 趋于感性。 19 What is an Experience Clue? 什么是体验暗示? Anything in the service experience the customer p

17、erceives by its presence or absence. If the customer can see, hear, taste, or smell it, it is a clue. 顾客在服务体验中所感知到的任何元素。不管是展现在眼前的还是不在现场的,只要是 顾客能够看到、听到、 尝到或闻到的元素,即成为体验暗示。 20 Everything Communicates! 讯息来自万物 Experience Clues in an F&B outlet: 体验暗示在餐厅里也无所不在,如: ? Appearance and contents of the menu; 菜单的外

18、观和内容; ? the table covering used; 所使用的桌面材料; ? the use of paper or cloth napkins and their texture; 所使用的纸质或布质餐巾以及其质地; ? the cleanliness of the table; 桌面的整洁程度; ? the presentation and taste of the food; 食品的外观和口味; ? Associates dress, demeanor, and language; 员工的穿着、行 为和使用的语言; ? How Associates position them

19、selves by the table 在客人餐桌边员工服务的方式; 21 Experience Clues 体验暗示 Customers frequently behave like detectives in the way they process and organize “clues” embedded in the service experience into a set of feelings. 顾客从服务体验中猎取到“暗示”后在处理和组织 过程中直至定位为情感,常常表 现得象侦探一样。 They process these clues and feelings when de

20、ciding whether or not to buy a service and while evaluating the service during and after use. 他们在决定是否购买一项服务以及如何对服务中和服务后作评价时,都在不断得处理接收到的暗示和产生的感受。 22 Experience Clues 体验暗示 The more important, variable, complex, and personal the service, the more detective work customers are likely to do as they sense

21、experience clues. 当服务对顾客而言越是重要、越是机 动、越是复杂和越是个性化时, 顾客在感受体验暗示中所做的“侦探”工作就越多。 23 Classes of Experience Clues 体验暗示的种类 3 main classes of Experience clues create help form customer impressions: Functional, Mechanic, and Humanic clues. 三类营造顾客体验的“暗示”: 功能的体验暗示、机械的体验暗示和人性的体验暗示。 24 Creating Clues Activity 活动:制造

22、体 验暗示 Re-imagine the best customer experience in one of the following situations: 重新想象以下情形中的最佳 顾客体验 1. Dining at a fine restaurant 在高雅的餐厅享受用餐 2. Relaxing by the pool on vacation 在度假,于池畔休憩 3. Enjoying drinks at a bar with friends 与好友在酒吧畅饮 4. Conducting an important business meeting 主办重要的商务会议 5. Worki

23、ng out in the gym 在健身房健身 6. Getting recommendations from the concierge 在礼宾部问询 25 Functional Clues 功能的体验暗示 Rational clues about the good or service the technical quality of the experience offering: 对产品或服务的理性体验体验到的技术质量: ? does the key issued at the front desk open my door? 前台发出的钥匙能否打开我的房间门? ? does the

24、 TV work? 电视机是否能正常使用? ? was the wake up call made as promised? 叫醒服务是不是按要求提供? ? is the room service order correct? 客房送餐是否符合点餐要求? 26 Functional Clues 功能的体验暗示 Take 3 minutes in your groups to brainstorm what the functional clues would be in your perfect Customer Experience 花三分种时间在小组中集体讨论在你们组所设计的“完美”顾客体

25、验中可以加入哪些功能的体 验暗示。 27 Mechanic Clues 机械的体验暗示 Emotional “mechanic clues” are stimuli associated with things found in objects and the environment. Whereas functional clues concern the reliability of the service, mechanic clues concern the sensory perception of the service. 情感的“机械暗示”是由人和周围物体及环境的交流而产生的感觉

26、。功能的体 验暗示关系到服务的可靠性,而机械的体 验暗示则关系到顾客对服务的感知。 ? sights 视觉 ? smells 嗅觉 ? Sounds 听觉 ? tastes 味觉 ? textures 触觉 28 Mechanic Clues 机械的体验暗示 Take 3 minutes in your groups to brainstorm and add the mechanic clues into your Customer Experience. 花三分种时间在小组中集体讨论在你们组所设计的顾客体验中可以添加哪些机械的体验暗示。 29 Humanic Clues 人性的体验暗示 E

27、motional “humanic clues” are stimuli associated with people the behaviour and appearance of service providers: 情感中的“人性的体验暗示”是从人们身上得到的,即是从服 务者的行为和外观上获得的。 ? choice of words 话语 ? tone of voice 音调 ? level of enthusiasm 热情程度? Appearance 外表 ? body language 身体语言 30 Humanic Clues 人性的体验暗示 Finally to go back

28、to your Customer Experience and add the Humanic Clues that will make that experience memorable. 最后在小组中集体讨论在你们组所设计的顾客体验中可以加入哪些人性的体验暗示从而使顾客留下难忘的记忆。 31 Experience clues are: 体验暗示 ? first collected 首先,被收集 ? then stored 然后,被 贮存 ? then FELT UNCONSCIOUSLY 接着,在潜意 识中感受到 ? then aggregated and 随后,交 汇在一起 ? late

29、r rationalized as consumers become conscious of value perceptions and brand associations. 之后在顾客心目中形成对其价值的评价和品牌的联系 一切都不是按步就班地 发生或是靠理性判断而 产生的 32 None of these are particularly linear or rational 这Integrating Experience Clues 整合体验暗示 33 Clues must be integrated to create value 各种体验暗示须有机结合在一起,才能 创造出价值 Af

30、ter a transaction, the way customers remember and value an experience emotionally will have everything to do with their ultimate commitment to the brand far more than what actually did or did not happen in the purely rational sense. 在一次服务结束后, 顾客如何记住和评价一次情感上的体验对他们最终是否能完全接纳这一品牌是至关重要的,这比仅从理性的角度来分析服务当时做

31、了什么和没做什么要重要得多。 来自Dr. Len Berry, Texas A&M University34 Clues must be integrated to 互动: 顾客在与周围人员、 环create value Interaction: What are the multitude of impressions, 境、系 统或体验本身接触中接thoughts, and feelings the 受到哪些总体的印象、想法和各种体验暗示Guest is absorbing around 感受? him/her? 须有机结合在X X Recollection: How do 回顾: 顾客对

32、于体验有着怎样一起,才能 创造Guests feel about what just 的回忆? happened to them? ? 出价值 = ? Perception: What are the 观念: 顾客有哪些事先已有的preconceived ideas and feelings a Guest brings with 想法和感觉? them? X X 来自Dr. Len Berry, Texas A&M University 35 CLUES Field Observation 体验暗示的实地观察 36 CLUES Field Observation 实地观察体验暗示 Pre-s

33、ervice 服务前 Service/service provider we will observe: _ 我们将观察的服务及服务提供者为: Start and end points for our journey: _ 服务旅程的开端和 终点为: Our key expectations from the service: _ 我们对该项服务的期望为: During service 服务中 Post-service 服务后 Experience clues we collected: 我们收集到的体 验暗示有: 1. _On brand/Off brand 符合/不符合品牌精神 2. _O

34、n brand/Off brand 符合/不符合品牌精神 3. _On brand/Off brand 符合/不符合品牌精神 . Recollections of the field observation _ 实地观察后的回顾 - was the experience memorable? _ 这段体验是否令人难忘? 37 streetartartartFrontdeskartartBehavioral Science: 行为科学: What do you see? 你观察到了哪些情形? Scatter diagram plotted every 10 minutes 每十分每十分钟钟收集到

35、的行收集到的行动动散点散点图图 38 温暖温暖亲亲切切 舒适宜人舒适宜人 联联系系/感感应应 39 个性化个性化 直直觉觉灵灵动动 焕发焕发活力活力 40 诚诚信信 简约简约 舒适舒适 41 激情激情 运筹运筹 洒脱洒脱 42 精致精致 融入融入 体体验验 43 一一丝丝不苟不苟 量身定制量身定制 魅力魅力 首善之地首善之地 44 别致 高雅 探索 45 Experience Mapping 体验蓝图绘制 the guest experience (start to end)定义顾客体验 (从起点至 终点) OBSERVE and note all exper

36、ience clues 观察并记录所有体验暗示 ASSESS experience clues On or Off Brand? 评估体验暗示是否符合品牌精神? ELIMINATE negative experience clues 消除负面暗示 ENGINEER memorable experiences 构建难忘体验 Imagine the Experience Create the Memory 想象体想象体验验 创创造回造回忆忆 46 47 SCE Cycles SCE循环 Cycle 4 循环4 Engineer a truly memorable customer experien

37、ce 构建真切难忘的顾客Cycle 2 体验 Ensure consistency of 循环2 end-to-end customer experience Cycle 1 Create On-brand 确保顾客体验旅程中的循环1 有一致的端对端接触点clues 体验 创造符合品牌精神 Identify and eliminate 的暗示 off-brand clues 分辨并消除不符合品牌精神的暗示 48 Cycle 3 循环3 End Objective Engineer memorable customer experiences 终极目标 构建难忘的顾客体验 Cycle 4 循环4

38、 Engineer a truly memorable customer experience 构建真切难忘的顾客体验 Ultimately, SCE teams work through progressive cycles to engineer memorable customer experiences that are on-brand, that are better, different and special. SCE小组经过渐进的循环过程最终创造出符合品牌精神的顾客体验。 这种体验应是更为出色的、与众不同、感觉特殊的、令 顾客难忘的经历。 49 Define the Gues

39、t Experience 定义顾客体验 1 Imagine the Experience Create the Memory 想象体想象体验验 创创造回造回忆忆 50 Observe, Record and Assess Clues 观察、 记录并评估体验暗示 Imagine the Experience Create the Memory 想象体想象体验验 创创造回造回忆忆 51 Eliminate Negative Clues 消除负面影响 Imagine the Experience Create the Memory 想象体想象体验验 创创造回造回忆忆 52 Engineer Memo

40、rable On Brand Experiences 构建难忘的品牌体验 Imagine the Experience Create the Memory 想象体想象体验验 创创造回造回忆忆 53 Improving Experience Metrics 提升体提升体验标值验标值 54 Service Composite & Brand Values 服务综合指数和品牌价值 ? Overall friendliness of staff 员工的总体友善程度 ? Staff helped me feel welcome throughout my stay 在我居停期间员工让我感觉到受欢迎 ? Staff treated me as a valued customer 员工把我作为贵宾款待 ? Staff anticipated my needs 员工能预计到我的需要 ? Staff genuinely cared for me 员工对我显示出真切关心 ? Brand Values 品牌价值 55



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