九年级英语全册 Unit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands全单元课件 人教新目标版

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1、Unit 12Youre supposed to shake hands.Section A(1a-1c) We We are notnot supposed to eat in class.eat in class. be supposed to do被期望或要求做被期望或要求做; 应当做应当做be not supposed to do不被许可做不被许可做;不应当做不应当做We Everyone is supposed to know the law.Were not supposed to play basketball in the classroom.BrazilKoreaJapant

2、he United StatesMexicoDifferent countries have differentcustoms(风俗风俗.习惯习惯). when they meet for the first timeshake handskissbow 1a 1b Match the countries with the customs.CountriesCustoms 1. Brazil 2. the United States 3. Japan 4. Mexico 5. Koreaa. bowb. Shake handsc. kisscbabaSay it like this:Say i

3、t like this: People in (China) are supposed to .(shake hands)when they meet for the first time.Listen again and fill in the blanksA1: What are people_ to do when they meet _your country, Celia?B1: Well, do you mean when friends meet for the first time?A1: Yeah.B1: Well, in_, friends_. A1: What about

4、 in_, Rodrigo?A2: In Mexico we _.A1: How about in _, Yoshi? A3: We _.B2: And in _we also _.A1: Well, I guess in most _we shake handssupposedinBrazilkissMexicoshake handsJapanbowKoreabowWestern countriesTapescriptBoy: What are people supposed to do when they meet in your country, Celia?Celia: Well, d

5、o you mean when people meet for the first time?Boy: Yeah.Celia: Well, in Brazil, friends kiss.Boy: What about in Mexico, Rodrigo?Rodrigo: In Mexico we shake hands.Boy: What about in Japan, Yoshi?Yoshi: We bow.Girl: And in Korea we also bow.Boy: Well, I guess in most Western countries we shake hands.

6、Talk about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time.What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?Theyre supposed to bow. A:B:oldpeopleshomeA:What are you supposed to do when your classmate is ill in hospital/whenyougotooldpeopleshome?B1.2 .

7、3 : We are supposed toReport:Inmygroup,xxxthinkswearesupposedtoThatsall!Thankyou!Make a surveyshake hands:You should shake hands with others with a smile. At the same time you shouldnt wear hats or gloves(手套手套) when you do this. Usually, the time of shaking hands shouldnt last no more than 3 seconds

8、. It is polite to wait for the ladies, the leaders or the old to show their hands first, then you can shake with them.bow:When you bow to others, you should stand at attention and take off your hat to show your respect(尊重)尊重). kiss: : If you meet a friend or your relative, you can greet(问候)问候) him o

9、r her with a hug (拥抱)拥抱) or a kiss on the cheeks(面颊面颊). If you are a couple(夫妇)夫妇), you can hug and kiss, but if you are parents and children, you just kiss on the face or forehead(前额前额). If you are brothers or sisters, you just kiss on the cheeks.Remember the new words after class. 2. Act out what

10、people are supposed to do when they meet for the first time . 3. Use “be supposed to do, be not supposed to do” to make sentences in your exercise books.HomeworkUnit 12Youre supposed to shake hands.Section A(2a-2c)2a2aMarias mistakeListening 2a Maria is an exchange student. Last night she had dinner

11、 at an American friends house. Listen and check () the mistakes Maria made.Marias mistakes arrived late ate the wrong food greeted Pauls mother the wrong way wore the wrong cloths2b Listen again and fill in the blanks. Maria: I was supposed to arrive at 7:00 , but I arrived at 8:00.Maria: In my coun

12、try, its different. When youre invited for 7:00, youre supposed to .Dan: And you were supposed to instead.Dan: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to .come latershake handswearTapescriptDan: Hi, Maria. How was Pauls Party?Maria: Oh, Dan, It was a disaster.Dan: It was?Maria: Uh-huh.D

13、an: What happened?Maria: Well, I was supposed to arrive at 7:00 ,but I arrived at 8:00. Dan: Oh, so you were late. Maria: Yeah, but In my country, its different. When youre invited for 7:00, youre supposed to come later!Dan: I see.Maria: Then when I met Pauls mom, I kissed her. Dan: And you were sup

14、posed to shake hands instead.Maria: Thats right. AND I wore a fancy dress.Dan: Whats wrong with that?Maria: Well, it was a barbecue, Dan. Everyone else was wearing a T-shirt and jeans.Dan: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to wear.greet =to welcome or say “hello” 动词动词 “问候问候,打招呼打招呼

15、”如如:He greeted her by saying “good morning”他象她打招呼说他象她打招呼说 “早上好早上好”。ExplanationShe greeted me with a friendly smile.她向我微笑致意。她向我微笑致意。A beautiful view greeted us.美丽的景色呈现在我们面前。美丽的景色呈现在我们面前。Role play the conversation between Maria and Dan.How was the dinner at Pauls house last night?Well, it was OK, but

16、I made some mistake. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.A:B:Unit 12Youre supposed to shake hands.Section A(3a-4)3a ReadingAttitude aboutColombiabeing on timevisiting a friends housemaking plans with friendsWe are pretty relax We are pretty relax about time.about time.We often ju

17、st drop by We often just drop by our friends homes.our friends homes.We dont have to make We dont have to make plans when we get plans when we get together with friends.together with friends.Attitude aboutSwitzerlandbeing on timevisiting a friends housemaking plans with friendsIts very important Its

18、 very important to be on time.to be on time.We never visit a friends We never visit a friends house without calling house without calling first.first.We usually make plans to We usually make plans to meet friends.meet friends.What kind of rules do you have in Colombia?Well, they have pretty relaxed

19、rules. Like what?Well, its OK if youre not on time.3aWhere Im from, we are pretty relaxed about time.地点状语从句地点状语从句对对很随意很随意If you tell a friend you are going to their house for dinner, its okay if you arrive a bit late. 在我的国家人们对时间观念较随意。在我的国家人们对时间观念较随意。晚一点到达晚一点到达条件状语从句条件状语从句条件状语从句条件状语从句 Spending time w

20、ith family and friends is very important to us.动名词短语做主语动名词短语做主语陪伴家人和朋友陪伴家人和朋友We often just drop by our friends homes .= visitWe dont usually have to make plans to meet our friends . = 动词动词 plan同意句:同意句: Usually we _ _ to _ to meet our friends .arent supposed plan Often we just walk around the town ce

21、nter, seeing as many of our friends as we can .逛逛市中心,逛逛市中心,=hang out around 尽可能多地见见朋友尽可能多地见见朋友分词短语做状语分词短语做状语In Switzerland :守时守时钟表之国钟表之国迟到十五分钟迟到十五分钟一起外出一起外出娱乐娱乐be on timethe land of watches毕竟,终究after allfifteen minutes latedo something interestinggo somewhere togetherI dont know why youre so worried

22、 . It isnt your problem after all .So you see, I was right after all .Role play the conversation between Teresa and Marc.What kinds of rules do they have in Colombia?Well, they have pretty relaxed rules.Like what?Well, its OK if youre not on time.A:B:A:B:In China, what is supposed to do in these fol

23、lowing situations?1. greeting teacherssay, “Good morning.”2. doing homework3. phoning someone4. visiting someones placecall first, and knock at the doorat home or in schoolafter classsay, “Hello, Im.”5. making plans with friendsIn China, what is supposed to do in these following situations?6. being

24、on time7. giving giftsDiscuss the plan, callto make changes.Always on time or litter early.Festival gifts beingnecessary.Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands.Section B 1-2cTable MannersThere are many table manners around the world. But differentcountries have different culture. In the United States

25、, youre not supposed to eat with your hands.In PeruYoure not supposed to talk at the table.In China, youre not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice.In Korea, the youngest personis supposed to start eating first.In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.2a Li

26、stening2432b Listen and match these sentence parts.1.You arent supposed to2.Its polite3.Its rude4.You shouldntb. to stick your chopsticks into your food.a. to make noise while eating noodles.d. eat or drink while walking down the street.c. point at anyone with your chopsticks.1.You arent supposed to

27、_2.Its polite_3.Its rude_4. You shouldnt2b ListeningabcdTapescriptSatoshi: You must be really excited about leaving for Japan tomorrow, Steve!Steve: Yeah, I am. But Im a little nervous, too.Satoshi: Nervous about what?Steve: Well, for one thing, I dont know how to use chopsticks very well and I dont

28、 know how to behave at the dinner table. Satoshi: Oh, I see. I could give you a little lesson on Japanese table manners if youd like.Steve: Really? That would be great!Satoshi: Hmmmm. Let me see. One difference is that sometimes its polite to make noise when youre eating. Especially when youre eatin

29、g noodles. It shows that you like the food.Steve: Really? Thats interesting. In the United States youre not supposed to do that.Satoshi: Yeah, I know. OK, so here are some chopstick rules: its rude to stick your chopsticks into your food. And you shouldnt point at anyone with your chopsticks.Steve:

30、Oh, OK. I wont.Satoshi: And also, this isnt about table manners exactly, but you should know that its rude to eat or drink while walking down the street.Steve: Huh.Satoshi: Oh, and the most important thing you need to know is that youre not supposed to talk when youre eating dinner. Only parents are

31、 allowed to talk at the dinner table. Children are not allowed to speak.Steve: Wow! Thats thats unusual!Satoshi: Im just kidding! Steve! 1. In china, youre not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice. 在中国在中国, 你不应该端起你的饭碗。你不应该端起你的饭碗。 pick up “捡起捡起; 拾起拾起; 拿起拿起”。Explanations 如如: A girl picked up a wallet

32、on her way home. 一个小女孩在回家的路上捡到了一个一个小女孩在回家的路上捡到了一个钱包。钱包。 The phone stopped ringing just as I picked up the receiver. 我一拿起听筒我一拿起听筒, 电话就不响了。电话就不响了。2.In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink. 在巴西在巴西, 每次喝完东西后你应该用餐每次喝完东西后你应该用餐巾巾纸擦嘴。纸擦嘴。 wipe 动词动词 意思是意思是 “擦擦,擦去擦去”

33、常与常与away, off, up 连用连用,表示表示“擦干净擦干净。如如: Wipe the dirt off your shoes.抹去鞋上的污泥。抹去鞋上的污泥。Wipe up the milk you spilled, please.请抹掉洒出来的牛奶。请抹掉洒出来的牛奶。3. to stick your chopsticks into your food. 把筷子插入你的食物中。把筷子插入你的食物中。(1) stick 动词动词, “刺刺, 插入插入” 如如: Stick a fork into the meat to see if its ready. 将叉插进肉里看熟了没有。将叉

34、插进肉里看熟了没有。 I cant move. Theres a piece of wire sticking in my leg. 我动不了我动不了, 有一根金属丝刺进我的腿有一根金属丝刺进我的腿里了。里了。(2)chopstick 是由是由 “chop(砍砍)+stick(棍子棍子)组成的合成词。意思是组成的合成词。意思是 “筷子筷子” 它通常以复数形式出现。它通常以复数形式出现。如:如: Our Chinese always use chopstick to eat, but the English dont use them. 我们中国人通常用筷子吃饭我们中国人通常用筷子吃饭, 而英国

35、而英国人不。人不。4. Its rude to point at anyone with your chopsticks. 用你的筷子指着别人是很不礼貌的。用你的筷子指着别人是很不礼貌的。 rude adj. 粗鲁的粗鲁的; 无理的无理的 常用词组常用词组be rude to sb, 意思是意思是 “对某对某人无理人无理”。 Its rude to interrupt when people are speaking. 打断人家的话是不礼貌的。打断人家的话是不礼貌的。 I think it was rude of them not to phone and say that they were

36、nt coming. 他们来不了他们来不了, 也不打电话通知一声也不打电话通知一声, 太太不象话了。不象话了。 point 是一个动词是一个动词,意思是意思是 “指指, 指向指向”。它构成的词组它构成的词组” “point at”意思是意思是 “指指向向” “对准对准”。 如如: “Ill have that one.” She said, pointing at a big chocolate cake. “我想要这个。我想要这个。”她指着一块大的巧克她指着一块大的巧克力蛋糕说。力蛋糕说。A: Were supposed to B: Yes, and its rude to You aren

37、t supposed to eat or drink while walking down the street. Its polite to make noise while eating noodles. Unit 12Youre supposed to shake hands.Section B(3a-4)Table manners(餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪) in JapanIts polite to make noise while eating noodles.Its rude to stick your chopsticks into your food.You shouldnt poi

38、nt at anyone with your chopsticks.You arent supposed to eat or drink while walking down the street.What table manners do you know in China?1.We shouldnt point at others while eating the meals.2.We arent supposed to make noise while eating the meals.3.We shouldnt talk with each other loudly at the ta

39、ble.4.Its rude to wipe our mouth with our hands after meals.5.Its polite to wipe our mouth with the napkin. 1.Why was Wang Kun nervous before she arrived in France?2.Why did she have no reason to be nervous?3. How has her French improved?4.What does she find surprising?5.What is one particular chall

40、enge she is facing?Because her French was not very good. Because her host family was really nice. You put your bread on the table, not on the plate.One particular challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.She is very comfortable speaking English now.( )1. Its rude to say youre full.( )

41、2. Its polite to put your bread on your plate. ( )3. Its rude to eat fruit with your hands. ( )4. Its polite to say its delicious. ( )5. Its polite to put your hands on your lap.( )6. Its polite to put your elbows on the table.TFTTFF1.Wang Kun is having fun on his exchange program in France. ( )2.It

42、s worse than he thought it would be. ( ) “Its even better than I thought it would be.”3. Although his French has improved, Wang Ku still dislikes speaking French. ( ) True or FalseFFT“And you wouldnt believe how quickly my French has improved. Im very comfortable speaking French now.”4.He likes his

43、host family, because they are friendly to him. ( )5.Things in France is quite different from the way at home. ( )6.Wang Kun hasnt been used to things in France. ( )True or FalseFTT“I find it difficult to remember everything, but Im gradually getting used to things .”be /get used to sth. 习惯于某事习惯于某事De

44、ar Laura, Thanks for your message. Yes, Im having a great time on my exchange program in France.Its even better than I thought it would be. I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be. My host family is really nice. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. And y

45、ou wouldnt believe how quickly my French has improved! Im very comfortablespeaking French now. Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesnt bother me like it used to. 做某事轻松自如做某事轻松自如My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. As you can imagine, thingsare really different

46、 from the way they are at home. For example, youre not supposed to put your bread on your plate. Youre supposed to put it on the table! I thought that was pretty strange at first, but now Im used to it. Youre not supposedto eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit! (You have to cut

47、it up and eat it with a fork.) Another thing is that it is very rude to say youre full. If you dont want any more food, you should just say, “It was delicious.”Also, its rude to put your hands in your lap.You should always keep your hands, but not your elbows,on the table. I have to say, I find it d

48、ifficult to remember everything, but Im gradually getting used to things and dont find them so strange any more. Ill write soon and tell you more about life in France. Hope youre having a good school year.Wang KunNew Wordsget out of ones way to do sth. 特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事 make sb. feel at home

49、使某人感到宾至如归使某人感到宾至如归 be/get used to 习惯于习惯于 fork 叉、餐叉叉、餐叉 lap 大腿大腿 elbow 肘部肘部 occur 发生发生gradually 逐渐地逐渐地 particular 特殊的特殊的They They go out of their way togo out of their way to make me make me feel at homefeel at home. . 他们尽他们尽他们尽他们尽力让我感觉自在。力让我感觉自在。力让我感觉自在。力让我感觉自在。(1) (1) go out of ones way to do sth 竭

50、尽全力尽力做某事,竭尽全力尽力做某事,竭尽全力尽力做某事,竭尽全力尽力做某事,想尽办法做某事想尽办法做某事想尽办法做某事想尽办法做某事Rose Rose 竭尽全力来帮助竭尽全力来帮助竭尽全力来帮助竭尽全力来帮助TomTom学英语学英语学英语学英语Rose goes out of her way to help Tom with his English.(2) (2) feel at home 感觉在家(一样);感觉自在感觉在家(一样);感觉自在感觉在家(一样);感觉自在感觉在家(一样);感觉自在 I thought that was I thought that was prettyprett

51、y strange strange at first,at first, but now but now Im used toIm used to it. it. 开始,我想那是太奇怪了,但是现在我已经习惯了。开始,我想那是太奇怪了,但是现在我已经习惯了。开始,我想那是太奇怪了,但是现在我已经习惯了。开始,我想那是太奇怪了,但是现在我已经习惯了。Im getting used to the school life here. 我开始习惯这里的学校生活。我开始习惯这里的学校生活。 She gets used to talking in English.她习惯用英语交谈。她习惯用英语交谈。He w

52、ill get used to getting up early.他将习惯于早起。他将习惯于早起。get/be used to 意思是意思是 “习惯于习惯于”begetused to + 宾语宾语 “习惯于习惯于”used to + (do)动词原形动词原形 “过去常常做过去常常做”I thought that was pretty strange at first . But now Im used to it .起初我认为那很奇怪,可现在我已习惯了。起初我认为那很奇怪,可现在我已习惯了。I found it difficult to remember everything , but Im

53、 gradually getting used to things .我觉得记住所有的礼节太难了,但我正逐渐适应。我觉得记住所有的礼节太难了,但我正逐渐适应。I wasnt used to such cold and windy weather.The building used to be a hotel .Did you use to see each other ?Although I still make lots of mistakes, it Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesnt bother me like itdoe

54、snt bother me like it used toused to. .I find it difficult to remember everything. 我发现很难我发现很难我发现很难我发现很难记住所有事情。记住所有事情。记住所有事情。记住所有事情。该句结构为该句结构为该句结构为该句结构为“ “主语主语主语主语find it find it adjadj to do to do sthsth” ”,意为意为意为意为“ “发现做某事发现做某事发现做某事发现做某事怎么样怎么样怎么样怎么样” ”其中其中其中其中“ “it”it”是形式宾语,是形式宾语,是形式宾语,是形式宾语,adj.ad

55、j.是宾语补足语,是宾语补足语,是宾语补足语,是宾语补足语,to do to do sthsth是真正的宾语带有形式宾语的常见动词有是真正的宾语带有形式宾语的常见动词有是真正的宾语带有形式宾语的常见动词有是真正的宾语带有形式宾语的常见动词有think, find, know, believe, feel think, find, know, believe, feel 等等等等We find it easy to learn swimming.Teenagers find it interesting to play computer games.1)1)我们发现学游泳容易我们发现学游泳容易我

56、们发现学游泳容易我们发现学游泳容易2)2)年轻人发现玩电脑游戏非常有趣年轻人发现玩电脑游戏非常有趣年轻人发现玩电脑游戏非常有趣年轻人发现玩电脑游戏非常有趣3)3)我们认为遵守法律十分重要我们认为遵守法律十分重要我们认为遵守法律十分重要我们认为遵守法律十分重要We think it important to obey the laws.改错改错1.In England, its very important be on time.2.She works much well today.3. Youll find that important to learn English well.4. I

57、was a little of nervous speaking in public.5. If youre 15 minutes later, your friend may get angry.6. When I first ate in a western restaurant, I didnt know that I was supposed to doto bebetterit去掉去掉latewhatWritingTable Manners in ChinaTalking about eating habit, unlike the West, where everyone has

58、their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality. And sometimes the host will serve some dishes with his or her own chopsticks to guests to show his or her ho

59、spitality. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there. There some other rules that are suggested you follow to make your stay i

60、n China happier, though you will be forgiven if you have no idea of what they are. 1. Never stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl, lay them on your dish instead. Otherwise, it is deemed extremely impolite to the host and seniors present. The reason for this is that when somebody dies, the s

61、hrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like the shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table. 2. Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is imp

62、olite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table. 3. Dont tap on your bowl with your chopsticks, since that will be deemed insult to the host or the chef. Beggars tap on their

63、bowls, and also, when the food is coming too slow in a restaurant, people will tap their bowls. If you are in someones home, it is like insulting the host or the cook. 4. Never try to turn a fish over and debone it yourself, since the separation of the fish skeleton from the lower half of the flesh

64、will usually be performed by the host or a waiter. Superstitious people deem bad luck will ensue and a fishing boat will capsize if you do so. This is especially true to southerners in China (to be specific, such as Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian provinces, etc.), since, traditionally, southerners ar

65、e the fishing population. 4.GROUPWORKHow can you help visitors to china? Make a list of things people are supposed to do in these different situtions.eating meals with other peoplemaking appointmentsgiving complimentsintroducing other peoplemaking a toast at dinneroffering teaspeaking to older peopl

66、e Put the following phrases in the correct blanks.Exercise 11.make noise while eating2.point at others with chopstick3.say hello to others4.wipe your mouth after dinner5.talk loudly at the tableIts rude to Its polite to . 6. kiss or shake hands7. meet without saying anything8. arrive too late9. shak

67、e hands when you first meet someone10. eat while walking in the streetThank you Thank you for listening! for listening! Unit 12You are supposed to shake hands.Self check1.Fill in the each blank with the correct word given. arrivemeetspendbehaveimagine1.People in Japan and America _ differently at th

68、e dinner table. 2.You can _ how different the table manners here are from ours . 3.In Singapore, the trains always _ on time . They are never late . 4.On Chinese New Year, people like to _ time with their families. 5.I usually _ my friends in the library on Friday nights.behaveimaginearrivespendmeet

69、2.Read about Fan Lings experience in a western restaurant.When I first ate in western restaurant. I didnt know what I was supposed to do . Everything was unfamiliar. I was used to eating with chopsticks and a spoon , but I had to eat with a knife, a fork and a spoon . And I had not just one set to u

70、se ,but two or three of each .Questions crowded my mind .be used to doing somethingUnfamiliar-familiar Was I supposed to begin with the largest ones or the smallest ? Was I supposed to start at the outside and work in or the inside and work out ? Was I supposed to hold the spoon in my left hand or m

71、y right hand ? What I finally decided to do was My idea :How to solve the problem The story can go on like this :What I finally decided to do was to ask the waitress for help. I told the waitress about my embarrassment and asked her for help . Soon I learned the way. I think Fan d better ask the wai

72、ter / waitress for help or just learn by watching how others behave . I. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.You can imagine how different the table manners here are from _.(we)2.2. People in Japan and people in America behave _ (different) at the dinner table.3.3.The host family did their best to make me _ (fe

73、el) at home.oursdifferentlyfeelExercise 4.Youre not supposed to eat or drink while _(walk) down the street.5. Its not polite _ (make) noise while eating noodles.6.We never visit a friends house without _(call) first.walkingto makecallingII. 单句改错单句改错1.In England, its very important be on time.2.2. Yo

74、u shouldnt point at anyone with the finger.3.3. She works much well today.4.4. Youre not supposing to be hot.to betobettersupposed5. Youll find that important to learn English well.6. I was a bit of nervous speaking in public.7. If youre 15 minutes later, your friend may get angry.8. When I first at

75、e in a western restaurant, I didnt know that I was supposed to do. it去掉去掉latewhat书面表达书面表达请根据以下提示,介绍一下在美国人家里做客时应注意请根据以下提示,介绍一下在美国人家里做客时应注意的一些事项。可适当发挥。的一些事项。可适当发挥。. .买一件小礼物,比如一个漂亮的杯子,一束花等。买一件小礼物,比如一个漂亮的杯子,一束花等。. .请准时到达主人家里,不要提前也不要迟到。请准时到达主人家里,不要提前也不要迟到。. .用餐时要称赞饭菜的味道好,主人的厨艺高等。用餐时要称赞饭菜的味道好,主人的厨艺高等。. .不

76、要在主人家里呆太久,跟主人告别时要致谢。不要在主人家里呆太久,跟主人告别时要致谢。Section2Co-operativelearning合作学习两个人的能力要比一个人强,思考问题的速度要快一些,学习的效果也会好些.因此,和你的朋友合作学习,分享你的观点.Can you read these following expressions?F2FHow R U ?C U !BYWCUL8rface to faceHow are you?See you!By the way.See you later!Section1Before You ReadBefore You ReadPlease take

77、 out your pen, and blacken the e-mail English.Section1Are you ready?Lets go!Before You ReadBefore You ReadSection2Can you write in English? And can you also write e-mail English? Maybe not. e-mail English is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time.While You ReadWhile You ReadSe

78、ction2 This is because they come from a computer program called ICQ, which means I seek you. ICQ is an e-mail “chatline” that people use to have online conversations with friends. One Canadian teacher says, “People can use their computers to talk to each other.But you are supposedto type quickly so

79、the other person doesnt get bored, so using e-mail English helps you write quickly.”While You ReadWhile You ReadSection2 The first are “abbreviations”. These are formed by using the first letter of each wordin the phrase. For example , BTW means “bythe way”, and GSL means “cant stop laughing”.The se

80、cond kind of word is a “homophone”- itscreated by combining letters and symbols, or numbers, to sound like other words. An exampleof this would be to write “great” as “gr8”, or towrite “see you later” as“CUL8r”.While You ReadWhile You ReadSection2 When you write e-mail English you do not need touse

81、punctuation marks only in the traditional way. You are also supposed to use them to show the emotionyou are feeling. These are called “emotions”. The advantage or using punctuation marks is that you canmake faces with them. The most common one is thehappy face- it looks like this :) And it is made w

82、itha colon and a right bracket beside it.While You ReadWhile You ReadSection2 E-mail English is fun- its almost like writing riddles. You Can learn it easily by yourselves, andexperiment with your own ideas. It is not rude to write e-mail English, but it is important to use it only at the proper tim

83、e- when you are e-mailing a friend,or sending a message to a friend on mobile phone.But you shouldnt use it in class, and remember yourteachers will not be pleased if you write e-mail English in a test!While You ReadWhile You ReadSection3After You ReadAfter You Read3 types of e-mail English at the t

84、op of each column. Give a example.1.abbreviations2.homophone3.emoticonsBTW, CSLgr8, CUL8r:)Section3After You ReadAfter You Read1.E-mail English is useda)to have fun b) to save time c) to study faster2.WBQ would meana)with best wishes b) which queue c) write back quickly3.“Great” sounds most likea)la

85、te b) get c) seat4.In e-mail English, punctuation marks are useda)normally b) instead of c) to show feelings5.E-mail English is supposed to be used6.a) on mobile phones b) in class c) in testsSection4Go For It !Go For It !Do these two on your own:1.I had a great weekend.And you?2. Oh no! I am going

86、to be late.My e-mail English ideasDo these two with a partner:3.I have seen that movie four times. Its great.4.Excuse me. Could you please help me?Our e-mail English ideasSection4Go For It !Go For It !Write a note to some friends using e-mail English, or practicetyping e-mail English messages ona co

87、mputer.HiMin:HowRU?Ihadaverygr8nightyesterday.Igotmanypresentsbecauseyesterdaywasmybirthday.Imveryhappy!:)Imissyouverymuch,IreallywanttotalkwithyouF2F.Haveaniceday!CU!1.E-mail English is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time.电邮英语是一种新型的正被用于节省时间的书面英语。(1)is being used to save ti

88、me正被用于节省时间。在这里是现在时行时态的被动语态,be used to doing“习惯于干”,used to do“过去常干”。Computers are being used to work now.电脑现在正被用来工作。一种新型的一种新型的书面英面英语,而,而spoken English是口是口语英英语。现在在进行行时态的被的被动语态,意,意为“正被用于干正被用于干”,而而be used for doing也是也是“被用来干被用来干”。节省省时间2.When you write e-mail English you do not need to use punctuation mar

89、ks only in the traditional way.当你写由邮英语的时候你不必仅仅用传统的方式来使用标点符号。标点符号点符号用用传统的方式的方式3.The most common one is the happy faceit looks like this:)and it is made with a colon and a right bracket beside it.最普通的一个就是笑脸-它看起来像这样:),并且它是由一个冒号和旁边一个右括号构成的。最普通的,是最普通的,是common的最高的最高级。一个右括号,一个右括号,a left bracket一个左括号。一个左括号。

90、4.You can learn it easily by yourselves,and experiment with your own ideas.你能够很容易的自学,并且用你自己的观点来进行实验。(1)learn.by oneself同义短语:teach oneselfI learn English by myself.I teach myself English.我自学英语learn by oneself“自学自学”,同义词有,同义词有teach oneself。用用来做实验来做实验 e.g.We experiment with the clay. 我们用泥巴做实验。我们用泥巴做实验。C

91、hoose the best answer.( )1. During winter vacation, I _ sleeping late. A. used to B. was used for C. was used to D. use to ( ) 2. You _ shake hands when you meet someone for the first time in China. A. would like to B. are supposed to C. want to D. will( ) 3. Mum, my _ are too short. Will you buy me

92、 a new pair? A. trousers B. glasses C. clothes D. socksC B A ( )4. Shes back from Australia, _ she? A. wasntB. doesnt C. isntD. hasnt( ) 5. A _ can do almost anything for man, but it cant take the place of man. A. e-mail B. Internet C. Computer D. mobile phone( ) 6. Could you let me know _ yesterday? Because the traffic was bad. A. why did you come late B. why you came late. C. why do you come late D. why you come late C C B Homework Write a note to some friends using e-mail English, or practice typing e-mail English messages on a computer.



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