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1、精选ppt a: : : i: u: i u e ei au i ai u e i精选ppt t f s d v z p t k ts tr h b d g dz dr w j l r m n 精选ppt精选pptPart6 Lets act.精选ppt水果饮料植物时间名字食物drinksfruitplantstimenamefood -Let me try! I can read it!精选ppt家庭身体运动数字学习用具颜色familybodysportsschool thingscolournumber精选ppt动物动物农场农场动物园动物园沙滩沙滩商场商场书店书店animalfarmzoo

2、beachshopbookshop精选pptme nju: raisbredb:gA: -What would you like , sir/miss?B: -Id like some . Its my favourite.它是我的最爱。它是我的最爱。精选ppt nu:dlz ku:ki pitspmpkin njn kfiA:-What would you like , sir/miss?B: -Id like some. Its my favourite.精选ppt车站车站公园公园火车站火车站bus stopparktrain stationstein精选pptcandybeerbi啤酒啤

3、酒cookies饼干饼干coffeenoodleshot dogA: Can I have some ., please?B: -Sure.=Ok=No problem.精选pptchickeneggs chips/friestips /fraiztips /fraizchocolateA: -Can I have some ., please?B: -Sure=Ok=No problem.ice creamsausage精选ppt5, kjsdvpotburgerLets find out1, arrnoodleslkjilmxsi2, uvnisandwichmmklopijk3, asc

4、gbutterlklz4, chincheesehyuikjl精选ppt5, kjriceotbbreadLets find out1, arrnchipslkjilmxsi2, uvFrench Friesmmklopijk3, ascgchocolateklz4, chincheesehyuikjl精选pptDictation:面包面包_ 米饭米饭_面条面条_ 啤酒啤酒_热狗热狗_ 薯条薯条_汉堡汉堡_ 饼干饼干_breadricenoodlesbeerhot dogchips / friesburgercookie精选ppt-Im hungry now! 我饿了!我饿了! Lets bu

5、y(买买) some food, ok? A:-What shall we buy? Any ideas?我们该买些什么啦?有什么主意吗?我们该买些什么啦?有什么主意吗?B:-Lets buy some _. chips and eggs精选pptA: -Can I have some noodles, please?B: -No problem.(没问题没问题) Help yourself, please!请随便吃!请随便吃!A: -Thank you!B: -Youre welcome! (不用谢不用谢)精选ppt-Do you often eat _? fn经常经常noodles-Yes

6、, I do!-No, never.(从不从不)-Not often, but sometimes. 不是经常,但是有时候!不是经常,但是有时候! smtaimz smtaimz有时候有时候/-No, I dont!精选ppt精选ppt精选ppt你能说出下列单词中你能说出下列单词中相同元音字母组合的相同元音字母组合的发音发音吗吗? park garden farm lark mark yardar a:pa:kga:dnfa:mla:kma:kja:d精选ppt精选pptbatfancap bagcatmatrategg精选pptCan you speak out some opposites

7、? 反义词反义词This is a big dog!This is a small baby!精选ppthappytalloldcoldshortsadhotlongsmallbigslowquickyoung-This is long, Whichwitwit is short? (哪一个哪一个)-Its overu v theree.(在那边在那边) (Its here.在这里在这里)精选ppthappytalloldcoldshortsadhotlongsmallbigslowquickyoung -Hello, everyone(大家好大家好). Please work in grou

8、ps now. 工作工作w:k gru:p组组精选ppthappytalloldcoldshortsadhotlongsmallbigslowquickyoungMatch the opposites: mt搭配We can match them. Lets do it!精选ppt1. Hello, everyone. Please work in groups now. 大家好,请大家分组工作大家好,请大家分组工作!2.This is a small baby.3.This is a big dog.4.This is long, which is short?5.Its over ther

9、e. 在那边在那边6.We can match them. (搭配搭配)7.Lets do it.精选ppt1. Hello, everyone. Please work in groups now!2. This is a small baby.3. This is a big dog.4. This is long, which is short?5. Its over there.6. We can match them.7. Lets do it!大家好,现在请分组工作!大家好,现在请分组工作!这是一个小孩子。这是一个小孩子。这是一只大狗狗!这是一只大狗狗!这是这是long,哪一个是,

10、哪一个是short?在那边!在那边!让我们来搭配他们吧!让我们来搭配他们吧!让我们动手吧!让我们动手吧!精选ppt8.What is he doing?9.He is cutting a new letterlet字母字母.cutktkt剪剪10.Great! We can play a word game. w:d单词单词玩一个单词游戏玩一个单词游戏11.Lets do it.让我们行动吧!让我们行动吧!精选ppt Every child has a piece of paper, -Whats on the paper?School thingsAnimalsClothes vegetab

11、les精选ppt12. Where is my shell? el贝壳贝壳13. Its under(在在.下面下面) your paper.15. Youre welcome! (不用谢(不用谢)14. Ah, here it is!(在这儿在这儿)Thanks! =thank you!精选ppt16.Where should I put(放) the book? udud应该应该我应该把书放在哪里啦?我应该把书放在哪里啦?精选ppt12. Where is my shell? el贝壳贝壳13. Its under(在在.下面下面) your paper.14. Ah, here it i

12、s!(在这儿在这儿)Thanks!15. Youre welcome! (不用谢(不用谢)16.Where should I put the book?精选ppt精选ppt精选ppt精选ppt Lets listen to the radio, you should repeat(复述) the sentence loudly(大声地), ok?精选pptPart6 Listen, say and act(演练演练).精选pptIts nine oclock.Shes late for school. lateleit迟到的精选ppthi,are you often late for scho

13、ol? 王老师,对不起,王老师,对不起,我迟到了!我迟到了!没关系,下次不要没关系,下次不要迟到了!迟到了!精选ppt question问题问题kwestn精选ppt用中文怎么说用中文怎么说“eraser?-Whats the Chinese for eraser? tainiz中国的,中文的中国的,中文的精选ppt 举一反三:1.用用中文中文怎么说怎么说“tall?Whats the Chinese for tall?2.用用中文中文怎么说怎么说“old?Whats the Chinese for old?3.用用中文中文怎么说怎么说“match?Whats the Chinese for

14、match?精选ppt excuse me iks,kju:z 打扰一下 English:英语-Whats the English for “Qianbihe“? 用英语怎么说用英语怎么说“eraser”? 精选ppt 举一反三:1.用用英文英文怎么说怎么说“Gaode?Whats the English for Gaode?2.用用英文英文怎么说怎么说“Duande?Whats the English for Duande?3.用用英文英文怎么说怎么说“Dapei?Whats the English for Dapei?精选ppt =Come in, please!打扰一下,我能进打扰一下,我能进来吗?来吗?当然了!当然了!精选ppt没关系!没关系! 对不起!精选pptNow, listen to the radio and repeat the sentence. Try to remember them.精选ppt此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!



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