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1、Unit 15 DestinationsStep 1. Warming upWelcome To Travel Around The WorldA.PicturesThe Pyramids - EgyptMasai Mara Kenya(肯尼亚肯尼亚) AfricaSouth Island New Zealand新西兰主要由南岛和北岛组成新西兰主要由南岛和北岛组成.库克库克海峡将两岛分开。海峡将两岛分开。Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯拉斯维加斯 Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布尼亚加拉瀑布Taj Mahal 泰姬陵泰姬陵 IndiaAngkor Wat - Cambodia 柬埔寨的吴

2、哥窟柬埔寨的吴哥窟Maldives 马尔代夫马尔代夫Hawaii 夏威夷夏威夷Himalayas - Nepal 尼泊尔的喜马拉雅山脉尼泊尔的喜马拉雅山脉Duba(迪拜)(迪拜)Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯)沙特阿拉伯)Bangkok 曼谷曼谷the Great WallVenice(威尼斯威尼斯) ItalyColosseo(古罗马竞技场古罗马竞技场) Rome Zermatt Switzerland 瑞士策马特峰瑞士策马特峰the Black Swan Castle GermanyEiffel Tower Paris FrancePathenon Temple GreeceVie

3、nna(维也纳)维也纳) AustriaDenmarkMosco RussiaTwin Towers Kuala Lumpur (吉隆坡吉隆坡) MalaysiaAngel Falls Venezuela 委内瑞拉天使瀑布委内瑞拉天使瀑布Iraq Chichen Itza Mexico Sun Temple of Maya Culture(玛雅文明)Greece The Rainforest Brazil Greenland polar lightthe South PacificArea 南太平洋地区南太平洋地区B.pair workTask Imagine that you are giv

4、en a free air ticket that lets you travel around the world and make 35 stops along the way.Where would you go and why? P. 33Tell your partner where you will go and your reasons. information gapWhat is your partners travelling line and why does he/she choose these places?Step 2.Leading-in for listeni

5、ng group workWhat do you know about Greece, Iraq, Mexico, Brazil, the South Pacific and Greenland?Divide students into 6 groups. Each group collect information for one of the six countries and areas.Report the information. Greece-art and literature; one of the oldest civilizations; the birthplace of

6、 Olympic Games; old cultural relics like Pathenon Temple; Agean SeaIraq-ancient civilization; the tale of “Hanging Gardens”; Islam; Iraqi WarMexico-Maya civilization;disappearance; Sun Temple and Moon Temple; Latin musicBrazil-Amazon River and the rainforest; Coco; football; Carnivalthe South Pacifi

7、c-an island paradise; blue sea &sunshine; hot; beach; divingGreenland-near the North Pole;a world of ice and snow; Eskimos; sleigh(雪橇雪橇);polar bear; polar light Step 3. Task -ListeningFour students a group to help each other. Jennifer and her friends have been invited by a TV station to take part in

8、 a competition.1. How many teams would compete in the game? A. 5 B. 4 C. 62. How many people were there in each team? A. 3 B. 5 C. 73. How many places could each team visit only? A. 3 B. 2 C. 44. When did Jennifer and her friends decide to meet and share ideas? A. on Sunday B. next morning C.next we

9、ekA.Listen to Part 1 wholly to get the main information:B.Listen to Part 1 once again to fill in the missing information below: 1. If they win the competition, they will receive _. 2. The rules of the competition are_: Each team has to decide _ _and give _ for its choice.a free vocationsimple where

10、they want to gogood reasonsAndrew wants to go to _, _and _because_ _.Emily wants to go to_, _and_because_.Greece IraqMexico he wants to learn about historyBrazil the South Pa- cific Greenland she wants to learn about natureC.Listen to Part 2 wholly to get the main ideas:D.Listen to Part 2 again for

11、details: Tick the reasons Andrew and Emily put forward to show why they choose these countries &areasGreece-( ) one of the oldest civilizations ( ) the Agean Sea ( ) the Olympic Games began there ( ) its art and literature ( ) the 2004 Olympic Games ( ) old temples and buildingsIraq-( ) its museums

12、with many cultural relics ( ) Islamic events ( ) the home of “Hanging Gardens” Mexico-( ) the ancient Maya civilization ( )the mystery of Mayas disappearance ( ) Sun Temple ( ) its musicBrazil-( ) the Amazon River ( ) the rainforest ( ) the coast ( ) Carnival ( ) strange and beautiful plants & anima

13、lsThe South Pacific-( )its islands ( ) enjoy the sun and the sea ( ) play on the beachGreenland-( )Eskimos ( )a world of ice and snow everywhere ( )polar bear E.Discuss in groups of 4.Which plan do you prefer? Why?A.Leading-inWhen were travelling, we may meet some- thing dissatisfying. In this case

14、usually we make complaints(抱怨,投诉) and hope that somebody will apologise to us and make explanation. Think:How to make complaints and apologies?Step 5. Speaking Useful expressions 表示抱怨表示抱怨 表示关切和道歉表示关切和道歉I hate to have to say this,but I am so sorry.Could you do sth.about it? Ill look into it at once.T

15、hats too bad. I hope its nothing serious.Im totally unsatisfied Please tell me whats the with the service here. matter.Something has to be done I apologize for troubling to solve the problem. you so much.I cant stand it any more. Ill do everything I canThats just too much. to help you.Something must

16、 be done Im sorry but I didnt about the service here. mean toWhy dont you do sth about it? Its really a pity. C.Dialogue makingDivide the students into 3 groups to do the 3 situations. Page.34 Speaking Two friends a pair. One is Student A. The other is Student B.Some difficulties: represent v.代表代表be

17、 upste about 对对感到失望,沮丧感到失望,沮丧 service n.服务服务 fly n. 苍蝇苍蝇B. Show or make an exampleSuppose a situation: Yesterday when I was travelling, I bought a sweater in a high-class shop. But later when I got back to the hotel, I found there was something wrong with it. Today I go back to find the manager of t

18、he shop to complain about this. D. perfomanceStep 5. Assignment 1. Surf the website to enjoy and learn more about Brazil and Switzerland. Share the information you get next class. http:/ 2. Memorize the vocabulary of this unit.Thank You!9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2024/9/172024/9/17Tuesday, September 17, 202410、雨

19、中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/179/17/2024 12:06:31 PM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/17Sep-2417-Sep-2412、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/17Tuesday, September 17, 202413、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/172024/9/179/17/202414、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。17 九月 20242024/9/172024/9/172024/9/1715、

20、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。九月 242024/9/172024/9/172024/9/179/17/202416、行动出成果,工作出财富。2024/9/172024/9/1717 September 202417、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/172024/9/179、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。2024/9/172024/9/17Tuesday, September 17, 202410、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/179/

21、17/2024 12:06:31 PM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/17Sep-2417-Sep-2412、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/17Tuesday, September 17, 202413、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/172024/9/179/17/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。17 九月 20242024/9/172024/9/172024/9/1715、楚塞三湘接,

22、荆门九派通。九月 242024/9/172024/9/172024/9/179/17/202416、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2024/9/172024/9/1717 September 202417、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/172024/9/179、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。2024/9/172024/9/17Tuesday, September 17, 202410、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/179/17/2024 12:06:31 PM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。2

23、024/9/172024/9/172024/9/17Sep-2417-Sep-2412、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/17Tuesday, September 17, 202413、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/172024/9/179/17/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。17 九月 20242024/9/172024/9/172024/9/1715、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。九月 242024/9/172024/9/172024/9/17

24、9/17/202416、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2024/9/172024/9/1717 September 202417、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2024/9/172024/9/172024/9/172024/9/17MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id urna blandit, eleifend nulla ac, fringilla purus. Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus. 感感 谢谢 您您 的的 下下 载载 观观 看看专家告诉



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