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1、 Section Learning about LanguageAttributive Clause (2)Unit 5 Review 1.Are you the lady _ asked for soap?2. Rome is a city _ attracts a great number of visitors every year.3. I have been thinking about the question _ you asked me last week.4. There was an old man in the village with_ we used to live.

2、5. Many people have friends _ social backgrounds are different from theirs.6. It was in 1519 _ a traveler _ went to America from Europe discovered the tomato. whowhichthat ,whichwhomwhosethatwho 观察下列句子,找出先行词和关系词。The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.(先行词_)We

3、 visited the house where the famous scientist once lived.(先行词_)Wed like to know the reason whywhy she didnt take the job.(先行词_)timehousereason Attributive Clause (一)关系副词引导的定语从句关系副词先行词功能when表时间的名词where表地点的名词why一般为reason Fill in the blanks with proper words:1. I visited the primary school last week _

4、my mother once worked.2. Do you remember the moment _ the Change 3 landed on the moon?3. No one believe the reason _ he was late for the important meeting.4.This is the moutain village_ I stayed last year.5. This is the moutain village_ I visited last year.wherewhenwhywherewhichthat 关系代关系代词词和关系副和关系副

5、词词的的选择选择:1.找出先行词。2.分析句子结构,明确先先先先行行行行词词在定定语从句中从句中所作的句子成分。句子成分。 3.利用利用还原法。原法。4.This is the moutain village_ I stayed last year.5. This is the moutain village_ I visited last year.I stay in the moutain village the moutain village last year.I visited the mountainthe mountain village last year. I still r

6、emember the day _ I first came to this school.Whats the name of the hotel _ you stayed during your holiday last year?The reason _he was late for class was that he got up late.I first came to this school on that day.You stayed in the hotel during your holiday.He was late for class for the reason. 关系副

7、词先行词功能when表时间的名词时间状语where表地点的名词地点状语why一般为reason原因状语 合并句子,变成含有定语从句的复合句。合并句子,变成含有定语从句的复合句。1. I remember the summer.The whole family went to the lake then.2. There are a few students.I cant remember their names.3. The bookstore is having a sale this week.I bought my books from it.4. Emily and I share a

8、 room.We spent nights talking there. (二二)“介介词关系代关系代词”引引导的定的定语从句从句定定语从从句句中中的的介介词有有时可可置置于于关关系系代代词之之前前,形形成成“介介词关关系系代代词”结构构。关关系系代代词通通常常是是which和和whom, which指物,指物,whom指人。指人。Are the following sentences correct?Are the following sentences correct?Tom is the man whom you can depend.This is the dictionary whi

9、ch I paid 5 dollars. .Tom is the man on whom you can depend.This is the dictionary for which I paid 5 dollars. 1 1介介介介词词whichwhich在在在在所所所所引引引引导导的的的的定定定定语语从从从从句句句句中中中中作作作作时时间间状状状状语语、地地地地点状点状点状点状语语、原因状、原因状、原因状、原因状语语等。等。等。等。Ill never forget the days on which we studied together.我永远忘不了我们一起学习的日子。This is

10、the town in which Shakespeare was born.这就是莎士比亚出生的城镇。Can you explain the reason for which you were absent?你能解释一下你没来的原因吗? 确定先行词,再使用还原法确定先行词,再使用还原法。(1)The book has opened a window through which we can see a wonderful world outside. ( through the window 通过/穿过窗户)(2)The university from which he graduated

11、is supposed to be one of top universities in the world. ( graduate from a university 大学毕业)3.关系词前介词的确定关系词前介词的确定 (3)Her daughter has been admitted into Beijing University, _ which she is very proud. (4)Nowhere could he find his glasses, _ which he could see nothing.ofwithout Consolidation rules以下练习将以小

12、组为单位进行积分比赛。以下练习将以小组为单位进行积分比赛。每每一一张张ppt 上上有有5小小题题,每每小小题题2分分,最最快快得得出出答答案案的的小小组组举举手手,并并将将答答案案写写在在黑黑板板上上。答答案案全全对对得得10分分,如如果果其其他他组组的的同同学学觉觉得得答答案案有有误误,可可提提出出挑挑战战“challenge ,挑挑战战成成功功,则则错误答案的分数归挑战组。挑战失败不倒扣分。错误答案的分数归挑战组。挑战失败不倒扣分。最后得分最高小组将在下节课获得奖励!最后得分最高小组将在下节课获得奖励! .用适当的关系词填空用适当的关系词填空1I wont forget the night

13、 _ I got lost in the mountain.2He at last explained to us the reason _ he refused our offer.3This is a position _ most of us want to get.4After graduation I would like to get a job _I can use what I have learnt at school.5At the moment _ he was announced to have won in the election,Putin couldnt kee

14、p back his tears.whenwhythat; whichwherein whichwhen 6 The teacher told Mary to tell us the way _she enriched her English vocabulary.7The man with _ our headmaster is shaking hands is a famous professor.8We got to know each other in the village school _ I volunteered to work for two years.9Last year

15、 I paid a visit to the college in _ I had spent four years.10I treasure the days _ I spent with my pen friends in his whichwhomwherewhichwhichthat .用用“介词关系代词介词关系代词”填空填空1The car _ _ he paid 18,000 yuan got burnt in an accident.2I searched carefully and found the hole _ _the mouse came into

16、 my room.3This is the reason _ _ he failed to attend my birthday party.4I have lost my glasses,_ _ I cant see clearly.5 The person _ _ the farmers learned a lot is an expert in farming.for whichthroughwhichfor whichwithout whichfrom whom 6This is the book _ _ he devoted all his energy.7It is surpris

17、ing that he has forgotten the person _ _he drank last night.8The walking stick (手杖)_ _the old man supports himself when walking is made of steel.9For several days,my telephone rang at 5 am., _ _ I was sleeping.10He has three sons, two _ _ are famous whichwith whomwith whichat whichof who

18、m 单句改错单句改错1. After graduation, he returned to the small town which he grew up.2. She told me that the movie she saw it last night was wonderful.3. His new bike, for that he paid 2000 yuan, has already had to be repaired.4. After supper, he usually stood near the window, on where he could see the tow

19、er, the tallest building of the city.5. Please give me one reason that we should help you. 6. My friend showed me round the school , it was very kind of him.7. The way how he spoke to his mother surprised us greatly.8. The email I was looking forward to arriving at last.9. I wanted to find someone with who I could share my travel experiences.10. Smile is one of the most important skills which all of us should learn. Lets see who is the winner!



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