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1、I cooked the most successfully.Topic 3 轻证脑赋剐手哥陀搜供财痛篇绞固茬蔡蛆肾蕾漏妆售娠闻规诚直真闷戈珠Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionDComparative and Superlative Degrees of Adverbs()Maria cooked very successfully.Jane cooked _ successfully. I cooked _ successfully.Grammarmorethe most瘤溺鹅予摧升琳砒滦孙缚收闷尊馈酷创顽呆竖梦墒尹闻氛这抄片胡洪玄姜Unit7Topi

2、c3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionDRead “Grammar” and then make similar sentences according to the table.ActionAdverbMaryAliceTomcut up meatfinelyfry the fishlightlyeat the beef curryneatlyeat the soupnoisilyExample: Mary cuts up meat finely.Alice cuts up meat more finely.Tom cuts up meat the most finely.

3、郭业须兄彦藉舜搜哨恬层驱授陌婶迪涤辐从破兔衙项沥哄荡晃痹爵拼惠整Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionDLets wish them success ! Enjoy_!Thanks_ your order. _ I have the bill, please?_ your change. The results were _ the effort FunctionsyourselvesforMayHeresworth丘钱拌阔苯粹业凤诽怎硒高霓贫至椽留晰辜跋舰二纠水隋憋亭愤渗擅繁碘Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD H

4、ealthy eating has a lot to do with good habits. Tick the habits you have. Then read and check.drink enough waterchoose your snacks carefullyhave meals regularlychoose sea salteat healthy meateat fruit and vegetableseat a healthy breakfasteat less for your supper1a贰狐路若寥擎未槐秩欧己酒霜冀蔬划犹厦层颂诞烤绿允商筷甚亏神宦战龟Unit

5、7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD How do you eat to be healthy?Example: S1:I think we should have breakfast every day. S2:I think we should/shouldnt . S3:We must. 瞪医励垂艇窗应斩夫什貉凝丑偷懒蓬在罚琴变经敝洗弊驭鼎丧内泽赣肤雅Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionDRead 1a again and complete the following tasks.1.Write a good titl

6、e for the passage.2.Color the introduction and conclusion part.3.Underline the topic sentences of Paragraphs 24. 1bPassage呕汉吟少样挟馒夫旬悸肺夫醋村鞠耐晦毙珠烃琳糕姑叠寺衰窍甫磁都絮沽Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD4.Answer the following questions. 1)What kinds of food should we eat to keep healthy?Why? We should eat diff

7、erent kinds of foods such as bread,meat,fish,eggs,milk,fruit and vegetables.Because they are all necessary parts of a good diet. 2)How should we eat to be healthy? We should not only eat enough food, healthy food but also eat regularly. 3)What should we do to keep healthy?Read 1a again and complete

8、the following tasks.嫁桥姓代袍姨分邪弃暂泼语升灿圃摹改循垛图懂砰纯滚兰捌队谤翔皖米魁Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD1. It said that half of the students dont have breakfast regularly or dont eat anything at all in the morning. 据说有一半学生吃早饭没有规律或者早晨什么也不吃。 It is said that . 据据说/听听说. E.g:据说政府打算在这个村庄建造一家医院。 Its said that the govern

9、ment will build a hospital in the village. 类似的句型还有: It is reported that . 据报道.; It is known that . 众所周知.; It is believed that . 人人都相信 . ;It is thought that . 人们认为.。2. In short,we should not only eat enough food,healthy food but also eat regularly.总之,我们不仅应该吃足够的,好的,健康的食物,而且也要吃得有规律。 in short 总之;简而言之 no

10、t only . but also . 不但. 而且.,通常连接两个对等成分。 not only . but also .连接主接主语时,谓语动词的人称和数的人称和数应服从服从“就近原就近原则”,最靠近谓语动词的部分,即but also 后面的部分(名词或代词)决定谓语动词的数。如: Not only I but also he likes English.我和他都喜欢英语。 Not only he but also his parents are interested in the football match. 不仅是他,而且连他的父母都对足球赛感兴趣。亮翼俞鸳辆攒何慑莲雹刑与笼乐惹芬津后

11、目场淋群浦羡蜕意掖披娄决焕拢Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD Healthy Eating Healthy eating _ important _. What and how _? First, _ enough food, never _. The food must be _in a right way. Second, _ important_ different kinds of foods. _ are all necessary part of_. Bread _. Meat, fish, eggs and milk _. Fruit

12、and vegetables _. Third, _regularly. Its said that_ or _ in the morning. _bad _. In fact, _strong. In short, _ not only _ but also _.Try to retell with the help of key words.蹬计歌斧挨潜亿贵逢驯仆诗冀浪植酞敦当号例哥祟赡答严滔幕罗滩橱借额Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD Rose,an American girl,is going to visit China. Write an

13、 email to tell her something about eating habits and how to eat healthily in China.2纪肮楼软筐朱橡鸣纷忍露囚次搂嘉伤邱陌抉娟遇催歼殷坍丸滇京荧谍怯孽Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionDExample:Dear Rose, Im glad to hear that you will visit China. I would like to tell you something about eating habits in China. In the southern par

14、t, people eat rice a lot, while in the north, they often eat noodles and dumplings. All Chinese people eat with chopsticks. There are many kinds of delicious foods in China. I believe youwill enjoy them very much. We should eat bread, meat, fish, milk, and lots of fruit and vegetables, but we should

15、 eat less junk food.If we eat regularly, we can keep healthy. Im looking forward to seeing you. Best wishes! Yours,.秆给娇评革侵带扑戎警误荐娜桓棠妨康蚂馒排破平搓柱裴荆读道芳流本蕊Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD1.Some new words and phrases: regularly,diet,in short,not only . but also.2.To review comparative and superlative

16、degrees of adverbs(): Maria cooked very successfully. Jane cooked more successfully. I cooked the most successfully.Talk About Healthy Eating Habits : We need to have enough food, never too much or too little. Its very important for us to have different kinds of foods. We should eat regularly. We sh

17、ould not only eat enough food, healthy food but also eat regularly.纪眼琉充犬定淆郧意枢殷栓挥雾僳劲缨眷舍绳乱担钩糕眉酵窒允翔仅彻褒Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD一、根据一、根据汉语提示完成句子。提示完成句子。1. _ _(健康的(健康的饮食)食)is important for us.2. _ _ _ (据(据说)that she is very beautiful.3. _ _(总之)之),we should have healthy eating habits to keep

18、healthy.4.We have _ _(足(足够的食物)的食物)to eat.5.她不她不仅写了正文部分,而且写了正文部分,而且还挑挑选了插了插图。she _ _ wrote the text _ _ selected the illustrations.HealthyeatingItissaidInshortenoughfoodnot onlybut also煞饿瞄邹饼锹舰袖吕挞鞍顶超劝泌焦箱蜀圈麻肃妆侮安娩裸荣形铂崖讹啡Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD二、二、选择填空。填空。( )1. Why was Mrs. Smith angry wit

19、h Jack? Because he worked _ than the others. A. more carefully B. worse C. better D. more clearly ( )2. She asked me _ I could go to Beijing for traveling by plane. A. that B. if C. how D. what( )3. Susan knows not only English _ Russian. A.but too B. and also C.but also D. and too( )4. Its importan

20、t _ the piano well. A. of him to play B. for him to play C. of him playing D. for him playing ( )5. Not only he but also I _ from Chongqing. A.am B. is C. are D. wereBBCBA煽瀑菌称银嚼俘患慈赎弟时影舷釜锐谜派钙杏颧燕晃缉延规肚弧似坛囤烽Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD1.Write a passage about ways to Keep Healthy.2.Finish Secti

21、on D in your workbook.3.Review Unit 7 and do exercises of Review of Unit 7 on page 79 and 80 .4.Preview Section A of Topic 1 in Unit 8.席峰瑟伪厕咐瓦雪鸡计货才饿棒炬猿漠供拔财暖兰恢双崭扦哲腆稠其丑芽Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD微奄梨仇左噎描促个知厄后撩撞月嫁缉殴桐顺舵玻沃览帖陌藻鄂嘻鼎汪哲Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD In short, we should not

22、only eat enough food, healthy food but also eat regularly. Healthy EatingTask Healthy eating is important for us. What and how should we eat tobe healthy? First, we need to have enough food, never too much or too little. The food must be clean and we should cook it in a right way. Second, its very i

23、mportant for us to have different kinds of foods. Bread, meat, fish, eggs, milk,fruit and vegetables are all necessary parts of a good diet. Bread gives us energy. Meat, fish, eggs and milk help our bones grow. Fruit and vegetables make us more healthy. Third, we should eat regularly. Its said that half of the students dont have breakfast regularly or dont eat anything at all in the morning. It isbad for their health. In fact, a good breakfast keeps us strong._谴信葛椰歌涨卸大洲铭询拓蛰瞄蛰禄腥涝微瘩磁职乡秤一敞奎鲜玫轮京分Unit7Topic3SectionDUnit7Topic3SectionD



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