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1、What will you do, if the UFO arrives ?SaturdaymorningSundaymorningWhat were he/she /they doing last?FridayafternoonSundayeveningLastMondaymorningLastTuesdayafternoonAt2:00lastWednesdayAt7:00lastSundayWhat were he/she/they doing ?Go for it(八年级下八年级下)Unit 3 hat were you doing when the UFO arrived ?Task

2、 1Task Task 3cultureTask 1Task 2Task 3Task Task cultureTask 1Task 2Task 播放停止1.最早发现于埃及,据今3400多年.2.第一个目睹飞碟的人是美国人:马丁3.查尔斯.福特是第一个研究飞碟的人.4.中国的飞碟纪录可追溯到公元前139年.5.飞碟的特性:a.变幻莫测的形体b.动静自如的速度c.强大的电磁效应d.攻守自如简介:UFO是英文UnidentifiedFlyingObject的缩写,意思是未查明身份的飞行物体.1974年,美国人阿诺德发现一组编队飞行的不明物体,并把它形象的比喻为水上打漂的碟子,从此,飞碟一词不胫而走,

3、成了UFO的通俗叫法.首页Task1Task2Task3Task4An alien got out and walked down Center Street .Dear Jack, I had a very unusual experience on Sunday .At around ten oclock in the morning, I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me.You can imagine how strange it was !I followed it to see wh

4、ere it was going ,and I was very surprised when It went into a souvenir shop.While it was looking at the souvenirs ,the shop assistant called the police.Before the police arrived , the alien left the shop and then visited the Museum of Flight .While the alien was in the museum ,I called the TV stati

5、on .Isnt that amazing ! TedListen and read the e-mail message首页cultureTask2Task3Task4Task1Dear Jack, I had a very unusual experience on Sunday .At around ten oclock in the morning, I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. You can imagine how strange it was !An alien got

6、out and walked down Center Street . I followed it to see where it was going ,and I was very surprised when It went into a souvenir shop. While it was looking at the souvenirs ,the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived , the alien left the shop and then visited the Museum of Fli

7、ght . While the alien was in the museum ,I called the TV station .Isnt that amazing ! Ted播放暂停排序Read carefully(精读)Number the pictures in the correct order首页cultureTaskTask3Task4经历,体验经历,体验about ,大大约约奇怪的陌生的跟随追随令人惊异的Task2返回返回返回返回返回35421首页cultureTaskTaskTask4返回1.WhatkindofexperiencedidTedhaveonSunday?2.W


9、dcalltheTVstation?11.Isntthatamasing?I had a very unusual experience on Sunday _.I _,when_.While it _,the shop assistant _.While the alien_,I_.首页cultureTaskTask2Task4Task3 Picture PicturePicture Picture Picture123453b PAIRWORK Cover the story. Look at the pictures and take turns to tell the story.On

10、e day, a UFO landed in front of me when I was walking down the street. An alien got out. I was very afraid, and followed it. The alien went into a souvenir shop. While it was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived, the alien left the shop and went i

11、nto a museum. When the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. That was amazing!Pairwork:A: What were you doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning?B: I was sleeping. How about you?A: I was doing my homework.B: You are kiddingWhat were you doing at these times last Sunday?youstudent1student

12、29:00am11:30am1:00pm4:00pmMake a report:At nine oclock last Sunday morning, I was sleeping. My friend li Qian was doing her homework首页cultureTaskTask2Task3Task4Fill in the blanks with the proper words.Ihadavery_experience_Sunday.At_tenoclockinthemorning,Iwas_downthestreet_aUFOlanded_infrontofme.Youc


14、ightimaginestrangegotoutwalkeddownwheresurprisedWhilelookingassistantalienvisitedinamazing(7)(1)(2)(3)(8)(4)(5)(6)playgamesboatbuysomefruitsellsomefruitreadbooks play basketball fishlookoutofhiswindowIn the picture, it was 4 oclock yesterday afternoon. Bill and Tom _. A cat _ on the road. Bob _ the

15、window. Ann _ something on the book. Kate _ a book. Sally and Tessa were good friends.They _ . Dave _ coffee _ his friend Diana. Andy and Tony _. Gary _ at the notice board.Garywere playing basketball was sleeping was cleaning was writing was readingwere talking was drinking with was looking were pl

16、aying chessExercises1.He_(draw)ateightyesterdayevening.2.Thegirl_(shop)whenherfriend_(see)her.3.Whilehe_(cook)dinner,hisfriend_(get)outoftheshower.4.HesawtheUFOwhilehe_(walk)downthestreet.4.过去进行时和一般过去时的区别过去进行时和一般过去时的区别1)过去进行时表示过去正在进行的动作,而一)过去进行时表示过去正在进行的动作,而一般过去时则表示一个完整的动作。如:般过去时则表示一个完整的动作。如:Theywer






22、useum,Icalledthepolice.2.Theboywaswalkingdownthestreet_aUFOlanded.3._thealienwasvisitingthemuseum,theboycalledtheTVstation.4.Iwascleaningmyroom_thefirebrokeout.5._Lindawasshoutinghisname,somepeoplelookedather.6._LindafinallysawDavy,hewasjumpingwithadog.课堂练习课堂练习四四. . 翻译下列句子翻译下列句子 1. 1. 当我在厨房做饭的时候,我听见

23、有人敲门。当我在厨房做饭的时候,我听见有人敲门。 _ 2. 2. 那时,我正站在图书馆前面。那时,我正站在图书馆前面。 _ 3. 3. 当那个女孩正在买东西的时候,外星人出来了。当那个女孩正在买东西的时候,外星人出来了。 _ 4. 4. 你能想像到,它是多么奇怪呀!你能想像到,它是多么奇怪呀! _ 5. 5. 上周日,我有一次不寻常的经历。上周日,我有一次不寻常的经历。 _1, Imagine A UFO landed in Hebi , write what you and your family were doing.2,去图书馆或上网查找去图书馆或上网查找UFO,alien 的资料的资料



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