高中英语 unit 5 Travelling abroad section ⅲ using language课件 新人教版选修7

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1、Section Using Language.the Andes Mountains running parallel to thecoast.安第斯山脉与海岸线平行1parallel解析 (1)adj.平行的;相同的;类似的The road and the railway are parallel to each other.公路与铁路线平行。(2)n.平行线;纬线;联系;相似(之处);和相似的事物The war was a unique event, without parallel in history.那是历史上独一无二的战役。拓展 be parallel to/with 与平行;和相

2、似without parallel/have no parallel 无可匹敌in parallel with.和一起/同时;并行运用 完成句子without parallelThis is an achievement _ ( 无可比拟) inmodern times.is parallel to/withMy opinion _ (与相似的) yours.The CIA is working _ ( 和一起) theFBI to solve the case.in parallel withPeru has abundant plants from desert grasses to va

3、stareas of jungle.秘鲁从沙漠里的小草到大面积的丛林中都有大量的植物。2abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的典例 We have abundant time to complete the project.我们有充裕的时间来完成这个项目。My hometown is abundant in wildlife.我的家乡野生动植物丰富。拓展 be abundant inbe rich in 有丰富的,富于运用 完成句子are abundant/rich inMany new economies are rising rapidly because they_ (有丰富的) la

4、bor force._ ( 丰 富 的 词 汇 ) would help you writefluently.Abundant wordsOnce the centre of the powerful and extremely wealthyInca Empire, much of South America was governed by Spainfrom the sixteenth century onwards. 南美大部分地区曾是富饶强盛的印加帝国中心,从 16 世纪开始,这里被西班牙人统治。3状语从句省略“主语be 动词”解析 当状语从句的主语与主句一致,且谓语是 be 动词时,

5、可以省略从句中的“主语be 动词”部分。如:Once a singer, now hes an outstanding composer.他曾经是一名歌手,现在是一名出色的作曲家。You have to work hard when young.年轻时你得努力工作。运用 完成句子(使用省略形式)You should pay attention to the traffic _(当你过马路时)when walking across the roadThe concert was much better _ ( 比它 预期的)than expected Its out of the questio

6、n.那是不可能的。4out of the question 不可能的;不值得讨论的典例 Another trip abroad this year is out of the question.今年再度出国是绝无可能的。拓展 out of question 没问题,办得到的beyond/without question 毫无疑问in question 讨论中的;有疑问的运用 完成句子Swimming in such an extremely polluted river is almost_ (不可能)out of the questionHis success is _ (没问题)The i

7、ssue still remains _ (讨论中)out of questionin questionthings you can do to help him/her settle in 你可以做的帮他/她安顿下来的事5settle in (迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来;习惯于(新家、工作等);迁入新居典例 I havent yet settled in at my new job.我还未习惯我的新工作。拓展settle down 舒适地坐下(或躺下);(在某地)定居下来,过安定的生活settle sb.down 使某人安静下来;平静下来settle down to sth.安下心来做某

8、事settle for sth.勉强接受某事运用 完成句子After they _ ( 安顿下来), they set out tobuild a school.settled in/downWeve no TV and have to _ ( 勉强接受)the radio.settle forHaving heard about the news, he cant _(安心于工作)settle down to work如何给笔友写信与笔友的通信一般都是根据来信内容回信,在格式上遵循一般的书信格式即可。一、与笔友通信的常见内容与笔友通信时,较常见的内容是询问自己想知道的事情,介绍对方想了解的事

9、情,推荐自己感兴趣的东西。若能流畅自然地提出问题,以准确的语言描述事物,用合适的词汇表达观点,就能与笔友愉快地沟通。二、与笔友通信时的常用句型:1对自己想了解的事提问I know that., could you tell me more about.Im interested in.and Id like to know more about.Could you give me some details about.Have you ever heard of.2向对方介绍或推荐事物Im glad that you are., Id like to recommend you to.Id l

10、ike to recommend.Ill tell you something.Its really a good place/book/play to.3表达自己的观点I think its meaningful to.Its really helpful.It makes me feel.I believe that.4其他常用词句与笔友通信时的内容非常多样化,一封信中可能涉及若干个方面,所以准确使用过渡、总结的词句能使整篇文章结构完整,流畅自然。如:but I have to say.; how-ever; in addition;besides; in a word; in short

11、; above all; Im looking forward to.【典例】假设你是李华,你的美国笔友 David 对中国鼓励使用环保购物袋很感兴趣,来信向你询问此事。请你给他写一封回信。写作内容1感谢他的关注;2简要介绍相关情况;3谈谈你对此事的感想。1词数 100 左右;2信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;写作要求写作要求3参考词汇:环保购物袋 environment-friendly shopping bag;关注 concern。Dear David,_Yours truly,Li Hua【参考范文】Dear David,Im glad that youve noticed ou

12、r efforts directed towardsenvironmental protection.Thank you for your concern.As too much use of plastic bags has caused serious whitepollution,ourgovernmentencouragesustouseenvironment-friendly shopping bags.These bags are made of avariety of material that can be easily treated when they becomerubb

13、ish.Besides, they can be reused.More and more people inChina have realized the advantages of such bags and started usingthem.I believe that the wide use of these bags can greatly improveour environment.This is one of the many steps we have done tomake our country an even cleaner place.Yours truly,Li Hua



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