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1、New words in unit 31.restroom n. 在英式英语中,私人住宅中的厕所称为: the lavatory,toilet或WC 公共场所的厕所被称为: the Gents/the Ladies或public conveniences 在美式英语中,私人住宅中的厕所被称为: the lavatory, toilet 或bathroom 公共场所的厕所被称为: the washroom 或 restroom2. stamp n.a small piece of paper which you stick on an envelope before you post it to

2、 pay for the cost of the postage(邮资)3. bookstore n. a shop where books are sold.4. beside prep.在旁边,在附近 He is sitting beside me.注意:besides做介词和副词,意为“除了,除此之外”表包括besides 后面的部分.What has he done,besides reading the paper?Besides, there are all cooked foods.5.postcard n a piece of thin card,often with a pi

3、cture on one side, which you can write on and send to people without using an envelope.6.pardon v.原谅 interj.请再说一遍1)v.原谅,宽恕 Please pardon me for not arriving on time. My teacher pardoned me.2) n.原谅,宽恕 I beg your pardon for coming in.(请原谅) I beg your pardon, is this your pen?(打扰) I beg your pardon. I

4、didnt hear you clearly.( 请求重复)3) interj. 请再说一遍 当没听清对方的话时用pardon?7.Normally adv.1) 正常 The sick mam became better and he could eat normally.2) 在一般情况下,通常(这时相当于usually) I normally go to bed early,but last night I stayed up late.3) normal adj. 正常的 He is healthy and normal. His growth is normal for that a

5、ge.8.rush v n1.vi.a).冲,猛跑,快速的到某处 The policemen rushed at him. We rushed to the place where the noise came from. b)也表水急速流过或风急速吹过 The river rushed past. The wind rushed through the trees. c)匆忙行事,忙忙碌碌 Theres plenty of time, we neednt rush. You shluldnt rush at the job.2.vt. a)把急忙送往 They rushed him to t

6、he doctor. They rushed more soldiers to the front. b)加快进行某事 He rushed the work. c)催促,使加紧干 I must think things over, so dont rush me.3.常见动词短语 a) rush into 不深思熟虑就匆匆 Dont rush into anything. His mother rushed him into the job. b) rush off 匆忙走掉He ate a quick breakfast and rushed off to work. c) rush thr

7、ough匆忙作完某事,快速通过各项程序 Dont rush through your work. I used to try to rush through my plan.4. n. 冲,跑,奔(可数);匆匆忙忙(可加不定冠词) He made a rush to the door. I had to do my homework in a rush because I was late. 9.suggest vt.1) 建议 a. 接名词He suggested Beijing for our meeting.Tom suggested the plan to me. b. 接从句(从句中

8、谓语动词多用should或动词原型 I suggested that we (should ) leave early for the plane. I suggested to him that he should go for a walk. c.接动名词I suggested doing it a different way. 2) 暗示,表明 His grades suggest that he always studies hard. The white look on her face suggested fear. His large house suggests wealth.

9、 3) 词形变化 suggest suggestion Do you have any suggestions for our party? 10. pass by 1)从旁经过 He passed by my door just now. Someone passing by asked me the way to the post office. 2)不理,回避 He said I passed by him this morning, but I didnt see him. He had a feeling that his friends were passing him by.11

10、.staff n.1) 手杖,旗杆 The old man needs a staff to climb the hill. 2) 工作人员的总称(作主语既可视为单数也可视为复数) The school staff are the teachers. The schools teaching staff is very good.注意staff与stuff的区别 stuff 材料,东西,设备,物品(不可数) Now , many shoes are made of plastic or similar stuff. I cant carry all my stuff alone. Take y

11、our stuff away.12. central adj. 意为“中心的,中央的”,无比较级。 My house is very central. This is the central city of the whole area.词形变化 centre/center n. central There is a table in the center of the room.13.nearby adj./adv. near, nearby 与near by 的区别near可作表语、前置定语、状语,nearby可作定语(前置后置都ok)、状语,near by可作表语、后置定语、状语。nea

12、r可以表示时间、空间、程度等方面的接近,而后两者只能表示空间上的接近。因为现在说的是他们之间的关系,所以就只说表示空间的用法。 1作表语时,near与near by可互换。如 The shop is near (my home). =The shop is near by (my home). 2作前置定语时,near通常用比较级或最高级,而nearby无比较级和最高级。如the nearest town ,the nearby town。 3作后置定语时,nearby可与near by互换,如 the town nearby=the town near by. 4作状语时,作状语时,near

13、可与可与nearby互换,如互换,如She lives near=She lives nearby.near有时也可与near by(相当于介词)互换,如There is a new theatre near our house.=There is a new theatre near by our house 14.Mail v. n. 1) v. 邮寄,发 电子邮件 mail sth to sb/ mail sb sth Dont forget to mail the letter to your sister. 2) n.邮件 There wasnt much mail last wee

14、k. They do business by mail.15.east 1) adj. 东方的,东部的 a.纯粹表方向 the east wind 东风 east gate 东门 b.表行政区域(需大写) South Africa North China 注: eastern 表全世界范围内的“东方的”或 某特定区域的“东方的” eastern countries the eastern seaboard of the USA 2). Adv. 向东方,朝东方 My room faces east. we are travelling east.3). n. 东方 The sun rises

15、from the east. Shanghai lies in the east of China. Japan lies to the east of China.16. fascinating adj.迷人的,有吸引力的 a fascinating voice 注:be fascinated by sth 被吸引住了 The child was fascinated by the toys in the shop.17.inexpensive adj.low priced; not expensive 不贵的注意这些构词现象: expensive(贵的) inexpensive(不贵的)

16、expert(熟练的) inexpert(不熟练的) experienced(有经验的)inexperienced famous(著名的)infamous( 恶名昭著的)18.uncrowded adj. 不拥挤的 1) crowd n.人群A crowd have /has gathered outside the gate.crowds of peoplea crowd of peoplea whole crowd of people2)crowd vt.挤满 vi. 拥挤 Shoppers crowded the street. The students crowded around t

17、he teacher to ask questions.3) crowded adj.拥挤的The street is crowded with people.许多人crowded uncrowded注意构词法:happy unhappy known unknownkind unkind lucky unlucky 19. convenient adj. 方便的,适合的 Its not convenient for you to see him now. 注:convenience n. 方便,便利 I keep my books on my desk for convenience.20.m

18、all n.商场a large shopping area.21.clerk n. 职员 a person who works in an office , bank or law court(法院)and whose job is to look after the records(记录) and accounts(账目)22. corner n.角落 in the corner of the room at the corner of the street23. politely adv.politepolitely Please be polite to old people. I sa

19、id politely to him “your room is nice.”24. request n. v.要求,请求 1)v. (比ask 正式) a. request sb to do sth Our teacher requests us to hand in our homework on time. b.接从句 I requested of him that he (should) leave. c.接名词 He came to the office to request a newspaper. request sth from sb 向某人要某物 request of sb

20、要求于某人 2)n.(可数) make a request for要求 by request 按照要求 at the request of根据的要求 in request 有需求25. direction n. 方向,用法说明,指导Mike went off in one direction and Tom in another. Follow the directions before drinking. He finished the work under my direction.26.Correct adj.正确的,v.纠正 Your answer is correct. Please

21、 correct your pronunciation. 注:correctly adj. 正确地 correction n.纠正 He answered quite correctly. The papers are in need of correction.27.direct adj.直接的,笔直的,直率的He got a direct flight to Chengdu.This is the most direct road.She is very direct,please believe in her.注:direct + lydirectly adv. He went dire

22、ctly to the teachersoffice.direct 还可作动词:指挥,指导,指路direct sb 指导某人 direct sth 指导某事direct sb to do sth 指导某人干某事28. speaker n.发言人;扬声器 A speaker is a person who makes speeches a speaker is also a piece of electrical equipment,through which sound comes out.29. whom pron.谁 whom是who的宾格,在句中作主语时要用who,作宾语时既可用 who

23、,也可用whom.但还要注意:一是问人姓名、身份时不管是主语还是宾语都只用who;二是介词后只用whom. Who told you the news?(主语,只 用who)Who/Whom are you waiting for?(宾语,两者都可用)Who are you?Who am I ?For whom are you waiting?(介词后,只用 whom)30.address n.details(详细情况)where a person lives, works or can be found.问人的身份,只用who31. underground adj. n.My sister goes to work by underground /subway every day.There is an underground car-park near here.32.parking lot another saying of “car-park”.停车场33.course 课程,过程,航线 an English course一堂英语课 the course of history 历史的进程 the course of the ship 轮船的航线



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