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1、English for Tourism1实用精品课件PPTLesson 1 Anhui1. Dialogue: Climbing Mt.Huang2. Passage 2: Mt. Jiuhua2实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue: Climbing Mt.Huang3实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. the Four Wonders 2. cable car 3. sedan chair 4. grotesque rocks 5. pills of immortality 6. the Guest-

2、greeting Pine 7. the sea of clouds 8. Lotus Flower Peak 9. hot spring4实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions:1. How did Mt. Huang get its name while it is really green?2. What is the best season to visit Mt.Huang?3. What are the Four Wonders of Mt.Huang?4. What is the steepest peak on Mt. Huan

3、g?5. What is the highest peak?6. What did Xu Xiake once say about Mt. Huang?5实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. How did Mt. Huang get its name while it is really green?2. What is the best season to visit Mt.Huang?3. What are the Four Wonders of Mt.Huang?4. What is the steepest peak on Mt

4、. Huang?5. What is the highest peak?6. What did Xu Xiake once say about Mt. Huang?6实用精品课件PPT2. Passage 2: Mt. Jiuhua7实用精品课件PPTI. New words and Phrase1. be regarded as: be considered as2. practice: perform the activities and duties of your religions信奉3. be respected as 敬佩e.g We work well together, an

5、d I respect him as a collegue.4. exquisite: extremely beautiful and delicate精美的5. in existence: come into existence开始形成/go out of existence不存在6. be keen to do; be keen on doing sth.e.g The government is keen to avoid further conflict with the union7. Nivana: 圆寂8实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressi

6、onsto be remembered1. Summer resorts 2. man of letters 3. in praise of 4. the Main Shrine Hall 5. pay homage to 6. cultural relics 7. pass away9实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions:1. How many square kilometers does Mt. Jiuhua cover?2. What are the four great Buddhist mountains in China?3. I

7、n history which famous people vesited Mt. Jiuhua?4. What is the oldest and holiest temple on the mountain?5. What are displayed in the Historical Museum of the Jiuhua Mountain?6. Whose mummy is in the Corporeal Body Hall of Wannian Temple?7. Can you say sth about Wuxia?10实用精品课件PPTLesson 2 Beijing1.

8、Dialogue: Visiting the Summer Palace2. Passage 1: The Forbidden City11实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue: Visiting the Summer Palace Visiting the Summer Palace12实用精品课件PPT谐趣园 13实用精品课件PPT铜牛与十七孔桥 14实用精品课件PPT昆明湖 15实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1. there is no way : it is impossible e.g There is no way the building

9、work will be finished by today.2. who would have thought : (spoken) to show you are surprised about sthe.g Who would have thought that John would get married.3. be made up of: consist of4. You got it. You are right.16实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. the East Palace Gate 2

10、. Dowager Empress Cixi 3.Longevity Hill17实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions:1.Who was the middle of the entrance reserved for?2. How did people get into the Summer Palace?3. How many parts is the Summer Palace made up of? What are they?4. What was Qingong used for?5. Usually how long did t

11、he Dowager Empress Cixi stay at the Summer Palace?6. Why to say long corridor is a good idea?7. What are Kumming Lake and the Longevity Hill shaped like?8. Why is the Longevity Hill shaped like a bat?18实用精品课件PPTPassage 1: The forbidden CityThe Forbidden City is rectangular in shape. It is 960 meters

12、 long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east west. It has 9900 rooms under a total roof area 150000 square meters. A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9.9 meter- high wall which encloses the complex. It is believed that the Palace Museum got its name from astronomy folklore. The ancient astr

13、onomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan. The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace. 19实用精品课件PPTThe Forbidden City20实用精品课件PPT北京故宫乾清宫 21实用精品课件PPT北京故宫坤宁宫 22实用精品课件PP

14、TI. New words and phrases1. be known for: be famous for be known as: be familiar with2. the Forbidden City/ the Imperial Palace/the Palace Museum3. gorgeous: very beautiful4. ascend the throne: become king or queen of a country5. preside (over)23实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be rememb

15、ered1. the Outer Court 2.the Inner Court 3.the Main Gate 4.ascend the throne 5.the Forbidden City/ the Imperial Palace/the Palace Museum24实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. How many ways can we call the Forbidden City?2. How long is the city wall surrounding the Forbidden City? 3. What w

16、as the Outer Court used for?4. What was the Inner Court used for?5. Is it listed by the UN as World Cultural Heritage? 6. Which gate is the main gate?7. What are the main three halls of the Outer Couter?8. Which hall was the hall where emperors ascended their throne?9. Which hall housed the world la

17、rgest encyclopedia?10. What are on the two sides of Taihedian?25实用精品课件PPTLesson 3 Fujian and Hanan1. Dialogue: A Trip to Luhuitou2. Passage 2: Gulangyu Island26实用精品课件PPTLuhuitou27实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1. catch up with: 2. feel sympathetic to: have sympathy fo3. an old hand at: be good at

18、A green hand4. fall apart: break because of being olde.g Ive read this book so often its falling apart.5. dry up: all the water comes out of it6. Not onlybut alsoe.g Not only can he make peaple laugh, he can also make them cry.7. crow into: e.g We crowded into the kitchen with others.8. chase: follo

19、w sb. Quickly in order to catch hime.g Two policemen chased the thief.28实用精品课件PPTII. proper names and expressions to be remembered.1. feel sympathetic to 2. at the first sight 3. be an old hand at 4. Chinese character 5. folk tale 6. fall apart29实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1.What kin

20、d of story is it about Luhuitou?2. What minority is the youngnam in the story?3. When did the deer change into a beautiful girl?4. Why to say the tourist is an old hand at Chinese folk tale?5. What does Haikubulan stone mean?6. Is the way of life of Li Minority different from the Mainland? 7. Why ar

21、e the people of Li Minority beginning to change?30实用精品课件PPTGulangyu Island31实用精品课件PPT32实用精品课件PPT33实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1. be free from: withoute.g a sentence free from mistake; a man free from prejudice2. rank with(among): e.g Flying still ranks among the safest forms of travel.34实用精品课件P

22、PTII. proper names and expressions to be remembered1. the Island Ring Road 2. be bathed in 3. Old Summer Cave 4. Red Chamber Dream 35实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1.Where is Gulangyu Island located?2. How long can visitors reach there by steam ship from Xiamen City?3. How did Gulangyu

23、Island get its present name?4. Why is Gulangyu Island still free from pollution?5. What are the famous scenic spots in Gulangyu Island?6. How did Sunlight Rock get its name?7. Whose Memorial Hall stands at the foot of Sunlight Rock?8. What is the perfect viewing spot to enjoy the scenery to enjoy th

24、e scenery of Gulangyu Island?9. Can you say sth. about Shuzhuang Garden?36实用精品课件PPTLesson 4 Guangdong and Guangxi1.Dialogue: A Trip in Guilin2. Passage 1: Shenzhen Chinese Folk Culture Village37实用精品课件PPT1.Dialogue: A Trip in Guilin38实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue: A Trip in GuilinI. New words and phrases1head

25、 v. go in a particular direction be headed: where are headed? Where are you going?2. protect: protec . from .: keep sth safe from. e.g. This hat can protect his face from the sun.protect. against .: e.g This warm jacket will help to protect you against the cold.3. cusine 当地的饭菜, 烹饪e.g a chance to try

26、 the local cuisine.品尝当地菜肴的机会4.explore: travel around an area in order to learn about it, 寻幽览胜5. Niagara ,The Niagara 尼亚加拉瀑布6More than glad: very glad to show you round the city.e.g Id be more than happy39实用精品课件PPTII.Phrases and expressions to be remembered1. bamboo raft2. an old man in profile3. the

27、 Guilin rice-flour noodles with horse meat4. rice paddy5. trans-national waterfall40实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. Where are they going to visit first?2. Can you say sth about Yangshuo?3. Which is better to enjoy the landscape? On a bamboo raft or on land? Why?4. Can you say sth abou

28、t the Elephant Trunk Hill? 5. Why does the tourist envy the old man?6. What is the most famous local snack in Guilin?7. Why does the tourist like to visit by bike?8. Which is the largest waterfall in the world?41实用精品课件PPT2. Passage 1: Shenzhen Chinese Folk Culture Village42实用精品课件PPTI. New words and

29、phrases1. geographically speaking/ generaly speaking2. brilliant: extremely good or enjoyablee.g The kid had a brilliant time. 这个小孩玩得很愉快。3 Distributed adj. spread4. prepared to do sth: willing and be able to do sthe.g You can see a doctor today, if youre prepared to wait.你要愿意等, 就今天去看医生吧。5Sacrifice:

30、kill snimsls as part of a ceremony to honour sth.以、为祭品6Strolling: e.g I was strolling along the river when I saw an interesting thing.43实用精品课件PPTII.Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. Shenzhen Chinese Folk Culture Village2. set up3. the Water-splashing Festival4. lunar calendar5. the Tor

31、ch Festival6. Knife Bar Festival44实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. How many ethnic group are there in China? Name some?2. How many cottages are ther in the village?3. What will you see and buy in the village?4. where do buyi ethnic group live?5. why can we call it the stone village?6.

32、What interests people about the Mosuo people?7. Why is the house of Dai ethnic group called “a bamboo garden”?8. What is the goodness of yrts for Mongols?9. When is the water-splashing Festival held? 10. Say sth about the other ethnic Festival.45实用精品课件PPTLesson 5 Guizhou, Hubei and Hunan1. Dialogue

33、1: Stories of the Nine-Dragen Cave2. Passage 2: The Shennongjia Forest Zone46实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue 1: Stories of the Nine-Dragen Cave47实用精品课件PPTDialogue 1: Stories of the Nine-Dragen CaveI. New words and phrases1. come to do: 渐渐地, 终至于e.g In time you will come to know the meaning of what I said. How i

34、n the world did he come to be chosen as captain?2. so far so good: some one has been succeesful up to this point 到目前为止一切顺利3. trap: v prevent sb. From leaving a placee.g Both men were trapped inside the burning car.48实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. so fa so good 到目前为止一切顺利

35、 2. the Nine-dragon Cave Scenic Area 贵州九龙洞景区49实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1.Do you think the tourist is an expert in China culture?2.How did the Nine-dragon Cave and Malong Brook get their names?3. According to Chinese Mythology why are dragon mysterious creatures?4. Do you think the

36、 tourist have a sense of humor?50实用精品课件PPTThe Shennongjia Forest Zone51实用精品课件PPT金丝猴52实用精品课件PPT原始森林53实用精品课件PPT中草药54实用精品课件PPT神农架白化动物55实用精品课件PPT尼斯湖怪56实用精品课件PPT57实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1. chief : leadere.g The high-powered delegation include military and foreign intelligence chief.2.suffer fro

37、m: to be badly affected by a very difficult or unpleasant situatione.g The region continues to suffer from serious pollution.3.flood v. flow quickly58实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. virgin forest 原始森林 2. the Shennongjia Forest Zone 神农架森林保护区 3. dove trees 珙桐树 4. aside fro

38、m 除了 5. teeming with 充满59实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions:1. Why has the shennongjia Forest Zone attracted a lot of tourists every year?2. How did Shennongjia get its name?3. Why can visitors enjoy different beauties?4. What kind of trees can be found here?5. What kind of Caves are there

39、 in Shennongjia ?6. What kind of albino animals can be spotted?7. How many kinds of herbs can be found ?8. Can you say sth. About the Wild Man?60实用精品课件PPT尼斯湖怪尼斯湖位于英国苏格兰北部的苏格兰大峡谷,位于海平面以下200米,为此,人们称之为“沉在海下的湖”,但湖中生物种类繁多,有的体型还相当大。湖底沟壑纵横,如同迷宫,最深处可达200米。一千多年以来,尼斯湖不断传出水怪出没的消息,给这座湖披上了神秘的面纱,显得格外神奇莫测。在尼斯湖畔定居下

40、来的移民中间,都知道每当湖上风雨大作的时候,一头神秘的怪兽就出没湖中,骚扰百姓。英国和北欧一些国家的英雄史诗的内容,也多半是与这种怪兽搏斗的故事。人们还给这种怪物起了一个十分亲切的名字“尼西”,意为尼斯湖里的有趣的小怪物。 61实用精品课件PPTLesson 6 Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning1. Dialogue: Enjoying the Night of Harbin2. Passage 1: Changbai Mountain62实用精品课件PPT63实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1.call for: neede.

41、g Several of the newspapers were calling for his resignation.2. blame sb. for : 归罪于e.g He blamed me for the accident.To be blame : 应受谴责, 负责任e.g You are to blame for the failure.3. leave . as 使处于某种状态e.g Leave them as they are.那些东西就保留现状吧。64实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions1. the central boulev

42、ar 中央大街 2. ice carving 冰雕 3. Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival哈尔滨国际冰雪节65实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1.Why is the whole city like a crystal town?2. Why to say there is no wrong weather, blame yourself for wrong clothes?3. Do people in Harbin care about animal right?4. Is soph

43、ia shurch is the biggest orthodox in the world?5. How many years did it take to rebuilt it?6. What kind of model has Harbin adopted in city building?7. Why were the street paved with the stones?8. What is the soal of Harbin in winter?9. When is Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival held?66实用精品课

44、件PPT Passage 1: Changbai Mountain67实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1. border: next toe.g Jordan holds a key positions,bordering both Israel and Iraq.约旦与以色列和伊拉克接壤,处在关键的地理位置上。2boast : have sth good that other people admiree.g The island boasts the highest number of tourists in the area.该岛引以为荣的是拥有该地区最

45、多的游客人数。3rich in: contain a large quantity of sth.e.g an area rich in a lot of natural resources, a speech rich in irony, a diet rich in protein68实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. stretch to the horizon 延伸到地平线 2. take . as proof 以 为证据 3. the Democratic Peoples Republic of K

46、orea 朝鲜人民民主共和国4dormant volcano 休眠火山 5. apart from 除了69实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. What does Changbai Mountain boast?2. Which season is more beautiful in Changbai Mountain?3. What is the source of Songhua, Tumen and Yalu River?4. What kind of interesting phenonemon can you find whe

47、n you are walking along the Heavenly Lake?5. What is it like if you watch Changbai waterful from far away?6. What can local people use the hot springs for?7. What can you see in the undergrand Forest?8. What can people see if they climb it through the South slope?9. What is Changbai Mountain rich in

48、?70实用精品课件PPTLesson 7 Henan1. Dialogue: Visiting Shaolin Temple2. Passage 1: Songshan Mountain71实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue: Visiting Shaolin Temple72实用精品课件PPTI. New words and expressions1.bless: to say a prayer asking God to help and pretect sb.or sth.e.g May God bless you and your family.原上帝保佑你和你的家人。2.sta

49、tue 雕像 status 地位e.g the Statue of Liberity 自由女神像, John has a lot of status among fellow businessmen. 约汉在企业同行中有很高的威望。73实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1.the hall of heavenly King 天王殿 2. the Mahavira Hall 方丈殿 3.18 Buddhist Arhats 十八罗汉 4.the Pagoda Forest 塔林 5. Buddhist Zen佛教禅

50、宗74实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. What is Shaolin Temple famous for?2. What are the Four Heavenly kings responsible for?3. What is the Mahavira Hall used for?4. What is the Pagoda Forest used for?5. Why do so many Pagodas have different layers and shapes?6. Can you say sth about Dhar

51、ma?7. Who invented the whole Washu system?75实用精品课件PPT2. Passage 1: Songshan Mountain76实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1. offer sacrifies to:向 献祭品e.g Goats were offered as sacrifices to the gods.77实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1.offer sacrifices to向 献祭品 2.International Ge

52、ological Park 国际地质公园78实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. Where is Songshan Mountain located in?2. What is the capital of Henan Province?3. What are the other Famous Mountains of China?4. What are the main peaks of Songshan?5. How many mountains are there in Songshan?6. What are there in

53、songshan apart from mountains?7. When did UNESCO give Songshan the title of “International Geological Park”? 8. How many religious are there in Songshan?79实用精品课件PPTLesson 8 Jiangxi1. Dialogue: Climbing Mt. Lushan2. Passage 1: The Poyang lake80实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue: Climbing Mt. Lushan81实用精品课件PPTI. Ne

54、w words and phrases1.fight: fight against:与作战e.g The French had desire to fight against the British. fight for:为而战e.g We are fighting for freedom and democracy. fight with: 打架, 搏斗e.g Protesters fought with the police outside the Embassy building. 抗议者在使馆大楼外面与警察发生冲突.2. nurture: to provide the care and

55、 attention necessary for a yong child ,animal, or plant to grow and develope.g. plants nurtured in a greenhouse 温室里培育的植物82实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. fresh-water lake淡水湖 2. back and forth 来来咴咴 3. aquatic plant 水生植物4. endangered species 频危物种 5. migratory bird候鸟83实用精品课

56、件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1.Where is Poyang Lake located?2. What is Poyang lake like?3. What are the scenic spots in Poyang Lake ?4. What are Poyang Lake famous for?5. Why is Poyang Lake a habitat for many endagered species of birds?6. Where are thousands of birds from?7. What other nam

57、es do white cranes earn?84实用精品课件PPT2. Passage 1: The Poyang lake85实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1.fight: fight against:与作战e.g The French had desire to fight against the British. fight for:为而战e.g We are fighting for freedom and democracy. fight with: 打架, 搏斗e.g Protesters fought with the police out

58、side the Embassy building. 抗议者在使馆大楼外面与警察发生冲突.2. nurture: to provide the care and attention necessary for a yong child ,animal, or plant to grow and develop86实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. fresh-water lake淡水湖 2. back and forth 来来咴咴 3. aquatic plant 水生植物 4. endangered spe

59、cies 频危物种 5. migratory bird候鸟87实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1.Where is Poyang Lake located?2. What is Poyang lake like?3. What are the scenic spots in Poyang Lake ?4. What are Poyang Lake famous for?5. Why is Poyang Lake a habitat for many endagered species of birds?6. Where are thous

60、ands of birds from?7. What other names do white cranes earn?88实用精品课件PPTLesson 9 Shaanxi1. Dialogue: A Visit to the Dayan Pagoda and the Dacien Temple2. Passage 2: The Terracotta warriors89实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue: A Visit to the Dayan Pagoda and the Dacien Temple90实用精品课件PPTI.New words and phrases 1. lac

61、k v.e.g He lacked the skills required for the job.Lacking adj.be lacking ine.g she seems to be totally lacking in common sense.2. happen to do:to do sth by chance : e.g I happened to meet an old friend in town.(spoken) used for asking sth politelye.g Do you happen to have a pen I can borrow?4. in or

62、nour of: in order to show respect and admiration for someone or somethinge.g Pertersburg was renamed Leninggard in honour of Lenin after his death.5. grow: linking verb. Used for saying that sb. or sth gradully starts to have a feelinge.g The nights were growing darker.6. bet: I bet/Ill bet 我明白, 我同意

63、 我敢肯定e.g I bet you the train will be late.我敢肯定火车要晚点.You bet: 的确, 当然Are you coming too?你也来吗?You bet!当然91实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. the big Goose Pagoda 大雁塔 2. the Dacien Temple大慈恩寺 3. terracotta warriors 兵马俑 4. the Stone Tablet with No Writing 无字碑 5. the Forest Stele

64、s 碑林 6. Monkey King美猴王孙悟空 7. Journey to the West 西游记 8. a historical figure 历史人物 9. uncorrupted Sanskrit texts没有讹误的梵文经文92实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. What are the other ancient capitals in China?2. What are the historical sites in Xian?3. For what was the Pagoda built?4. Why did Xu

65、anzang travel to India?5. How did he managed to go west, since international travel was forbidden by the emperor?6. How long did it take him to make the journey?7. What did he write after he returned?8. Was the Record of the Western Regions usrful for the government?93实用精品课件PPT2. Passage 2: The Terr

66、acotta warriors94实用精品课件PPT青铜战车95实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1.the Terracotta Warriors兵马俑2. Lintong County林桐县3. must n.必不可少的东西4. life size: 和真的一样大小5. come upon: meet by chance I came upon an old friend when I went shopping.6. go on sth: go on holidays度假96实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions

67、 to be remembered1. archeological excavation 考古发掘 2. sacrificial object祭品 3. the State Council 国务院 4. war chariot战车97实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. Where was the Terracotta Warriors found?2. When did Qin Shihuang begin to built his tomb?3. How was ir found?4. Where was the Museum bui

68、lt?5. How many pits were found?6. How many bronze chariots found?98实用精品课件PPTLesson 10 Shandong1. Dialogue: Climbing Mount Tai2. Passage 2: The Penglai Pavilion99实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue: Climbing Mount Tai100实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1.appoint v.to choose someone to do a particular job or have a

69、particular positione.g we need to appoint a new school secretary.2.It looks like/as if:看起来好象e.g It looks like Bill will be able to come too.3. commemorate v.to shou that you remember an important person or event by having a special ceremonye.g A huge bronze statue commemorating the poet stands in th

70、e main square.101实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. at one go 一下子 2. offer sacrifice to heaven 祭天 . take shelter 躲避 4. in gratitude 感激地 5. the Confucius Temple 孔庙6. have a major impact on 对有主要影响 7. burn insense 烧香102实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. What is Mou

71、nt Tai famous for?2. What does Zhongtianmen mean?3. Why did Qin Shi Huang name the five pines Wudafu Pines?4. Is Mount Tai full of stories?103实用精品课件PPT2. Passage 2: The Penglai Pavilion104实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1.perch v. If sth perches on sth else, or is oerched on it, it is placed high u

72、p on the edge of it.e.g The villa is perched on a cliff above Mones Carlo.别墅位于蒙特卡洛一处悬崖边缘.2. merge v. If two organizations merge, or you merge them, they combine to form one higher organization.e.g Two of Indonesias top banks areplanning to merge.105实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be rem

73、embered1.against wind 迎风 2. the legend of the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea 八仙过海的传说 3. the Bohai Strait渤海海峡106实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. Where is Penglai Pavilion located?2. What is the legend of the Eight Immotals Crossing the Sea?3. Why is the Penglai Pavilion a very good pl

74、ace to witness a magical mirage?4. When do mirage usually occur?5. What are the two gates served for?6. What does the Penglai Pavilion Xiyuan boast?7. What is Yuliang?8. What do people do when they go to the Temple Fair?107实用精品课件PPTLesson 11 Shanghai1. Dialogue: A Walk on the Bund/ Tasting Shanghai

75、Snacks2. Passage 2: Yuyan Garden108实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue: A Walk on the Bund/ Tasting Shanghai Snacks109实用精品课件PPT110实用精品课件PPTI. New words and expressions1. Orient n. the Orient : the countries of eastern Asia, especially China and Japan. 东方国家Oriental adj. 东方的 ,东亚的 Oriental n.东方人, 东亚人2.around: exustin

76、g ,used for saying that a certain type of person, product exists 111实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. the City God Temple 城隍庙 2. pan-fried bun 生煎馒头 3. soybean milk 豆浆112实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. Why dont some houses in Shanghai look like Chinese buildi

77、ng?2. Why was the TV tower named the Oriental Pearl TV Tower?3. Why should people bite a hole in the Pan-fried buns?4. How can people get on the TV Tower?113实用精品课件PPT2. Passage 2: Yuyan Garden114实用精品课件PPT115实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1. a national monument 国家遗址2. scale-like 鳞片状3. rosewood 红木11

78、6实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions1.the Grand Rockery 大假山 2. the Ten-Thousand-Flower Pavilion 万花楼 3. the Dragen Wall 龙墙 4. the Hall of Heralding Spring 点春堂 5. the Hall of Jade Magnificence 玉华堂117实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. Why did Pan Yunduan spend a lot of time and money

79、to create Yuyuan?2. When was Yuyuan Garden reopened to the public?3. Why can the beauty of Yuyuan Garden be compared with the four famous garden in Suzhou?4. How many scenic spots are there in the garden?5. Why does the Grand Rockery give people a sense of visiting a real, great mountain?6. Why has

80、the dragen only four claws, not five?7. What are the five wall in Yuyuan Garden?118实用精品课件PPTLesson 12 Shanxi1. Dialogue: Visiting Qiaos Compound2. Passage 1: Pingyao Ancient Town119实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue: Visiting Qiaos Compound120实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1. distract v. to get someones attenti

81、on and prevent them from concentrating on somethinge.g She was distracted by the sound of running.distract sb from sth : e.g We must let nothing distract us from our purpose.121实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions1.Qiaos Compound乔家大院 2. Shanxi merchant 晋商 3. show off 炫耀 4. penniless bum 不名一文的流浪

82、汉 5.make a fortune 发财 6. scare off 下走 7.the Hanging Monastery 悬空寺 8. Shanxi shaved noodles 山西刀削面122实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1.For which film was Qiaos Compound chosen as the settings?2.Why is there a watch tower at each of the four corners of the mansion?3.How did Shanxi merchants

83、 earn their fortune?4.Why did those merchants like to bring their wealth back and build fine mansions?5. Why did Qiao Guifa tell his family that no man in his family could ever take a concubine?6.What are there other scenic spots in Shanxi except Qiaos Compound7.How does Shanxi shaved noodles get it

84、s name?123实用精品课件PPT2. Passage 1: Pingyao Ancient Town124实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1.transfer v. to move from .to.e.g Im transferring to our Japan office next year.transfer sb. from sth to sthe.g Helen was transferred from marketing to sale.2.eye-catching adj. Attractive or unusual and therefo

85、re noticed 3.Market Tower 集市塔125实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. Pingyao ancient Town 平遥古城 2. assembly place 集中的地方3. pawn shop 当铺 4. Chinese herb shop 中药店5. antique store 古玩店126实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. What are the four ancient cities in China?2. Wha

86、t is Piaohao?3. Which gates are taken as the four feet of the tortoise?4. How were shops, firms and houses built in Pingyao?5. What temples are there mentioned in this passage?127实用精品课件PPTLesson 13 Sichuan1. Dialogue: Visiting Jiuzhaigou Valley2. Passage 2: Leshan Giant Buddha128实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue

87、: Visiting Jiuzhaigou Valley129实用精品课件PPT130实用精品课件PPT131实用精品课件PPT132实用精品课件PPTI. new words and phrases1. glittering adj. Bright and shining with a lot of quick flashes of lighte.g glittering jewels gliter v. to shine with a lot of small quick flashes of light e.g Bills eyes glittered with irritation.2

88、. evaporate v. if liquid evaporates or is evaporated, it changes into gas or steam evaporation n. 3. seep v. to flow into or out of something through small holes, usually when this should not happene.g The rain had seeped through his clothes. Poisonous chenicals from the factory are seeping into our

89、 soil.133实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. Shuzheng Group Lakes 树正群海 2. grind a magic mirror 磨一面魔镜 3. arrow bamboo 箭竹 4. Nuorilang Waterfall 诺日郎瀑布 5. severe altitude sickness 严重的高原反映134实用精品课件PPTIII. Answere the following questions1. Why is Jiuzhaigou Valley called “fairyla

90、nd”?2. How many lakes are there in Jiuzhaigou?3. What does the Nuorilang Waterful look like in winter?4. Which lake is the largest in Jiuzhaigou?5. Why is Long lake much colder?6. Why does the water never overflows in rainy summer and fall and never dried up in winter and spring?135实用精品课件PPT2. Passa

91、ge 2: Leshan Giant Buddha136实用精品课件PPT137实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1. confluence a place where two rivers join;a situation in which two or more things come toether2. abbot: a man who is in charge of an abbey3. blackmail v. to make someone give you money or do what you want by threatening to te

92、ll people embarrassing information about theme.g Someone was trying to blackmail him with pictures of him and his mistress.138实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembered1. Leshan Giant Buddha 乐山大佛 2. dignified and solemn 庄严肃穆 3. fly into a rage 大发脾气 4. on a small scale小规模地139实用精品课件PPT

93、III. Answer the following questions1.Where does Leshan Giant Buddha located in?2.How long did the Leshan Giant Buddha take to be built?3.How big is the Leshan Giant Buddha?4. Why was the Leshan Giant Buddha varved for?5. What measures has the local government of Leshan taken to maintain the Buddha?1

94、40实用精品课件PPTLesson 14 Tibet1. Dialogue: Touring Barkhor Street2. Passage 2: The Potala Palace141实用精品课件PPT1. Dialogue: Touring Barkhor Street142实用精品课件PPT143实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1.throw up : 1)if you throw up or throw something up, food and drink comes back up from your stomach and out of y

95、our mouthe.g I feel terribleIve been throwing up all night! 2) to produce something new or unexpectede.g This system has thrown up a few problems.2.fabulous extremely good; wonderfule.g You look fabulous. a fabulous opportunity3.clockwise : moving in a circle in the same direction as the hands on a

96、clock 144实用精品课件PPTII. Proper names and expressions to be remembeded1. Barkhor Street 八廓街2. the Jokhang Monastery 大昭寺3. spin the prayer wheel 转经筒4. buttered tea 酥油茶5. beef or mutton eaten with fingers 手抓牛羊肉145实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1. What kinds of people have to be very careful

97、when visiting tibet?2. What kind of street is the Octagon Barkhor Street?3. What is special on the street?4. How are people wandering ?5. What is special about the Tebetan buildings?146实用精品课件PPT2. Passage 2: The Potala Palace147实用精品课件PPT148实用精品课件PPTI. New words and phrases1recline: to lie or lean in

98、 a comfortable position with your back supported by something 2. enthrone: to make someone the new king, queen, or Bishop in a formal ceremony enthronement n.3. enshrine: to officially record something such as an idea or principle in a document so that it cannot be ignored149实用精品课件PPTII. Proper name

99、s and expressions to be remembered1. lightening strike 雷击 2. the Four Heavenly Kings 四大天王 3. Deyang Shar courtyard 德阳厦场 4. the Wst Chanber of Sunshine 西日光殿5. the saint Chapel圣观音殿150实用精品课件PPTIII. Answer the following questions1.Why di Songtzan Gambo decide to build a grand palace?2. How big is the Potala Palace?3. How long did it take to be built at present size?4. How many parts is the palace divided? What are they?5. What was the White Palace used for?6. What can you learn from the Red Palace?151实用精品课件PPTThank You更多精品更多精品 敬请关注!敬请关注!



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