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1、 新标准大学英语新标准大学英语示范课示范课 大学英语教学的三要素大学英语教学的三要素教师教师学生学生教材教材Net-generation的特点:的特点:Born after 1982, when microcomputer was inventedHas lived with digital technology “forever” Early Net Generation members experienced creation of Web, Internet, browsers, Windows, Macintosh, and emailDigital natives, digital

2、immigrants, digital foreigners (R. Oxford, 2008)信息化时代学习需求信息化时代学习需求Regardless of learning style and regardless of amount of technology available, every EFL learner requires: Rich and high quality inputOpportunities for practice/experienceHigh quality outputHigh quality feedback Variety. . . if he or

3、she wants to become a skilled user of English. (R. Oxford)信息化时代教学特点:信息化时代教学特点:freedom of thought;options;customization;flexibility;choice;nonlinearity;learning by doingComparison between the traditional learning and interactive learning:Traditional Learning Interactive learninglinear/sequential, ser

4、ial hypermedia learninginstruction construction, discoveryone size fits all customized absorbing materials learning how to learnschool learning lifelong learning teacher-centered student-centeredschool as torture school as funteacher as a transmitter teacher as a facilitatorCf. Don Tapscott: Growing

5、 up digital: The Rise of the Net Generation 新标准大学英语主题:贴近学生生活 启发学生思考文章内容:语言表达地道、纯正 具有文化内涵及思辨哲理练习设计:强化生词、要点词(组)用法围绕主题,启发思考实践训练(口语、写作)网络学习和课件:网络学习和课件:完善的网络教学平台丰富的课件资源 新标准大学英语Unit 1 Nine to FiveText AText ALook for a job after university? Look for a job after university? First, get off the sofaFirst, ge

6、t off the sofaPreview 1.Whats your ideal job? Why do you think so?2. Read the text for the main idea.Text AText ALook for a job after university? First, get off Look for a job after university? First, get off the sofathe sofaTeaching objectivesLead-inLead-inExplorationExploration language Focuslangu

7、age FocusCulture NotesPractical SkillsAssignmentTeaching Objectives:to understand different view points and reasoning with them.to speak to give different viewpoints.to develop thinking skills by giving examples.Text AText ALook for a job after university? First, get off Look for a job after univers

8、ity? First, get off the sofathe sofaVocabularyadvocate, amusing, belongings, clutch, demanding, dropout, exceed, heal, psychotherapist, highlight, odds, proceed, slump, sympathize, transition Expressionsbe dressed in gown and mortarboardcome to a closebe in the same boatwork ones backside offtake a

9、soft line with sbText AText ALook for a job after university? First, get off Look for a job after university? First, get off the sofathe sofaReading SkillTo understand different point of viewSpeaking skillTo talk about different jobs and reasons for choosing a jobTo attending a job interviewWriting

10、To writing a resum and a cover letterText AText ALook for a job after university? First, get off Look for a job after university? First, get off the sofathe sofaLead-in Job TalkStep 1 Whats your Whats your ideal job?ideal job? Engineer AccountantArchitectTeacherSalesmanLawyerTranslatorFashion design

11、erProgrammerPlaywrightImage consultantHealth nurseWhy do you think so?PayWorking atmosphereHolidayPromotion Working placeBusiness tripWorking scheduleThe best job in the worldBen Southallthe caretaker of the islands of the Great Barrier Reef the Great Barrier ReefStep 2 Find out jobs in the text! -d

12、o bar work Waiter Bartender - stack shelves Supermarket clerk Store KeeperWhoopi GoldbergBruce WillisBrad Pittapplying make-up to corpsesapplying make-up to corpsesguarding nuclear power plantsguarding nuclear power plantsstanding outside a restaurant in a giantstanding outside a restaurant in a gia

13、nt chicken suit chicken suitExplorationScanningWatch the video and spot the relevant paragraphs in the text by putting their numbers in the table. Sometimes one clip of the video may match more than one paragraph.Video clipsNumbers of the paragraphs1214,15,161 after graduation for dealing with the p

14、roblemsExplorationText organizationProblemsAdviceText OrganizationLooking at the problems from various parents(Paras 1-2)author(Para 3)mother(Paras 7-9) graduates(Paras 4-6)viewpointsExplorationText organizationAdviceParents balance: positive not makinglife too comfortableBetter for fathers to help

15、boys after a job setback.Its a good idea to get some jobs like bar work, shelf-stacking.psychotherapist(Paras 10-15)author(Para 16)More examples. Summary of the Text A This text is a newspaper article with individual examples of job searching and problems after graduation. The problems are examined

16、from different peoples _: parents attitudes towards their jobless children, _ quote about looking for jobs, _ summary of the viewpoints of parents and advice for dealing with the problems, and the authors own comments. In the end the author concludes that if the graduates can not find an _ job, they

17、 can take a _ one. viewpointsstudentspsychologistsidealtemporaryLanguage Focus Learning Objectives:To have a command of the key words and expressions;To learn important sentence pattern;To improve comprehension. Language Focus Difficult SentencesVocabulary Chunks 1.Those memories of forking out thou

18、sands of pounds a year so that he could eat well and go to the odd party, began to fade. Difficult sentencesWho paid a lot of money and why?Parents paid a lot of money for their son to let him eat good food and go to the strange party. Why are the memories forgotten but now came back?Parents were pr

19、oud on seeing the son graduate. But now they were thinking of the money they paid for his study because the son couldnt find a job.这时,记忆中每年支付几千英镑,好让儿子吃好、并能偶尔参加聚会的记忆开始消退。2. 关键是父母既要支持理解孩子,又不可以对孩子过于溺爱,两方面应该做到适度。 Crucially they must balance being positive and understanding with not making life too comfo

20、rtable for their offspring.3.他们给的年薪是18,000镑,交完房租后所剩无几,也就够买一罐豆子,可他们还要有经验或硕士学位的人。They were paying 18,000, which doesnt buy you much more than a tin of beans after rent, but they wanted people with experience or masters degrees.4. This former scion of Generation Y has morphed overnight into a member of

21、 Generation Grunt. scion, morph into, Generation Y, Generation Grunt5.Jack Goodwin, from Middlesex, graduated with a 2:1 in politics from Nottingham this summer.2:1 Select which vocabulary to teach“There is little benefit to selecting twenty-five to thirty isolated vocabulary terms and asking ELLs t

22、o copy them from the board and look up their definitions in the dictionary.” Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners, The SOIP model. Echevarria, Vogt and Short, 2004Vocabulary Teaching Key VocabularyWhich words in a unit are essential to know.Important to know.nice to know.Most common an

23、d high frequency wordsAccording to the level of studentsConsidering the topic of input sessionHighlighted vocabulary in the written input Effective ways to present the new wordsPictureGestures/ mimingDefinitions, exemplify, esp. with technical & abstract words Synonyms/ antonymsAffixes (prefixes and

24、 suffixes), formation rulesComparison between 2 waysTeacher A:a)wrote “grumble” on the screen;b)said/displayed the definition: “grumble means to complain about sb. or sth. in an annoyed way”;c)translated the word into Chinese: 抱怨d)showed more examples (sentences) for students to translate into their

25、 native language. 1. grumbleTeacher B:a)said “some people grumble about everything. E.g, they grumble about the weather. If it is sunny, they say its too hot; if it is cool, they say its too cold. They are never happy with the weather. They always grumble about the weather.”b) then set out to check

26、students understanding by asking “So what does grumble mean?”c) students turn to “grumble about sth.”2. proceed f precede proceedcomparingprecede(formal) continueto do something after doing something else first; continue to somewhere else.happen or existbefore something else; to go somewhere before

27、sb. else Fill in the blanks with proper words:1.Lunch will be _ by a short speech from the chairman. (午饭前主席作了个简短的讲话。) 2. This is a type of cloud that _ rain. (这种云总在雨前出现。)3. Now that our plan is settled, let us _. (既然计划已定,我们开始吧。)4. Dont let me stop you, _ with your work (继续你的工作)5. The guard _ them do

28、wn the corridor (保安沿着走廊在他们前面给他们开道). preceded precedes proceedproceed preceded 3. dead-end: no futuredead-end jobcollege coursestreetenergy policydebatepeace-talk 4. psychotherapist: psycho + therapistPsycho-, psychi-: of mind; mentalpsychology, psychological, psychologistpsychoanalysispsychiatristps

29、ychogenesispsychomotorpsychosocial psyche: n. the human soul, spiritPsyche, Greek Goddess of the Soul A young woman who loved and was loved by Eros and was united with him after Aphrodites jealousy was overcome. She subsequently became the personification of the soul. (Greek Myth)5. in the same boat

30、True, Jacks the guy who kicked the ball and hit the window. But we were all in the game so were all in the same boat. Lets all go together to apologize. If youre in the same boat as the other people, are youa)making the same journey together, orb) in the same trouble or sharing the same misfortune?结

31、构主义结构主义:语言是一系列符号和规则构成的,英语学习可分为语法学习和词汇学习两个体系。问题问题:输入了词汇和语法知识之后仍难以构建正确、地道的英语句子,难以实现语言输入向语言输出的转化。语言学习新视角语言学习新视角:语言交际中并不仅仅通过单词或固定短语的使用来实现,自然话语中90%都是由处于这两者之间的半固定词块结构(chunk)来实现的。概念概念:词块是语言使用者在语言输入和输出过程中频繁使用的,具有特定语义和结构并以固定或者半固定形式存在的,有利于提高语言生成能力的短语、固定搭配、习惯用语或句式。Chunks (语块学习)理论基础理论基础:二元学习模式(dual-mode system)

32、:基于规则(rule-based)和基于范例(exemplar-based)两种模式互为补充,在语言学习中发挥着不可或缺的作用。(Skehan P., A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning, Oxford:1998)语言双重体系理论:一是以规则为基础的分析体系分析体系(rule-based analytic system),由单词和语法构成;二是以记忆为基础的套语体系套语体系(memory-based formulaic system),由具有交际功能的语块构成,相对开放。前者占据长期记忆的空间小、抽象性高、灵活性强;后者则能很快从记忆中提取出来,

33、满足即时交际的需要,使语言准确、流利、地道。(Wray A. Formulaic Language and the Lexicon, Cambridge, 2002)朝九晚五的工作回到了原来的起点维持正常的生活话说到点子上分担家庭开支困在整个夏天都躲着不见人穿着学位服,带着学位帽a 9-to-5 jobcome full circlecarry on life as normalstrike the right notecontribute to the household bills get stuckspend the summer “hiding”be dressed in gown a

34、nd mortarboard1. They were paying 18,000, which doesnt buy you much more than a tin of beans after rent. 他们给的年薪是18,000镑,交完房租后所剩无几,也就够买一罐豆子 not buy sb. more than. 仅够买到Since a quarter will usually not buy you more than 8 minutes, and many people dont carry rolls of quarters in their pockets, consider

35、purchasing a San Francisco Parking Card. There is money to be made with newly registered domains. What you can try to do, is to register domains at $7 each and then resell them for $xx each. If you resell a domain at $27 youll make a $20 profit. This isnt much money which might not buy you more than

36、 a meal and something to drink, but if you choose this method of getting into domaining it is about volume. 2. He can recount several episodes of Traffic Cops and has seen more daytime television than is healthy.a)Ask students to paraphrase the sentence. He has seen too much daytime TV. It is not go

37、od to his health.b) Ask students to translate the sentence. 他白天看电视时间太长,已经影响了他的健康/对健康不利。b) Call their attention to the pattern:c) Practice the pattern/ translate more.than + be + adj. You eat too much chocolate. It isnt good for you. You eat more chocolate than is goodis good for you.You have arrived

38、 late too many times. That isnt acceptable. You have arrived late more times than is is acceptable.acceptable.I dont think you should have given so much personal information. It isnt wise. I think you have given more personal information than is wiseis wise.Culture Notes Generation Y and Grunt1.Work

39、 in pairs and answer the question. How to name the generations and characterize them?Years of birthNames Characteristics1946 1960Born in the great increase of births 1960 19701980s 1990sBaby boomersGeneration XGeneration Y orMillennial Generationindependent, informal, entrepreneurialspoilt by parent

40、s; multi-cultural society; teamwork; Honors Degree1.A degree may be awarded with or without honours, with the class of an honours degree based on the average mark of the assessed work a candidate has completed. 2.The British Undergraduate/Postgraduate degree classification system is a grading scheme

41、 for undergraduate degrees (bachelors degrees and masters degrees) in the United Kingdom. 3.Below is a list of the possible classifications with common abbreviations.4. Key: Key: 2 1 32 1 3Honors DegreeFirst-class Honours (1st)Second-class Honours, upper division (2:1)Second-class Honours, lower div

42、ision (2:2)Third-class Honours (3rd)Ordinary-Degree (Pass)Grammar school and Comprehensive schoolThe grammar school: accessible by exam only caters to the academically-oriented student;The comprehensive: open to the general spectrum of student ability.Only a few areas retain grammar schools; a few s

43、chools have kept their traditional grammar school name despite being non-selective.Whoopi GoldbergOscar-winning American actressMedia personality Films: Ghost; Sister ActThe Graduate (1967)Ben Braddock is home from college with a degree in hand, uncertain future in mind. Add to his confusion the agg

44、ressive advances by the wife of his fathers business partner, the sexy Mrs. Robinson and poor Ben is completely lost. That is until, he meets the girl of his dreams Elaine. One problem: Elaine is Mrs. Robinsons daughter! Postgrad (2009)Recent college graduate Ryden Malby has just survived four years

45、 o f h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n .the stress of dealing with her eccentric family, landing a job, and f i n d i n g t h e r i g h t g u yPractical SkillsLearning Objectives: to learn how to read a job ad; to learn how to write a job ad; to learn how to write a cover letter; to learn how to write a

46、 resume; to learn about a job interview.Practical Skills A good job ad A resume A cover letter A good job ad Read the basic elements of a job advertisement and see how they are presented in the sample.1. We are.: self-introduction 2. We are looking for.: job description states a job title and explai

47、ns responsibilities 3. We expect.: job requirements and qualifications 4. We offer.: any special benefits 5. We request.: information about what you should include in your application A job ad sampleStudent ages: 12-18 (from junior high school to senior high school)Teaching hour: 18-22 classes for a

48、 week Salary and Benefits: Salary: 10,000-15,000 RMB per month depending on qualifications Information availableIf you are interested, please send your application to us by email, with your resume, scanned passport with photo page, visa (if applicable), TEFL certificate or other English teaching rel

49、ated certificates and references.Applying for job vacanciesApplying for Job Vacancies Resume A Covering LetterFrequently asked Qs in an interview1. What is important to you in a job? (Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution.)2. Why do you want to work

50、for this organization? (Its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions.)3. Why should we employ you? (My academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm.)6. What are your greatest weaknesses? drive myself too hard; expect others to perform beyond

51、their capacities. 5. What are your greatest strengths? see what needs to be done and do it. willing to make decisions. work well with others. organize my time efficiently.4. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us? As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace consis

52、tent with my abilities.AssignmentWriting task: a cover letterOral practice: an interviewWriting Task: You read a job ad in a newspaper, seeking people working temporarily on a summer cruise round the world. Here are some jobs available on it: bar and restaurant staff DJ medical support stafftechnici

53、an tourist guidecook keep-fit trainercaptains PA Write a cover letter and a resume for the job you are planning to apply for. Oral Practice:Step 1: Work in groups of 4. Role-play a job interview.Pair A You work for a company specializing in providing temporary and part-time staff for a shipping line

54、 which organizes round-the-world cruises. Choose two of the following jobs which will be available on a summer cruise round the world. bar and restaurant staff DJ medical support stafftechnician tourist guidecook keep-fit trainercaptains PA Write a notice with a brief description of the skills, qual

55、ifications and/or personality needed for each job.Oral Practice:Pair B You wish to apply for a summer job which will allow you to see the world and gain useful experience. Write a short letter applying for one of the jobs advertised by Pair A, explaining why you think you are a good candidate for the job. Attach your resume to your application. Oral Practice: Step 2. Conduct an interview for the job you advertised or applied for.Pair A: Read the letter of application and the resume, if attached. Ask Pair B questions.Pair B: Reply to Pair As questions, and try to find out more about the job.



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