八年级英语下册 Chapter 6 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer课件 牛津深圳版

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1、 Chapter 6 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ReadingReadingA What do you know about? The story on the next page is from a book about boys in a small town in the middle of the USA in 1830s, Look at the pictures below .Which of these things did people have in the USA at that time?A a carB riflesC. a teleph

2、oneD. a planeB E. a steamboatG. a bicycleH. a horse and cartF. a radioEH B. Find the factsLook at the title and scan the story on the next page. Then answer these questions.1.This story comes from a book. What is the name of the book?2. What is the name of the author?3. How long and high was the fen

3、ce?.The Adventures of SawyerMark TwainThirty yards long and three yards high4. How many apples did Tom get that day?5. What was the name of Toms aunt? OnePollyRead the text, and choose the right answer to the following questions.( )1. Saturday morning came, and everywhere was _? A. brightly and sunn

4、y B. bright and sunny C. rain D. sun( )2. Every boy in the town was happy, _ Tom Sawyer. A. but B. except C. besides D. and( )3.He felt very depressed because his aunt had told him _ the fence ? A. painting B. paint C. to paint D. paints ( )4. Why did Tom ,Ben and other boys want to paint the fence?

5、 A. Because they thought the job is boring. B. Because they thought the job was interesting C. Because they wanted to help Tom SawyerBBCB( )4. How many boys were mentioned in the story? A. three B. four C. fiveBC. Find the meaningsC1. b a a c a a c c b C2. (1). guessed (2). begged (3). depressed (4)

6、. joyful11.and so on 等等等等12.all sorts of 各种各各种各样13.be pleased 高高兴1.encourage sb to do st 鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事 Joyce 想鼓励同学们多看点书想鼓励同学们多看点书. Joyce wanted to encourage students to read more books.2.dip sth in sth 把某物蘸入某物把某物蘸入某物 他把刷子蘸进油漆里他把刷子蘸进油漆里. He dipped his brush in the paint3.have a rest 休息休息 我累了我累了.让我休息

7、一会儿让我休息一会儿. I am tired. Let me have a rest.5. BE FREE 有空有空你今天下午有空吗你今天下午有空吗? ARE YOU FREE THIS AFTERNOON?4. want to do sth 想做某事想做某事她想她想这个周日去个周日去购物物.She wants to go shopping this Sunday.6. make fun of 取笑 不要取笑他.这是没礼貌的. Dont make fun of him. It is not polite 7. pick up 拾起 请把这本书拾起 Please pick up the book

8、. 请把它拾起 Please pick it up.8. go on doing sth 继续做某事 Tom继续油漆,并不理睬Ben. Tom went on painting and ignored Ben. 9. a bit 一点点我动一点点英语. I know a bit of English. 10.do some painting 做点油漆活她父亲经常在周六做点油漆活. Her father often does some painting on Saturdays.11.and so on 等等等等Jane和和Mary什么都商量什么都商量过了了-去哪里、看什么等等去哪里、看什么等等

9、. Jane and Mary discussed everything- where to go, what to see and so on.12.all sorts of 各种各各种各样Tom 获得了各种各得了各种各样的玩具的玩具. Tom gained all sorts of toys.13.Be pleased 高高兴我很开心我很开心. I am pleased.=I am happy.Chapter 6 The adventures of Tom SawyerRelative clauses with who, that and which含有含有who, that和和which

10、定语从句定语从句Language你会翻译下列句你会翻译下列句子吗子吗? ?1.你有没有看见你有没有看见我昨天买我昨天买的的那本书那本书?2.他是他是昨天迟到的这个昨天迟到的这个学学生生.3.爸爸给我买的爸爸给我买的这支钢笔这支钢笔不见了不见了.4.她就是她就是找到你钱包的找到你钱包的女女孩孩.1.Did you see the book which/that I bought yesterday.2.He was the student who/that was late yesterday.3.The pen which/that my dad bought for me is missin

11、g.4.She is the girl who/that found your wallet.定语从句: 在句中修饰名词或代词、作在句中修饰名词或代词、作定语的句子叫定语从句。定语的句子叫定语从句。 今天我们学习以今天我们学习以who, who, that, whichthat, which引导的定语从句引导的定语从句. .1.Did you see the book which/that I bought yesterday.2.He was the student who/that was late yesterday.3.The pen which/that my dad bought

12、for me is missing.4. She is the girl who/that found your wallet.请你阅读下列句子请你阅读下列句子, , 每个句子中哪部分是定语从句每个句子中哪部分是定语从句? ?每个每个定语从句修饰的词是哪个定语从句修饰的词是哪个? ?记住: 1.修饰事物用修饰事物用which或或that来引导来引导.2.修饰人物用修饰人物用who或或that来引导来引导.3.修饰既有物又有人时修饰既有物又有人时,用用that来修饰来修饰.( )1. The man_you saw in the street is Tommy. A. which B.whose

13、 C. that D.as( )2. Is this the museum _ a lot of students visited yesterday? A. Who B. which C. the one D. whom( )3. The boy _ has an interesting story book. A. who sit next to you B. which sits next to you C. whom sits next to you D. that lives next to you( )4. Dont go in, this is the shop _ we hav

14、e just been to. A. who B. thatC. where D. when( )5.The speaker will tell us about some writers and their works _are known to us. A. which B. that C. as D. who ( )6. I hate the people _ dont help others when they are in trouble. A. who B. which C. they D. where( )7. The foreigner _ visited our school

15、 is from Canada. A. which B. when C. who D. whom( )8. George Mallory was an English school teacher _ loved climbing. A. who B. whom C. he D. which( )9. This is the house _ I want to buy. A. in which B. that C. whose D. where( )10. This is the bag_my mother bought yesterday. A.that B.who C.whom D.thi

16、sPractice some sounds. A. Talking time. Page 84A. Talking time. Page 84A1. Read these words. A2. Practice reading the following.A3. learn this.A4. Work in pairs to read the conversation below. Stress the underlined words and make your voice rise or fall at the arrows. Also pay attention to pronuncia

17、tion.A5. Underline the words that should be stressed in the two parts of the conversation.A5 Answer.ADA It doesnt fit him for one thing. And look at the trousers.They have holes in them.ANNA But thats latest fashion!Theyre cooler in summer. B. Speaking up B1 Answer these questions.1.How many English

18、 storybooks have you read?2. Can you tell me the names of the books and their authors?3. Where can we buy English storybooks?4. Where can we buy English storybooks?5. Do you have any Englishstorybooks at home? How many?B2 Now ask a student to report the results to the whole class, very briefly.In ou

19、r group, most people read about _ books. These are some of the books which we have read:_. These are some of the authors:_. We can borrow English storybooks from _.We can buy English storybooks from _.Most people have about _English storybooks at home. B3. In groups, discuss the problems of reading

20、English stories, and ways of solving these problems.Writing Writing a story 中文提示:一天Tom 对他的城镇里的人们做了个恶作剧: 他拿着一根长绳对一个男人说他在做一个调查( do a school project)-测量这个建筑物. 他需要帮助,这男人高兴地答应了他的请求,于是拿着这绳子的另一端绕房子走向另一边. 接下来Tom又用同样的方式对一妇女说他需要帮助,这妇女也是欣然地拿着这端绳子绕房走去.当这一男一女各持一端围墙而 立且互不相象时,Tom 他溜到栅栏后去取乐去了.后来Polly-Toms aunt过来批评了

21、他Useful words and phrases: decided to play a trick a long rope stopped a man / her to help asked him/her to help explained that he was doing a school project trying to measure the building needed some help asked him/ her to hold one end of the rope just for a few minutes glad to help the young boy went round the cornerwent away and left the two peoplecould not see each other hid behind a fence and watched told his friend Bencame up behind them, looked



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