Lesson 14 Boiler Management and Maintenance

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《Lesson 14 Boiler Management and Maintenance》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lesson 14 Boiler Management and Maintenance(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentWuhan Institute of Shipbuilding TechnologyPower Engineering DepartmentLuobin动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentLesson 14 Boiler Mountings, Management and Maintenance 第14课 锅炉附件、管理和保养 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentCertain fittings are necessary on a boi

2、ler to ensure its safe operation. They are usually referred to as (被称为)(被称为)boiler mountings. The mountings usually found on a boiler are: Safety valvesThese are mounted in pairs (成对)(成对)to protect the boiler against overpressure(超压)(超压). Once the valve lifting pressure is set in the presence of (在有

3、(在有的情况下)的情况下)a Surveyor, it is locked and cannot be changed. The valve is arranged to open automatically at the pre-set(预定的)(预定的) blow-off pressure(启(启阀压力)阀压力). 锅炉必须安装某些装置以保证锅炉的安全运行。他们通常被称作锅炉必须安装某些装置以保证锅炉的安全运行。他们通常被称作锅炉附件。锅炉上通常安装的附件有:锅炉附件。锅炉上通常安装的附件有: 安全阀安全阀安全阀成对安装,用于防止锅炉超压。一旦启阀压力在验船师在安全阀成对安装,用于防止锅炉

4、超压。一旦启阀压力在验船师在场时被设定,就被锁定,不可改变。安全阀用于在预设的启阀压场时被设定,就被锁定,不可改变。安全阀用于在预设的启阀压力时自动开启。力时自动开启。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentMain steam stop valveThis valve is fitted in the main steam supply line and is usually of the non-return type.Auxiliary steam stop valveThis is a smaller valve fitted in the aux

5、iliary steam supply line, and is usually of the non-return type. 主停汽阀主停汽阀主停汽阀安装在主供汽管上,通常是止回型的。主停汽阀安装在主供汽管上,通常是止回型的。辅停汽阀辅停汽阀辅停汽阀是安装在辅供汽管路上的较小的阀,通常是止回型的。辅停汽阀是安装在辅供汽管路上的较小的阀,通常是止回型的。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentFeed check (抑制,节流)(抑制,节流)or control valveA pair of valves is fitted: one is the mai

6、n valve, the other the auxiliary or standby. They are non-return valves and must give an indication of their open and closed position. Water level gaugeWater level gauges or gauge glasses are fitted in pairs, at opposite ends of the boiler. The construction of the level gauge depends upon the boiler

7、 pressure. 给水节流给水节流/控制阀控制阀给水阀成对安装,一个是主阀,另一个是辅给水阀或备用给水阀。给水阀成对安装,一个是主阀,另一个是辅给水阀或备用给水阀。它们都是止回阀,在打开或关闭时应给以指令。它们都是止回阀,在打开或关闭时应给以指令。 水位计水位计水位计或者水位观察镜,成对安装在锅炉相对的两侧,水位计的水位计或者水位观察镜,成对安装在锅炉相对的两侧,水位计的结构取决于锅炉压力。结构取决于锅炉压力。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentPressure gauge connectionWhere necessary on the boil

8、er drum, superheater, etc., pressure gauges are fitted to provide pressure readings.Air release cockThese are fitted in the headers, boiler drum, etc., to release air when filling the boiler or initially raising steam.压力表接头压力表接头 当需要时,在锅筒、过热器等部位都安装压力表以提供压力读数。当需要时,在锅筒、过热器等部位都安装压力表以提供压力读数。 放气阀放气阀放气阀安装在

9、联箱、锅筒等部位,在锅炉充水或者初次升汽时放气阀安装在联箱、锅筒等部位,在锅炉充水或者初次升汽时释放空气。释放空气。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentSampling connectionA water outlet cock(水出口阀)(水出口阀) and cooling arrangement is provided for the sampling and analysis of feed water. A provision(设备)(设备) may also be made for injecting(添加,投(添加,投放)放) water

10、treatment chemicals(水处理药物)(水处理药物).Blow down valveThis valve enables water to be blown down(放出)(放出)or emptied from the boiler. It may be used when partially or completely emptying the boiler. 取样接头取样接头 安装水出口阀和冷却装置用于取样和给水化验,可能还会安安装水出口阀和冷却装置用于取样和给水化验,可能还会安装一套设备用于投放炉水处理药。装一套设备用于投放炉水处理药。排出阀(下排污阀)排出阀(下排污阀)

11、该阀能使水从锅炉中放出或者放空,它可以用于部分或者完全的该阀能使水从锅炉中放出或者放空,它可以用于部分或者完全的放空锅炉。放空锅炉。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentScum valveA shallow dish(浅盘)(浅盘) positioned at the normal water level is connected to the scum valve. This enables the blowing down or removal of scum and impurities from the water surface. Whistl

12、e stop valveThis is a small bore non-return valve which supplies the whistle with steam straight from the boiler drum.除渣阀(上排污阀)除渣阀(上排污阀)位于正常水位处的一个浅盘连接到上排污阀,这使得可以除掉水位于正常水位处的一个浅盘连接到上排污阀,这使得可以除掉水面的浮渣和杂质。面的浮渣和杂质。汽笛停汽阀汽笛停汽阀 汽笛停汽阀是一个小口径的止回阀,安装在锅筒直接通向汽笛汽笛停汽阀是一个小口径的止回阀,安装在锅筒直接通向汽笛的管路上。的管路上。动力工程系动力工程系Power E

13、ngineering DepartmentWater tube boilers, because of their smaller water content in relation to(与(与.有关)有关) their steam raising capacity, require certain additional mountings: Automatic feed water regulatorFitted in the feed line prior to(在(在.之前)之前) the main check valve, this device is essential to en

14、sure the correct water level in the boiler during all load conditions. Boilers with a high evaporation rate will use a multiple-element(多元素)(多元素) feed water control system.由于水管锅炉的蓄水量相对于蒸发量来说是比较小的,因此需要某由于水管锅炉的蓄水量相对于蒸发量来说是比较小的,因此需要某些其他的附件。些其他的附件。自动给水调节器自动给水调节器自动给水调节器装在主给水阀前的供水管路上,这个装置对于锅炉在各种负荷自动给水调节器装

15、在主给水阀前的供水管路上,这个装置对于锅炉在各种负荷下保持合适的水位是非常重要的。蒸发率高的锅炉使用多元素控制给水系统。下保持合适的水位是非常重要的。蒸发率高的锅炉使用多元素控制给水系统。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentLow level alarmIt is a device to provide auditory(听觉的)(听觉的) warning of low water level conditions.Superheater circulating valvesActing also as air vents(排气阀), these fi

16、ttings ensure a flow of steam when initially warming through(整体加热) and raising steam in the boiler. 低位警报器低位警报器 这是提供低水位听觉警报的装置。这是提供低水位听觉警报的装置。 过热循环阀过热循环阀过热循环阀也用作放气阀,当初次整体预热,锅炉升汽时让部分蒸汽过热循环阀也用作放气阀,当初次整体预热,锅炉升汽时让部分蒸汽通过。通过。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentSoot blowersOperated by steam or compressed

17、 air, they act to blow away soot and the products of combustion from the tube surfaces. Several are fitted in strategic(至关重要的,战略意(至关重要的,战略意义的)义的) places. The soot-blower lance is inserted, soot is blown and the lance is withdrawn(撤回,取出)(撤回,取出). 吹灰器吹灰器 用蒸汽或者压缩空气工作,它们用来吹除水管表面的烟用蒸汽或者压缩空气工作,它们用来吹除水管表面的烟

18、灰和燃烧产物。吹灰器在关键位置装设多个,灰和燃烧产物。吹灰器在关键位置装设多个,吹灰器的喷头是插入式的,吹灰结束后取出喷头吹灰器的喷头是插入式的,吹灰结束后取出喷头 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentGeneral management principles and operating procedures are well known(众所周知的)(众所周知的) and must be always being followed to avoid boiler mishaps(事故)(事故). With many small package(组合的)

19、(组合的) boilers, the automatic control sequence usually ensures that the boiler fire is initially ignited(点燃,引发)(点燃,引发) from a diesel oil supply, and changed over to the usual source when ignition is completed. (锅炉锅炉)总的管理原则和操作程序是大家熟知的,为了避免锅炉事故总的管理原则和操作程序是大家熟知的,为了避免锅炉事故必须遵守这些原则和程序。必须遵守这些原则和程序。 在许多小型锅炉中

20、,自动控制时序通常可以保证锅炉最初用柴在许多小型锅炉中,自动控制时序通常可以保证锅炉最初用柴油点火,点火之后切换到常用的燃油。油点火,点火之后切换到常用的燃油。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentWith good management, to facilitate (方便)(方便)subsequent (随后)(随后)starting from cold, the fuel system of large boilers will have been flushed through with diesel oil when the boiler wa

21、s on light duty(低负荷)(低负荷) immediately prior to being secured(停止工作)(停止工作). When burning such diesel fuel it is essential for safety that only the correct (small) burner tip(燃烧器喷嘴)(燃烧器喷嘴) should be used. It should be kept in mind (牢记)(牢记)that if fire does not light, immediately shut off fuel and vent

22、furnace. 为了方便下一次冷炉点火,管理良好的大型锅炉在停火之前低负为了方便下一次冷炉点火,管理良好的大型锅炉在停火之前低负荷工作时用柴油冲洗燃油系统。荷工作时用柴油冲洗燃油系统。 当燃烧柴油时,为了安全应只使用恰当的当燃烧柴油时,为了安全应只使用恰当的(小的小的)油头,应该牢油头,应该牢记,如果没有点火成功,应立即切断燃油,并且吹扫炉膛。记,如果没有点火成功,应立即切断燃油,并且吹扫炉膛。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentComplete ignition of fuel in the furnace is essential. The bu

23、rner flame, the smoke indicator and the funnel should be frequently observed. With satisfactory combustion, the flame should appear incandescent (白炽的)(白炽的)with an orange shade at the flame tip. and a faint brownish haze(淡褐色烟雾)(淡褐色烟雾) should show at the funnel. 炉膛内燃油的完全燃烧是重要的。应经常观察燃烧器火焰、烟炉膛内燃油的完全燃烧是重

24、要的。应经常观察燃烧器火焰、烟指示器和烟囱。指示器和烟囱。 燃烧良好时,火焰端部出现带有橙色阴影的白炽光,烟囱排烟燃烧良好时,火焰端部出现带有橙色阴影的白炽光,烟囱排烟呈淡褐色。呈淡褐色。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentIf on first ignition the flame is uncertain(不确定的,靠不住(不确定的,靠不住的)的), badly shaped and separated from the primary swirler, momentary opening or closing of air register(空气

25、调节器,(空气调节器,风门)风门) may correct.The pH value of the boiler feed water should be kept between 8 and 9 and the boiler density less than 300 ppm(part per million). But, if water samples show a heavy concentration (浓度,含量)浓度,含量)of suspended mater(悬浮物)(悬浮物), short blow-downs of 20 seconds duration(持续)(持续) s

26、hould be given until the sludge content is seen reduced. 如果最初点火后火焰不稳定,形状不良并与旋流配风器分离开,瞬如果最初点火后火焰不稳定,形状不良并与旋流配风器分离开,瞬时的开关风门可能会改善这种效果。时的开关风门可能会改善这种效果。 锅炉给水的锅炉给水的pH值应该在值应该在89之间,且浓度小于之间,且浓度小于300 ppm。但如果水。但如果水样显示悬浮物浓度过高,应该进行样显示悬浮物浓度过高,应该进行20 s的下排污,直到看到污物减的下排污,直到看到污物减少。少。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Depart

27、mentThe boiler should be blown down when the oil burner is operating, the water level lowered and then restored (恢复)(恢复) to prove the functioning of the low water cut-out(低水位切(低水位切断)断) and the oil burner start-up equipment. The boiler scum valve(除渣阀,上排污阀)(除渣阀,上排污阀) should also be operated at this ti

28、me to keep the water level clear from floating scum. 锅炉下排污应在燃烧器工作时进行,水位应降低然后恢复,以证明锅炉下排污应在燃烧器工作时进行,水位应降低然后恢复,以证明低水位切断功能和燃烧器起动装置正常。低水位切断功能和燃烧器起动装置正常。 这时锅炉上排污阀也应该进行操作以保持水面没有浮渣。这时锅炉上排污阀也应该进行操作以保持水面没有浮渣。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentFuel burner components and igniter electrodes(点火电极)(点火电极) shoul

29、d be cleaned weekly and the furnace examined to ensure that there are no excess(过量的,额外的)(过量的,额外的) carbon deposits. Tubes in the exhaust gas section of the boiler should be brushed through (全面刷净)(全面刷净)at about six-monthly intervals, and those in the oil-burning section periodically examined and clean

30、ed as necessary with a wire bristle brush(钢丝刷)(钢丝刷). 燃烧器部件和点火电极应该每周清洁,炉膛每周检查以确定没有燃烧器部件和点火电极应该每周清洁,炉膛每周检查以确定没有过量积炭。过量积炭。 锅炉废气侧的管子每六个月左右时间应该彻底刷清一次,燃油侧应锅炉废气侧的管子每六个月左右时间应该彻底刷清一次,燃油侧应定期检查,如必要可用钢丝刷清洁。定期检查,如必要可用钢丝刷清洁。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentWith correct feed water treatment, blow-down proced

31、ures and sludge contents in water samples at a stable level(稳定(稳定的水平)的水平), it should not be necessary to wash out the water side of the boiler more than once every three or four months. Boiler fires may be out(熄灭)(熄灭) for long periods when a ship is at sea and the boiler steaming maintained by heat

32、input from waste heat recovery plant(废热回收装置)(废热回收装置). 如果给水处理和排污操作恰当,并且水样脏污稳定在一定水平,如果给水处理和排污操作恰当,并且水样脏污稳定在一定水平,则每三四个月锅炉水侧清洗一次即可。则每三四个月锅炉水侧清洗一次即可。 当船舶在海上航行,锅炉很长时间处于熄灭状态,由废热回当船舶在海上航行,锅炉很长时间处于熄灭状态,由废热回收装置供热保持锅炉供汽,收装置供热保持锅炉供汽,动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentThis operation is free from hazard, but f

33、eed water and boiler water treatment must be maintained to prevent internal deterioration or scale formation(水垢的形成)(水垢的形成). Water level controllers(水位控制器)(水位控制器) must be kept operable to(保持可操作性)(保持可操作性) protect external steam-using plant from water “carry-over(遗留物)(遗留物)” (水蒸气中带水)(水蒸气中带水)danger.必须保持水

34、位控制器正常工作,以保护外部用汽装置不受汽水共腾必须保持水位控制器正常工作,以保护外部用汽装置不受汽水共腾的危害,的危害, 锅炉的运行是没有危险的,但是必须进行给水和炉水处理,防止内锅炉的运行是没有危险的,但是必须进行给水和炉水处理,防止内部腐蚀或者形成水垢。部腐蚀或者形成水垢。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentIf a boiler is isolated from the steam-using system it must be kept either in closed(封闭的)(封闭的) dry storage with a suitabl

35、e internal desiccant(干燥剂)(干燥剂), or completely full of treated water, or under a low steam pressure preferably(更好的)(更好的) maintained by a steam-heated coil(蒸发盘管)(蒸发盘管).如果要将锅炉从蒸汽系统隔开,必须在炉内置适当干燥剂,使锅炉如果要将锅炉从蒸汽系统隔开,必须在炉内置适当干燥剂,使锅炉处于干燥密封状态,或者使锅炉充满处理过的水,或者使锅炉处于处于干燥密封状态,或者使锅炉充满处理过的水,或者使锅炉处于低压蒸汽压力下,或者处于由低压蒸汽盘

36、管维持良好的低压蒸汽压低压蒸汽压力下,或者处于由低压蒸汽盘管维持良好的低压蒸汽压力下。力下。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentRegular testing of boiler protective devices must be implemented.Frequent comparison of drum-mounted and remote-reading water level indicators: discrepancies between these have contributed to failures because of ove

37、rheating through shortage of water, when a boiler was being oil-fired. 锅炉保护装置必须定期试验。锅炉保护装置必须定期试验。 要经常比较锅筒上的水位计读数和远距离水位计读数要经常比较锅筒上的水位计读数和远距离水位计读数:当锅炉处于当锅炉处于烧油工作状态时,两读数的差异曾经导致过由于缺水而过热的故障。烧油工作状态时,两读数的差异曾经导致过由于缺水而过热的故障。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentIf in doubt as as toto(关于) the true boiler wat

38、er level, i.e. whether a water level water level indicatorindicator(水位指示器) sight sight glassglass(观察镜) is completely full or empty, when a unit is being oil-fired the fire should be immediately extinguished until the true level is resolved.Procedures should be predetermined(预先制定) and followed in the

39、 event in the event ofof(如果) shortage of water, bulgingbulging(膨胀) or fracturefracture(裂缝) of plateplates(管板) or furnace, or burstingbursting(爆裂) of water tubes. 如果对锅炉的真实水位有所怀疑,也就是说,无论是水位指示器观察镜显示全满还是全空,当锅炉处于燃油工作状态时都应立即熄火,直到真实水位恢复。应该预先制定一些程序,并且在缺水,管板和炉膛膨胀或裂缝,水管爆裂时遵循这些程序。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering D

40、epartmentIn general, fires should be immediately extinguished by remote remote trippingtripping(遥控脱扣) of fuel supply valves; forced draught air forced draught air pressurepressure(强制通风压力) maintained if there is any risk of escaping steam entering the boiler room; stem pressure relieverelieved(释放) if

41、 metallic fractures seem possible; and boiler water level maintained, where practicable(可行的), until the boiler begins to cool downcool down(冷却). 一般情况下,应立即通过燃油供给阀的遥控脱扣(燃油遥控速闭装置)使锅炉熄火;如果蒸汽可能逸入锅炉间,则应保持强制通风压力,如果有可能发生金属破裂,应该释放蒸汽压力;并且如果可行的话应保持水位,直到锅炉开始冷却。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentRegular oper

42、ation of soot soot blowerblowers(吹灰器), if there are fitted, when the boiler is on oil-fired operation. The steam supply line(蒸汽供给管路) must be thoroughly warmed, and drained before the blowers are used, the air/fuel ratio increased throughout the action, and blowers greasegreased(给涂油脂) after use. Imme

43、diate investigation of any high salinity high salinity alarmalarms(高盐度警报) in condensate condensate systemsystem(冷凝系统), and eliminationelimination(清除) of any salt salt waterwater(海水) or oil oil contaminationcontamination(油污) of boiler boiler feed water feed water systemsystem(锅炉给水系统).如果装有吹灰器,应在锅炉处于燃油

44、工作时定期地进行吹灰器操作。在使用吹灰器之前,蒸汽供给管路要完全预热、放残。在整个操作(吹灰)期间,应加大空气/燃油比。吹灰器使用后应涂以油脂。立即调查冷凝系统中的高盐度警报,并清除锅炉给水系统中的海水或者油污。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentSafety precautionprecautions(预防措施) taken before entering a boiler connected to another boiler under steam.The main engine may be kept in operation with the

45、 boiler dry and the gases passing through the exhaust gas exhaust gas sectionsection(废气侧). 在进入一个与工作锅炉相连的锅炉之前,应该采取安全预防措施。 主机可以保持锅炉干(无水)时运转,并且使烟气通过锅炉的废气侧。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentIf this is to be done for a prolongedprolonged(长时间的) period it is advisable(可行的) to allow a current of air to

46、 flow flow throughthrough(流过) the boiler by removing manholemanhole(人孔门), sight sight holehole(观察孔) and mud hole(排垢孔) covercovers(盖板). If refillrefilling(再填充) a hot boiler the main engine speed should be reduced to slow for half an hour and the feed water supplied (should)be as hot as possible; ther

47、eafter(然后) the main engine may be brought up to power over a similar period. 如果这种操作将在长时间内进行,那么通过打开人孔门、观察孔和排垢孔盖板允许一股气流流过锅炉是可行的。 如果要向热锅炉内加水,主机速度应该减小以缓慢运行半小时,并且提供的给水应尽可能的热;然后,主机可在相似的时间内恢复功率。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentBoiler start-upFor boilers of the direct-fireddirect-fired(直接燃烧), smoke tu

48、be smoke tube typetype(烟管型) the steps are relevantrelevant(相关的). With Scotch Scotch boilerboilers(苏格兰锅炉,烟管锅炉,火管锅炉), circulation should be commencecommenced(开始) as soon as the boiler gets warm, using the circulating circulating pumppump(循环泵), and working working pressurepressure(工作压力) should not be r

49、aised in less than 12 hours (preferably 24 hours) to reduce expansion expansion stressesstresses(膨胀应力).锅炉启动对于直接燃烧的、烟管型的锅炉,(起动)步骤是相似的。对于苏格兰锅炉,锅炉刚开始变热时就要开始用循环泵使炉水循环,并且工作压力不应该在少于12 h的时间之内(最好24 h)升高以减少膨胀应力。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentTime required for other boiler types will vary with constru

50、ction and water water contentcontent(蓄水量), but it is always desirabledesirable(可取的) to heat throughthrough(adv.完全) evenlyevenly(均匀地) and if necessary blow down some of the contents to sea to displacedisplace(排出) cold water from the lowest part of the boiler shell(锅炉壳体), to minimize temperature tempe

51、rature differentialdifferentials(温度差) and thermal thermal stressstresses(热应力) in the pressure parts. For procedures for large, water tube boilers and testing of protective devices for alarm, logic and control systemlogic and control systems are relevant to modern auxiliary boilers.对于其他类型的锅炉,所需要的时间随着

52、结构和蓄水量(的不同)而不同,但是都需要均匀加热,并且如果必要,应该把炉水排到大海,以便排出锅炉壳体最低处的冷水和减小温度差及压力部件的热应力。对于大型水管锅炉的(操作)步骤和报警保护装置的测试来说,逻辑控制系统与现代辅锅炉是相似的。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentRaising steamThe boiler should be filled to normal level (1/2 glass) when the feed control valve is automatically closed and the panel indicating

53、 indicating lightlight(指示灯) extinguishextinguished(熄灭). The forced draught forced draught fanfan(blower,鼓风机) should be started and air passed through the furnace for several minutes to “purgepurge(吹扫,清除)” it of any exhaust exhaust gasgas(废气) or oil oil vaporvapors(油蒸汽). 应起动鼓风机,并且经过几分钟,(压缩)空气通过炉膛吹扫废气

54、和油蒸汽。(锅炉)升汽当给水控制阀自动关闭时,锅炉应该已经加水到正常水位(观察镜的1/2),并且面板指示灯熄灭。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentThe operating burner can now be lit lit(light的过去分词) and adjusted to provide a low firing firing raterate(燃烧速度) with good combustion(良好燃烧). The fuel oil fuel oil pressurepressure(燃油压力) and forced draught for

55、ced draught pressurepressure(强制通风压力) should be maintained to ensure good combustion with a full steady full steady flameflame(完全稳定的火焰).应保持燃油压力和强制通风风压,以确保具有完全稳定火焰的良好燃烧。点燃正在运行的燃烧器,并调节以便提供具有良好燃烧的低燃烧速度。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentWhen water level nears the top of the gauge gauge glassglass(水位计

56、), due to expansion, the initialinitial(初始的) level should be restorerestored(恢复) by draining draining offoff(排出) water through the scum scum valvevalve(除渣阀,上排污阀). When a drum pressure of about 210 kg/m2 has been reached, the drum air air ventvent(排气阀) may be closed. 当水位因膨胀而接近水位计顶部时,应通过上排污阀排水来恢复初始水位。

57、 当锅筒的压强达到大约210 kg/m2时,锅筒的排气阀可能会关闭。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentThe boiler must be brought slowly up to working pressure in order to ensure gradualgradual(逐渐的) expansionexpansion(膨胀) and to avoid overheating the overheating the super super heaterheater(过热器)(过热器) elementelements s(元件)(元件) an

58、d damaging any damaging any refractory refractory materialmaterial(耐火材料)(耐火材料) due to due to expansion expansion stressstresseses(膨胀应力)(膨胀应力). The time required will vary with boiler types and construction. If necessary blow down some of the contents to sea to displace cold water from the lowest par

59、t of the boiler shell, to minimize to minimize temperature differentials and the thermal stressestemperature differentials and the thermal stresses. 锅炉必须缓慢地升压至工作压力,以保证逐渐膨胀,并且避免过热器元件过热,以及因膨胀应力损坏耐火材料。 (升汽)所需的时间随锅炉的类型和结构而变化。如果必要,应该把炉水排到大海,以便排出锅炉壳体最低处的冷水和减小温度差及热应力。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentT

60、he main and auxiliary steam lines should now be warmed by crack crack openingopening(裂纹张开,稍微打开) of the boiler main and auxiliary stop stop valvevalves(截止阀). When the lines are hot close the draindrains(放残阀). In addition the water level water level gaugegauges(水位计) should be blown throughthrough(彻底地)

61、 and checked for correct reading. 主辅蒸汽管路应通过稍微打开主辅截止阀来加热。当管路变热后,关闭放残阀。 此外,应彻底冲洗水位计,并检查其正确的示数。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentWhen the steam pressure is about 300 kg/m2 below the normal operating value, the safety safety valvevalves(安全阀) should be liftlifted(开启) and releasereleased using the ea

62、sing easing geargear(减压装置).Once at operating pressure, the boiler may be put on loadput on load and the super super heaterheater(过热器) circulating circulating valvevalves(循环阀) closedclosed. . All other ventvents(排气阀), draindrains(放残阀) and by by passpasses(旁通阀) should then be closed. The water level i

63、n the boiler should be maintained. 当蒸汽压强达到正常工作值以下约300 kg/m2时,通过减压装置开启和释放安全阀。 一旦达到工作压力,锅炉就可以带负荷工作,并且过热器的循环阀可以关闭。然后,关闭所有其它的排气阀、放残阀和旁通阀。保持锅炉中的水位。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentBoiler Shut-DownThis operation may have to be done normally at the end of a voyagevoyage(航次) or in emergencyemergency(紧

64、急情况). For normal shutdown the suitable procedure is:Carry Carry outout(进行) soot soot blowingblowing(烟灰吹除), if permissiblepermissible(可行的).Change combustion control from automatic to manual.Change fuel (oil)supply to diesel oil; shut steam off fuel heaters and trace trace heating heating (pipepipes)(

65、伴热管).停炉 停炉操作必须在一个航次结束或紧急情况时正常进行。对于正常情况的停炉,其恰当的程序是: 如果可能,进行吹灰。 将燃烧控制从自动控制转到手动控制。 将燃油转换为柴油;关闭加热器和伴热管的蒸汽。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentClose burner supply valves and main fuel shut off shut off valvevalve(截止阀).PurgePurge(吹扫) boiler furnaces with air for three to five minutes; stop forced draugh

66、t forced draught fanfan(鼓风机).Close steam stop stop valvevalves(截止阀) on boiler when pressure is reduced. Drain boiler when it has cooleddown or fill fill withwith(装满) treated treated waterwater(处理过的水). 关闭燃烧器供油阀和主燃油截止阀。用空气吹扫炉膛35 min,停止鼓风机。当压力下降时关闭锅炉上的蒸汽截止阀。当锅炉已经冷却时对锅炉放残或者装满处理过的水。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engine

67、ering DepartmentSteam systems may be warmed through as steam is being raised on the boiler by: opening steam range drainsteam range drains to bilge and to steam steam traptraps(汽水分离器); opening steam line valvesteam line valves to the required services; cracking open boiler stop valveboiler stop valv

68、e when drum pressure is 2 bar; throttlingthrottling(调小) steam line drainsteam line drains as range warms through; opening boiler stop valveboiler stop valve full before auxiliaries are started; closing steam line direct drainsteam line direct drains and steam trap bypasssteam trap bypasses on trapped trapped linelines(集汽管路) when lines are hot.当锅炉升汽时,可以通过以下步骤对蒸汽系统进行暖管:1.打开蒸汽分区通向舱底和汽水分离器汽水分离器( (除汽器除汽器) )的放残阀;2.打开通向用汽设备的蒸汽管路阀蒸汽管路阀;3.当锅筒压力达到2 bar时,稍微打开(打开一个缝)锅炉停汽阀锅炉停汽阀;4.当(蒸汽)分区完全暖管时,调小蒸汽管路放残阀蒸汽管路放残阀;5.在辅助设备起动之前,完全打开锅炉停汽阀锅炉停汽阀;6.当蒸汽管路变热后,关闭蒸汽管路直通式放残阀蒸汽管路直通式放残阀和集汽管路上的除汽除汽器旁通阀器旁通阀。



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