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1、 Some Grammar from 8A Unit 1&2, 8B Unit 6, 9A Unit 1By Zhang XiaoyunPingchao Experimental Middle SchooladjectivesAdjectives(形容词形容词): to describe someone or somethingGuoismygoodfriend.Heisnotverytall,butheisverystrong.Heishelpfulandisalwayswillingtohelpothersinneed.Heisalsoveryhumorous.Heoftentellsus

2、somethingfunnyandmakesushappy.Allofuslikehimverymuch.It is clever of him to learn English well. It is +adj. + of someone to do something. +adj. + enough to do something He is clever enough to learn English well. It is +adj. + of someone to do something.+adj. + enough to do something It is patient of

3、 him to spend lots of time explaining things to others.He is patient enough to spend lots of time explaining things to others.Discussion:Which adjectives are often used in these patterns? Make some sentences!careful, careless, foolish, kind, polite, silly, nice, selfish, wrong, thoughtful, wiseIt is

4、 +adj. + of someone to do something.+adj. + enough to do something It is meaningful for him to help others. It is +adj.+ for someone to do something.It is +adj. + to do something.It is important for us to have team spirit.Which adjectives are often used in the patterns? Make some sentences!necessary

5、, difficult, easy, interesting, hard, possible, impossible, meaningless Discussion:It is +adj. + to do something. It is +adj.+ for someone to do something.I am as clever as + adj. + as 程度一致程度一致not as/so + adj. + asI am not as clever as him.前者不如后者前者不如后者= He is cleverer than I.comparatives (比比较

6、级)Lily is much (fat) than I. Who is (good) at English, Lily or Lucy?Climbing is even (dangerous) than swimming, I think. Rules: We use comparatives to compare things. We can put after comparatives. We can use before comparatives.fatterbettermore dangeroustwothaneven, a little, a bit, much, a lot, fa

7、rRules:We use superlatives to compare things.We should put before superlatives.superlatives(最高最高级)Who is the (good) at English of you three?Lily is the (fat) in my class.Climbing is the (dangerous) in the world, I think .Lily is than in my class. Lily is than in my class.fattestbestmost dangerousthr

8、ee or morethe fatter any other student fatter the other studentsHow do we form comparatives and superlatives?tall nice pretty big slim beautiful easy fine small importantDiscussion:n6.Special adjectives, replace the word不不规规则则变变化化good wellbetterbestbad illworseworstmany muchmoremostlittlelessleastfa

9、rfarther furtherfarthest furthestoldolder elderoldest eldestDiscussion:Can you tell some useful patterns with comparatives and superlatives? Discuss with your partners and give some examples!:one of 形容词最高级名词复数形容词最高级名词复数Lily is in my class.(最聪明的学生之一最聪明的学生之一)Climbing is in the world. (最有趣的户外运动之一最有趣的户外

10、运动之一)China is the country in the world. (第三大国第三大国)The Yellow River is river in China.(第二长河)(第二长河)B:序数词形容词最高级序数词形容词最高级one of the cleverest studentsone of the most interesting out-door activitiesthe third largestthe second longestC: the+比较级比较级,the +比较级比较级 (越多(越多锻炼)you take, (越健康)(越健康) you will be. (越仔

11、细)(越仔细)you are, (越好越好)results you will get. D: the+比较级比较级+ of the twoLily is (较高)(较高)of the twins.The question is (较难(较难)of the two.The more exercisethe healthierThe more carefulthe betterthe tallerthe more difficultE:比较级比较级比较级比较级Spring is coming , and it is getting .(越来越暖)(越来越暖)Our great motherland

12、 is becoming . (越来越美越来越美)warmer and warmermore and more beautifulDiscussion: What meaningful suggestionsdoes Guo have for us?You can use any pattern we revised in this class. Lets do some written work to improve ourselves!DavidBeckhamposeswithstudentsofaBeijingprimaryschoolonWednesday,March20th,2013

13、.HearrivedinChinaonTuesdayasaspecialambassador(大使)forChinesesoccer.(Photo:ChinaDaily)The37-year-oldmidfieldersignedafive-monthcontractwithParisSaint-GermainonThursday,andhasagreedtoplayforfree.Hewilldonatehissalary(薪水)toachildrenscharity.Discussion:1.What is he like?2.2. What suggestions he gave the

14、 students?WritingMyfavouritefootballplayerisBeckham.He_.Lastweek,hecametoChinaastheambassador(大使)forChinesesoccer.HevisitedaprimaryschoolinBeijing,andgavethestudentssomeusefulsuggestions.Hesaid,First,_.Second,_.Third,_.My suggestions1.Youcanthaveabettertomorrowifyoudont2.stopthinkingaboutyesterday.2.Deedsaremorepowerfulthanwords.3.Ifyouaredoingyourbest,youwillnothavetoworryaboutfailure. HomeworkExchange your writing with your partnersand correct the mistakes.Revise the exercises about adjectives on the paper.



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