湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习一 第4讲 七下 Units 712 课件 人教新目标版

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《湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习一 第4讲 七下 Units 712 课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习一 第4讲 七下 Units 712 课件 人教新目标版(49页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第四讲第四讲 七年级七年级(下下) Units 712类别类别新课标要求新课标要求重重点点词词汇汇拓拓展展1.always(1.always(反义词反义词) never) never2 2curly(curly(反义词反义词)adj.)adj.直的直的 straightstraight3 3heightadjheightadj. .高的高的 highhigh4 4thin(thin(反义词反义词)adj.)adj.胖的胖的 fat(fat(反义词反义词) adj.) adj.厚的厚的 heavy/thickheavy/thick5 5remember(remember(反义词反义词)v.)v.

2、忘记忘记 forgetforget6 6specialadjspecialadj. .特别的特别的specialadvspecialadv. .尤其;特别尤其;特别 speciallyspecially7 7visitnvisitn. .参观;访问参观;访问 visitnvisitn. .参观者参观者 visitorvisitor8 8suggestionvsuggestionv. .建议建议 suggestsuggest9 9rainadjrainadj. .下雨的下雨的 rainyvrainyv. .下雨下雨 rainrain1010expensive(expensive(同义词同义词)

3、adj.) adj.昂贵的昂贵的 dear(dear(反义词反义词) ) adj.adj.便宜的便宜的 cheapcheap1111crowdedncrowdedn. .人群人群 crowdvcrowdv. .挤满;聚集挤满;聚集 crowdcrowd类别类别新课标要求新课标要求重重点点词词汇汇拓拓展展1212decidendeciden. .决定决定 decisiondecision1313discussndiscussn. .讨论讨论 discussiondiscussion1414agree(agree(反义词反义词) v) v不同意不同意 disagreendisagreen. .同意

4、同意 agreementagreement1515outside(outside(反义词反义词) adv.) adv.在里面在里面 insideinside1616loudlyadjloudlyadj. .大声的大声的 loudloud 重重点点短短语语记记忆忆1.look like 1.look like 看起来像看起来像2 2medium buildmedium build中等身材中等身材3 3a little bita little bit一点儿;少许一点儿;少许4 4not. any morenot. any more不再不再5 5tell jokestell jokes讲笑话讲笑话重

5、重点点短短语语记记忆忆6 6stop doing stop doing sthsth. .停止做某事停止做某事7 7have a new lookhave a new look有一副新形象有一副新形象8 8stay at homestay at home待在家里待在家里9 9do some readingdo some reading阅读阅读1010go shoppinggo shopping购物购物1111talk showtalk show访谈节目访谈节目1212go for a walkgo for a walk去散步去散步1313summer campsummer camp夏令营夏令营

6、1414think ofthink of思考;考虑思考;考虑1515in factin fact实际上实际上1616the Great Wallthe Great Wall长城长城1717agree withagree with赞同赞同1818have tohave to不得不;必须不得不;必须1919no talkingno talking不许讲话不许讲话 重重点点句句型型整整理理1.1.What does he look like?What does he look like?He is of medium build.He is of medium build.2 2What kind

7、of noodles would you like?What kind of noodles would you like?3 3What did you do last weekend?What did you do last weekend?4 4How was your weekend?How was your weekend?5 5Where did you go on vacation?Where did you go on vacation?I went to summer camp.I went to summer camp.6 6What do you think of soa

8、p operas?What do you think of soap operas?7 7What else do you have to doWhat else do you have to do? 1 1WhatWhat_ _doesdoes_ _hehe_ _looklook_ _likelike? ?他长得什么样?他长得什么样?(Unit 7)(Unit 7)What does sb. look likeWhat does sb. look like?用来询问某人的外部特征,其中?用来询问某人的外部特征,其中likelike是是介词,意为介词,意为“如同;像如同;像一样一样”,后常接名

9、词或代词。如:,后常接名词或代词。如:Tom looks like his father.Tom looks like his father.汤姆长得像他爸爸。汤姆长得像他爸爸。【拓展拓展】 由由looklook构成的常用短语有:构成的常用短语有:look likelook like看上去像看上去像;look forward to (doing) look forward to (doing) sthsth. .期待期待/ /期盼期盼( (做做) )某事;某事;look uplook up查寻;抬头看;查寻;抬头看;look afterlook after照顾,相当于照顾,相当于take ca

10、re oftake care of;look overlook over过目;检查;过目;检查;look out look out 小心,相当于小心,相当于be carefulbe careful;look look aroundaround环顾四周;环顾四周;have a lookhave a look看一看看一看2 2She never She never stopsstops_ _talkingtalking! !她从来都是喋喋不休!她从来都是喋喋不休!(Unit 7)(Unit 7)stop doing stop doing sthsth. .意为意为“停止做某事停止做某事”,指停止正

11、在做的事。如:,指停止正在做的事。如:Stop Stop talking.Letstalking.Lets have a class. have a class.别说了,我们上课吧。别说了,我们上课吧。【拓展拓展】 与实义动词与实义动词stopstop连用的固定短语有:连用的固定短语有:stop to do stop to do sthsth. .停下来去做某事停下来去做某事( (指停止手中的活去做另一件事指停止手中的活去做另一件事) );stop sb./stop sb./sthsth. from doing . from doing sthsth. .阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事/ /阻止

12、某事发生,其同义阻止某事发生,其同义短语是:短语是:keep sb./keep sb./sthsth. from doing . from doing sthsth. .或或prevent sb./prevent sb./sthsth. from . from doing doing sthsth. .。3 3What kind of noodles What kind of noodles wouldwould you you like?like?你想要哪种面条?你想要哪种面条?(Unit 8)(Unit 8)wouldwould常缩写为常缩写为dd;likelike可替换为可替换为love

13、love,常见四种用法:,常见四种用法:would like to do would like to do sthsth. .would like sb. to do would like sb. to do sthsth. .Would you like Would you like sthsth. .?你想要?你想要吗?吗?( (客气请求客气请求) )句中用句中用somesome而而不用不用anyany。肯定答语:肯定答语:YesYes,please.please.否定答语:否定答语:NoNo,thanks.thanks.Would you like to do Would you lik

14、e to do sthsth.?.?你愿意做某事吗?你愿意做某事吗?( (表示邀请或建议表示邀请或建议) )肯定答语:肯定答语:YesYes,Id love/like to.Id love/like to.否定答语:否定答语:Id love toId love to,but.(but.(说明具体原因说明具体原因) )【辨析辨析】 would like would like,wantwant与与feel like(feel like(想要想要) )would like would like 和和want want 后接名词、不定式或复合宾语,而后接名词、不定式或复合宾语,而feel feel l

15、ikelike后接名词或后接名词或v v. . inging形式。形式。would likewould like比比wantwant语气更委婉。语气更委婉。Wed really like a holiday in ItalyWed really like a holiday in Italy,but its so but its so expensive.expensive.我们真想去意大利度假,但是太贵了。我们真想去意大利度假,但是太贵了。I dont want to go out tonight.I dont want to go out tonight.今晚我不想出去。今晚我不想出去。I

16、 feel like (having) a drink.I feel like (having) a drink.我想喝一杯我想喝一杯( (酒酒) )。4.How did kids 4.How did kids spendspend the weekend? the weekend?孩子们是怎样过的周末?(孩子们是怎样过的周末?(Unit9Unit9)【辨析辨析】spend, pay, costspend, pay, cost与与taketake词词主语主语常用结构常用结构spend(spent,spent)sb.spend. on. 在在上花费时间上花费时间/金钱金钱spend. (in)

17、doing sth.某人花钱某人花钱/时间时间做某事做某事pay(paid,paid)sb.pay for付款;赔偿付款;赔偿 pay sb. (money) for.为为付给某人钱付给某人钱cost(cost,cost)sth.sth. cost sb.money某物花了某人某物花了某人钱钱take(took,taken)itIt takes/took sb. time/money to do sth.某某人花时间人花时间/金钱干某事金钱干某事如:我花了如:我花了1010元钱买了这本字典。元钱买了这本字典。I spent 10 I spent 10 yuanyuan on the dicti

18、onary. on the dictionary.I spent 10 I spent 10 yuanyuan (in) buying the dictionary. (in) buying the dictionary.I paid 10 I paid 10 yuanyuan for the dictionary. for the dictionary.The dictionary cost me 10 The dictionary cost me 10 yuanyuan. .It took me 10 It took me 10 yuanyuan to buy the dictionary

19、. to buy the dictionary.5 5. five kids . five kids wentwent_ _shoppingshopping,and three went to the and three went to the library.library.五个孩子去购物,三个孩子去了图书馆。五个孩子去购物,三个孩子去了图书馆。(Unit 9)(Unit 9)go shoppinggo shopping是固定短语,意为是固定短语,意为“购物购物”。如:。如:Would you like to go shopping with me tomorrow?Would you li

20、ke to go shopping with me tomorrow?你明天陪我去购物好吗?你明天陪我去购物好吗?【拓展拓展】 “gogov v. . inging”表示从事某种表示从事某种( (户外户外) )活动。类似短语有:活动。类似短语有:6 6I I foundfound a small boy a small boy cryingcrying in the corner. in the corner.我发现有个小男孩在角落里哭泣。我发现有个小男孩在角落里哭泣。(Unit 10)(Unit 10)findfind后跟名词、形容词、介词短语、动词的后跟名词、形容词、介词短语、动词的 in

21、ging形式等作宾语补足语,形式等作宾语补足语,即:即:find sb./find sb./sthsth. .n n././adjadj././介词短语介词短语/ /v v. . inging。如:。如:When she woke upWhen she woke up,she found herself lying on the floor.she found herself lying on the floor.当她醒来时,她发现自己躺在地板上。当她醒来时,她发现自己躺在地板上。【拓展拓展】 hear hear,seesee,watchwatch,feelfeel,noticenotice等

22、感官动词,其后可接动等感官动词,其后可接动词原形或动词的词原形或动词的 inging形式作宾语补足语,即:形式作宾语补足语,即:接接doingdoing时表示看到动作正在进行,或者动作的片断性;接时表示看到动作正在进行,或者动作的片断性;接dodo时表示时表示动作经常发生或动作的全过程。如:动作经常发生或动作的全过程。如:I often hear her sing after work.I often hear her sing after work.下班后我经常听到她唱歌。下班后我经常听到她唱歌。7 7That That mademade me me feelfeel very happy.

23、 very happy.那使我感到很快乐。那使我感到很快乐。(Unit 10)(Unit 10)make (mademake (made,made)made)在本句中意为在本句中意为“使;让使;让”,是使役动词,后常接,是使役动词,后常接复合结构,即复合结构,即“makemake宾语宾语补足语宾语宾语补足语”,宾语补足语可由名词、动词,宾语补足语可由名词、动词原形、形容词等充当。如:原形、形容词等充当。如:Tom made his little sister cry.Tom made his little sister cry.汤姆把他小妹妹惹哭了。汤姆把他小妹妹惹哭了。The news ma

24、de him sad.The news made him sad.那个消息让他很伤心。那个消息让他很伤心。在主动语态中,作宾语补足语的动词用原形,但在被动语态中,则要在主动语态中,作宾语补足语的动词用原形,但在被动语态中,则要用不定式,即用不定式,即sb. be made to do sb. be made to do sthsth. .。如:。如:The workers are made to work twelve hours a day.The workers are made to work twelve hours a day.工人们每天被迫工作工人们每天被迫工作1212个小时。个小

25、时。8 8. so we . so we decideddecided_ _toto_ _playplay tennis. tennis.所以我们决定去打网球。所以我们决定去打网球。(Unit 10)(Unit 10)decide to do decide to do sthsth. .决定做某事决定做某事decidedecide的名词是的名词是decisiondecisionmake a decision to do make a decision to do sthsth. .decide to do decide to do sthsth. .make up ones mind to d

26、o make up ones mind to do sthsth. .如:如:They decided not to go back home during the summer holiday.They decided not to go back home during the summer holiday.They made a decision/made up their minds not to go back They made a decision/made up their minds not to go back home during the summer holiday.

27、home during the summer holiday.他们决定暑假不回家了。他们决定暑假不回家了。decide on decide on sthsth. .决定决定/ /选定某事物选定某事物She has decided on Hainan Island for vacation.She has decided on Hainan Island for vacation.她已决定去海南岛度假。她已决定去海南岛度假。9 9WhatWhat_ _dodo_ _youyou_ _thinkthink_ _ofof soap operas? soap operas?你觉得肥皂剧怎么样?你觉得肥

28、皂剧怎么样?(Unit 11)(Unit 11)What do you think of.What do you think of.?用来询问某人对某事物的观点、看法、?用来询问某人对某事物的观点、看法、态度等,意为态度等,意为“你认为你认为怎么样?怎么样?”,也可以用,也可以用“How do you like.How do you like.?”来表示。如:来表示。如:How do you like this story?How do you like this story?What do you think of this story?What do you think of this s

29、tory?你认为这个故事怎么样?你认为这个故事怎么样?Its very interesting.Its very interesting.非常有趣。非常有趣。1010Find students who Find students who agreeagree_ _withwith you. you.找出同意你的观点的学生。找出同意你的观点的学生。(Unit 11)(Unit 11)agree with sb./agree with sb./sb.ssb.s words words同意某人同意某人( (的观点的观点) )agree to agree to sth.(plansth.(plan,i

30、deaidea,suggestion.)suggestion.)赞同赞同agree on agree on sthsth. .商定商定;约定;约定agree to do agree to do sthsth. .同意做某事同意做某事agreeagreethatthat从句同意从句同意【拓展拓展】 disagree disagree为为agreeagree的反义词,意为的反义词,意为“不同意不同意”,其用法及搭,其用法及搭配与配与agreeagree相同。相同。1111Do you Do you havehave_ _toto wear a uniform at school? wear a u

31、niform at school?在学校里你们必须穿校服吗?在学校里你们必须穿校服吗?(Unit 12)(Unit 12)have tohave to意为意为“不得不;必须不得不;必须”。如:。如:I have to go to school now.I have to go to school now.我现在必须上学去了。我现在必须上学去了。【辨析辨析】 have to have to与与mustmust异同点异同点have tohave tomustmust同同都可理解为都可理解为“必须必须”,后接动词原形,后接动词原形异异表示受客观条件限制而表示受客观条件限制而“不得不不得不”做某事。做

32、某事。否定或疑问借助于助动词否定或疑问借助于助动词dodo/does/does/diddid。have tohave to有人称、数和时态有人称、数和时态的变化的变化(has to/had to)(has to/had to)。not have tonot have toneedntneednt表示有责任或义务表示有责任或义务“必须必须”做某事。做某事。一般疑问句将一般疑问句将mustmust提至主提至主语前,否定回答应用语前,否定回答应用needntneednt或或dont/doesnt have todont/doesnt have to。mustnmustnt t表示表示“禁止;不禁止;

33、不可以可以”。mustmust可表示确切判断可表示确切判断“一一定定”,反义词为,反义词为cancant t“不不可能可能”。如:如:Your brother has to finish the work by himselfYour brother has to finish the work by himself,but he but he doesnt have to (neednt) be in a hurry.doesnt have to (neednt) be in a hurry.你弟弟必须独立完成这份工作,但不必着急。你弟弟必须独立完成这份工作,但不必着急。Students m

34、ust listen to teachers in class.Students must listen to teachers in class.学生上课时必须听老师讲课。学生上课时必须听老师讲课。七年级下七年级下(712单元单元)(训练时间:训练时间:60分钟分值:分钟分值:100分分)基础知识过关基础知识过关一、根据句意及首字母提示写出单词一、根据句意及首字母提示写出单词(8(8分分) )1 1After he got up, he w_ his face and hands then After he got up, he w_ his face and hands then went

35、 to school.went to school.2 2Its against the r_ to touch the ball with ones Its against the r_ to touch the ball with ones hands.hands.3 3There are some plates, b_ and chopsticks on the There are some plates, b_ and chopsticks on the table.table.ashedulesowls4 4Each person sEach person s_ about 12 a

36、bout 12 yuanyuan a month on food. a month on food.5 5Were going to visit the Science MWere going to visit the Science M_. .6 6It is too e_ for me to buy.It is too e_ for me to buy.7 7She can produce d_ meal from very simple She can produce d_ meal from very simple ingredients.ingredients.8 8I dont m

37、_ him coming in late if he doesnt wake me up.I dont m_ him coming in late if he doesnt wake me up.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空二、用所给单词的适当形式填空(20(20分分) )1 1What about _What about _ ( (swim)inswim)in the river? the river?2 2My sister _My sister _ ( (have)beautifulhave)beautiful long black hair. long black hair.3 3I

38、_I _ ( (visit)myvisit)my uncle last weekend. uncle last weekend.pent/spendsuseumxpensiveeliciousindswimminghasvisited4 4I was _I was _ ( (real)tiredreal)tired after the game. after the game.5 5What do you do on _(sun) days?What do you do on _(sun) days?6 6Lets stop _Lets stop _ (talk)(talk)Grandpa w

39、ants to sleep.Grandpa wants to sleep.7 7Tom _Tom _ ( (visit)hisvisit)his grandparents last month. grandparents last month.8 8Its a _(Its a _(rain)day.Letsrain)day.Lets stay at home. stay at home.9 9Where _Where _ ( (be)yoube)you last night last night?I looked for you I looked for you everywhere.ever

40、ywhere.1010_ ( (be)carefulbe)careful!Or you will break it.Or you will break it.三、用方框中所给的单词填空三、用方框中所给的单词填空(10(10分分) )reallysunnytalkingvisitedrainywereBe1 1How _ you yesterday?How _ you yesterday?OhOh,we had a good time.we had a good time.2 2The cake tastes _The cake tastes _ ,please throw it away.pl

41、ease throw it away.3 3Whats the weather like today?Whats the weather like today?Its _.Its _.4 4The assistants in the supermarket are very _.I The assistants in the supermarket are very _.I dont want to see them again.dont want to see them again.5 5How was your vacation in Guilin?How was your vacatio

42、n in Guilin?It was very _.I want to go there again.It was very _.I want to go there again.综合能力提高综合能力提高wereawfulrainyunfriendlyfantastic一、单项选择一、单项选择(10(10分分) )1 1Susan, why are you still here? They are all ready to Susan, why are you still here? They are all ready to start.start.Im sorry, but I _ whe

43、n to leave.Im sorry, but I _ when to leave.A Adont tell Bdont tell Bdidnt tell Cdidnt tell Cwasnt toldwasnt told【解析解析】考查一般过去时的被动语态,表示在过去的某个时间没有被考查一般过去时的被动语态,表示在过去的某个时间没有被告知,句意为告知,句意为“很抱歉,但我没有被告知什么时候离开很抱歉,但我没有被告知什么时候离开”。【答案答案】C C2 2How was your weekend?How was your weekend?Great! We _ a picnic by the

44、 lake.Great! We _ a picnic by the lake.A Ahave Bhave Bare having Care having Chad Dhad Dwill havewill have【解析解析】考查一般过去时,表示过去某个时间发生的动作。句意为考查一般过去时,表示过去某个时间发生的动作。句意为“周末过得怎么样?周末过得怎么样?”“”“太棒了!我们去湖边野餐了。太棒了!我们去湖边野餐了。”故选故选C C。【答案答案】C C3 3(2011(2011哈尔滨哈尔滨)Each of us has _ life goals)Each of us has _ life goa

45、ls,which which will guide us to a bright will guide us to a bright future.Withoutfuture.Without life goals life goals,we may waste we may waste our lifetime.our lifetime.A Aa little Ba little Bfew Cfew Ca fewa few【解析解析】考查代词辨析。考查代词辨析。a littlea little修饰不可数名词,排除修饰不可数名词,排除A A。而。而fewfew表表否定,意为否定,意为“没有几个没

46、有几个”,不符合句意。故选,不符合句意。故选C C。【答案答案】C C4 4(2011(2011凉山凉山)I have _ to tell )I have _ to tell you.Maybeyou.Maybe you will be you will be _ in it._ in it.A Ainteresting somethinginteresting something;interestedinterestedB Bsomething interestingsomething interesting;interestinginterestingC Csomething intere

47、stingsomething interesting;interestedinterested【解析解析】考查形容词的用法。形容词修饰不定代词时,应该放在其后考查形容词的用法。形容词修饰不定代词时,应该放在其后面。面。be interested inbe interested in是固定结构,意思是是固定结构,意思是“对对感兴趣感兴趣”。因此,答。因此,答案选择案选择C C项。项。【答案答案】C C5 5_?He has big eyes and a round face.He has big eyes and a round face.A AWhat is Bob likeWhat is B

48、ob likeB BWhat does Bob doWhat does Bob doC CWhat does Bob likeWhat does Bob likeD DWhat does Bob look likeWhat does Bob look like【解析解析】考查句型。根据答语考查句型。根据答语“他有一双大眼睛和一张圆圆的脸他有一双大眼睛和一张圆圆的脸”可可知是在问某人的长相,用知是在问某人的长相,用What do/does What do/does sb.looksb.look like like?句型。故选?句型。故选D D。【答案答案】D D6 6(2011(2011沈阳沈阳

49、)_ buy your ticket from a ticket )_ buy your ticket from a ticket machine.Theremachine.There are lots of people there. are lots of people there.A ANot BNot BNot to CNot to CDont DDont DDont toDont to【解析解析】考查特殊句式。祈使句的否定形式是在句子前面加考查特殊句式。祈使句的否定形式是在句子前面加dontdont,故答案为故答案为C C。【答案答案】C C7 7(2011(2011枣庄枣庄)Whe

50、n you read)When you read,dont _ every new word dont _ every new word in the in the dictionary.Trydictionary.Try to guess its meaning. to guess its meaning.A Alook up Blook up Bwork out Cwork out Cmake up Dmake up Dgive upgive up【解析解析】考查词语辨析。考查词语辨析。look uplook up“查找查找”;work outwork out“解决;解决;算出算出”;ma

51、ke upmake up“组成组成”;give upgive up“放弃放弃”。句意为。句意为“在你阅读时,不在你阅读时,不要在字典中查每个生词。尽量猜测它的意思要在字典中查每个生词。尽量猜测它的意思”。故选。故选A A。【答案答案】A A8 8Most of the young people enjoy _ Jay Chous songs. Most of the young people enjoy _ Jay Chous songs. A Asing Bsing Bsang Csang Csinging Dsinging Dto singto sing【解析解析】考查固定用法。考查固定用

52、法。enjoy doing enjoy doing sthsth. .为固定用法,意为为固定用法,意为“喜欢干某喜欢干某事事”,故选,故选C C。【答案答案】C C9 9How do you like your Chinese teacher?How do you like your Chinese teacher?_. _. A AYes, I like him very muchYes, I like him very muchB BHe is very kindHe is very kindC CI enjoy his classI enjoy his classD DHis lesso

53、n is boringHis lesson is boring【解析解析】考查特殊句型。句意为考查特殊句型。句意为“你认为你的语文老师怎么样?你认为你的语文老师怎么样?”“”“他很善良。他很善良。”故选故选B B。【答案答案】B B1010(2011(2011凉山凉山) )I missed the basketball game between Class I missed the basketball game between Class 1 and Class 3 yesterday.1 and Class 3 yesterday.ReallyReally?_ It was great._

54、 It was great.A AWhat a pity!What a pity!B BDont mention it.Dont mention it.C CIm glad to hear that.Im glad to hear that.【解析解析】考查交际用语。考查交际用语。A A项项“太遗憾了太遗憾了”;B B项项“不提了不提了”;C C项项“我听到那个很高兴我听到那个很高兴”。由上句。由上句“我昨天错过了我昨天错过了1 1班和班和3 3班的篮球赛班的篮球赛”可以判可以判断此处表示断此处表示“遗憾遗憾”,故选,故选A A。【答案答案】A A二、完形填空二、完形填空(12(12分分) )

55、Children are often interested in Children are often interested in fire.Theyfire.They like to play with like to play with matches(matches(火柴火柴) )If they are not c _If they are not c _1 1_,they start fires at they start fires at home.Theyhome.They hide under beds or just cry with fear( hide under beds

56、 or just cry with fear(恐惧恐惧)instead of )instead of running to s_running to s_2 2_,20%20%25% of all fire deaths are children25% of all fire deaths are children,so so all children should learn about the dangers of fire.all children should learn about the dangers of fire.Most fires start out s _Most fi

57、res start out s _3 3_,but after a few minutes they but after a few minutes they can be can be big.Thebig.The most important thing to do is to hide all most important thing to do is to hide all matches.Ofmatches.Of course course,young children should never be left a _young children should never be le

58、ft a _4 4_ in _ in the the home.Evenhome.Even if they dont play with fire if they dont play with fire,they may start a fire they may start a fire by trying to cook in the wrong way.by trying to cook in the wrong way. Its also important for children to learn how to crawl( Its also important for child

59、ren to learn how to crawl(爬爬)on )on the floor and b _the floor and b _5 5_ the smoke to get out of the house and call _ the smoke to get out of the house and call for help from another for help from another place.Rememberplace.Remember not to go back into the home not to go back into the home for yo

60、ur pets or for your pets or favouritefavourite toys.Firefighterstoys.Firefighters will do this. will do this. Everyone should p _ Everyone should p _6 6_ _ fires.Butfires.But everyone doesnt have to everyone doesnt have to fight(fight(搏斗搏斗)big )big fires.Rememberfires.Remember that fire is a tool th

61、at fire is a tool,not a toy.not a toy.【答案答案】1 1carefulcareful【解析解析】由后句中的由后句中的“他们使家里着火他们使家里着火”可知前句为可知前句为“如果如果他们不小心他们不小心”。系动词。系动词areare后要跟形容词,故用后要跟形容词,故用carefulcareful。2 2safetysafety【解析解析】由后句的由后句的“20%20%25%25%烧死的都是儿童烧死的都是儿童”可知可知“儿童不知道向安全的地方跑儿童不知道向安全的地方跑”。“安全的地方安全的地方”是名词,故用是名词,故用safetysafety。3 3smalls

62、mall【解析解析】由后句由后句“但一会儿之后它们会很大但一会儿之后它们会很大”可知可知“大部分火大部分火开始燃烧时是小的开始燃烧时是小的”,故用,故用smallsmall。4 4alonealone【解析解析】由后句中的由后句中的“他们会通过他们会通过点燃火点燃火”可知可知“小孩从小孩从来不应该被单独留在家里来不应该被单独留在家里”。“单独单独”用用alonealone。5 5belowbelow【解析解析】逃离烟火的正确方式是在烟火的下方爬行,故用逃离烟火的正确方式是在烟火的下方爬行,故用belowbelow。6 6preventprevent【解析解析】由后句由后句“但每个人都不必与大火

63、搏斗但每个人都不必与大火搏斗”可知可知“每个每个人都应阻止大火人都应阻止大火”。“阻止阻止”用用preventprevent。三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(10(10分分) )Once there was a piano player in a bar(Once there was a piano player in a bar(酒吧酒吧). People came ). People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a just to hear him play. But one night,

64、 a lady asked him to sing a song.song.“I dont singI dont sing,” said the man. said the man.But the lady told the waiter, But the lady told the waiter, “Im tired of listening to Im tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to singthe piano. I want the player to sing!”The waiter shouted acros

65、s the room, The waiter shouted across the room, “Hey, friend! If you Hey, friend! If you want to get paid, sing a songwant to get paid, sing a song!”So he did. He had never sung in public before. NowSo he did. He had never sung in public before. Nowhe was singing for the very first time! Nobody had

66、ever heard the he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song song MonaMona LisaLisa sung so beautifully! sung so beautifully! He had talent( He had talent(天赋天赋) he was sitting on! He may have lived the ) he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a rest of

67、his life as a nono namename piano player in a piano player in a nono namename bar. But bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on working hard and became one of the working hard and became one of the bestbe

68、st knownknown singers in the US. singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.His name was Nat King Cole. You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be better than you think. With your talent

69、 is great, but it may be better than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. Besides, you mayhard work, most skills can be improved. Besides, you mayhave no success at all if you just sit on your talent.have no success at all if you just sit on your talent.1 1The lady asked the playe

70、r to sing a song because _.The lady asked the player to sing a song because _.A Ashe had paid him for thisshe had paid him for thisB Bshe knew him very wellshe knew him very wellC Cshe wanted to have a changeshe wanted to have a changeD Dshe enjoyed his singingshe enjoyed his singing【解析解析】由第三段中由第三段中

71、“Im tired of listening to the piano.Im tired of listening to the piano.”可知那可知那位女士想有一个改变。位女士想有一个改变。【答案答案】C C2 2Nat King Cole succeeded because _.Nat King Cole succeeded because _.A Athe lady helped him a lotthe lady helped him a lotB Bhe caught the chancehe caught the chanceC Che continued to play in

72、 the barhe continued to play in the barD Dhe stopped playing the pianohe stopped playing the piano【解析解析】由倒数第二段第三句可知,由倒数第二段第三句可知,Nat King ColeNat King Cole取得成功是因为取得成功是因为他抓住机会并不断努力。他抓住机会并不断努力。【答案答案】B B3 3The words The words “sit onsit on” in the passage probably mean in the passage probably mean _._.A

73、 Afail to realize Bfail to realize Bforget to useforget to useC Ctry to develop Dtry to develop Dmanage to showmanage to show【解析解析】通读全文可知通读全文可知“sit onsit on”意为意为“没有认识到没有认识到”。【答案答案】A A4 4From the story we know if you have some talent, you From the story we know if you have some talent, you should _.s

74、hould _.A Ahide it and waithide it and wait B Bask others for helpask others for helpC Cpay no attention to it Dpay no attention to it Dwork hard to improve yourselfwork hard to improve yourself【解析解析】通过本文我们可以得知,如果自己有某方面的天赋,通过本文我们可以得知,如果自己有某方面的天赋,应继续努力来提高自己。应继续努力来提高自己。【答案答案】D D5 5Which could be the b

75、est title(Which could be the best title(标题标题) for the passage?) for the passage?A ASing in the BarSing in the BarB BAchieve Success in LifeAchieve Success in LifeC CNever Lose HeartNever Lose HeartD DFind Your Hidden TalentFind Your Hidden Talent【解析解析】本文主要告诉我们,要发掘自身的天赋并为之努力,因此选本文主要告诉我们,要发掘自身的天赋并为之努力

76、,因此选D D。【答案答案】D D四、从方框中选择合适的选项完成对话四、从方框中选择合适的选项完成对话(10(10分分) )A A:Hello! May I speak to Tom, please?Hello! May I speak to Tom, please?B B:Speaking. _Speaking. _1 1_A A:This is Bill. I called you yesterday, but you were not at This is Bill. I called you yesterday, but you were not at home.home.B B:_2

77、 2_ I need to prepare something for my trip to Shanghai._ I need to prepare something for my trip to Shanghai.A A:Shanghai? Thats where the World Exposition(Shanghai? Thats where the World Exposition(世博会世博会) was ) was held. How lucky you are!held. How lucky you are!B B:So I am. _So I am. _3 3_A A:Il

78、l have a birthday party next Friday. Would you like to Ill have a birthday party next Friday. Would you like to come?come?B B:_4 4_ My plane will take off next Wednesday._ My plane will take off next Wednesday.A A:What a pity(What a pity(遗憾遗憾) that you cant come! _) that you cant come! _5 5_B B:Than

79、k you very much. Bye!Thank you very much. Bye!A A:Bye!Bye!【答案答案】1 1A A【解析解析】由下句由下句“This is Bill.This is Bill.”可知此处是询问可知此处是询问“哪位?哪位?”,故选,故选A A。2 2E E【解析解析】根据上文可知,此处应解释当时不在家的原因,因此根据上文可知,此处应解释当时不在家的原因,因此E E项最合适。项最合适。3 3G G【解析解析】由下文由下文“Ill have aIll have a.like to come.like to come?”可知此处可知此处是问对方打电话有何事?是

80、问对方打电话有何事?4 4B B【解析解析】由下句由下句“My plane will take off next My plane will take off next Wednesday.Wednesday.”可知此处是表达不能去,故选可知此处是表达不能去,故选B B。5 5D D【解析解析】由下文由下文“Thank you very much.Thank you very much.”可知此处可知此处是对对方旅行的良好祝愿,故选是对对方旅行的良好祝愿,故选D D。五、书面表达五、书面表达(20(20分分) )请以请以“How To Be A Good ChildHow To Be A Go

81、od Child?”为题写一篇小作文。词数:为题写一篇小作文。词数:8080100100。提示:可以从在校内、校外和在家里该怎么做等方面入手来写。提示:可以从在校内、校外和在家里该怎么做等方面入手来写。温馨提示:短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。温馨提示:短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。How To Be A Good Child?How To Be A Good Child?_Now there is only one child in one family. Our parents love Now there is only one child in one fam

82、ily. Our parents love us very much. They can give us enough money and food. Then as a us very much. They can give us enough money and food. Then as a child, how can we do well?child, how can we do well?_As a child, we should respect parents and teachers. At As a child, we should respect parents and

83、teachers. At school, we should study well and finish our homework carefully. school, we should study well and finish our homework carefully. When we are at home, we should help mother do some housework. In When we are at home, we should help mother do some housework. In the public, we d better not t

84、alk loudly. Don t throw litter or the public, we d better not talk loudly. Don t throw litter or spit everywhere.spit everywhere.At last, I think itAt last, I think its very important for us to do s very important for us to do everything on time and keep promises.everything on time and keep promises.



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