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1、塑模保養維修講義mold maintenance handout模具的保养课件前述preface模具的保养课件 1: 使模具保持良好的工作狀態. Keep mold in good working state 2: 保証生產產品品質,減少不良. Ensure the quality of products 3: 延長模具使用壽命. Lengthen the usage life of mold 4: 避免臨時搶修,提高生產效率. Avoid temporary repairing, raise production efficiency 5: 達到 的目的. Reach the purpose

2、 of “cost down”.保養目的( ) /為什么要保養?purpose模具的保养课件適用範圍及責任單位suitable scope and responsibility unit1.適用範圍: suitable scope: HPQ/內銷成型廠-塑膠模具. HPQ/inside market molding factory -plastic mold2. 責任單位: responsibility unit: 模修單位 toolmaker 成型加工單位 molding department模具的保养课件保養作業內容保養作業內容maintenance operation contents塑

3、模保養Mold maintenance日常保養Daily maintenance定時日常保養Timely daily maintenance每班保養Every class maintenance 公模面 core surface母模面 cavity surface滑塊外側復位杆頂針outer surface of sliding block, reset ram, eject pine模具外表面 outer surface of mold細部保養Details maintenance 定時細部保養Timely details maintenance工令結束時End of work order模

4、仁core模板plate組立assembly熱澆道 hot runner水路清洗 clean water route清洗排氣系統clean air system頂針及滑塊 eject pin and sliding block模具的保养课件日常保養時機 daily maintenance opportunity (定時保養和每班保養)(timely maintenance and every class maintenance)1.定時保養模面清潔: Timely maintain mold surface 生產中之模具-每隔每隔1小時一次小時一次. mold in production -o

5、ne time every 1 hour2.每班保養: every class maintenance生產中之模具-每班保養一次每班保養一次. mold in production-one time each class模具的保养课件細細 部部 保保 養養 時時 機機opportunity for details maintenance1.工令結束 the end of work order2.定時保養: timely maintenance: 大型外觀件模具大型外觀件模具-每隔四萬模次每隔四萬模次 large-sized mold -every 40 thousands times PVC

6、模具模具-每隔二萬模次每隔二萬模次 PVC mold -every 20 thousands times 其它模具其它模具-每隔五萬模次每隔五萬模次. other mold -every 50 thousands times模具的保养课件常用保養工具maintenance tool in common use扳手spanner 氣槍air guns 油石oilstone 去漬油eliminate spot oil 棉花/棉布cotton/cotton cloth 銅錘/銅棒 copper hammer/copper club模具的保养课件模具保養的一般步驟steps of mold maint

7、enance Separate mold 拆模 Clear up 清理 Lubricate 潤滑 Assembly 組立Set to former position 歸位模具的保养课件一: 日常保養 daily maintenance模具的保养课件日常保養主要內容main contents of daily maintenance模具的保养课件 公,母模面及排 氣槽的清洗clean the surface of mold and air vent1. 用氣槍吹乾凈公模面,母模面及排氣槽內的料屑.Clean the material trifles of mold surface and air

8、 vent by air gun.2. 用沾去漬油的棉布擦拭乾淨公.母模面Clean mold surface with the cotton cloth soaked eliminate spot oil.3. 用氣槍吹乾凈排氣槽內的料屑.Clean the material trifles in air vent by air gun.模具的保养课件 1.用氣槍吹乾凈導套、頂針、滑塊等部位clean bush 、eject pine and sliding block etc. with air gun 導套、頂針、滑塊的清洗Clean bush 、eject pine 、sliding

9、block2.用沾去漬油的棉 布擦拭乾淨Clean it with cotton cloth soaked eliminate spot oil.模具的保养课件3.給公模導柱、复位桿、頂針、滑塊等部位抹上一層潤滑油Add lubricant for guide post 、reset ram 、eject pine and sliding block of core4.給母模導柱、導套等部位抹上一層潤滑油Add lubricant for guide post and bush of cavity5.從頂針固定板 間隙噴頂針潤 滑油Spurt lubricant on eject pine f

10、rom the space of pines stable plate模具的保养课件模具外表面的保養maintenance of molds outer surface用噴槍吹模具表面上的粉塵,使其保乾凈Blow the dust of mold surface by air gun and keep it clean模具的保养课件日常保養注意事項日常保養注意事項matters needing attention in daily maintenance一. 保養前要注意確認: Confirm before maintenance: 射座退出,料管內無料,液壓馬達關閉. Injection s

11、eat falls back, no material in pipe, motor is off.二. 保養時注意: Attentions in maintenance: 1 鏡面和噴砂紋面不能用棉布擦拭; Dont clean mirror surface and lines surface spurted sands with cotton cloth. 2 擦拭過程不能碰傷咬花面和鏡面; Texture and mirror surface cant be damaged in cleaning it. 3 禁止在模面直接噴射潤滑油,使模面殘留油漬. Forbid to directl

12、y spray lubricant on mold surface. Make sure there is no oil sludge remained on mold surface.3.保養后注意: Attentions after maintenance: 成品外觀有無異常,模面有無損傷等不良, 登記結果于記錄表. Confirm there is unusual of outer appearance or not, there is injury and defect etc. on mold surface or not. Fill the data on record list.

13、模具的保养课件模具的保养课件二: 細部保養Details maintenance 模具的保养课件細部保養主要內容Main contents in details maintenance因各模具的結構不同, 保養時應依次對模具的模仁、模板、頂針、滑塊、鑲塊、水路、導柱等作相應保養Do corresponding maintenance for core 、plate 、eject pine 、sliding block 、embedded lump 、water route 、guide post in turn because of the difference of molds struct

14、ure. 下面以電鍍件為例,對細部保養作例圖說明 (因為電鍍件對油污敏感性要求比一般塑件要高.因此,清理保養更加徹底.)Use electroplated part as example to introduce details maintenance.(The maintenance of electroplated part is more thorough than others because its requests of greasy dirt sensitivity is more than others.)模具的保养课件從拆模開始.Start from separating m

15、old .w首先,用天車將模具放在整洁的工作台面上,准備好拆模工具.Set mold on the clear working table by workshop traveler firstly and prepare the tools.w然后,將公模與母模分開,准備拆公模Then separate the core and cavity, prepare to separate core.模具的保养课件 公模底板上與模框連接的螺栓卸下然后將公模固定板和模腳一起拉出放于一旁Separate the screws that join cores base plate with mold fr

16、ame then pull out the stable plate and mold foot together.w注意點matters needing attentionw:對于大模具,直接拉出比較困難,可以先用拔模器拔掉底板上的導柱.拉出時要平穩,防止折彎折斷型芯 . 所卸螺釘導柱等放在預備好的工作盤中.It is difficult to pull out the big mold. Had better pull out the guide post on the base plate firstly. Pull it smoothly to avoid damaging the c

17、ore. Must set the screw and guide post in the prepared plate. 模具的保养课件 頂出底板上的螺釘卸下拆出頂出底板Separate the screw of eject base plate then separate it.w注意點:Matters needing attention:w如果復位彈簧是在導柱中內置的,卸螺釘時應該先卸對角,以免頂出板卡死,不易脫出.Separate the screws on the diagonal line firstly to avoid that eject plate will be jamm

18、ed if the reset spring is inbuilt in guide post.模具的保养课件 頂出板從模板中脫出放于安全的地方防止踫傷頂針和斜梢Pull out the eject plate from mold plate and set it on the safe place to avoid damaging eject pine and slanting pin.w注意點:Matters needing attention:w有斜梢時要先卸掉斜梢后的滑塊(注意編號).拉出時要平穩,不要踫傷頂針或斜梢.Separate the sliding block on the

19、 back of slanting pin(pay attention to the NO.) if there is it. Pull the sliding block smoothly, dont damage eject pin or slanting pin.模具的保养课件 將模板上的模仁固定螺栓拆下Separate the screw fixed core on the mold plate.w用兩個較長的螺釘鎖入模仁對角并交替敲擊兩個螺釘以取出模仁Set two longer screw in the diagonal of core then hit these two scr

20、ew by turns to pull out the core.w注意點:Matters needing attention:w如果模仁生銹太緊,可以先用防銹油浸潤一會.模仁取出后要注意保護好成型面.Soak the core with against rust oil if the core with rust. Pay attention to protect the molding surface after pulling out the core.模具的保养课件 將模仁上的入子依次取出,對于配合比較緊不易取出的入子可以用小銅棒輕輕敲出.Take out the core pins

21、at last, tap out it lightly with small copper stick if the core pin assembled tightly.w注意點:Matters needing attentionw要看清入子、鑲塊、模仁對應部位是否已經標示,如果沒有,要用磨棒在非成型面上刻上,以免混淆.Confirm the core pin、embedded lump 、core are marked or not. If not, mark it with grind stick.模具的保养课件 開始公模部分清洗作業Start the clean operation o

22、f core模具的保养课件Clean waterproof ring and water routew注意點:Matters needing attentionw要檢查防水圈是否良好,對于已經損坏的要及時更換.防水圈一定要放在工作盤中以免丟失.Inspect the waterproof rings are good or not. Replace the damaged rings timely.Set the waterproof rings in the working plate.模具的保养课件Clean the rust dirt of core surfacew用油石將模仁外表的銹

23、污清除.Clean the rust dirt of core surface with oilstone.w注意點:Matters needing attention:w檢查水塞是否密閉良好,對于 損坏的水塞及時更換.Inspect the water stopper is airtight correctly or not, replace the damaged water stopper timely.模具的保养课件Clear the hole of embedded lumpw 用小油石裝有鋼刷的電轉除去鑲塊孔中的銹污.Clean the rust dirt in the hole

24、of embedded lump with small oilstone and electric drill assembled steel brush. 用小油石(320#以上)除去鑲塊表面的銹,并用噴槍清洗,吹乾.Use small oilstone(over 320#) to clean the rust on the surface of embedded lump and clean it with spray gun.模具的保养课件w頂針孔或是小型芯孔內的銹污也可用頂針或型芯來清理,只要用相應的頂針或者小型芯在孔內反复抽動几次即可.Can clean the rust dirt

25、in eject pin hole or small hole of the core with eject pin or core pin, just use the corresponding eject pin or small core pin to twitch several times in the hole.模具的保养课件w用去漬油對模仁和模框噴洗乾淨后吹乾,尤其是模仁孔內部一定要清洗乾淨.Spurt cleaning oil on core and mold frame to wash it then dry it, especially clean the hold of

26、core.w注意點:Matters needing attention:w清理的順序一般是先側面,再正面,再反面,最后又正面.In general the clean order is flank firstly, then front, then reverse side and front again at last.模具的保养课件 開始公模部分組裝 Start to assemble the core組裝時注意導柱 入子等清潔,潤滑Pay attention to clean and lubricate guide post and core pin etc. when assembli

27、ng it. 模具的保养课件Assemble embedded lump and core pinw用乾淨的手裝上鑲塊及入子.Use clean hands to assemble embedded lump and core pin.注意點:Matters needing attention:w注意鑲塊入子的編號要和模仁上保持一致,裝入后要檢查是否裝正确.Confirm the no. of embedded lump and core pin is same as the core, inspect the assembly is correctly or not.模具的保养课件w將模仁裝

28、入裝好防水圈的模框中,并用螺釘緊固好.Assemble core in the mold frame installed waterproof rings and fix it with screws.模具的保养课件w用乾淨的布條將頂針及導柱擦乾淨,在導柱上塗上少許白油潤滑.再將頂出板裝入公模板,并將所有的頂針依次裝好.Clean guide post and eject pin with clean cloth, smear a lot of white oil on guide post to lubricate it. Then install eject plate in core p

29、late, assemble all eject pin in turns.w注意點:Matters needing attention:w注意頂針是否裝反,對于有斜梢的模具還要檢查斜梢是否裝正确.Inspect the installing condition of eject pin and slanting pin. 模具的保养课件w用乾淨的布條對頂出底板稍作擦拭,再將頂出板和頂出底板合好并用螺釘緊固好.Slightly clean eject base plate with clean cloth then assemble the eject plate with base plat

30、e and fix it with screws. w注意點:Matters needing attention:w頂出底板裝入時要平穩,否則容易使裝好的頂針震出. 鎖螺釘時先鎖對角.鎖好后最好再次檢查頂針等是否裝正确.Install eject base plate smoothly, otherwise the installed pin will be shaken out. Install the screws on diagonal line firstly. At last inspect the install condition of eject pin etc. 模具的保养课

31、件w用油石將模腳和底板上的銹除去并用布擦乾淨. 再在導柱上塗上白潤滑油.Use oilstone to clean the rust on mold foot and base plate and clean it with cloth. Then smear white lubricant on guide post.模具的保养课件w將模腳及公模底板推入合好,并用螺釘緊固好.Assemble mold foot and core base plate and fix it with screws correctly.注意點:Matters needing attention:對于有型芯的底板

32、要注意檢查型芯是否轉到位,确認后用小螺釘緊固好.Make sure the location of core pin is correct if the core has core pin, then fix it with small screw after confirming it.模具的保养课件w用乾淨的布條擦拭模面,除去模面上所粘的塑膠、屑等雜質.Use clean cloth to wipe mold surface, get rid of the plastics、trifles etc. impurities.裝好后,應該將模具放倒,用天車吊起頂出板,以檢查頂出和復位是否順利.

33、Place mold down after assembling, use workshop traveler hang up the eject plate to inspect it goes forward and falls back smoothly or not.模具的保养课件 該模具的公模就保養完成了! Now the maintenance of core is finished! 用同樣的方法保養母模 Use same method to do the maintenance of cavity模具的保养课件保養作業注意事項matters needing attention

34、in maintenance1. 模修人員應將保養結果及模況記錄在上. Toolmaker should take down maintenance result and mold condition in the .2. 模修單位應每月底依據生產計劃制定次月之模具細部保養計劃表,並經主管單位核準並作為模具保養作業之參考. Toolmaker department should work out details maintenance plan for next month at the end of month according to the production plan, which

35、must be approved by supervisor then use it as reference for maintenance. 3. 模修單位應每日稽核生產中模具已生產模數,以落實定時保養制度 Toolmaker department should check the number of the mold used times, so as to carry out timely maintenance plan.4. 模修單位應將模具實際執行細部保養之日期記錄在模具細部保養計劃表里,以方便保養作業之追蹤. Toolmaker department should fill t

36、he actual date of details maintenance in the mold details maintenance plan in order to follow it.5. 在模具細部保養時,如出現模具異常,需要維修時,參考執行. If there are problems of mold when doing mold details maintenance and mold need repair, do it referring to .模具的保养课件 以上是普通二板模具一般保養內容,對三板模具和 PVC 料等特殊模,除以上常規保養以外,還另作要求.Above-

37、mentioned contents are about the general maintenance of common 2 plates mold, there must be more requests of the maintenance for 3 plates and PVC mold. 模具的保养课件例:For example:對PVC模For PVC mold除常規作業外,每日需用專用中和劑(SPRAY NO.816)均勻噴洗母模面和排氣槽一次,待3分種酸鹼中和后,用氣槍吹乾凈模面,詳細要求參考:Spurt neutralizer for a special purpose

38、on cavity surface and air vent 1 time, after 3 minutes use air gun clean mold surface. Detailed request according to :模具的保养课件例:For example:對客戶有特殊要求之模具除常規作業外,依 之要求進行保養,其重點在清潔与潤滑作業.Maintain the mold that customer has special request according to except standard operation, the weight-bearing point is c

39、leaning and lubricating.模具的保养课件常用清模作業英語MOLD CLEANING PROCEDURE ENGLISH一.准備清模工具:噴槍,氣槍,手電鉆,去漬油,砂紙,碎布,油石,煤油,圓銅刷,棉花.Prepare mold cleaning tools:Engine cleaner,Air gun,electric hand drill,Cleaning oil, broken Cloth Sandpaper,Oil stone,Kerosene,Round copper brush,Cotton.二.用油石將公母模入子的油污清除.(400#油石)Use oilsto

40、ne and kerosene to polish dirt on the inserts, which is fixed in mold cavity or core.三. 用油石清除排氣槽內瓦斯.(400#油石)Use oil stone to polish gas off, which trapped in air-vents.四.用噴槍吸去漬油清洗模仁入子,用棉花擦乾淨. Use spray gun to clean solvent liquid , wash mold inserts , wipe it off with cotton五.拆出水塞將鉆頭裝在手電鉆上,清除公母模仁水孔內

41、污垢. take apart the water plug of mold , Use electric drill to clean the cooling channel in mold core/cavity.六.用圓銅刷清洗公模仁內頂針孔,斜梢孔,用去漬油清洗再用棉花擦拭乾淨.Use round copper brush to clean ejector hole,lifter hole in the core of mold .Use solvent liquid to clean them, then, wipe them with cotton.七.用砂紙拋光頂針,去除頂針毛刺.

42、Use sandpaper to polish ejector pin , remove the burr on ejector pin .八.用油石清除模板,頂針板的銹斑及油污.(大磨石)Use oilstone to polish off dust and dirt on moldboard and ejector plate.附1:模具的保养课件九.用小電鉆清洗模板上水孔內污垢.Use small electric drill to clean the cooling channel of moldboard.十.將模仁上的澆道及澆口倒角. Chamfer runner and gate

43、 of mold.十一.將閉合器孔倒角拋光.(三板模) Chamfer hole of high loading “P”lock, then polish it .十二.將圓頂針磨排氣.(頂針彎掉,需更換) Grind air-vents on round ejector pin(Change new ejector pins if it is bend).十三.將回位梢倒角並拋光.(夾在車床上,用150#砂紙研磨嚴禁戴手套操作,違者一律開除).Chamfer return pin and polish it (Clamp it on lathe machine to polish with

44、#150 sandpaper),Do not wear gloves when operating machine,offenders will be dismissed ! )十四.將下固定板上四支定位柱拋光(夾在車床上,用150#砂紙研磨)Polish 4 locating post of the bottom plate (Clamp it on lathe machine and polish with #150sandpaper).十五.在導套與模板之間開排氣.Grind air-vents between moldboard and guide cover.十六.將母模板四支拉杆磨

45、板手定位槽.Grind the four ram of cavity board to be flat for location of the spanner (3plate mold).十七.檢查彈簧彈力是否足夠.(滑塊內彈簧及固位梢之彈簧).Check whether the elasticity of the spring is sufficient附2:模具的保养课件十八.檢查O形環有無破損.Check whether the “O”ring is damaged.十九.檢查母模板四支拉杆長度是否一樣,母模板上拉杆孔深度是否一樣.Check whether the four rams

46、of cavity board is equal in length and whether the ram is equal in depth. 二十.拋光灌嘴.(檢查灌嘴是否太小,入澆口是否太小.Polish nozzle (check whether nozzle is too small, whether the nozzle gate is too small).二十一.清模后負責人確認並簽名,每周五將全部之清模狀況回報並電腦存檔備查.After tool maintained, person in charge must sign and put the mold condition into computer every Friday to prepare to be checked .二十二.現場整理. put the scene in order.附3:模具的保养课件模具的保养课件



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