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1、PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: Today,our group will rechiecommend a famous movie-Zootopia Zootopiaisa3DanimatedfilmproducedbyZootopiaisa3DanimatedfilmproducedbyDisney,whichisco-directedbyRitchieDisney,whichisco-directe

2、dbyRitchieMoore,ByrneHowardandGeraldBush.AnditMoore,ByrneHowardandGeraldBush.Anditwasselectedasthetoptenmoviesofthewasselectedasthetoptenmoviesofthe2016Americanfilminstitute.2016Americanfilminstitute.疯狂动物城是一部由迪士尼影业出品的3D动画片,由里奇摩尔、拜恩霍华德及杰拉德布什联合执导,被评选为2016美国电影学会十佳电影。PersonIntroductionJudy Hoops (A bunn

3、y)Judywasalittlerabbitwhoisoptimistic,outgoingandevenalittleimpatient.Shebecamethefirstrabbitpoliceofficerofthemodernanimalctiythroughherownerfforts.Andmanyanimalslookeddownuponher,butsheprovedherselfthroughhercourageandaction.朱迪朱迪 霍普斯霍普斯 朱迪是一只乐观、外向,甚至有点急性子的小兔子,她通过自己的的努力成为动物城的第一个兔子警官。许多动物一开始都有些瞧不起她,

4、但她用自己的胆识和行动证明了自己Nickwilde(redfox)Nickwasafoolingfoxintheanimaltown.Hewasdiscriminatedandhurtwhenhewasyoungandgaveuphisdream.Judysetafullsetandforecedhimtoworkwithherandtheyfinallybecamegoodpartners.尼克尼克 王尔德王尔德尼克是一只在动物城里坑蒙拐骗的狐狸,小时候受到歧视和伤害,放弃了自己的理想。被朱迪设下圈套,被迫和她一起查案,最终他们成为了一对好搭档。Thedeputymayor(asheep)O

5、nthesurface,shewasagentleandkindsheep.Butbehindthevillain,sheattemptedtousurpthemayoralposition.副市长副市长一只表面上温柔和顺的绵羊,但实际上是背后的大反派,她企图通过阴谋篡夺市长职位。 TheFlash(asloth)HewasaslothnamedFlashandalsoacivilservantofthevehicleadministrationofficeintheaniamlcity.Andhespeakveryslowlyandevenlaughlikeaslowshot闪电闪电一只名为

6、闪电的树懒,也是动物城车管所的一名公务员。他说话非常慢,甚至连笑起来都是在放慢镜头The police chief (a bison)野牛局长野牛局长The mayor (a lion)狮子市长狮子市长The police chief (a bison)野牛局长野牛局长The mayor (a lion)狮子市长狮子市长ThemovieplotlThe Zootopia is a modern animal city and each animal has its own home,where animals live in peace,whether it be mice or elepha

7、nt,lion or bison.In the Zootopia ,you will succeed as long as you have a dream and persist to work hard for it.动物城是一个现代化的动物都市,每种动物在这里都有自己的居所,动物们在这里和平相处,无论是老鼠还是大象,狮子还是野牛。在动物城里,只要你有梦想,并能够为之付出坚持不懈的努力,你就能成功。lJudy grew up dreaming of being a police officer in the animal town.Despite all the animals aroun

8、d thought the rabbit could not be a police,she still payed a lot efforts and succeeded becoming the first rabbit police officer.朱迪从小就梦想成为动物城里 的警察。尽管身边所有的动物们都觉得兔子不可能当得上警察,但她任然通过付出巨大的努力,成功的当上了第一个兔子警官。lAlthough she was a police officer,the chief of the police ,a bison did not consider that a little rab

9、bit could be able to handle a case.Just then,it happened that the animal residents were missing in the town.So the bison chief made a bet with Judy that she would have to resign if she could not solve the case in 48 hours.尽管她当上了一名警察,但野牛局长可不认为一只小兔子有能力处理案子。正巧这时,动物城里出现了居民相继失踪的情况跟,于是野牛局长就和朱迪打赌,如果她不能在四十八

10、小时内破案,她就得辞职。尽管她当上了一名警察,但野牛局长可不认为一只小兔子有能力处理案子。正巧这时,动物城里出现了居民相继失踪的情况跟,于是野牛局长就和朱迪打赌,如果她不能在四十八小时内破案,她就得辞职。lTo prove herself,Judy was determined to solve the case.On the way to the truth,Judy forced Nick,who had previously cheated her,to help herself.Gradually,they found a huge conspiracy to subvert the

11、animal town.为了证明自己,朱迪下定决心侦破这起案件。在追寻真相的路上,朱迪迫使先前欺骗过她的尼克帮助自己,然而,他们却发现这桩案件背后隐藏着一个意欲颠覆动物城的巨大阴谋。lThrough the efforts ,Judy and Nick found out the truth.The carnivores ate a plant and became wild and want to eat flesh.So the lion mayor secretly capture these animals because he was afraid that it might aff

12、ect his election.But the sheep ,vice mayor, who want to win the election ,delebrately feed the plant to those carnivores secretly.通过努力,朱迪和尼克发现了事情的真相。原来是食肉动物们吃了一种植物之后变得狂野起来,想吃肉肉了(本来动物城的居民都不吃肉的)。狮子市长害怕影响到自己的选举,偷偷抓捕了这些动物们。而正是绵羊副市长企图赢得选举,故意偷偷地将这种植物喂给了那些食肉动物。lIn the end ,both the lion mayor and the sheep

13、 deputy mayor were arrested and imprisoned.And the animal town reverted to its original harmonious life.Nick went to the police university and after graduation ,became the real partner of Judy .And they defended the harmony of the Zootopia together.最终,狮子市长和绵羊副市长都被捕入狱了,动物城也恢复了原来和谐的生活。而尼克进了警察学校,毕业之后,真

14、正成为了朱迪的搭档,他们一起守卫着动物城。FilmreviewlThe Zootopia has built a virtual animal world and the animal inhabitants are actually ourselves.And there are always some great people who guard our lives quietly.lWe can learn a lot from Judy .People should stick to their original dreams and keep struggling for it .And they will succeed even if they failed at first.lZootopia is a movie that is suitable for both men and women,the old and the young ,though it is a cartoon film.And I believe that everyones feeling and harvest will be different through this film.lThe movie is really worth everyone of us to watch!



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