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1、电厂全厂失电工况光滑油冷却方式电厂blackout工况光滑油冷却方式全厂失电工况,循环水中断,开式冷却水泵和闭式冷却水泵停顿运转,转子惰转呵斥光滑油温继续上升。需求提供额外冷却水源防止供油油温超越60,防止转子低转速下油膜减薄呵斥磨损。During black out, circulating cooling water will be cut down and operation of OCCW and TCS pump will stop, coasting down of turbine rotor will cause temperature increase of lube oil.

2、 So additional cooling water is needed to defense oil temperature at outlet of oil cooler exceed 60.电厂blackout工况光滑油冷却方式目前厂家的意见是全厂失电期间,经过柴油发电机带一台TCS泵运转,减少光滑油温上升。TCS泵功率较大,为380KW,影响了 柴油发电机设计负荷。电厂业主以为可以运用一台公用小功率冷却泵冷却光滑油,该泵可经过就地柴油机驱动,请厂家和设计院思索可行性。Opinion of manufacture is that operating one TCS pump by D

3、iesel Generator, to decrease temperature uprise of lube oil.Power of TCS pump is more bigger value, it will affect design power of DG. owner think can use an additional little power cooling pump to cool lube oil, which will connected to a onsite Diesel engine to make sure this pump will be operating

4、 during blackout . 电厂blackout工况光滑油冷却方式业主已提出初步方案,在全厂停电工况下,经过手动操作,转启公用冷却水泵对光滑油进展冷却。该初步方案已进一步细化,见方案1: Owner have provide preliminary case, during blackout condition, through manual operating, rotating the cooling pump to cool lube oil.The preliminary case has detailed additionally, details in case 1.电厂

5、blackout工况光滑油冷却方式方案1:在全厂失电工况,手动封锁冷油器出入口冷却水阀门V3024A(V3024B)、 V3023A(V3023B)和V1032阀门;手动开启阀门a,启动公用冷却水泵,开启阀门b1(b2),c1(c2)和d,使冷却水流过冷油器。during black out, closing inlet and outlet cooling water valve V3024A(V3024B),V3023A(V3023B) and V1032 of oil cooler by operator, manual opening valve a, operating specia

6、l cooling pump, open valve b1(b2),c1(c2) and d,make cooling water across oil cooler.电厂blackout工况光滑油冷却方式方案1优点:利用CST水位和凝汽器间的高度差、压力差减少冷却水泵的扬程。如经过水力计算确认可行,冷却系统可不运用冷却水泵。Advantage:Through elevation deference and pressure deference between water level of CST and condenser to decrease outlet pressure of coo

7、ling pump.If confirm after hydraulic calculation, cooling pump maybe cancel in cooling system. 方案1缺陷:需求操作的阀门较多。在全厂失电情况下,有误操作的能够。冷却水在进入凝汽器前,因压力降低,有汽化的能够。Disadvantage:Valve should operating is much bigger. during black out, existing error operating.Before cooling water into condenser, cooling water ma

8、ybe boiling because pressure decrease.电厂blackout工况光滑油冷却方式方案2:在全厂失电工况,手动封锁冷油器出口冷却水阀门V3024A(V3024B),手动开启阀门c1(c2)和阀门d。使TCS系统存水流过冷油器。经过TCS水箱和凝汽器间的高度差保证冷却水流速。 During black out, manual closing outlet cooling water valve V3024A(V3024B) of oil cooler, manual opening valve c1(c2) and valve d. Making existing

9、 water in TCS system across oil cooler. Through elevation deference between water level of TCS surge tank and condenser to ensure velocity of cooling water.电厂blackout工况光滑油冷却方式方案2优点:冷却系统不需安装冷却水泵,公用管道阀门少。在全厂失电情况下,操作员的 操作少。Advantage:It doesnt need to set cooling water pump, special tube and valve is li

10、ttle. during blackout condition, 方案2缺陷:TCS膨胀水箱存水20m3在10分钟后即已排空,排空后冷却水流速快速下降。可经过添加TCS膨胀水箱容积处理该问题。冷却水在进入凝汽器前,因压力降低,有汽化的能够。冷油器中冷却水流速低,换热效果差。Disadvantage:Existing water 20m3 in TCS Surge Tank will empty in 10min, after TCS Surge Tank empty, velocity of cooling water will decrease rapidly. The question c

11、an Before cooling water into condenser, cooling water maybe boiling because pressure decrease.电厂blackout工况光滑油冷却方式方案3:增设一台小功率公用TCS泵与现有三台TCS泵并联,公用TCS泵扬程、流量小于现有TCS泵。将公用TCS泵与柴油发电机相连。在全厂失电情况下,经过公用泵保证冷油器的冷却。A dedicated TCS pump with less power will be added in parallel with current three TCS pump. Head an

12、d flow of this dedicated TCS pump is less than the current TCS pump. This dedicated TCS pump will be connected with DG. During blackout, this pump will be responsible for cooling oil cooler.电厂blackout工况光滑油冷却方式方案3优点:专设TCS泵功率小于现有TCS泵,对柴油发电机设计影响小。充分利用TCS系统存水冷却光滑油,系统变动少,风险小。方案3缺陷:专设TCS泵需求重新设计、采购,其进度不能保证

13、。经济本钱较高。Advantages of Plan 3The power of dedicated TCS pump is less than TCS pump, which has less influence on DG. Full use of residual water to cool lube oil and little changes on system with less risk. Disadvantages of Plan 3It is needed to design and procure dedicated TCS pump which will influenc

14、e on schedule and it will raise the cost.电厂blackout工况光滑油冷却方式方案4:在一台冷油器入口阀门V3023A前后加装管道,安设一台管道泵。在全厂失电情况下,封锁入口阀门V3023A ,开启阀门a和b。转启管道泵,经过TCS系统管路存水冷却光滑油。Plan 4: Pipes will be added before and after oil cooler inlet valve V3023A and pump is designed on this pipe line. During blackout, V3023A will be clos

15、ed and valve a and b will open. The added pump will startup and residual water in TCS pipes is used to cool lube oil.电厂blackout工况光滑油冷却方式方案4优点:充分利用TCS系统存水冷却光滑油,系统变动少,风险小。方案4缺陷:管道泵需求重新设计、采购,其进度和运转性能不能保证。短少布置管道泵的空间。 Advantages of Plan 4 Full use of residual water to cool lube oil and little changes on system with less risk. Disadvantages of Plan 4Schedule and performance can not be guaranteed due to re-design and re-procurement of pump. No enough space for arrangement of pump.



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