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1、Consonants (共28个辅音)辅音按照发音方式可分为几下六种:爆破音(plosive,6)摩擦音(fricative,10)破擦音 (affricate,6)鼻音 (nasal,3)舌边音(lateral, 1)半元音(semi-vowel, 2)爆破音爆破音Plosives (six)摩擦音摩擦音Fricatives (ten)破擦音Affricates /,/ /tr,dr/ /ts,dz/ /m/ /n/ / /鼻音鼻音Nasals (three)/ /边音Clear /l/ Clear /l/ 硬腭半元音半元音Semi vowels双唇软腭半元音 /j/ /w/双唇爆破清辅音

2、pet, pipe双唇爆破浊辅音 bribe, cab 齿龈爆破清辅音 tick, bright齿龈爆破浊辅音 dad, bed软腭爆破清辅音 Kate, cake软腭爆破浊辅音 glass, begthe usually aspirated /p, t, k/ become unaspirated ones when they are preceded by the consonant/s/.本来送气的/p, t, k/ 在/s/后面,而且音节重读时不送气. skill/skil/ school/sku:l/ expensive /ikspensiv/ speak/spi:k/ still/

3、sti1/ inspire/inspai./ study/stdi/ spring/spri/ escape/iskeip/Plosives (six)Fricatives (nine)/r/唇齿清擦音. freshfast feel唇齿浊擦音 lovelyvetvine腭龈清擦音 bushes, brushes腭龈浊擦音 pleasure, treasure舌尖齿龈清擦音 舌尖齿龈浊擦音 清齿擦音 浊齿擦音 house,houses mouth,mouthsmonth,monthscloth,clothing,clothessouth,southernnorth, northernbreat

4、h,breathePay attention to the pronunciation of the following words:house /haus/ houses houses / hauzIz/ mouth mouth /mau/ mouthsmouths/mauz/clothcloth /kl/ clothingclothing /klui/ clothes clothes / kluz/southsouth /sau/ southernsouthern /sn/northnorth /n:/ northern northern /n:n/breathbreath /bre/ b

5、reathebreathe /bri:/ Check your answer清喉音 (摩擦音,声门音) her here hit/ /lateral齿龈浊边音Clear /l/ Clear /l/ light, lit, leadDark /l/: 圆唇,舌呈凹形,好像一个汤勺的形状。在练习时,不妨采用这样的方法:先发/u:/,并延并延长时间,同,同时让舌尖舌尖处于于发/l/的部位上,元音的部位上,元音/u:/不要不要发出声来,只是出声来,只是让舌舌头保持在保持在/u:/ 的位置上。的位置上。Little, tell, bell, cold, load, world shall/roseroa

6、dwriterealrude /m/ /n/ / /Nasals (three)e.g. Youre eating delicious food. You say: “ Mmm, nice.”/ 双唇鼻音双唇鼻音swim come mapswimmer dreamnap, nice, bone, sun, nine/n/ 齿龈鼻音鼻音/ / 软腭鼻音腭鼻音sing, singer, singingfinger, long, longerUse -ing words as examples to practise. E.g. singingAffricates /,/ /tr,dr/ /ts,d

7、z/腭龈塞擦清音腭龈塞擦浊音watches matches branchesbridgesoranges edgesWatch a match search the church a just judge a large cage/try, drytrain, draintrip, driptruck, drugtroop, drooptrue,chew/ / / /,/ Cats, bats, nightsBeds, goods, deeds/Beds, hands, yards /,/ 硬腭半元音Semi vowels双唇软腭半元音 /j/ /w/j/Semi vowelsyes, yea

8、st, year/w/Semi vowelswit, wood, while, world, wordvine, winevet, wetvery wellwhilen nSome students leave out the phoneme /m/ Some students leave out the phoneme /m/ when they occur finally. Read each word pair.when they occur finally. Read each word pair.n n tie/tai/ time/taim/ tie/tai/ time/taim/

9、n ntea/ti:/ team/ti:m/tea/ti:/ team/ti:m/n n see/si:/ seem/si:m/ see/si:/ seem/si:m/ n n cry/krai/ crime /kraim/ cry/krai/ crime /kraim/n nsay /sei/ same /seim/ say /sei/ same /seim/ n nblue/blu:/ bloom/blu:m/blue/blu:/ bloom/blu:m/Repeat the words.n n peaches sugar orange juice jam chicken bread wi

10、nen n fish mushrooms milk fresh vegetables cheesen nchocolate chips beer butternDo you see the green leaves I the tree?nWeve been in the green fields for three weeks.nPlease give him his ticket.nFinish it in a minute if it is not difficult.nJenny is getting better and better.nDont forget to let the

11、hens out.nHarry was standing by the taxi.nThe rabbit dashed from the sandy bank.nIts the early bird that catches the worm.nFirst come, first served.nIts fun to run and jump in the sun.nI love buns and butter for supper.nThe car was parked I the farmyard.nHalf the class have passed.nThey washed the s

12、ocks on the rocks.nJohn has got a pot of hot water.nForty horses were walking acorss the lawn.nHe stood on one foot, looked and looked.nThey woman pushed the book with her foot.nPlease choose either boots or shoes.nWho said the soup was too cool?nJane came on a grey, rainy day.nThey came on the same

13、 day by the same train.nFive times five is twenty five.nA white kite is flying high in the sky.nThe spoiled boy destroyed the toys.nJoe has a noble, Roman nose.nYou dont know how lonely the road is.nMr. Brown found a mouse in the house.nMr. Brown lives in a round house near the town.n nMr. Lear will be here this year.nCome nearer and sit here.nIm sure this is newer and purer.



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