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1、【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件A topic 电影电影 films要点:要点:1.奥黛丽奥黛丽赫本(赫本(Audrey Hepburn) 不仅仅在美国,不仅仅在美国,而且在世界上的其他地方都很著名;而且在世界上的其他地方都很著名;2.赫本生于赫本生于1929年;年;1953年被选在电影年被选在电影罗马假日罗马假日中担任女主角,扮演年轻的公主;影片大获成功,赫本中担任女主角,扮演年轻的公主;影片大获成功,赫本因在该片中的这个角色而赢得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖;因在该片中的这个角色而赢得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖;3.她把许多时间贡献给了慈善事业;赫本于她把许多时间

2、贡献给了慈善事业;赫本于1993年逝世。年逝世。 Audrey Hepburn is famous not only in the USA ,but also in other parts of the world. Hepburn was born in 1929.In 1953, she was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the film Roman Holiday .The film was a big success .Hepburn won an Oscar for Best Actress for her

3、 role in the film . She devoted much of her time to charity.Hepburn died in 1993.【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件 Task1: Key words【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件努力努力进入进入工业,产业工业,产业法语,法国人的法语,法国人的坚持坚持不久不久立即,马上立即,马上终身,一生终身,一生著名的,众所周知的著名的,众所周知的遍及,贯穿遍及,贯穿超过超过献身,致力于献身,致力于给予表扬,荣誉给予表扬,荣誉颁发,授予颁发,授予出声

4、地,大声地出声地,大声地effortenterindustryFrenchinsistshortlyimmediatelylifetimewell-knownthroughoutbeyonddevotehonourpresentaloud【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件牛仔牛仔呼吸呼吸(n)爆米花爆米花故事,传说故事,传说影响,作用影响,作用(n)认为,考虑认为,考虑寂静,沉默寂静,沉默无论如何无论如何cowboybreathpopcorntaleeffectconsidersilenceanyway【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复

5、习课件(2) 课件词形变换realistic(n) _ actress(pl) _enter(n) _ French(法国) _ short(adv) _ attract(n) _ lead(n) _ attract(adj) _ breath(v) _ well-known(近) _ present(n) _ peaceful(adv) _ west(n) _ achieve(n) _ affect(n) _ talent(adj) _silence(adj) _ experience(adj) _ realityactressesentranceattractiveFranceattrac

6、tionleadershortlyachievementbreathefamouspresentationpeacefullywesterneffecttalentedsilentexperienced【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件词汇识记词汇识记根据中英文提示及句意填词,每空一词根据中英文提示及句意填词,每空一词1. 1.After After Roman HolidayRoman Holiday, Audrey Hepburn became , Audrey Hepburn became famous _( famous _(立即立即). ).2.

7、The old man died of _ (2.The old man died of _ (癌症癌症). ).3. 3. Yao Ming is very _( Yao Ming is very _(有经验的有经验的) ) in playing football. in playing football.4. 4. The whole country were all_( The whole country were all_(哀悼哀悼) ) Cong Cong FeisFeis death deeply. death deeply.5. 5. Jack was _( Jack was _

8、(授予授予) with the Medal of ) with the Medal of Hero because he saved others lives.Hero because he saved others lives.6. Can you buy some _(6. Can you buy some _(爆米花爆米花) for me ) for me on your way home?on your way home?immediatelyimmediately experiencedexperienced mourningmourning presentedpresented p

9、opcornpopcorn cancercancer【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件词汇识记词汇识记根据中英文提示及句意填词,每空一词根据中英文提示及句意填词,每空一词7. We can call this kind of movies _(west) 7. We can call this kind of movies _(west) films.films.8. 8. At the age of 63, Audrey passed away _ At the age of 63, Audrey passed away _ (peace) in her

10、 sleep.(peace) in her sleep.9. Although Mary is not a beauty, many people say 9. Although Mary is not a beauty, many people say she has charm and is _(attract).she has charm and is _(attract).10. The knock on the door broke the 10. The knock on the door broke the _(_(silent)insilent)in the room just

11、 now. the room just now.11. 11. MrMr Green put a lot of _ Green put a lot of _(努力)(努力)into into arranging the concert. arranging the concert. 12. Edison was well-known because of his special 12. Edison was well-known because of his special _ (achieve) in science. _ (achieve) in science.13. The stude

12、nts all stood up when the teacher _ 13. The students all stood up when the teacher _ (进入)(进入)the classroom.the classroom. westernwestern peacefullypeacefully attractive attractive silencesilence efforteffortachievementsachievements enteredentered【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件 Task 2: Phrases【最

13、新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件1.不但不但而且而且(谓语就近)(谓语就近)2.停止做白日梦停止做白日梦3.哀悼哀悼的失去的失去/损失损失4.上芭蕾舞课上芭蕾舞课5.把某人全部的努力投入到把某人全部的努力投入到not only. but alsonot , not just. but alsostop daydreamingmourn the loss oftake ballet lessonsput all ones effort into【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件6.进入电影业进入电影业7.吸引某人的注意力吸

14、引某人的注意力8.扮演扮演的主角的主角9.标志着标志着的开始的开始10.在某人的一生中在某人的一生中11.最后一次在电影中露面最后一次在电影中露面12.超过超过;超越;超越13.将将奉献于奉献于(做做)某事某事14.与与在一起密切工作在一起密切工作15. (平静地)死去(平静地)死去enter the film industryattract ones attentionplay the lead role ofmark the beginning ofduring/in ones lifetimemake ones final appearance in filmsgo beyonddevo

15、te to (doing) sth.work closely withpass away (peacefully)【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件16.适合于(所有年龄的人)适合于(所有年龄的人)17.与某人相爱与某人相爱(与某人坠入爱河与某人坠入爱河)18.对某人有坏的影响对某人有坏的影响19.有幸福的结局有幸福的结局20.在(表演)方面有经验在(表演)方面有经验21.因因而出名而出名be suitable for all (ages)fall in love with sb.have a bad effect on sb.have happy end

16、ingsbe experienced in (acting)be well-known for = be famous/known for【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件24.在她的整个演艺生涯中在她的整个演艺生涯中25.作为作为而记住某人而记住某人26.授予某人某物授予某人某物27.患癌症患癌症28.她最后一次散步她最后一次散步29.十天后(常用于过去时中)十天后(常用于过去时中)30.在在岁时岁时throughout her acting yearsremember sb. as.present sb. with sth.present sth. t

17、o sb.have cancertake her last walkten days laterat the age of【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件31.持续持续(时间)(时间)32.为某人赢得某物为某人赢得某物33.感到恐惧感到恐惧34.上气不接下气上气不接下气35.以以结尾结尾37.以以开始开始38.最好(不)做某事最好(不)做某事39.上演;上映;播放上演;上映;播放40.表演技巧(演技)表演技巧(演技)41.全世界全世界last forearn sb. sth.feel scaredout of breathend withstart/be

18、gin withhad better (not) do sth.be onacting skillsall over the world【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件 Task 3: Grammar 【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件语语法一法一Giving advice with should ought to had better have to must. 用用should、 ought to、 had better、 have to、 must 提出建议提出建议。 【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语

19、Uint5复习课件(2) 课件 (1) Giving advice in a gentler way - should, ought to , had bettershould/ ought to 表示表示“应该应该”,后跟动词原,后跟动词原形。形。should 比比ought to语气要轻一些,语气要轻一些,should谈的是自己的主观看法,而谈的是自己的主观看法,而ought to则则更多地反映客观情况。更多地反映客观情况。1.We should go and see Mary sometime next week. 2.You ought to watch more Western fi

20、lms to improve your English.had better表示表示“最好最好”,后跟动词原形。,后跟动词原形。3.We had better get up early so that we can catch the bus.【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件should的否定形式是的否定形式是: ought to 的否定形式是的否定形式是:had better do sth否定式是否定式是:e.g. 1.You should not do that.2.Students ought not to be late for class.3.

21、It s warm .You had better not put on your coat. 4.She had better not go out at night.should not do=shouldnt doought not to do= oughtnt to dohad better not do sth【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件(2) Giving advice in a more forceful way -have to , muste.g. I have to stay at home to look after my so

22、n. have to / must 表表示示“必必须须”,后后跟跟动动词词原原形形; have to 常表示客观要求,常表示客观要求,must则表示主观愿望。则表示主观愿望。e.g. I have to finish my work on time. (外界要求我完成外界要求我完成)You must buy a ticket to go into the cinema.I must finish my work on time. (自己想完成自己想完成)【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件 have to 的的否否定定式式是是: 表表示示“不不必必要要” m

23、ust的否定式是的否定式是: 表示表示“一定不能一定不能”、 “不允许、不允许、“禁止禁止”。e.g. She doesnt have to do all the homework.You mustnt put your bike here.dont have tomust not【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件(3) Giving advice with Why not, Why dont you and perhaps Why not =Why dont you ? 后跟动词原形,可以后跟动词原形,可以互换互换 Make sentences with

24、 go out for a walkPerhaps you should go out for a walk.Why not go out for a walk?=Why dont you go out for a walk?Shall we go out for a walk?What/How about going out for a walk?【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件语法二:语法二: past perfect tense 过去完成时过去完成时1、我们可以用过去完成时态来谈论在过去某、我们可以用过去完成时态来谈论在过去某个时间之前完成的动作。

25、简称个时间之前完成的动作。简称“过去的过去过去的过去”。2、过去完成时态由、过去完成时态由 had + PP (动词的过去分动词的过去分词词) 构成。构成。3、过去完成时态的一般疑问句把、过去完成时态的一般疑问句把had提到主提到主语之前;否定句在语之前;否定句在had后加后加not【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件用法用法:1.时间状语从句时间状语从句(before、after、when) 用法:用法: 2.宾语从句宾语从句用法:用法: 3.by+过去去时间Audrey had been a model before she became a Holly

26、wood superstar.She had finished all her homework before she watched TV.Had she finished all her homework before she watched TV?Yes,she had. / No, she hadnt.The train had left, when I arrived at the station.The train had not (=hadnt) left, when I arrived at the station.I have finished my homework. He

27、 said.(连成一连成一句)句)He said_ .by the end of last term,by 2009,by nine oclock yesterday,he had finished his homework【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件用所给词的适当形式填空1.She _ all her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry. ( put )2.She _ a model before she became a superstar.(be)3.

28、She _ an Oscar for Best Actress when she won the Tony Awards. (win)4._ you_ any of her films before you saw this ?(see)5.She _ (act) in many other action films before she _ (come) to Hongkong. 6.When we _ (rush )into the cinema, the film _already _ (start )had put had beenhad wonHadseenhad actedcame

29、rushedhad started【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件 单项选择单项选择( )1. -Did you catch the train yesterday? - No. It when I to the station. A. left; got B. had left; got C. left; had got D. was left; was getting( )2. The film for ten minutes when we got to the cinema. A. have already been on B. had alre

30、ady begun C. had already been on D. have already begun( )3. She told us that her brother the league for more than three years. A. had been in B. had joined C. joined D. had become a member ofBCA【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件 Task 4: Language points 【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件1. good t

31、ake 好镜头好镜头 take 在在这这里里是是名名词词,表表示示“电电影影镜镜头头、电电视镜头视镜头”。 take 更多地用于动词短语。更多地用于动词短语。 take offtake care of sb.take placetake outtake ones temperaturetake a looktake photos【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件2. She in the USA, in other parts of the world. 她她不不仅仅在在美美国国出出名名,而而且且在世界上的其它地方也很出名。在世界上的其它地方也很出名。eg

32、. China the Great Wall. 中中国国以以长城而出名。长城而出名。is famous not only but also is famous forarehassingingnot only but also 不但不但而且,它是个并列而且,它是个并列连词,可连接两个平行的主语、谓语、宾语、表连词,可连接两个平行的主语、谓语、宾语、表语等语等; 连接两个主语时,谓语动词与后面的主语连接两个主语时,谓语动词与后面的主语保持一致。保持一致。Not only Jack but also his parents interested in that film. (are/is)Not

33、only you but also he missed the bus.(have/has)He likes not only swimming but also .(sing)【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件3. When Audrey died in 1993, the world a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian.1993年年奥奥黛黛丽丽赫赫本本去去世世时时,全全世世界界都都为为失失去去这这样样一一个个美美丽的、著名的演员,一个伟大的人道主义者而哀痛。丽的、著名的演员,

34、一个伟大的人道主义者而哀痛。mourned the loss ofhad put all her effort intoPut your heart into your study.4. She ballet training before she entered the film industry. 在她进入电影业之前,她把全身心都投入到芭在她进入电影业之前,她把全身心都投入到芭蕾舞的训练中。蕾舞的训练中。put into 把把投入投入;had put是过去完是过去完成时成时e.g. 把你的心思投入到学习上。把你的心思投入到学习上。【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件

35、(2) 课件5. Audreys _ _ 奥奥黛黛丽丽赫赫本本的的美美丽丽和和魅魅力力深深深深地地吸吸引引了了作作家的注意力。家的注意力。吸引某人的注意力吸引某人的注意力 attract vt. 吸引,引起注意吸引,引起注意 eg. 这场这场音音乐乐会吸引了大量人的注意。会吸引了大量人的注意。 beauty and charm attracted the writers attention. attract ones attentionThe concert attracted a great number of people.【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2)

36、 课件6. Colette insisted that Audrey was_ the play. 科莱特坚持认为赫本是那部戏里扮演女主角的完美女孩。科莱特坚持认为赫本是那部戏里扮演女主角的完美女孩。 我坚持我的价格。我坚持我的价格。她她坚坚持和我一起去那儿持和我一起去那儿她她坚坚持我和她一起去那儿持我和她一起去那儿他他坚坚持持说说他已他已经经完成了家庭作完成了家庭作业业/ 担任主角担任主角在在起作用,扮演的角色起作用,扮演的角色eg. In that play, he Itchy Feet. the perfect girl to play the lead role inplay the

37、lead role play a role of played the role ofinsist on sth.insist on doing sth.insist that从句从句I insisted on my price.She insisted on going there with me.She insisted on my going with her.He insisted that he had finished his homework.【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件7. She that we should protect the

38、 environment by showing us . 她她想想通通过过展展示示自自然然之之美美来来提提醒醒我我们们应应该该保护环境。保护环境。 使某人想起使某人想起 提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事 提醒某人提醒某人that从句从句eg. He my brother.He I should be careful in doing it.He careful in doing it.wanted to remind usthe beauty of naturereminds me of reminded me that reminded me to be remind sb of sth / s

39、bremind sb + that 从句从句 remind sb to do sth【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件8. Audreys the film industry. 奥黛丽的成就并不完全在电影界。奥黛丽的成就并不完全在电影界。beyond prep 超出超出之外,表示一种程度。之外,表示一种程度。1.表示位置,意思是表示位置,意思是“在在的那一边;在的那一边;在之外;在更远处之外;在更远处”。过了这条河有一家商店过了这条河有一家商店.大海在山的那边。大海在山的那边。2.表示时间,其意为表示时间,其意为“迟于;迟于; 晚于;超过晚于;超过”。有些

40、商店营业到半夜以后。有些商店营业到半夜以后。 3.表表示示范范围围、水水平平、限限度度、能能力力等等,意意思思是是“超超出出;多多于于;为为所不能及所不能及”。她的成功超出了她的估她的成功超出了她的估计计。achievements went beyondThere is a shop beyond the river The sea is beyond that hillSome shops keep open beyond midnight.Her success was beyond what she thought.He was beyond the help of the teache

41、r.他使老师束手无策。他使老师束手无策。My TV set was beyond repair.我的电视机没法修理了。我的电视机没法修理了。【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件9. People remember her a great actress, a great humanitarian because she devoted much of her time to charity. 人人们们记记得得她她不不仅仅在在于于她她是是一一位位出出色色的的演演员员,而而且且还还在在于于她她是是一一位位把把许许多多时时间间都都致致力力于于慈善事业的伟大的人道主

42、义者。慈善事业的伟大的人道主义者。把把当作当作来记住来记住/ 纪念纪念 eg. We . 我们记得他是一位著名的舞蹈家。我们记得他是一位著名的舞蹈家。remember sb for 铭铭记记某某人人的的某某些些东东西西,因因某事某事记记住某人住某人Heburn remember him as a famous danceris remembered for her beauty and her kindnessnot just asbut also asremember sb as 【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件10. Ten days later,

43、at the age of 63, Audrey , in her dream. 10天以后,天以后,63岁的奥黛丽岁的奥黛丽赫本在睡梦中平静地去世。赫本在睡梦中平静地去世。11.A rich woman a man. 一个富家小姐爱上了一个男的。一个富家小姐爱上了一个男的。12. The film all ages. 这部电影适合所有年龄的人。这部电影适合所有年龄的人。 e.g. This coat is suitable for you.13. They people, especially teenagers. 他们对人们有坏的影响,特别是对青少年。他们对人们有坏的影响,特别是对青少年。

44、 effect 名词,名词,“作用,影响作用,影响”。 对某人有坏的影响对某人有坏的影响passed away peacefullyfalls in love withis suitable forhave a bad effect onhave a bad effect on sb.【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件14.devote v. 献身于,致力于献身于,致力于devote oneself to sth. / doing sth.devote ones time to sth. / doing sth.devote ones life to st

45、h. / doing sth.他献身于物理学的研究。他献身于物理学的研究。他为帮助盲人贡献一生。他为帮助盲人贡献一生。He .我们不该在这个问题上再多花费时间。我们不该在这个问题上再多花费时间。has devoted his life to helping blind peopleHe devoted himself to the study of physicsWe should not devote any time to this question.【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件ExerciseNot only he but also his s

46、isterNot only he but also his sisterplayed the lead roleplayed the lead role devoted all his life todevoted all his life to have a bad effect onhave a bad effect on was attracted by her beauty and was attracted by her beauty and fell in love with fell in love with【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件

47、( )1. She _a model before she_a superstar A. have been, became B. had been,become C. had been,became D. has been became( )2. I cant decide which film to watch. _ you read the film review ? A. why not B. Lets C. why dont D. perhaps.( )3. _people came to the meeting. _people is 5000. A. A number of, t

48、he number of B. The number of, a number C. A number of, a number of D. The number of, the number of.( )4. He said he _ the film already. A. had seen B. has seen C. have seen D. sawAAcC【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件( )5. His mother will come back _. A. nearly B. hardly C. shortly D. really( )6.

49、 Not only_but also_ is interested in music. A. they, Jim B. Jim, they. C. Jim, his parents. D. they ,their friends( )7. He told us the event by _ us the pictures. A. show B. showed C. showing D. shown( )8. What do you think _the film ? A. on B. about C. over D. to( )9. We _ about 1200 words by the e

50、nd of last term. A. learned B. have learned C. learn D. had learnedCACBD【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件( )10. I think her acting skills will become _ in the future. A. even good B.even better. C. more better. D. much good.( )11. He devoted his efforts _ children. A. to educating B. educate C. e

51、ducation D. educating( )12. Ought you_hands before having meals ? A. to wash B. wash C. washing D. not wash( )13. You _ tell your parents before you go out A. had to B. had better C. had better not to D. would like( )14. The play will be _ on the evening of 28th A. in B. on C. at D /BAABB【最新】江苏省南京十三

52、中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件 The fact sheet about Jackie ChanPersonal details:Date of birth: 7th April, 1954Place of birth: Hong KongAppearance: strong, big nose, funny, humorousTalents: experienced in action movies, play the role of strong righteous(正直的正直的) menActing career: Year started acting: 1971

53、How he started acting: A filmmaker offered him his first role as a stunt(特技特技) player (1971) Titles of main films: Shaolin (新少林寺新少林寺); Kung Fu Panda (功夫熊猫功夫熊猫 ) etc. Awards: One of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong(十大杰出青年十大杰出青年) Best Actor of the 30th Tai Wan Film Award etc.【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件Thangk you【最新】江苏省南京十三中锁金分校九年级英语Uint5复习课件(2) 课件



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