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1、 In this module, you are expected Module 3: Business ReportsObjectivesto learn about the format and contents of business reports;to write short formal reports with correct format and sufficient information.11 What is a business report? A business report plays a crucial role in business practice as m

2、ost major decisive actions are based on business reports. If reports are well-written data collected thoroughly, analysis done perceptively, comment made correctly, solution can be expected to draw in a wise way. Discussion122 What are the most common types of business reports? Can you list some exa

3、mples? Business reports types vary as they may be applied in a wide range of functions. Generally speaking, business reports can be of these types: Routine Report, Investigation Report and Feasibility Report, etc. Discussion13EXAM SPOTLIGHT: A Report nIn PART TWO of the writing test, you might write

4、 a report. This is the kind of information you receive:nSee p. 42 or p.954题型分析n根据不同的写作目的,商务报告分类:1.提供信息(Information) 2.分析归纳(Analysis & Conclusion) 3.提出建议(Recommendation) n题目分类:1.文字类题目2.图表类题目图表的分类:曲线图(line chart)柱状图(bar chart)饼状图(pie chart)表格(table)5Tablen市场调查结果表(含本公司和Shikei的产品)TomatsuShikeValue for m

5、oney Reliability After-sales service Availability Advertising * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6饼状图(Pie Chart) n1999年终各地区的销售总量(单位:百万美元)7柱形图(Bar Chart) 8曲线图(Line Chart) 9Structure of a reportn1 Title n2 Introductionn3 Findings / Factsn4 Conclusionsn5 Recommendations101. Read the informatio

6、n and the task below: You work in the marketing department of your company and your line manager has delegated to you the task of preparing a short report. You must report on the number of people visiting the company website in the last three months and propose a marketing strategy for the next thre

7、e months. You have already made some handwritten notes on the information below. Textbook Exerciseran competition very popularlaunched newsletter for subscribers23002700295011Spending on Internet advertising for MayCostBanners on other sites (euros/month)3,200Monthly newsletter emailed to subscriber

8、sNo costvery few people visit because of theseexcept my time!12TitleREPORT ON_visit to website and proposed marketing strategy13IntroductionIntroductionThe aim of this report is _IntroductionThe aim of this report is to comment on the number of people visiting the company website in the last three m

9、onths and propose a marketing strategy for the next three months14Findings (1) & (2)FindingsOver the last three months, the number of visitors has .There are two reasons for the increase. First of all, we launched .Secondly in May, _. FindingsOver the last three months, the number of visitors has in

10、creased by 650. There are two reasons for the increase. First of all, we launched a newsletter for subscribers. Secondly in May, we ran a competition which was very popular.15Findings (3)nWith regards to costs, banners have cost _ but very few _. nOn the other hand, the newsletter _.nWith regards to

11、 costs, banners have cost 3200 euros a month but very few people seem to visit the website as a result of these. nOn the other hand, the newsletter doesnt cost anything (other than my time) but has helped to increase the number of visitors.16RecommendationsRecommendationsIn order to increase this nu

12、mber I would recommend that _ _ _ _.RecommendationsIn order to increase this number I would recommend that we continue with the newsletter and run more competitions and quizzes. I also propose that we stop using banners and put more resources into setting up links with other sites to increase the tr

13、affic.17Expressions and Sentence Patterns (1)nExercise 2 on p. 42nINTRODUCTIONThe purpose / objective / aim of this report is to This report sets out toThis report aims to Mr. X has asked me to report to investigate / evaluate / study / recommend / analyze / give feedback / estimate / assess As requ

14、ested by sb / department, I am submitting the following report about Upon request of ,As you/ sb/ department requested on November 12, I am submitting the following report on Here is the report concerning We have done a survey showing that18Expressions and Sentence Patterns (2)Findings nAccording to

15、 the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / the table above ,nThe recent visit/investigation/survey showed that nThe table/chart above tells us that nFrom the chart shown, we find/learn/notice that nThe table/chart above is showing thatnThis meansnIt was found thatnIn ad

16、dition to nAlternatively19Expressions and Sentence Patterns (3)Conclusionsn当有conclusion这个heading的情况下,直接陈述结论;nAccording to the findings above, it can be concluded that nFrom the table shown, it can be concluded thatnTherefore, it can be concluded that 20Expressions and Sentence Patterns (4)Recommenda

17、tionsnIn conclusionnI would propose / suggest thatnThe findings clearly show that we shouldnThe following are the recommendations nIt is recommended that (动词原形)nBased on the conclusion / analysis above, we recommend that / it can concluded that nWith reference to the advantages / facts stated above,

18、 the following recommendations can be made,nsomething is recommended. e. g, A change of attitude is recommended. A more professional attitude will need to be encouraged through training.nOn the basis of the results, I have the following recommendations thatnOn the basis of the analysis, it is reason

19、able to have the following recommendations: firstly, ; secondly,; finally, .21How to describe the trends shown in the tables and diagrams (1)n上升趋势 to increase / an increase to go up to grow / a growth to jump / a jump to leap / a leap to reach a peak / a peak to soar / a soar to rise / a rise to ups

20、urge / an upsurge to upswing / an upswing n下降趋势 to collapse / a collapse to decline / a decline to drop / a drop to decrease / a decrease to fall / a fall to go down to reach a low point / a low point to reduce / a reduction to plunge to plummet22How to describe the trends shown in the tables and di

21、agrams (2)升降程度较大 a great deal /big/a lot;apparently/ clearly /considerably / dramatically / drastically / obviously / markedly / rapidly / remarkably /sharply / suddenly / strongly / significantly升降程度较小 a bit / a little / fractionally / gently / slightly / slowly / steadily /small平稳状态to be hardly ch

22、anged / to have little change /to keep steady / to level off / to remain constantto remain unchanged23Tipsn注意:BEC不是单纯的英语考试,也不是考察商务知识。n对策:学习、模仿高水平的论文n注意四个方面:1 内容上,要选取重要信息,要导入数据;2 结构上,要按照上面的套路,不要写流水账;3 语言上,要多变,句式和选词都要多变;4 语法上,要注意时态,一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成.Tips on p. 4324An examplenYou work for Tomatsu, a com

23、pany which produces video recorders. You are responsible for Product Development.nRead the following table showing the results of a survey of video recorders. The recorders are rated from * (POOR) to * * * * * (EXCELLENT). Column A shows the ratings for your companys products. Column B shows the rat

24、ings for the products of Shikei, your main competitor.nUse the information in the table to write a short report (about 100- 120 words) recommending ways of improving the quality and the marketing of your companys video recorders.nWrite on your Answer Sheet.25TomatsuShikeValue for money Reliability A

25、fter-sales service Availability Advertising * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 26Analysisn该题首先假设考生是一家录像机公司的产品开发部负责人,接着考题提供了一张调查结果表,该表格比较了本公司产品与竞争对手的产品在性能价格、质量稳定性、售后服务、市场份额及广告宣传等方面的优势与不足,考题最后要求考生根据这张表格所反映的信息,撰写一份报告,就提高产品的质量,加强市场营销等问题提出建议。考生在动笔前一定要认真仔细地阅读考题提供的原始图表,力求看懂并吃透原文精神,然后准确地把图表信息转换成语言文

26、字,在分析数据的基础上再根据考题要求,有的放矢地提出建议。显然这题的难度相当大,因为它要求考生首先应该具有阅读和解释视觉信息的能力,并在此基础上发表观点,提出建议。27Sample ReportReportIntroductionThe results of the market survey are dissatisfying. Therefore effective measures must be taken immediately.FindingsFrom the table shown, it can be concluded that our efforts in such fie

27、lds as Value for Money, Reliability, After-sales Service and Advertising are less successful than those of Shikei.RecommendationsOn the basis of the results, I have the following recommendations:1. To organize quality control circles to study and supervise every sector in our production so that any

28、quality problems can be discussed and solved in the course of production.2. To give the marketing manager more power to make his own decisions so that he can respond to the changing business situation timelier.28ExercisenYou recently attended a one-day course on office management. Below is the cours

29、e program, with the comments you wrote on it.nWrite a short report about the course for your Manager. Include all your comments and say whether your company should send other staff on this course. Write 120-140 words.nWrite on your Answer Sheet. Do not write in capital letters.29OFFICE MANAGEMENT SE

30、MINARField House, London7 May 2009PROGRAMME9.00-10.45Managing people and developing productive working relationships10.45-11.00Coffee11.00-12.45Planning the day, work-flow, prioritizing12.45-1.30Lunch1.30-3.15Problem-solving and decision-making3.15-3.30Tea3.30-5.00Staff appraisal and staff developmentgood, practicalvery general, nothing newtoo short to meet peopleuseful ideasfell asleep!Recommend?30



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