牛津版英语必修5 Unit1 Getting along with othersGrammar and usage(ppt)

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1、Grammar and usage To-infinitive Bare infinitive Verb-ing form as a noun I. To-infinitiveReview the basic sentences elements.1. I was watching an English programme at 8 oclock yesterday.I-subject; was watching-predicate;an English programmer-object;at 8 oclock yesterday-adverbial2. The games of 2006

2、World Cup are exciting. exciting-predicative3. I lost my history book. history-attribute4. He made the room clean and tidy. clean and tidy-object complementThe to-infinitive can be used alone or as part of an infinitive phrase and the to-infinitive can serve as the subject, object, object complement

3、, attribute, predicative or adverbial of a sentence. 1. the to-infinitive used as the subject 不定式作主语不定式作主语 eg. To obey law is everyones duty 遵纪守法是每个人的职责。遵纪守法是每个人的职责。 To know oneself is difficult. 了解自己是困难的。了解自己是困难的。 To talk with your mouth full is rude. 满嘴食物地讲话是不礼貌的。满嘴食物地讲话是不礼貌的。 It is impossible to

4、finish the work in such a short time. 在如此短的时间内完成这项工作是不在如此短的时间内完成这项工作是不 可能的。可能的。 It is useful for you to learn some spoken English. 学习一些口语对你来说是有用的。学习一些口语对你来说是有用的。The following words are usually followed by the to-infinitive as the object: want, hope, wish, like, begin, start, agree, learn, promise, t

5、each, refuse, help, arrange, dare, decide, determine, fail, manage, offer, prepare, pretend, continue, ask, mean, expect, choose, prefer. 2. the to-infinitive used as the object 不定式作宾语不定式作宾语eg. He managed to solve the problem by himself. 他自己设法解决了问题。他自己设法解决了问题。 I like to read newspaper articles about

6、 sports. 我喜欢读一些体育方面的新闻报道。我喜欢读一些体育方面的新闻报道。 Amy wants to know more about the film. 安米想知道更多的关于这部电影的情况。安米想知道更多的关于这部电影的情况。3. the to-infinitive used as the object complement 不定式作宾语补足语不定式作宾语补足语 eg. Id like you to keep everything tidy. 我希望你能使每样东西都保持整洁。我希望你能使每样东西都保持整洁。 The teacher asked us to finish the work

7、 today. 老师要我们今天完成工作。老师要我们今天完成工作。 Tell Jack to close the window, please. 请让杰克关上窗户。请让杰克关上窗户。动词动词make, let, have, hear, see, feel, watch, notice 和和observe后的宾语补足语,可省去后的宾语补足语,可省去to。eg. They saw the boy fall suddenly from the tree. 他们看见那小男孩突然从树上跌下来。他们看见那小男孩突然从树上跌下来。 The boss made the workers work 14 hours

8、 a day. 老板让工人们每天工作老板让工人们每天工作14小时。小时。4. the to-infinitive used as the predicative 不定式作表语不定式作表语eg. My wish is to be a doctor. 我的愿望是成为一名医生。我的愿望是成为一名医生。 Our plan is to finish the work in two weeks. 我们的计划是两周内完这项工作。我们的计划是两周内完这项工作。 What I need most now is to have a good rest. 我现在最需要的是好好休息。我现在最需要的是好好休息。5. t

9、he to-infinitive used as the attribute 不定式作定语不定式作定语eg. I have a lot of work to do. 我有许多工作要做。我有许多工作要做。 I have no one to talk to. 我没有一个可以交谈的人。我没有一个可以交谈的人。 He is looking for a house to live in. 他正在找房子住。他正在找房子住。 6. the to-infinitive used as adverbial of a sentence to show reason, purpose or result 不定式作句

10、子的原因、目的和结果状语不定式作句子的原因、目的和结果状语eg. He came here to attend an important meeting. (purpose) 他来这儿参加一个重要的会议。(目的他来这儿参加一个重要的会议。(目的) Sam was very surprised to hear the news. (reason) 萨姆听得这个消息很吃惊。(原因)萨姆听得这个消息很吃惊。(原因) He went home to find his old friend George waiting for him. (result) 他到家发现他的老朋友乔治在等他。他到家发现他的老

11、朋友乔治在等他。(结果)结果)When we use to-infinitive as the result adverbial, it means the result is unexpected or surprising. eg. He hurried to the rail station, only to find the train had left.7. the continuous and perfect forms of the to-infinitive 不定式的进行式和完成式不定式的进行式和完成式eg. She seemed to have heard of it alr

12、eady. 她似乎已经听说过这件事了。她似乎已经听说过这件事了。 When the teacher came in, the students pretended to be reading loudly. 当老师进来时,同学们假装正在大声当老师进来时,同学们假装正在大声 读书。读书。 高考链接高考链接The last one _ pays the meal. Agreed! (2007辽宁)宁) A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving Test yourself She pretended _ me when I passed by. A

13、. not to seeB. not seeing C. to not seeD. having not seen - I usually go there by train. - Why not _ by boat for a change? A. to try goingB. trying to go C. to try and goD. try goingI went to see him, _ him out. A. findingB. find C. only to findD. foundTest yourself Test yourselfAre you going to att

14、end the meeting _ next Saturday?A. holdingB. holdC. will be heldD. to be heldCharles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.A. to invent B. inventingC. to have invented D. having inventedII. Bare infinitive bare infinitive after let, make and haveeg. Ill let you use my computer. 我会让你用我

15、的电脑的。我会让你用我的电脑的。 Dont make the boy stand all the time. 别让那个小男孩一直站着。别让那个小男孩一直站着。 The teacher had her students finish the work within 5 minutes. 老师让她的学生们老师让她的学生们5分钟之内完成作分钟之内完成作 业。业。当当make/ let/ have + bare infinitive 变成被动语态时,应加上变成被动语态时,应加上to。eg. The workers were made to work 14 hours a day by the boss

16、.工人们被迫每天工作工人们被迫每天工作14个小时。个小时。bare infinitive after verbs of perception like feel, hear, see, watch, observe and noticeeg. I often hear him sing in the next room. 我经常听到他在隔壁房间唱歌。我经常听到他在隔壁房间唱歌。 He stood there and watched the passengers go by. 他站在那儿看着行人来来往往。他站在那儿看着行人来来往往。 Did you notice anyone enter the

17、 house? 你注意到有人进那间屋子吗?你注意到有人进那间屋子吗?Notes: Verbs of perception can also be used with verb-ing but with different meanings.I saw her talk to her new friends.(I witnessed the whole conversation.)我看到她和她的新朋友谈话。(我目我看到她和她的新朋友谈话。(我目睹了整个谈话过程)睹了整个谈话过程) I saw her talking to her new friends. (When I saw her, she

18、 was talking to hernew friends. I might not have witnessed the whole conversation.)我看到她正在和她的新朋友我看到她正在和她的新朋友谈话。(当。(当我看到的我看到的时候,她正在候,她正在谈话。但我可能。但我可能没看到整个没看到整个过程。)程。)bare infinitive after some phrases or patterns like would rather, had better and why noteg. Id rather stay at home. 我宁愿呆在家里。我宁愿呆在家里。 Youd

19、 better not be late. 你最好别迟到。你最好别迟到。 Why not go to the beach? 为什么不到海边走走?为什么不到海边走走?We use the bare infinitive for the second infinitive when two infinitives are joined by and, or, except, but, than, rather than, as or like.eg. I forgot to turn off the lights and close the door when I left. 我离开的时候忘记关灯、

20、关门了。我离开的时候忘记关灯、关门了。 We decided to stay at home rather than go to the cinema. 我们决定呆在家里,不去电影院了。我们决定呆在家里,不去电影院了。 高考链接高考链接 My parents have always made me _ about myself, even when I was twelve. (2007江江苏) A. feeling well B. feeling good C. feel well D. feel good 高考链接高考链接-Its a long time since I saw my si

21、ster. -_ her this weekend?(2007辽宁)宁) A. Why not visit B. why not to visit C. Why not visiting D. Why dont visit Test yourselfWe were told to have our reading room _ after school. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleanedPaul doesnt have to be made _ . He always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C.

22、learned D. learningTest yourselfJane was made _ the truck for a week as a punishment.A. to washB. washingC. washD. to be washing Answers to Sallys letter:1.to thank2. to talk 3. to have4. e-mail5. to receive 6. to go7. watch8. borrow 9. visit10. Spend11. write 12. tell13. to see 14. make 15. comeIII

23、. Verb-ing form as a noun Verb-ing form used as the subject of a sentenceeg. Laying eggs is the ant queens full-time job. 产卵是蚁后的专职工作。产卵是蚁后的专职工作。 It is no use arguing with him. 与他争辩没用。与他争辩没用。 Her swimming has improved since she started training every day. 自从她开始自从她开始 训练以后,她的游泳进步的很快。训练以后,她的游泳进步的很快。 Ver

24、b-ing form used as the object of a sentenceeg. I like swimming. 我喜我喜欢游泳。游泳。 He has finished writing the composition. 他已他已经写好了作文。写好了作文。 He is fond of playing football. 他喜他喜欢踢足球。踢足球。 The following phrases are followed by the verb-ing form: would you mind, cant help, look forward to,feel like, cant sta

25、nd, its no use/ good., put off, keep on, give up, devote to, stick to, be busy, be worth, get down to Some verbs can be followed by a verb-ing form or a to-infinitive, but with some differences in meaning or usage. regret to do: 抱歉要做某事抱歉要做某事 regret doing: 后悔做了某事后悔做了某事 eg. I regret to tell you that y

26、ou are fired. 我抱歉地告我抱歉地告诉你你被解雇了。你你被解雇了。 I regret telling him the truth. 我后悔告我后悔告诉他真相。他真相。 forget to do: 忘忘记去做某事去做某事 forget doing: 忘忘记做了某事做了某事 eg. He forgot to close the door when he left. 他离开他离开时忘了关忘了关门了。了。 I will never forget winning my first gold medal. 我永我永远忘不了我第一次忘不了我第一次获得金牌得金牌 的情况。的情况。 remember

27、 to do: 记得要做某事得要做某事 remember doing: 记得曾得曾经做做过的事的事 eg. Remember to post the letter for me on your way to work, OK? 在你上班的路上在你上班的路上记得帮我把信寄了,得帮我把信寄了, 好好吗? I remember seeing this man somewhere. 我我记得在哪儿得在哪儿见过这个人。个人。 mean to do: 打算做某事打算做某事 mean doing: 意味着做某事意味着做某事 eg. I mean to come earlier today. 我今天打算早点来

28、。我今天打算早点来。 Missing the train means waiting for another hour. 错过这列火列火车意味着又要等一个意味着又要等一个 小小时。 try to do: 努力做某事努力做某事 try doing:尝试做某事做某事 eg. She tried to finish the work as quickly as she can. 她努力地要尽快完成她努力地要尽快完成这项工作。工作。 I tried doing the exercise in a different way.stop to do: 停下来做某事停下来做某事 stop dong: 停止做

29、某事停止做某事eg. The workers stopped to have a rest. 工人工人们停下来休息。停下来休息。 The workers stopped working and have a rest. 工人工人们停止了手中的活,休息一停止了手中的活,休息一 下。下。 go on to do: 继续做另一件事做另一件事 go on doing: 继续做同一件事做同一件事eg. After doing the cooking, mother went on to do some washing.饭做好后,做好后,妈妈又又继续洗衣服了。洗衣服了。The workers went o

30、n working after a short rest.短短暂的休息后,工人的休息后,工人们又开始干活又开始干活了。了。 Verb-ing form used as the predicate of a sentence eg. Her job is teaching. 她的工作是教学。她的工作是教学。 Seeing is believing. 眼眼见为实。 Verb-ing form used as the attribute of a sentence eg. There is a shoe in the swimming pool. 游泳池内有一只鞋。游泳池内有一只鞋。 He is i

31、n the reading room. 他在他在阅览室里。室里。 Answers to the e-mail:1. visiting/ to visit 2. chatting3. visiting4. pretending5. chatting/ to chat6. stop7. chatting8. to do9. pass 高考链接高考链接 - Can I smoke here? - Sorry. We dont allow _ here. (2007江苏)江苏) A. people smokingB. people smoke C. to smoke D. smoking Robert

32、 is indeed a wise man. Oh, yes. How often have regretted his advice! (2007安徽)安徽) A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking 高考链接高考链接 高考链接高考链接It remains_ whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals. (2006浙江浙江) A. seenB. to be seen C. seeingD. to seeMary, _ hereeverybody else, stay whe

33、re you are. (2006全国全国I) A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming高考链接高考链接Is it time you got down to _ the papers? (2006重庆)重庆) A. markB. be marked C. being marked D. marking Test yourself Go on _ the other exercise after you have finished this one. A. to doB. doing C. withD. to be doing She didnt remembe

34、r_ him before. A. having metB. have met C. to meetD. to having met Test yourself I can hardly imagine Peter_ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A. sailB. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed - You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. - Well, now I regret _ that. A. to doB. to b

35、e doing C. to have doneD. having done Test yourself翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。(1)要学好一门外语是不容易的。)要学好一门外语是不容易的。 Its not easy to learn a foreign language well.(2)我们拒绝他们的邀请会显得无礼。)我们拒绝他们的邀请会显得无礼。 It would be rude of us to refuse their invitation(3)女士们,先生们,我有一些重要的事情要)女士们,先生们,我有一些重要的事情要告诉你们。告诉你们。 Ladies and gentlemen, I have something important to tell you. (4)母亲轻轻地走了进来,以免惊醒)母亲轻轻地走了进来,以免惊醒 儿子。儿子。 Mother came in quietly so as not to wake the sleeping boy.(5)我叫小李给你修收音机。)我叫小李给你修收音机。 Ill have Xiao Li repair the radio for you.Test yourself



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