虚拟语气 (4)

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《虚拟语气 (4)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《虚拟语气 (4)(53页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Subjunctive Mood Subjunctive Mood 虚拟语气景德镇一中 周玉婷Mood 陈述语气 (Indicative mood) 祈使语气 (Imperative mood) 虚拟语气 (Subjunctive mood)123vI went to the theatre yesterday.vLets go.vJack hadnt come back home yet.vIf I were you, I would not leave her alone.vDont touch anything on the table.vOur teacher suggested th

2、at we go to the library this afternoon.Indicative mood Imperative mood Subjunctive mood Subjunctive mood Subjunctive mood if条件句中的虚拟语气名词性从句中的虚拟语气特殊句式中的虚拟语气123if 如果如果If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.(真实,有可能实现) “主将从现If I were you, I would go to her birthday party.(虚拟,不可能实现)虚拟语气!虚拟语气!If I have

3、another chance, I will visit China again.If I were a bird, I could fly in the sky. if 引导的虚拟条件句引导的虚拟条件句与与现在现在事实相反事实相反与与过去过去事实相反事实相反与与将来将来事实可能相反事实可能相反 if虚拟条件句虚拟条件句if虚拟条件句虚拟条件句主句主句与与过去过去事实相事实相反的假反的假设设If+主语主语+had +动词的过去分词动词的过去分词即:即:If+过去完成时态过去完成时态主语主语 + would ( should / might / could )have doneIf he had

4、 got up earlier , he could have caught the train. 与与过去过去事实相反事实相反If Tom _ (learn) how to swim, he_(trap) on that island for four years.had learntwould not have been trappedIf the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. But it _ all day. A. rained B. rains C. has rained D. is raining虚拟语气事

5、实 if虚拟条件句虚拟条件句if虚拟条件句虚拟条件句主句主句与与现在现在事实相事实相反的假反的假设设If+主语主语+ 动词的过去式动词的过去式(be动词一般用动词一般用were)主语主语+would ( should / might / could )动词原形动词原形即:即:If+一般过去时态一般过去时态(be动词一般用动词一般用were)If I were the schoolmaster, I would let the students get up a little later to get a better sleep.If I _ (have) a great deal of mo

6、ney, I _ (buy) a villa (别墅别墅) for my parents.hadwould buy If it were not for the fact that she _ sing,I would invite her to the party. A. couldnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. might not if虚拟条件句虚拟条件句if虚拟条件句虚拟条件句主句主句与与将来将来事实事实相相反的假反的假设设1、If+主语主语+动词过去式动词过去式2、If+主语主语+were to+ 动词原形动词原形3、If+主语主语+should +动词原形动词原形

7、主语主语+would ( should / might / could )动词动词原形原形If I met Obama some day, I would shake hands with him. If I were to meet Obama some day, If I should meet Obama some day, You didnt let me drive. If we _ in turn, you_ so tired. A. drove; didnt get B. drove; wouldnt get C. were driving; wouldnt get D. had

8、 driven; wouldnt have got 1).如果你当时听了我的话,现在就能完成这份工作了。如果你当时听了我的话,现在就能完成这份工作了。 If you had followed my advice, you would be able to finish the work now.2).如果我是你,我就去参加她的生日晚会了。如果我是你,我就去参加她的生日晚会了。 If I were you, I would have gone to her birthday party.3).假若你不借钱给我,我不可能买下这幢新房,很可能现假若你不借钱给我,我不可能买下这幢新房,很可能现在还住在

9、危房里。在还住在危房里。 If you hadnt lent me some money, I couldnt have bought the new house and most likely I would be still living in the dangerous house now.错综时间虚拟条件句uIf he _ his legs yesterday, he _ with us now. A. hadnt hurt ; would go B. hadnt hurt; would have gone C. didnt hurt; would go D. didnt hurt;

10、would have goneuIt is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. A. wouldnt have fallen B. had not fallen C. should fail D. were to fail (if省略) 倒装虚拟条件句1). If I had seen him then, I would have been very happy.=

11、Had I seen him then, I would have been very happy.2). If I should have time, I would go with you.= Should I have time, I would go with you.3). If I were not so busy, I would go with you. = Were I not so busy, I would go with you.虚虚拟拟条件不直言,条件不直言, 都在上下文中都在上下文中联联;要不是没有就缺乏,要不然否要不是没有就缺乏,要不然否则则就假就假设设,butf

12、or要不是要不是,without没有没有,intheabsenceof,缺乏缺乏时,时,orelse否则,不然的话否则,不然的话otherwise否则否则suppose假设假设含蓄条件句含蓄条件句 (1) Iwasillthatday.Otherwise,Iwouldhavetakenpartinthesportsmeet.(2)He telephoned to tell me of your birthday, or / otherwise I would have known nothing about it.(4) Everything taken into consideration,

13、 they would have raised their output quickly.= If everything had been taken into consideration, they would have raised their output quickly. (3)Imighthavegivenyoumorehelp,butIwastoobusy.(5)用介词短语用介词短语(with,without,butfor)代替条件状语从句代替条件状语从句Whatwouldyoudowithamilliondollars?Wecouldnothavefinishedtheworka

14、headoftimewithoutyourhelp.Butfortherain,wewouldhavefinishedthework.=Ifyouhadamilliondollars,whatwouldyoudo?=Ifwehadntgotyourhelp/Ifyouhadnthelpedus,=Ifithadntbeenfortherain,uHe hesitated for a moment before he kicked the ball, otherwise he _ a goal. A. had scored B. scored C. would score D. would ha

15、ve scoreduI was away that day, otherwise I _ the lecture. A. had attended B. would have attended C. would attend D. attended Thank you for all your hard work last week. I dont think we _ it without you. A. can manage B. could have managed C. could managed D. can have managed名词性从句中的虚拟语气名词性从句中的虚拟语气一坚持

16、一坚持:二命令二命令:三建议三建议:四要求四要求:(should) + Vinsistcommand, ordersuggest, advise, propose (recommend)ask, require, request, demand (desire, urge)The teacher suggests that we (should) practise reading English every day.It is suggested that we (should) practise reading English everyday.The suggestion given by

17、 our teacher is that we (should) practise reading English everyday.The teacher gives us a suggestion that we (should) practise reading English everyday.宾语从句同位语从句表语从句主语从句1.The guard at the gate insisted that everybody _ (obey) the rules.2.He insisted that she _(be) seriously ill and that _(send) to h

18、ospitals at once.3.He suggested that we_ (have) a meeting at once.4.His pale face suggested that he _(be) ill.obeywasbe senthavewassuggest: 建议,表明insist:坚持主张(让某人做某事),坚持认为2. It is / was + adj.+ that从句((should)+V)it is necessary/essential/important/vital/natural/strange/astonishing+ thatIt is strange t

19、hat he (should) have acted towards his parents like that.Its necessary that we (should) have a walk now.Its important that we (should) take good care of the patient. 3. wish 的宾语从句的宾语从句与现在事实相反与现在事实相反: 一般过去时一般过去时( be 用用were )与过去事实相反与过去事实相反: 过去完成时过去完成时与将来事实相反与将来事实相反: would/could /might+V.原原 I wish I _

20、(be) as tall as Yao MingYao Ming.wereI wish/wished I _ (have not) eaten so much watermelon.hadntHe wishes he _ ( become ) a scientist some day.could/wouldbecome我希望和你一样高。我希望和你一样高。 I wish I were as tall as you.他希望他没讲那样的话。他希望他没讲那样的话。He wished he hadnt said that. 我希望明天下雨就好了。我希望明天下雨就好了。I wish it would ra

21、in tomorrow. .特殊句式的虚拟语气特殊句式的虚拟语气1. would rather (that) 宁愿,但愿宁愿,但愿 sb did 与现在或将来与现在或将来情况相反情况相反sb had done 与过去情况相反与过去情况相反I would rather you returned me my money now. I would rather we hadnt told her the bad news.I would rather you came tomorrow.He behaves as if he _ (be) the owner of the house.wereShe

22、 talked about Rome as though she _ (be) there herself.had beenHe coughed twice as if someone would come. 2. as if/as though Whenapencilispartlyinaglassofwater,itlooksasifitwerebroken.Thedarkcloudsaregathering.Itlooksasifitisgoingtorain.3. It is (high / about ) time (that) sb did sb should do是时候采取措施来

23、保护环境了。是时候采取措施来保护环境了。It is ( high / about ) time that we took / should take measures to protect the environment.你该走了。你该走了。Its (high / about) time that you left / should leave.4、 If only 引引导导的感的感叹叹句(要是句(要是该该有多好啊有多好啊) lIf only I were a flying bird!lLook at the trouble I am in. If only I had followed yo

24、ur advice!lWhy do you look so upset? I broke up with my girlfriend. If only I_more about her.Acare BcaredChad cared Dhad been cared与现在事实相反与现在事实相反: 一般过去时一般过去时( be 用用were )与过去事实相反与过去事实相反: 过去完成时过去完成时If only5. even if ( even though)即使即使,尽管尽管Even if he were here, he could not solve the problem.Even if I

25、had been busy then, I would have helped you.可用可不用虚拟语气1. if 2. insist, suggest3. as if/ as though Thank you!周玉婷2024/9/15这里添加标题WPS演示助您快速创建极具感染力的演示文稿,打造令人震撼的影院效果。92%65%WPS演示助您快速创建极具感染力的演示文稿,打造令人震撼的影院效果。10%WPS演示助您快速创建极具感染力的演示文稿,打造令人震撼的影院效果。90%WPS演示助您快速创建极具感染力的演示文稿,打造令人震撼的影院效果。if虚拟条件句虚拟条件句主句主句与与现在现在事实相事实

26、相反的假反的假设设与与过去过去事实相事实相反的假反的假设设与与将来将来事实相事实相反的假反的假设设1、If+主语主语+动词过去式动词过去式2、If+主语主语+were to+ 动词原形动词原形3、If+主语主语+should +动词原形动词原形If+主语主语+ 动词的过去式动词的过去式(be动词一般用动词一般用were)主语主语+would(should/might/could)动词原动词原形形即:即:If+一般过去时态一般过去时态(be动词一般用动词一般用were)If+主语主语+had +动词的过去分词动词的过去分词即:即:If+过去完成时态过去完成时态主语主语 + would ( should / might / could )have done主语主语+would(should/might/could)动词原动词原形形



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