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1、Unit4 Our worldTopic2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?Section B毙制装喻腻聊誓苯响诺啮生拟富料畏茬回鱼旺竞狼全使婴阶园惮摇咏众芒Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Look at the pictures and write down the words./ snstm / renstm / _ snowstorm rainstorm3a殖减乘括匙腋枚角苞科党荐劝腆猩租掀寥虚度裙睦剪绍释唬俯诣移击陀狠Unit4_Topic2_Secti

2、onB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件/tafun/ /fld/ _typhoonfloodLook at the pictures and write down the words.痊漏霄雀宵萧塔清农嘎碟拟裴魄酶栓榜捅烙诣遥狗箭搀险枯仅棉乳譬境我Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件/drat/ / frst / /fa/ _drought forest fireLook at the pictures and write down the words.汇羽喝件顾矛袒坑揉萨谣酮晶妻卒苦轰仲炊饶浩荔滥湛浚冕

3、秋识株貌艳疤Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Look at the pictures and write down the words./ kwek/ _earthquake岔妖缄僚卜侍神它锤胡讳呈插煽蜕刨岿奄披百签闪冻仟囱操喀防颓兆但受Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Did you hear of any serious earthquakes in China? Yushu earthquake Wenchuan earthquake Tangshan e

4、arthquake抬斥报怜灌境虫或涤付绝缚蜗椰鄙挛窿嫂歹并馋俱它哈郸临由洪谚沼妇挫Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件 Listen to 1a and mark T ( (True) ) or F (False).1.The level of the Yushu earthquake was 6.1. ( F ) 2. Running out of the door is safer. ( F )3. The most important thing is to stay calm. ( T ) 1b阁惟吵畏麓端蒲入贵坐醉恰腕沽

5、钟戌险念腐峪即滇侯咐淡焕辑辛昏镜智壶Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件How to protect ourselves from an earthquake.Running out of the door could be dangerous.科省办签爪赎亡亡述革雇赁童潘相遵沾或冻祭瞥焦陇让碧皮飞索筑厚涵季Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件How to protect ourselves from an earthquake.We should stay unde

6、r the table.抽岩沈屯求互蛋封疟览殆绦琶影仗采樱丰法桶泰戮钝响兄绩厅翻擦赘肿努Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件How to protect ourselves from an earthquake.We had better stay calm.zx.xk叙丢淄奶凉龋门锦譬韭二跳靴锐惩翻趴木免呀拆墒景舍砖蓑贡猪炊壶愚葵Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件 Listen again and fill in the blanks. Then read it

7、to your partner .The Yushu earthquake was terrible. Many _ fell down. The earthquake _ more than two thousand people and _ more people. Many children _ their homes and couldnt go to school. Miss Wang told them that running out of the door could be _ and the most important thing is to _ calm.building

8、skilledhurtlostdangerousstay1c参冒窑馏亥痪交七砾引峡悦锯犯刘廊箩框送宣薯缺愚嘛寿涅掀舵谦斜驯撩Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件1.失去某人的家园失去某人的家园2.跑出跑出外外3.保持冷静保持冷静 lose ones home run out of stay calmKey points沈疫遭佐掉箭体裸孤秋课搔能恢受聪痉牛响怔茸絮吵别瑟障勤篆闺逗榔盒Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件 The Yushu earthquake was

9、terrible. Many The earthquake and Many children and couldnt Miss Wang that could be and the most important is to Retell 1a雾韧肥匀垒胳隋准人兆塑澡浩稀兽诺冀岛窃食费缠辣卵酗竖箩协玉戈术舞Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. Then practice in pairs.Michael: Hey, Kangkang

10、. Whats the matter with you?Kangkang: Im _ because my pen pal _ his right arm in the Yushu earthquake.Michael: Im sorry to hear that. Is it _ _ ?Kangkang: Yes. He cant _ or do anything else now. He is very sad.Michael: Dont worry. Hell be OK. We can do something to _ him.Kangkang: Thanks a lot.sadbr

11、okeserious go to schoolhelp2除媚氢挺湘堪掐京蘸讽字污摸垮津呕谓亚拴垣篡跺惠酋矛涯铁舷跪迂肌眺Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Which is the most serious natural disaster (自然(自然灾害)灾害)of all the above ?Interview your classmates and complete the table.Natural disastersThe most serious snowstorm rainstorm typhoon flood

12、drought forest fire earthquakeGroup work斧栏儿礼鲸堂粒金老沟悲齐爬俄咐歇远挪箍驼听避骨驳扭额舷婴袍填钨盛Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Which is the most serious natural disaster (自然(自然灾害)灾害)of all the above ?Interview your classmates and complete the table._ is serious.I think _ is more serious.Group work毁碌卯醛梧膜爹

13、努畸喊洱记轿哨洒溪健据震唐括搏竹再迟彭轿壹互印谩蔑Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Yes, I think _ is the most serious.I agree with you.Which is the most serious natural disaster (自(自然灾害)然灾害)of all the above ?Group work尤态酋肥跪通缘廖钎拧军务郸觉咒郧嵌冈店氨廓翘完咖绕潦梦瞒神钟呕靡Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Natural

14、disastersThe most serious snowstorm rainstorm typhoon flood drought forest fire earthquake Group work掷冕尊诫甭呛烤疵思徽煌摘渭约型森圈闷会蹭曹楷映爬唾曳左刮琅浙驻子Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件John thinks is more dangerous than He also thinks is the most dangerous Report 烫世袖除怪棉稠钢沃拼绕碘孝遵蚊亭暑郎懦蘑尿吧磷蕾堵杖麻志晋撵筒跪Unit4_

15、Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Listen and pay attention to the marked parts and intonation. Read after the tape and imitate. Then work in pairs and use the words in 3a and the comparative or superlative forms of adjectives to practice.3b1./ / : think earthquake toothache anything / / :

16、this their them mother阉追狸敝痹绥裤悍绕推澜启萤簇虽焕僧驱钳菲矫亏炒咱嘶防嘛劣营烤适涌Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件2. How terrible ! My God !3. Li Ming, come an(d) look !4. A: Wha(t) do you think of snowstorm ? B: I think it is more dangerous than flood.The falling tone is often used in statements, exclamation

17、s, commands and special questions.毫锤椿伤咐播哲羞断耘批屿衰澄误王忙叔赤闷涉惮纹裙汇侗判暇陆屁矾死Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件1.The knowledge about earthquake .2. Some phrases in the dialog. lose ones home run out of stay calmSummary 劝球吱葡孜坞虚苯溜阀陶军郝红慈肺察馁墟坏颠罚汀免焊擅舟去匈熔虚咀Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件1.背诵背诵1a。2. 收集有关自然灾害的逃生方法。收集有关自然灾害的逃生方法。脊停荷冕劈咋玖构抑膨晤攀诽械颠烂毁涛禾溜嘻旋嗽颂苛畏剐形图殃晒朋Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件Unit4_Topic2_SectionB参考课件



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