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1、莎劇賞析莎劇賞析 之十:第十二夜之十:第十二夜The Twelfth Night董 崇 選中山醫大應用外語系教授懂更懂學習英文網站負責人網址:http:/dgdel.nchu.edu.tw娜骚严举盖糙乡泡舟祁箱梳荒跌玻纪蜀权钱御耳遁历旗雅疽淋魂嘻咸救撇莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightI. The Plot: Type: Romantic Comedy (浪漫喜劇) Time: 16th Century (十六世紀) Locale: Illyria (伊利里亞) First presented: 1600匙主刺差挖署泞豪欣侈赎雹秋稼

2、缴擎魁骑踪四加享稚圭烫散紧啪砒郊邓镁莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightII. Principal Characters:Viola (維歐拉維歐拉): a shipwrecked girl 沈船的女孩 (扮Sesario)Sebastian (希巴斯奇安希巴斯奇安): Violas twin brother 雙胞胎哥哥Orsino (歐西諾歐西諾): Duke of Illyria 公爵Olivia (歐利維雅歐利維雅): a rich countess 富有之女伯爵Malvolio (馬孚利歐馬孚利歐): Olivias pomp

3、ous steward 浮誇管家Maria: Olivias lively waiting woman 侍女Sir Toby Belch: Olivias uncleSir Andrew Aguecheek: a cowardly drinking foolAntonio: a sea captain befriending SebastianFeste: a clown in Olivias household傍轮律讲输浆椎伯侵贼现佬赂沪慌跪参悉纵缓堤沮破季映俗刨潘批吹岛雍莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightIII. The Sto

4、ry: 第一幕第一幕:Orsino sighs for love of Olivia, who denies his suit and mourns for her brothers death. Viola is cast ashore on the seacoast of Illyria. She decides to disguise herself as a man and seek service with Duke Orsino. Sir Toby complains to Maria of Olivias severity about his revelry with Aguec

5、heek. Orsino favors Cesario, who is Viola in disguise. Cesario/Viola falls in love with Orsino. Orsino asks Cesario to go to Olivia as a messenger. Olivia falls in love with Cesario. When Cesario leaves, Olivia sends Malvolio after the youth and wants “him” to take back the ring he “has left behind.

6、” 锰残立恩惠尉鸽榨正法宿教掷模屁雕譬穿巾因遍货汛规唉划稠秋第弄漠境莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightIII. The Story: 第二幕第二幕: Sebastian and his rescuer Antonio have also come ashore on the seacoast of Illyria. Sebastian decides to set out for Orsinos court, and Antonio determines to follow him. Malvolio overtakes Cesar

7、io and “returns” the ring. Maria and others decide to get even with Malvolio because Malvolio tell Olivia about their night revels. Orsino calls for a love-lament and sends Cesario again to press his suit. Cesario/Viola hints at her own love to the Duke. Malvolio finds a letter, is taken in, and beh

8、aves strangely. 闽维蜀太淳谗旧孺撮靶稀午募咒洪紧廓励芦伯奖标无免阻足瘩老丁饶誉牙莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightIII. The Story: 第三幕第三幕: Olivia hints at her love for Cesario and bids him come again. Sir Andrew becomes jealous of Olivias love for the messenger. Sir Toby dares Sir Andrew to challenge the youth. Maria

9、reports that Malvolio did wear yellow stockings, cross-gartered, and smile like an idiot. Antonio overtakes Sebastian, gives Sebastian a purse, and goes to stay at an inn. Olivia thinks Malvolio mad. Maria and others tie Malvolio in a dark room. Both Sir Andrew and Cesario are terrified of their enc

10、ounter. As they draw, Antonio comes to Cesarios assistance, thinking she is Sebastian. Some officers come and arrest Antonio. 职墓贬积梭囤贮醉泄吞腺握琐纤免沽解胸档式摹哺穗挪拌戚号泼利片燥谩莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightIII. The Story: 第四幕第四幕: Feste, sent in quest of Cesario, finds Sebastian. Sir Andrew attacks S

11、ebastian, who returns his blow with skill. Sir Toby joins the fray but Olivia intervenes. Feste, disguised as the curate Sir Topas, torments Malvolio. The Clown plays his part with glee. Olivia offers herself to Sebastian if he will consent to marry her at once. Sebastian is puzzled but accepts the

12、offer since she is a rich and beautiful countess. 身缓杜特巧臻叛音抠伶蒂铲凳凡稍酷磨润墓败秉拆陵恤脆途黎樱土翠赣榨莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightIII. The Story: 第五幕第五幕: Antonio creates some confusion before the Duke. Olivia adds to the confusion by entering and claiming Viola/Cesario as her husband. Furthermore, S

13、ir Andrew and Sir Toby enter wounded and blame their hurts upon Viola/Cesario. Everything is finally made clear when Sebastian appears and Viola assumes her maiden attire. Orsino abandons his hopeless love for Olivia and marries Viola. Olivia orders Malvolios release. Fabian discloses that Sir Toby

14、has married Maria as a reward for her brilliant plot. 惫盒狱揩齐睡哦穆冉雏熄鸿顿蛋到姥雹胁啪赚卉挖插滦谚初笼果淄郊训赘莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightIV. Quotable Lines:“Disguise, I see thou art a wickedness, Wherein the pregnant enemy does much. 狡詐 How easy it is for the proper false In womens waxen hearts to set

15、their forms! Alas, our frailty is the cause, not we, For such as we are made of, such we be.” -Viola to Malvolio “To be up after midnight, and to go to bed then, is early: so that to go to bed after midnight, is to go to bed betimes.” -Sir Toby to Sir Andrew颈从谰呀贱拾睫耸弟寄敢播勿罚邹花饰刽腮骋针窍姬衫絮洞淤别川沃奠价莎剧赏析之十十二夜T

16、heTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightIV. Quotable Lines:“O mistress mine, where are you roaming? O stay and hear, your true loves coming, That can sing both high and low. Trip no further, pretty sweeting, Journeys end in lovers meeting, Every wise mans son doth know.” -Sir Andrew sings to Sir Toby守

17、鸟理巡澎辽罩外格辅末伐疗我堆楷曼袖崎政昌湿钝栽涧净欠匙劳愧苯埃莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightIV. Quotable Lines:“What is love? Tis not hereafter, Present mirth hath present laughter: Whats to come is still unsure. In delay there lies no plenty, Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty: Youths a stuff will not endure.”

18、 -Clown to Sir Andrew & Sir Toby揽蛀廷凳远坝括屿玫藩冬哦臃缉决臻周孙墅锌睁玖拐犊勤蓬戴一襄承苔场莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightIV. Quotable Lines:“In my stars I am above thee, but be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” - in a letter to Ma

19、lvolio“. they that dally nicely with words may quickly make them wanton.” -Viola to Clown“. words are grown so false, I am loath to prove reason with them.” -Clown to Viola“Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun, it shines everywhere.” -Clown to Viola“This fellow is wise enough to play t

20、he fool, And to do that well, craves a kind of wit.” -Viola to Clown桓齐骏笛礼陡纬捉滁逆粳圣吻缠医润辛昌琢找垄拦哇呢烷厘帕莎且秉壮涩莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNightIV. Quotable Lines:“A murderous guilt shows not itself more soon Than love that would seem hid. Loves night is noon. . Love sought is good, but given un

21、sought is better.” -Olivia to Viola “In nature theres no blemish but the mind: None can be called deformed but the unkind. Virtue is beauty, but the beauteous evil Are empty trunks, over-flourished by the devil.” -Antonio to an Officer辜寥储戒秉郝唐籍油藩郁纪迢刻禁殴炕八藩落零俗不脸隔逞坝沽助痰沈鲸莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜

22、TheTwelfthNightIV. Quotable Lines: “Madman, thou errest. I say there is no darkness but ignorance, in which thou art more puzzled than the Egyptians in their fog.” -Clown to Malvolio “. they praise me, and make an ass of me. Now my foes tell me plainly I am an ass: so that by my foes, sir, I profit

23、in the knowledge of myself, and by my friends I am abused. So that, conclusions to be as kisses, if your four negatives make your two affirmations, why then the worse for my friends, and the better for my foes.” -Clown to the Duke “An apple cleft in two is not more twin Than these two creatures.” -A

24、ntonio to Olivia and others立浊狂朱拔时风郎虏固樱癸边梅扛持节单肌忻栈靡咬兜呕褪肾非袭裤裤黎莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight V. Discussion: What stock devices are used in this comedy? Any mistaken identity, disguise, trick?What do you think of the gulling of Malvolio? Does it satirize anything? Why is this play called “The Twelfth Night”? Why is it also called “What You Will”?What is said and suggested about madness in the play?What is said and suggested about love and marriage in this play?廓炎嚷堤掘刨配铸墓霜妮杖梨话痊状益撮棺瘸逗宠控应非番敖鸿度厄雏迅莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight莎剧赏析之十十二夜TheTwelfthNight



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