高考英语大一轮复习 Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries课件 外研版必修3

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1、Module 2Module 2Developing and Developed Developing and Developed CountriesCountries基础知识基础知识梳理梳理考点知识考点知识导练导练基础知识基础知识梳理梳理 抓主干抓主干 固双基固双基单单词词拓拓展展1.1. /me /me/ vt/ vt. .测定测定; ;测量测量; ;评估评估n.n.测量测量 . .2.2. / /l l/ n./ n.目标目标; ;目的目的3.3. /p /pzIzIn n/ n./ n.位置位置(近义词近义词)n.)n.位置位置, ,所在地所在地 . .4.4. /fI /fI/ n.

2、/ n.数字数字; ;人物人物; ;图形图形5.5. /dIvel /dIvelpmpmntnt/ n./ n.发展发展v. v. 发展发展; ;开发开发; ;冲冲 洗洗( (胶卷胶卷) ) adj. adj. 发展中的发展中的 adj. adj. 发达发达 的的 . .6.6. / /nfnft tn nt t/ adj./ adj.不幸的不幸的; ;遗憾的遗憾的adv. adv. 不幸地不幸地 (反义词反义词) adj.) adj.幸运的幸运的 . . 7.7. /edj /edjkeIt/ vtkeIt/ vt. .教育教育; ;培养培养; ;训练训练n.n.教育工作者教育工作者 n.n

3、.教育教育 adj.adj.受过良好教育的受过良好教育的 . .measuremeasuremeasurementmeasurementgoalgoalpositionpositionlocationlocationfigurefiguredevelopmentdevelopmentdevelopdevelopdeveloping developing developed developed unfortunateunfortunateunfortunatelyunfortunatelyfortunatefortunateeducateeducateeducatoreducatoreducat

4、ioneducationeducatededucated单单词词拓拓展展8.8. /kra/kradIddId/ adj./ adj.拥挤的拥挤的 n. n. 人群人群 . .9.9. /Inh /Inh bItbItnt/nnt/n. .居民居民vtvt. .居住在居住在; ;栖居栖居 于于 . .10.10. /sIm /sImll r rtiti/ n./ n.类似类似; ;相似相似adj. adj. 相似相似 的的 adv.adv.相似地相似地, ,同样地同样地 . .11.11. /tr /tr nspnspt t/ n./ n.交通工具交通工具 v.v.运输运输, ,运送运送 n.

5、 n.运输运输( (过程过程););运输运输( (业务业务) ) . .12.12. /Ind /Indstristril l/ adj./ adj.工业的工业的n.n.工业工业; ; 产业产业 . .13.13. /p /plulutIdtId/ adj./ adj.被污染的被污染的; ;受到污染受到污染 的的 v. v.污染污染 n. n. 污染污染 . .14.charity /t14.charity /t r rtiti/ n./ n. . .15.exchange /Ikst15.exchange /IksteIndeInd/ n./ n. . .crowded crowded cr

6、owdcrowdinhabitantinhabitantinhabitinhabitsimilaritysimilarity similar similarsimilarlysimilarlytransporttransporttransportationtransportationindustrialindustrialindustryindustrypollutedpollutedpollute pollute pollution pollution 慈善团体慈善团体交换交换短短语语记记忆忆1.make 1.make 努力努力2.up 2.up 直到直到3.be close 3.be cl

7、ose 接近接近; ;靠近靠近4.4. the top of the top of 在在顶端顶端5.at the 5.at the of of在在底部底部6.be connected 6.be connected 与与有联系有联系; ;与与有关有关7.7. particular particular 尤其尤其; ;特别特别8.be 8.be to do sth to do sth. .乐意做某事乐意做某事 effortseffortstotototoatatbottombottomwithwithininwillingwilling句句型型整整理理重点重点语法语法1.It1.Its an ag

8、reement between towns or cities s an agreement between towns or cities . . . 它是有着相似的面积和年代的城镇或城市之间的一份协定它是有着相似的面积和年代的城镇或城市之间的一份协定2.Norway is at the top of the list,2.Norway is at the top of the list, the US is at the US is at number 7. number 7. 挪威高居榜首挪威高居榜首, ,而美国则排在第七。而美国则排在第七。3.3. I need money for m

9、yself,I I need money for myself,Im m still willing to still willing to help. help. 虽然我自己也需要钱虽然我自己也需要钱, ,但我仍然愿意提供帮助。但我仍然愿意提供帮助。 Link words (Link words (连词连词) ) ofofsimilarsimilarsizesizeandandageagewhilewhileThoughThough考点知识考点知识导练导练 解疑难解疑难 提知能提知能1.measure n.1.measure n.尺寸尺寸; ;大小大小; ;度量单位度量单位; ;措施措施;

10、;尺度尺度; ;衡量衡量 v.v.测量测量; ;估量估量, ,判定判定归纳拓展归纳拓展make.to onemake.to ones measure s measure 按某人的尺寸做按某人的尺寸做take measures (to do sthtake measures (to do sth.).)采取措施采取措施( (做某事做某事) )be measured by/in be measured by/in 用用来衡量来衡量 【巧学助记【巧学助记】英文典例英文典例: :IIll ll makemake you a suit you a suit to your own measureto y

11、our own measure. . 我将按照你的尺寸为你做一套衣服。我将按照你的尺寸为你做一套衣服。They call on people and the government to They call on people and the government to . . fight against light pollution. fight against light pollution. 他们呼吁人们和政府采取措施来抗击光污染。他们呼吁人们和政府采取措施来抗击光污染。Education shouldnEducation shouldnt t be measuredbe measure

12、d purely purely byby examination examination results. results. 教育不应该纯粹用考试成绩来衡量。教育不应该纯粹用考试成绩来衡量。( (朗文朗文P P12211221) )taketakemeasuresmeasurestoto特别提示特别提示: :measure measure 作名词表示作名词表示“措施措施”之意时之意时, ,常用其复数形式常用其复数形式measuresmeasures。measuremeasure表示表示“量量; ;有有长长( (高、宽等高、宽等) )”时时, ,是系动词是系动词, ,后跟量的结果后跟量的结果,

13、,常用主动语态。常用主动语态。measuremeasure用作及物动词时表示用作及物动词时表示“测量测量”。如。如: :The label tells you what each axis The label tells you what each axis measuresmeasures.(2015.(2015浙江浙江, ,阅读理解阅读理解B)B)标签告诉你每个轴测量的是啥。标签告诉你每个轴测量的是啥。(measure vt(measure vt. what. what作其宾语并引导宾语作其宾语并引导宾语从句从句) )The pond The pond measuresmeasures a

14、bout 2 metres about 2 metres across. across.这个池塘宽约这个池塘宽约2 2米。米。(measure(measure为系动词为系动词) )2.goal n.2.goal n.目标目标; ;目的目的归纳拓展归纳拓展set (oneself/sbset (oneself/sb.) a goal.) a goal给给( (自己自己/ /某人某人) )确定目标确定目标achieve/obtain/reach oneachieve/obtain/reach ones goals goal 实现某人的目标实现某人的目标get/kick/score a goalge

15、t/kick/score a goal进一球进一球 英文典例英文典例: :But during the next week,But during the next week, set set a goala goal of at least a mile and of at least a mile and a half per run a half per run.(2015.(2015全国全国,七选五七选五) ) 但是到下一周但是到下一周, ,每次跑步设定一个至少一英里半的目标。每次跑步设定一个至少一英里半的目标。From the earliest ages, they desire to

16、 help others, to From the earliest ages, they desire to help others, to share information and to participate in share information and to participate in . . .(2016.(2016江苏江苏, ,阅读理解阅读理解B)B) 自最年幼时候自最年幼时候, ,他们就渴望去帮助他人他们就渴望去帮助他人, ,分享信息分享信息, ,参与实现共同的参与实现共同的 目标。目标。BaggioBaggio scored the first goalscored t

17、he first goal for Italy. for Italy. 巴乔为意大利队进了头一个球。巴乔为意大利队进了头一个球。( (朗文朗文P P838838) )achievingachievingcommoncommongoalsgoals3.position n.3.position n.位置位置; ;姿势姿势; ;地位地位; ;处境处境; ;职位职位归归纳纳拓拓展展in a.position in a.position 处于处于的地位的地位/ /处境处境in/out of position in/out of position 在在/ /不在适当的位置不在适当的位置take up (

18、onetake up (ones) position s) position 就位就位hold the position of.hold the position of.担任担任的职务的职务 英文典例英文典例: :Students in this Students in this positionposition will be keeping live statistics will be keeping live statistics during basketball games during basketball games.(2016.(2016四川四川, ,阅读理解阅读理解A)A)

19、 在这个职位的学生将在篮球比赛期间记录现场数据。在这个职位的学生将在篮球比赛期间记录现场数据。One of the legs was One of the legs was . . 其中的一条腿错位了。其中的一条腿错位了。( (朗文朗文P P15211521) )He He held the position ofheld the position of Sales Director in a large company. Sales Director in a large company. 他在一家大公司担任销售部主任一职。他在一家大公司担任销售部主任一职。outoutofofpositio

20、nposition4.figure n.4.figure n.数字数字; ;图形图形; ;雕像雕像; ;人物人物; ;身材身材; ;画像画像 v.v.计算计算; ;认为认为【巧学助记【巧学助记】归纳拓展归纳拓展keep onekeep ones figure s figure 保持身材保持身材figure out figure out 想出想出, ,理解理解; ;算出算出; ;看透看透; ;推断推断figure on figure on 计划计划, ,打算打算, ,预料到预料到英文典例英文典例: :Being a public Being a public figurefigure today

21、,however,is today,however,is a lot more difficult a lot more difficult than it used to be. than it used to be. 然而然而, ,现在当一个公众人物与过去相比要困难得多。现在当一个公众人物与过去相比要困难得多。How does Mary manage to How does Mary manage to keep her figurekeep her figure when she eats so much? when she eats so much? 玛丽吃得这么多玛丽吃得这么多, ,

22、究竟是怎样保持身材的究竟是怎样保持身材的? ?She She that he was leaving on Tuesday. that he was leaving on Tuesday. 她推断他会在星期二离开。她推断他会在星期二离开。( (朗文朗文P P709709) )figuredfiguredoutout5.make efforts 5.make efforts 努力努力, ,尽力尽力归纳归纳拓展拓展make every effort to do sthmake every effort to do sth. .尽一切努力做某事尽一切努力做某事spare no effortspare

23、 no effort不遗余力不遗余力without effortwithout effort容易地容易地; ;不费力地不费力地with (an) effortwith (an) effort努力地努力地, ,艰难地艰难地 英文典例英文典例: :The United Kingdom would like to The United Kingdom would like to make effortsmake efforts to push to push forward UK-China and EU-China relations. forward UK-China and EU-China

24、relations. 英方愿为推动英中和欧中关系的进一步发展而努力。英方愿为推动英中和欧中关系的进一步发展而努力。 Every effort is being made to deal withEvery effort is being made to deal with the issues you the issues you raised at the last meeting. raised at the last meeting. 正尽一切努力处理你在上次会议上提出的问题。正尽一切努力处理你在上次会议上提出的问题。( (朗文朗文P P603603) )We should We sho

25、uld to make up for the lost time. to make up for the lost time. 我们应当不遗余力地把失去的时间补回来。我们应当不遗余力地把失去的时间补回来。sparesparenonoefforteffort6.up to 6.up to 直到直到; ;到到为止为止; ;多至多至, ,高达高达( (数目数目););达到达到( (程度程度) )归纳拓展归纳拓展be up to.be up to.正做正做( (不好的事不好的事););胜任胜任It is up to sb.to do sthIt is up to sb.to do sth. .做某事是

26、某人的责任做某事是某人的责任; ;应应 由某人做某事由某人做某事ItIts up to you.s up to you.由你做主。由你做主。/ /取决于你。取决于你。 英文典例英文典例: :New students are now aware that they are likely to leave New students are now aware that they are likely to leave university university up toup to 15,000 in debt15,000 in debt.(2015.(2015全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解C)C)

27、新生现在都意识到他们大学毕业时有可能负债高达新生现在都意识到他们大学毕业时有可能负债高达15 00015 000英镑。英镑。ItIts up to the travel companies to warns up to the travel companies to warn customers of any customers of any possible danger. possible danger.旅游公司有义务提醒顾客任何可能的危险。旅游公司有义务提醒顾客任何可能的危险。“Shall we have red wine or white?Shall we have red wine

28、or white?”“”“ . .” “我们来点红酒还是白酒我们来点红酒还是白酒? ?”“”“你看着办吧。你看着办吧。”( (朗文朗文P P21952195) )ItIts supuptotoyouyou7.It7.Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size ands an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age. age.它是有着相似的面积和年代的城镇或城市之间的一份协定它是有着相似的面积和年代的城镇或城市之间的一份协定归纳归纳拓展拓展ofof后加

29、表示度量、种类、形状、颜色等的名词后加表示度量、种类、形状、颜色等的名词, ,可用来描述可用来描述 人或事物的特征人或事物的特征, ,在句子中可作表语或定语。如在句子中可作表语或定语。如:of.:of. size/weight/height/depth/length/age/colour size/weight/height/depth/length/age/colour/shape/shape/ kind/type. kind/type.of+of+抽象名词抽象名词= =该名词相对应的形容词。如该名词相对应的形容词。如: : of (great)= (very) of (great)= (v

30、ery) 英文典例英文典例: :The two boys are The two boys are of the same ageof the same age,but,but are are of differentof different heights. heights. 这两个男孩年龄相同这两个男孩年龄相同, ,但身高不同。但身高不同。This is an issue This is an issue of great importanceof great importance to all disabled people. to all disabled people. 这个问题对于

31、残疾人至关重要。这个问题对于残疾人至关重要。( (朗文朗文P P982982) )We donWe dont think there is anything t think there is anything in your in your pictures. pictures.我们认为你的画并没有什么有趣的地方。我们认为你的画并没有什么有趣的地方。特别提示特别提示: : “of+of+抽象名词抽象名词”结构中结构中, ,抽象名词前可用抽象名词前可用any,some,littleany,some,little, ,no,not much,greatno,not much,great等形容词修饰

32、等形容词修饰, ,用以说明其程度用以说明其程度; ;“of+of+名词名词( (表示度量、表示度量、大小、颜色、类别等大小、颜色、类别等) )”结构中结构中, ,名词前常用名词前常用a(n),the same,thisa(n),the same,this, ,that,all,differentthat,all,different等词修饰或说明。等词修饰或说明。of an age=of the same ageof an age=of the same age年龄年龄/ /岁数相同岁数相同;of age;of age成年。成年。ofofinterestinterest8.Norway is a

33、t the top of the list,while8.Norway is at the top of the list,while the US is at number 7. the US is at number 7. 挪威高居榜首挪威高居榜首, ,而美国则排在第七。而美国则排在第七。归纳拓展归纳拓展: :英文典例英文典例: :English is understood all over the world English is understood all over the world while while Turkish is Turkish is spoken by only

34、a few people outside Turkey itself. spoken by only a few people outside Turkey itself.英语世界通英语世界通 行行, ,而土耳其语离开本土就很少有人说了。而土耳其语离开本土就很少有人说了。 she is a likeable girl,she she is a likeable girl,she can be extremely difficult can be extremely difficult to work with. to work with.她虽然是一个可爱的姑娘她虽然是一个可爱的姑娘, ,但有时

35、很难与她共事。但有时很难与她共事。( (朗文朗文 P P22672267) )Two years ago,Two years ago,whilewhile Cathy was watching the Olympics, a dream Cathy was watching the Olympics, a dream came into her sweet little head came into her sweet little headto be a swimmerto be a swimmer.(2016.(2016天津天津, , 完形填空完形填空) ) 两年前两年前, ,当当CathyCathy观看奥运节目时观看奥运节目时, ,一个梦想在她可爱的小脑袋里萌发一个梦想在她可爱的小脑袋里萌发, , 那就是自己成为一名游泳选手。那就是自己成为一名游泳选手。特别提示特别提示: : while while作从属连词表示作从属连词表示“在在的时候的时候”时时, ,从句谓语动词需用从句谓语动词需用延续性动词。延续性动词。WhileWhile



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