高三英语总复习 Unit 18 Beauty课件 北师大版

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1、Unit 18 Beauty基础知识梳理基础知识梳理F词汇梳理1. _ adj. 令人屏息的2. _ adv.向一边;向一侧3. _ vt. 敬爱;非常喜好4. _ adj. 一致的;始终如一的_ v. 与一致5. _ adj. 羊毛的6. _ adj. 超重的;过重的7. _ n. 责任;义务;承诺8. _ vt. 伴随;陪同9. _ n. 变化范围;等级;类别10. _ n. 良心11. _ adj. 主观的12. _ n. 方面;度量13. _ n. 命令;指挥14. _ adj. 没有味道的15. _ n. 植物学16 _ n. 交响乐17. _ adj. 容易进入的_ n. 进入;接

2、近18. _ adj. 精美的;雅致的19. _ vt. 递送;传送20. _ n. 兴奋;恐惧_ adj. 兴奋的;恐惧的21. _ n. 尊严;尊贵22. _ adj. 优雅的;精致的23. _ vt. 消除的疲劳;使振作精神24. _ adj. 低劣的;肮脏破烂的25. _ adj. 自负的;炫耀的26. _ adj. 使人烦恼的_ v. 打扰;扰乱27. _ n. 倾向;趋势28. _ n. 版本;说法29. _ adj. 浪漫的30. _ n. 商人31. _ n. 缺点;弊端32. _ vt. 打动;打33. _ vt. 诱捕;设圈套34. _ n. 一跳;一跃35. _ adj.

3、 明显的;明白的36. _ n. 爱慕;钟爱_ v. 影响;示爱37. _ adj. 引人注目的;突出的38. _ n. 方式;方法39. _ vt. 推荐;介绍40. _ vt. 传达;表达自我校对1. breathless 2. sideways 3.adore 4. consistent; consist 5. woolen 6. overweight 7. commitment 8. accompany 9. range 10. conscience 11. subjective 12. dimension 13. command 14. tasteless 15. botany 16

4、. symphony 17. accessible; access 18. delicate 19.deliver 20. thrill; thrilled 21. dignity 22. polished 23. refresh 24. shabby 25.vain 26.disturbing; disturb 27. tendency 28. version 29. romantic 30. merchant 31. drawback 32. strike 33. trap 34. bound 35. evident 36.affection; affect 37. striking 38

5、.manner 39. recommend 40.conveyF短语梳理1. _ 灭绝2. _ 等一下3. _ 比高级4. _ 陪同某人去某地5. _ 徒劳地;无益地自我校对1.die out 2. hang on a second 3. be superior to 4. accompany sb. to sp. 5. in vain重点知识探究重点知识探究F重点单词1. superior adj. 高级的;上等的;优秀的;上级的This machine is superior in many respects to that.这台机器在很多方面比那台好。A genus is superio

6、r to a species.(生物学上的)属比种范围广。知识梳理be superior to 胜过;比好rise superior to 超越;不为所影响点津提示superior虽然本身含有比较的意义,但是不与than连用。也不能够用more修饰;类似的单词还有inferior, senior 和junior等。发散思维inferior adj. 比低级的;下等的senior adj. 年长的;地位高的junior adj. 年轻的;地位低的探究练习In his opinion, he thinks himself _ any other person in the group. A. ju

7、nior to B. inferior to C. superior than D. superior to 【解析】 D be superior to 是“比好;胜过;超越”之意的用法。句意:以他自己来看,他比这个群体里的任何人都优秀。superior“高级的;优秀的”,符合语境,而其余选择项均为干扰项。2. accompany vt. 伴随;陪同;伴奏He accompanied his friend to the film.他陪他的朋友去看电影。Thunder accompanies lightning.雷随闪电而来。He accompanied me at the guitar.他用吉

8、他给我伴奏。知识梳理accompany sb. to sp. 陪同某人去某地be accompanied by 附有;伴随be accompanied with (a thing) 带着;带有;兼有accompany sb. to do sth. 陪同某人去做某事accompany sb. at / on . 用给某人伴奏求同存异accompany, attend“陪护;看护”,指下级对上级表示敬意而陪伴,有“伺候”之意,也可以保护人的身份陪伴,或出于职责照看;指事情时,强调行为之结果attend均为及物动词;均有“陪同;看护”之意“陪伴;看护;伴随而来”,指人时,多指以同等地位或相同身份陪伴

9、某人;指事情时,多指同时发生或相继发生accompany相同点相异点比较探究练习The minister was _ by his secretary to the hospital. A. acknowledged B. accompanied C. appreciated D. accomplished 【解析】 B 考查了accompany sb. to sp.表示“陪同某人去某地”之意的用法。acknowledge是“承认;感谢”;appreciate是“欣赏;感激”;accomplish是“完成;实现”,均不符合语境。3. range n. 变化范围;等级;类别;射程;距离 vi.

10、平行;延伸The price of the house is well beyond our range.这所房子的价格远远超出我们能够承受的范围。There were 120 students whose ages ranged from 10 to 18.有120名学生,年龄在10到18岁之间。知识梳理in / within / out of / beyond range 在射程范围内/外a wide range of 各种各样的range between . and . / from . to . 在从到的范围内变化巧学助记探究练习 Can you shoot that bird at

11、the top of the tree? No, it is out of _. A. range B. reach C. control D. distance 【解析】 A out of range是“超出射程范围之外”之意,符合语境。而out of reach是“够不到”;out of control是“无法控制”。高考体验(2010湖北)This restaurant has become popular for its wide _ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.A. division B. areaC. range D. cir

12、cle【解析】 C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于有多种不同的食品适合不同的品味和消费层次要求,这家饭店已经变得非常红火了。由题干中的定语从句that suit all tastes and pockets可知,此处应选range表示“(选择)范围”。division“分割;分开”;area“面积;地区”;circle“圈子;环形物”,均与句意不符。4. deliver vt.递送;发表;向交出;拯救He has to earn his living by delivering pure water to customers.他通过给顾客送纯净水谋生。Obama delivered one of

13、 the most wonderful speeches in history for the presidential election.奥巴马发表了历史上最好的总统选举演讲之一。Lin Qiaozhi had ever delivered 25 000 babies safely.林巧稚曾安全接生了25 000个婴儿。知识梳理(1)deliver sth. to sb. 把某物递送/传送给某人deliver sb. to . 把某人移交;交给deliver a speech / lecture 发表演讲/授课deliver a baby 接生(2)delivery n. 递送;发送spec

14、ial / express delivery 快递巧学助记探究练习Heads from Asia and Europe attended the conference and President Hu _ a speech on the first day.A. stated B. issuedC. addressed D. delivered【解析】 D deliver a speech是固定搭配,表示“发表讲话”。state“陈述”;issue“发行”;address当“演说;演讲”讲时,常用于address a meeting / conference。5. command n. 命令;

15、指挥;控制;掌握;运用力 vt. 命令;指挥For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life.多少年来第一次,她觉得生活掌握在自己手里。He has a good command of French.他的法文很好。The general commanded his men to attack the city.那位将军命令部下攻城。The general commanded that the regiment attack at once.将军下令该团立刻发起进攻。知识梳理take command of 控制;掌握in c

16、ommand of 掌管;掌握in the command of 在某人的掌握中be at sb.s command 听候某人的吩咐;服从某人的支配under (the )command of 由指挥;在指挥下command sb. to do sth. 命令某人干某事点津提示command 后面接that从句时,从句谓语动词多用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“(should+)动词原形”的形式。探究练习The general issued a / an _ that all of them should come at six oclock.A. command B. noticeC. sugges

17、tion D. request【解析】 A 由句中的the general“将军”可知,此处应该是“发布命令”,故选择command表示“命令”之意;而notice是“通知”,与之相关的从句的谓语动词不用虚拟语气形式。suggestion是“建议”,多与put forward“提出”连用,表示“提出建议”;request是“请求”,含有唯恐受到拒绝的意味,均不符合语境。6. bend vt & vi. (bent, bent)弯曲;弄弯;使弯曲;使屈从;压服;致力于;集中思想于The trees bend before the wind.树木迎风摇曳。She bends to her husb

18、ands will.她顺从她丈夫的意志。He bent his mind to his business.他专心于他的业务。Her head was bent over her book.她埋头读书。知识梳理bend ones mind / effort / oneself to sth. 致力于某事;专心致志于某事bend sb. to sth. 迫使;说服 bend over 俯身;弯腰探究练习She stopped to _ to tie her shoes.A. bend down B. bend upC. bend over D. bend in【解析】 C 考查了bend over

19、表示“弯腰;屈伸”之意的用法。句意:她停下来弯腰系鞋带。7. treat vt. 款待;招待;请客;对待;看待;处理;探讨;讨论;论述;把看作She was cooking fish as a treat.她正在煮鱼来款待客人。He treated me all right.他待我不错。Please treat the matter seriously.请认真对待这件事。The book treats (of) the problems of economic development.这本书探讨经济发展的问题。They treated me as their own child.他们把我当亲生

20、孩子看待。知识梳理treat of 论述;论及treat to 款待;招待treat with sb. 与某人谈判;与某人交涉;与某人交易treat . as . 把看做;把视做求同存异treat, cure表示“治愈”;多用于cure sb. of sth. 表示“治愈某人”cure二者均为及物动词;均表示“诊治”之意表示“治疗”的过程,多用于treat sb. for sth. 表示“为某人治疗”treat相同点相异点比较探究练习He was _ in the famous hospital and would recover from the illness soon.A. treate

21、d B. curedC. tended D. considered【解析】 A 由后句语境“将很快就会康复”可知,此处是指“正在接受治疗”,故选择treat表示“治疗”之意。cure是“治愈”; tend是“照顾;护理”; consider是“认为;思考”,均为干扰项。8. strike vt. (struck, struck / stricken)碰撞;打;击;击打;(突然)出现于(某人的)脑海中;给以(深刻)印象;罢工;擦;划(火柴);敲;响;报时n. C罢工课;市;袭击It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.我一下

22、子明白我们如何改善局面了。His reaction struck me as odd.他的反应令我诧异。The union has voted to strike for a pay increase.工会投票决定罢工,要求加薪。The matches were damp and he couldnt make them strike.火柴受潮了,他划不着。The clock has just struck three.时钟刚刚敲过三点。知识梳理be on strike 在罢工be struck with (by) 为所袭击;为所侵袭;打动go on strike 举行罢工strike for

23、 . 要求而罢工strike home 使受致命伤;使清楚认识到strike into 突然;开始;(突然)跑;逃;打;扎(进)strike on / upon 打在上;撞在上;突然想到或发现strike sb. as 给某人以印象;使某人产生感觉strike through 删去;刺穿;划破(夜空);划掉求同存异strike, hit, beat, knock强调“用力撞击”,常与at或on连用,表示“敲门”等时,用knock;而表示“钟表敲响”时,用strikeknock表示“有目标地打”,强调“打中;击中”hit侧重“连续或有规律地击打”;还有“殴打;击败;打败”之意beat强调用木棒、

24、石头等突然地或一次性地“打、击”,也表示自然灾害等的袭击,或情感的触动、打动strike巧学助记探究练习Doesnt it _ you as rather strange that he never talks about his family?A. beat B. hitC. strike D. knock【解析】 C 考查了strike表示“给某人留下某种印象”之意的用法。而其余选择项均没有这种含义。句意:他从来都不谈及他的家庭,你难道不觉得奇怪吗?高考体验(2009大纲全国)Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to

25、 _ them too hard.A. draw B. strikeC. rush D. push【解析】 D 本题考查动词词义辨析。句意:鼓励你的孩子去尝试新的东西,但尽量不要逼得太紧。push try to make (sb. ) to sth. (that he does not want to do), drive or urge“逼迫(某人)做某事;驱策;敦促”;draw“画;拖;取出”;strike“罢工;袭击;打;敲响”;rush“冲;仓促从事;突袭”。9. recommend vt. 推荐;介绍;建议Your plan has very little to recommend

26、it.你的计划几乎毫无可取之处。He recommended that I see a doctor.他建议我去看医生。They recommend seeing the new film.他们建议看这部新电影。知识梳理recommend sb. / sth. for / as 推荐某人某物为/担任某物recommend sth. to sb. =recommend sb. sth. 推荐给某人某物recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人干某事recommend doing sth. 建议干某事点津提示recommend后面接宾语从句时,谓语动词用虚拟语气(should) d

27、o的形式。探究练习He strongly _ sending the boy to school in England but nobody agreed with him.A. advise B. orderedC. recommended D. introduced【解析】 C 考查了recommend doing表示“建议做某事”之意的用法;order是“命令”;多用于order sb. to do sth. 的结构中,表示“命令某人干某事”;introduce是“介绍”;A项时态不对,均为干扰项。高考体验(2010福建)Teachers recommend parents _ thei

28、r children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.A. not allow B. do not allowC. mustnt allow D. couldnt allow【解析】 A 考查recommend宾语从句用虚拟语气。从句中谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。句意:老师建议父母出于安全考虑最好不要让12岁以下的孩子骑脚踏车去学校。F重点短语die out灭绝;完全消失Many of our traditions are dying out.我们的许多传统正在逐渐消失。Smallpox has co

29、mpletely died out in this country.天花在这个国家已经灭迹了。知识拓展与die有关的其他短语:be dying for 渴望;极想die away 逐渐减弱;逐渐模糊;逐渐消失die down 逐渐减弱;逐渐降低;逐渐平息;逐渐暗淡die off 相继死去die out 灭绝;死光;消失die from 死于(外因)die of 死于(内因)探究练习This organization was formed to prevent some positive tradition from _ completely.A. dying out B. dying away

30、C. keeping up D. kept up【解析】 A 考查了die out表示“灭绝;消失”之意的用法。句意:这一组织被建立起来的目的是为了阻止一些正面的传统消失。die away是“逐渐减弱;逐渐模糊;逐渐消失”之意,与句中的completely“完全地”矛盾;keep up是“保持”,不符合语境。F重点句型We are influenced by our culture, our biology and our time in history to notice physical beauty quickly and easily, but it is inner beauty t

31、hat requires us to truly see.受文化、生理和历史时期的制约,我们能够快速地、轻而易举地看到外在的美,但其实内在的美才真正需要我们注意。(1)influence n. / vt.影响Economy and politics influence the culture.经济和政治影响文化。Supply is influenced by demand.需求影响供给。The lecture has much influence on us.这一报告对我们的影响很大。知识梳理be influenced by 受到的影响have (an) influence on 对有影响(2

32、)句中的 . but it is inner beauty that requires us to truly see.采用了强调句型的结构。被强调部分是inner beauty在句中作主语。强调句型的结构是:It is / was+被强调部分+that(指人可用who)+其余部分。It was the rain that stopped our plan.是下雨阻止了我们的计划。It was in the street that I met my friend.我是在街道上遇到我朋友的。(3)require vt. 要求;需要require sb. to do sth. 要求某人干某事req

33、uire sth. of sb. 要求某人某物require that从句(谓语动词用should do)The rules require us all to be present. 按规定我们都要到场。We did all that was required of us. 我们做了要求我们所做的一切。The emergency requires that it (should) be done.情况紧急,非这样做不可。求同存异require, request, demanddemand to do sth. 要求干某事 / demand sth. of / from sb. 要求某人某物

34、/ demand that从句(虚拟语气)是指“强烈要求”,而不是指“请求”,含有“要求对方服从”的意思,口气强硬demandrequest sth. from sb. 要求某人某物 / request sb. to do要求某人干某事 / request that从句(虚拟语气)指“请求;要求”,用于客气、有礼貌的场合。含有唯恐受到拒绝的意味requestrequire doing(表示被动含义)需要干某事 / require sb. to do 要求某人干某事 / require sth. of sb. 要求某人某物 / require that从句(虚拟语气)“要求”,而不是指“请求”,

35、但它强调“客观上的需要或必须”require搭配用法比较探究练习用require, request, demand填空。(1)The workers are _ more money. (2)You are _ by law to send your children to school. (3)Passengers are _ not to smoke.【答案】 (1)demanding (2)required (3)requested随堂基础闯关随堂基础闯关. 单项填空1. It was too hard for the firefighters to get close to the b

36、urning building. All their attempts to rescue the people trapped were _.A. in vain B. in return C. in place D. in danger答案 A解析 考查介词短语的辨析。句意:消防队员很难接近着火的建筑物。所有营救被困群众的企图都是徒劳的。in vain“枉费心机;徒劳无益;白费力气”; in return“作为回报”; in place“在适当的位置”; in danger“处于危险中”。2. Mr. Jin, chairman of the board of the hotel, _ a

37、 speech on the opening ceremony.A. stated B. issued C. addressed D. delivered答案 D解析 考查动词辨析。 deliver a speech“发表演讲”。 state“陈述”; issue“发行”; address“向讲话”。3. It is reported that Premier Wen Jiabao visited the Red Square _ by Russian Premier Putin.A. accompanying B. accompanied C. attended D. attending答案

38、 B解析 考查动词词义辨析。句意:据报道温家宝总理在俄罗斯总理普京的陪同下参观了红场。 accompany“陪同”; accompanied by . “在的陪同下”,为过去分词短语作状语。4. The price of beer _ from 50 cents to 4 per liter during the summer season.A. ranged B. differed C. changed D. separated答案 A解析 考查动词辨析。句意:今年夏季啤酒的价格每升在50美分到4美元之间变化。 range“变化;变动”,常用于range from . to . 中,意为“从

39、延伸到;在范围内变化”。 differ from“与不同”; change“改变”; separate“分开”。5. Lets go Dutch for this supper, OK? No, _ this time, as a reward for all your help.A. its up to you B. its my treat C. lets talk about it D. it doesnt matter答案 B解析 考查交际用语。 go Dutch“平摊费用”; (Its) my treat“我请客”,符合句意。 its up to you“由你决定”; it does

40、nt matter“没关系;不要紧”; lets talk about it“让我们讨论一下”。6. The European Union _ that Northern Ireland should change its financial policy in this crisis.A. complained B. refused C. recommended D. forced答案 C解析 考查动词辨析。句意:在这次危机中欧盟劝告北爱尔兰改变其财政政策。 complain“抱怨”; refuse“拒绝”; recommend“劝告”; force“迫使”。由句子结构及句意可知应选C。7.

41、 He _ that the rescue team climb over the mountain before dark to the place where the trapped visitors were.A. commanded B. hoped C. wished D. supposed答案 A解析 考查动词辨析。句意:他命令救援队必须在天黑之前爬过那座山到达游客受困的地方。 command后面的从句需用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形的形式。. 短语应用1. _, the pay isnt attractive enough, though the job itself is

42、 quite interesting.A. Generally speaking B. On the contrary C. In particular D. To be honest答案 D解析 考查短语辨析。句意:说实话,尽管这项工作本身很令人感兴趣,但薪水却没那么吸引人。A项“一般说来”;B项“相反”;C项“特别;尤其”;D项“说实话”,结合句意可知选D项。2. According to the plan, we began to _ this journey.A. in preparation for B. make preparations for C. be prepared fo

43、r D. be ready for答案 B解析 begin后接不定式作宾语,排除A项;C、D两项短语都是表示状态,不合句意; make preparations for sth. 和prepare for sth. 同义,都表示动作。故选B。3. How do you _ a disagreement between the company and its customers? The key to solving the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers.A. make do with B. do with C. hand

44、le with D. deal with答案 D解析 句意:你怎样解决公司与它的顾客之间的分歧?解决问题的关键是满足顾客的要求。 make do with“凑合;将就”; handle为及物动词,后无需加介词; do with与deal with都有“处理;解决;对付”的意思,但do with常与what搭配; deal with常与how搭配。. 单词拼写1. In c _ society, the Internet is used all over the world.2. The poem c _ the poets sadness at being far from his home

45、and family.3. My father r _ himself to smoking two cigarettes a day.4. When Mary saw her favorite singer in person, it gave her a big t _.5. It is e _ to us all that he has no experience in this job.6. The bear was _ (诱捕) by the hunter for its fur.7. We tried in _ (白费心机) to make him change his mind.

46、 8. Did he really see a ghost or was it only a(n) _ (主观的) impression? 9. When I was aboard, I felt _ (思乡的) for my hometown.10. Nowadays, what _ (标准) do we use to judge beauty? 答案 1. contemporary 2. conveyed / conveys 3. restricted 4. thrill 5.evident 6. trapped 7. vain 8. subjective 9. homesick 10.

47、criteria. 用方框中所给的单词或短语的适当形式填空。in the range of; be accessible to; drown; be replaced with; leave us breathless; in preparation for; be keen on; die out; feel refreshed; all things considered1. Generally speaking, new things _ young people.2. Many species are _ due to climate changes and human activit

48、ies.3. The old computers in our school _ new laptops months ago. 4. She _ after her sleep and continued to work.5. Many houses _ by the flood.6. The beautiful scenery of the sea _. It was really unbelievable.7. It is difficult to find a house _ our price.8. A growing number of students are taking th

49、e driving course _ future careers.9. Alice _ working in Spain. Thats why she has been learning Spanish. 10. _, Tom is the most suitable person for the position. 答案 1. are accessible to 2. dying out 3. were replaced with 4. felt refreshed 5. were drowned 6. left us breathless 7. in the range of 8. in preparation for 9. is keen on 10. All things considered



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