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1、一般现在时态的被动语态一般现在时态的被动语态(1)肯定形式肯定形式The child loves this song.byThis songthe child.loveisd Jane looks after the cat. isbyedThe catJane.look after Children love these songs. byThese songsChildrendare love被动语态的肯定结构:主语be + done(过去分词) + (by-)(动作承受者)(动作执行者)(2) 否定形式 The child doesnt love this song. bynotThis

2、 songthe child.dloveis They dont plant the trees. byThe treesThem.edareplantnot被动语态的肯定结构:主语be + done + (by-)被动语态的否定结构:主语be + +done+ (by-)not(3)疑问形式疑问形式 The child loves this song. This song is loved by the child.Is this songloved by the child ?Yes, it is.No, it isnt. 被动语态的肯定结构: 主语+be + done + (by-).被

3、动语态的否定结构: 主语+be + not + done + (by-).被动语态的疑问结构: be+主语+ done+ (by-)回答: Yes, 主语(代词)+ be. No, 主语(代词)+ be not.变换口诀主动语态变被动,主动语态变被动,一句分成三部分;一句分成三部分;中间动词改被动,中间动词改被动,前后两部换位置;前后两部换位置;主作宾来宾作主,主作宾来宾作主,注意转换主宾格;注意转换主宾格;外加外加by动词后,动词后,介副状语不必动。介副状语不必动。, sake, in this factory, grow, in Zhejiang , plant, people Engli

4、sh is spoken in England.Cars are made in this factory.Rice is grown in Zhejiang.Trees are planted by people.Task 1 用所给动词适当形式填空。用所给动词适当形式填空。English _ (sake) of? It _(make) of wood.is spokenareusedmadeis made4. This English song _ often _ (sing) by the children in class.5. Vegetables _ (sell) us in th

5、is shop.issungare soldStudy new words discuss thinker wise review influence sense v. 讨论;谈论讨论;谈论 n. 思想家思想家 adj. 有判断力的;明有判断力的;明 智的智的 n. 评论(文章)评论(文章) v. 影响;作用于影响;作用于 n. 道理;意义;合理性道理;意义;合理性Words review make sense by the way suppose well-known 易理解;合情理;易理解;合情理; 有意义有意义 顺便提一下(用于顺便提一下(用于 在交谈中插入新话在交谈中插入新话 题、题外

6、话或评论)题、题外话或评论) v. 猜想;猜测;推猜想;猜测;推 测;相信;认为测;相信;认为 adj. 众所周知的;著众所周知的;著 名的名的 you like reading books?s your favourite book?s your favourite writer? Leading upMatch the people with the books ConfuciusMark TwainShakespeareConfuciusHe is a great in China.He is known for his thought.We are still by his thoug

7、ht.He is by Chinese people.thinkerwiseinfluencedrespectedGuess who they are.Can you say something about them? knfju:s Chinese ous sayings by him.He is well known in China and all over the world because of Lunyu.(about 551-479 BC)ShakespeareHe was a of e of his most fomous are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. He was born in 1564 in .His illions of people every year.writersplaysEngland(1564 1616 )Mark TwainHe was a famous writer and s Sawyer.American twein ( l8351910 )short stories andnovels.great, influence, respect, thinker, thought, wisestory,writerwriter,



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