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1、6TOOL GUIDE21st. Feb. 2004India Pvt Ltd11. 6TOOL ?100 PPM QUALITY PROCESSOS&D*Sequential InspectionMain Process ControlTime CheckQuality AuditReview Meeting123456PerfectCheckSystemCultivatingTeamSkillImplement6TOOL*OS&D : Over, Shortage & Defect22. 6TOOL-1 / OS&D ActivityA system to improve quality

2、of components found defective by monitoring , analyzing &acting on actual real time data & material supplied by suppliers. OS&D ImageEstablish full inspection systemEstablish quality information system- Real information system . Real data . Real material- Computerized OS&D managementEstablish vendor

3、 appraisal system- Quality contract (agreement of target quality)- I&P System Innovation Flow*I&P : Incentive & PenaltyFACTORYSUPPLIERSImprovementActivitiesDefectFoundReal & QuickInformationImprovedMaterialInnovation Activities Attach tag after finding a defect on the line Place collection box for d

4、efectives in the line Collect rejection & analysis of same from IQC members Display rejection due to supplier Request for urgent delivery in exchange of total rejection. Supplier must receive real information and have improvement meeting (once/week) = Q-manager attend Receive improved material & fol

5、low-up32. 6TOOL-1 / OS&D Activity (RULE)PRODUCTIONPURCHASEIQCMATERIALSUPPLIERActivities- Find defective parts-Attach tag . Supplier defect : Red . Transportation : Blue . Work defect : Yellow- Store defective parts- Issue OS&D NCR (once/day)- Provide additional parts in lieu of defected qty . Emerge

6、ncy delivery- Hold improvement M/T with supplier . Sunrise M/T - Collect the defective parts (once/day)- Analyze and evaluate the cause of rejection. . Classify the reason their types like internal work error or transportation or vendor- Record and manage current defect status and feed back- Display

7、 the defective parts- Organize the receipt/ issuing of alternated parts to the line- Receive the defective parts- Analyze the reason- Hold improvement meeting .Daily meeting .Weekly innovation meeting (Q-manager attend) - Monthly evaluation meeting (Q-manager attend)MaterialWork defectVendor defect


9、ByCheckedByApprovedByProduction Line : DATE : / / S/NoPart NamePart NoDefect DescriptionVendorProd.QCWorkmanshipProd.QCTotalDefect StatusVendorNameQCSupervisorManagerPRODRemarks7Pro- Inspec-tion3. 6TOOL-2 / Sequential inspectionTo filter all the rejection on the line by inspecting pre-processed work

10、 totally (100%) at the next process. Sequential inspection imageAfter checking pre-processed work,do own process activitiesStartAssembly Line1st Process2nd Process3rd ProcessInspect 100% in assembly processSequential inspection image- Setting sequential inspection points of each process- Check pre-p

11、rocess work- Attach a tag on the defected position- Feed back to the concerned operator- Record and manage repair history- Notify the defective contents to operators in the review meeting- Make countermeasuresWork-ingPro- Inspec-tionPre-Inspec-tionWork-ingPro- Inspec-tionPre-Inspec-tionWork-ing8* Se

12、quential inspection GuideITEMPROCESS NAMESequential inspection guide9* Sequential inspection Sticker10Individual result - Sequential inspectionNONameLINE : MONTH : PreparedByCheckedByApprovedBy1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31PtPtPtPtPtPtPtPtPt11Repa

13、ir RecordNOFault SHOP / : DATE : / / PreparedByCheckedByApprovedByCauseAction TakenItemQty ConcernedOperationTOTAL PROD. QTY % REPAIR Remarks 124. 6TOOL-3 / Main Process ControlEstablish visual management for main process (Heavy rejection, Customer complaints,critical etc.) and concentrate on improv

14、ement activity like Fool Proof.Main Process Operation- Install sign boards such as : . Major process : Customer Complain, Line Defect . Specific process : Time Check process, Customers requirement . Critical process : Critical items, Standard items- Register defective process : When defect occurs- W

15、ithdraw main process : when no defect occurs- If rejection occurs establish countermeasure : attach the process- TDRE* activity when defect occurs continuously- Make a permanent countermeasure : Fool Proof- Establish check & appraisal system*TDRE : Tear Down & Re- Engineering13* Sign BoardMAJOR PROC

16、ESSSPECIFIC PROCESSCRITICAL PROCESS550MM145MM14Main Process Control SheetProduction QtyDefective QtyDefective RateDate1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TotalDefectRate(ppm)1,0002,000SHOPPROCESS NAMECATEGORYOPERATOROPENING DATESUPERVISORTARGET155. 6TO

17、OL-4 / Time CheckTo assure component quality which are processed in house, check main control point regularlyTime Check ImageFlow ChartActivity- Check quality periodically and take action- Initial inspection : . Assure initial setting condition- Intermediate inspection : Check 4M variation . Correct

18、 specification variation of 4M at mid of production day- Final inspection : Assure the quality of finished productDecide check pointTake sampleCheckKeep sampleRecording Initial Intermediate Final Every two hourOKNGStop production& check early LotRecheck all(100%)Change working condition & repair- Is

19、olate rejected lot- Stop the defective input to the next process- Decide limit level and segregate- Repair or disposal- Find out defect cause- Establish permanent solution with concerned dept.16TIME CHECK SHEETCHECKED BY(SUPERVISOR):APPROVED BY(MANAGER):LINEPROCESS NAMEDURATION( / / ) ( / / )CYCLEEV

20、ERY ( ) HROPERATORS NAMESUPERVISORS NAMENoCheck itemsSignature by supervisorMON ( / )TUE ( / )WED ( / )THU ( / )FRI ( / )SAT ( / )09:0011:0011:0001:0002:0004:0004:0006:0009:0011:0011:0001:0002:0004:0004:0006:0009:0011:0011:0001:0002:0004:0004:0006:0009:0011:0011:0001:0002:0004:0004:0006:0009:0011:00

21、11:0001:0002:0004:0004:0006:0009:0011:0011:0001:0002:0004:0004:0006:00Specs17* Time Check Process BoardTIME CHECK PROCESS550MM145MMTIME CHECK BOARDTime Check Sheet09:0011:0011:0001:0002:0004:0004:0006:00LINE : _ITEM : _OPERATORSUPERVISOR186. 6TOOL-5 / Q-AUDITWe will compare the required quality leve

22、l & the quality level of our products / processes and then narrow the gap.Flow ChartSelect modelFind problems/Register taskDo Q-AuditKeep RecordImprovementManage till innovatedProcessClassStep 1Step 2Step 3Outgoing AuditStep 1 +Line AuditStep 2 + Process (Parts) AuditMAINFOCUSRem-arks- Understand cu

23、stomers needs- Establish outgoing inspection parameters.- Do 100% inspection- Find out weak point & improve.-Establish line process parameters.-Do regular audit.-Find out line problems & improve.- Find out process or parts problem & solve them permanentlyRegular Audit by QA along with production & s

24、ometimes from Customer. Establish controlParameters.197. 6TOOL-6 / Review MeetingWe must naturalize ourselves to prevent defect input & improvement of such defects through systematic review .Daily MeetingWeekly MeetingMonthly Meeting- Describe process & parts defect with actual material- Conducted b

25、y supervisor with all operators- Do daily- Weekly meeting to make counter- measure (OS&D, Line Rejection)- Supervisor & Manager- Once per week- Review monthly target & result, establish next month plan- Supervisor & All Managers- Once per month20Quality Review ReportLINEDATE/ /PreparedbyAPPROVALPrep

26、aredbyCheckedbyHODLQC Status1. Rejection rate( / ) ( / )ProdQtyRejQtyPPMAPCusedAPC rejPPM rej2. Worst 5 items ( Customer / Line)12345Problem & CauseCountermeasureDate Resp.SignAPCSHOP21REJECTION STATUSMONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31TotalProdu

27、ctionQtyAPC usedQtyRejectionQtyAPC Rej.RateDateRate(Unit : PPM)50100150200300APC rej.QtyShop Rejection RateAPC TARGET22Monthly Line Rejection Rate2004 REJECTION RATE(PPM)JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 50100150200ProdQtyAPC usedRej.QtyAPC Rej.RateAPC rej.Shop Rej. RateAPC TARGET231-1

28、 6 Sigma Concept levelPPM6 3.45233 46210 366,807 2308,537 Process Defects Capability OpportunitySweet Fruits( Perfect Design) Bulk of fruits( Optimization)Lower fruits( 7 QC tools)Ground fruits( Straight viewpt)241-1 6 Sigma Concept-I3 Sigma Level Company6 Sigma Level Company 10 15% of sales is fail

29、ure cost Having 66,807 defects per Million Depends on the detection of defects Believes that high Quality is expensive Doesnt follow systematic approach Benchmarking against competing companies Believes 99% is good enough Defines CTQs internally 5% of sales is failure cost 3.4 defects per Million Fo

30、cus on process not to produce Defects Believes that high Quality creates low cost Uses D-M- A-I-C Know how Benchmarking to be the Best in the World Believes 99% is unacceptable. Defines CTQs from customer point of view251-1 6 Sigma Concept-II3 Sigma Level Company6 Sigma Level Company 54,000 wrong dr

31、ug prescriptions /year Unsafe drinking water 2hrs/ month No telephone service for 27 min / week 5 Short or long landings at the heathero airport in a day. 1,350 incorrect surgical operations / week. 54,000 lost articles of mail loss / hr. 1 wrong drug prescription in 25 years. Unsafe drinking water

32、for 16 years. No telephone service for 6 sec for 100 years 1 short or long landings at Heathero airport in 10 years. 1 incorrect surgical operation for 20 years. 35 lost articles of mail / year.261-2 6 Sigma Concept ( Aspect of tools)StepsToolsDefinitionMeasurementAnalysisImprovementControl1)Process

33、 Mapping2)Logic Tree3)Pareto Analysis4)QFD , FMEA5)Gage R&R6)Rational subgroupings7)Process Capability8)Hypothesis Testing9)Regression10)Graph analysis11)DOE( Design of Experiment12)Direct Improvements13)SPC271-3 Understanding Basic concepts of Statistics“Z “ is the measure of process capability Z=3 Z=612 3LSLUSL123LSLUSL4 5 6There are equal noOf S.D on both sidesSo for Z=3, the toleranceBand is divided into 6S.DFor Z=6 , the tolerance Band isDivided into 12 S.DAs number of S.D increasesThe curve narrows down & soProcess capability increases &Thus defect decreases. Cp 2.0Cpk 1.528



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