1、2021/8/21In the night, there was one little egg laying on a leaf. 2021/8/22One Sunday morning, there was a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. 2021/8/23He started to look for some food. 2021/8/24He ate one apple. But he was still hungry. 2021/8/25He ate two pears. But he was still hungry. 2021/8/26He
2、ate three plums. But he was still hungry. 2021/8/27He ate four strawberries. But he was still hungry. 2021/8/28He ate five oranges. But he was still hungry. 2021/8/29He ate a lot of things. 2021/8/210Then he became a big and fat caterpillar. 2021/8/211He was full and felt sleepy. 2021/8/212Then he became a beautiful butterfly!2021/8/213部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!