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1、Unit 1 Your College Years Bob HartmanStudent number: Name: Teaching Procedures Warmingup Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading HomeworkWarming-upAuthor - Bob HartmanBob Hartman is a storyteller of children and part - time pastor. He was born in Pittsburgh in the United States.Pre-readingIn the 1st

2、college year, did you experience anything different from that in high school? what do you think about these differences?While-readingNew wordsPhrases & GrammarStructureStyleNew Words1. Endeavor v. to try very hard eg. He endeavored to claim himself down but in vain.辨析:Endeavor 强调愿望发自内心以及用异乎寻常的极大努力去做

3、某事,尤指克服困难。 Strive 和endeavor 一样,表示付出极大努力,但该词强调做某事所需要的辛劳和竭尽全力,不强调努力的结果。Try 指花费体力或心力试图完成某事,且包含有成功的可能。Attempt 强调开始着手进行某事,但不强调花费力气,且所希望或期待的结果常常未能实现。 2. Perceive v. to understand or think of sth in a particular way per ceive through take 凭借感觉去拿,即意识到,认为 凭借 拿 Perception n. 洞察力,看法,见解 3. Excessive adj. much m

4、ore than is reasonable or necessary eg. Bad habits, such as smoking and excessive drinking, can harm your health. ex cess ive 超出 行走 的 行走的距离超出的,即过分的,过多的4. Resentment n. A feeling of anger because sth has happened that you think is unfair re sent ment 相反 感觉 行为 相反的感受,即反感,愤恨,怨恨 resent v. 愤恨,感到气愤5. Proje

5、ct v. to show other people (what your future role will be as a man or woman) pro ject forward throw 向前投掷,向前扔,即规划,计划 向前 投掷,扔6. Option n. a choice you can make in a particular situation辨析辨析:Option 指特别赋予的进行选择的权利,强调的是进行选择的自由和权利。Choice 指运用自己的判断进行选择的机会,权利或能力,强调的是进行选择的可能性。Alternative 主要指在相互排斥的两者之间做严格的选择,也可

6、指在两者以上中进行选择。7. Contribute v. to help to cause sth to happen con tribute 全部 给予 全部给予,即捐助,捐赠 contribute to sth. 是的原因之一,促成8. Affirm v. to state that sth. is true and you agree with it or support it, esp. in public eg. I affirm that you will not lose the job. affirmation n. 肯定,断言 affirmative adj. 肯定的,同意的

7、 辨析辨析:Affirm 强调说话人坚定地相信自己说的是事实,并且有可靠的根据,不容置疑。Assert 指没有客观证据而非常自信地宣称或断言。Allege 指在缺乏证据的情况下宣称。Claim 指强调宣称某事是真实的,尤指在面对反对意见时的宣称。Declare 指肯定地说某事,往往是公开地针对反对意见的宣称或断言。9. Evaluate v. to carefully consider sth. in order to see how useful or valuable it is辨析辨析:Evaluate 指试图做出准确的判断,但通常不用于指估算钱财方面的价值。Assess 可以指估算财产

8、的价值,损失的数额等,也可以指估量某事物的意义,重要性,价值等。Estimate 指在未进行精确计算之前对某事物的成本,大小或价值做出估算。Appraise 指对某事物的价值或品质做出精确的或内行的判断,常用于对优点,长处的评价。 Phrases & Grammar1. During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. 本句为复合句。句中,

9、who和what均引导宾语从句,做find out的宾语。Go through sth. 经历,遭受;仔细检查,仔细查看;详细研究,仔细琢磨2. While students are going through an identity crisis, they are becoming independent from their parents yet are probably still very dependent on them.Be dependent from 独立于,不依赖于3. In the late sixties, a young woman from a backgrou

10、nd that was extremely prejudiced against people from other races came to college convinced that her race was superior.句中,介词短语from a background that为后置定语,修饰woman;其中that引导定语从句,修饰background;过去分词短语convinced that her race was superior作伴随状语,其中that引导定语从句,作convinced的宾语。Be prejudiced against 对有偏见4. 平行结构在英语中,

11、并列连词and, but, as well as, bothand, neithernor, eitheror, not onlybut also, rather than, asas 等可连接两个对等的词或对等的结构,我们称之为平行结构(parallel structure) 。平行结构的要求主要有以下几个方面。A. 所连接的谓语形式必须一致。eg. He went downtown, brought some books and visited his daughter. (went, bought 和visited 都是用的过去时) B. 所连接的词或短语形式必须一致。eg. She h

12、as good looks, quick wits, and a good character. (looks, wits 和character都是名词)C. 所连接的非谓语动词的形式必须一致。eg. Some find swimming more enjoyable than sitting at home. (swimming和sitting都是动名词 )D.所连接的句子结构必须一致。eg. Restrict your passage to one or two pages, and list the references on a separate sheet.(and连接的两个句子都是

13、祈使句)StructurePart 1 (para.1) introduce that college students will go through many key changes during their college years.Part 2 (paras.2-9) explain the key changes students will experience in detailPart3 (para.10) conclude that college is a time of personal growth and expansion.Style1. Genre : expos

14、itory essay 2. Diction: formal and technical words, eg. adulthood, adolescence3. Syntax: long and involved sentences 4. Techniques 1.quotation eg. in. source, according to . 2.parallelism eg. words : para.2 strengthens and weaknesses phrases : para. 2 determined by genetic endowment; shaped by envir

15、onment; influenced by chance eventsPost-readingDo you agree that young adults such as college students are bound to go through an identity crisis? Have you had any identity crisis yourself so far?Do you consider yourself reasonably independent from your parents? Why it is so important to gain this i

16、ndependence?Homework1.Retell the text.2.Write an essay by using writing techniques in this essay.3.Discussion(1)Is it true that our struggles for independence and our desire to establish our identity start at college when we reach early adulthood?(2)Have you gained much freedom now that you are a college student? If the answer is yes, how are you enjoying your newly acquired freedom?Thank You



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