2019版高三英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 13 People课件 北师大版必修5

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2019版高三英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 13 People课件 北师大版必修5_第1页
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2019版高三英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 13 People课件 北师大版必修5_第3页
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1、Unit 13People固考基知识梳理析考点重难突破提考能教材升华栏目导航课时提能练weaknessgainpassiveprevious positivelawyerconnectiongifteddeservefailure entirelyindependentfaultgratefulshortcoming 评估紧急情况精确地大使馆喜爱运动的 独立天文学过敏的 strongstrengthstrengthenconcentrateconcentration associateassociationexpress expressionexpressive describedescrip

2、tionpredictpredictionpredictorsatisfysatisfactionsatisfactorysatisfied reliefrelieveanxietyanxiousaccountaccountant devotedevotionappropriateappropriately strengthened relief satisfaction anxiety description predictassociationpredictorpredictionsexpressionindependentdependindependencedevoteddevotion

3、devotingexpressedexpressivecome up withconcentrate ontalk sb. into doing sth.draw upbe popular with. on the other handin terms ofaccuse sb. of.react tocant help doing sth. be devoted tocompared tobe willing to do sth.end updeal with to be honestglare at come up withend upTo be honestglaring atCompar

4、ed toend upTo be honestglaring atend upTo be honestglaring atend upTo be honestglaring atend upTo be honestconcentrate oncant help thinkingIn terms ofdeal withwas devoted todraw up react to concentrationonWith his mind concentrated on his work His mind concentrated on his work respecting/to be respe

5、cted attention deserved to be honored playing accused has a strong desire to visit desires to visit for on On account forThere areforjudgement Devoted devotion with as it walk in it it because why he was late for school that why the on for is predicted could have arrived solve with 去掉tofaultsfaultofwithtoon/uponJudgedJudgingWithTo第二个toat watchwatching descriptionthatsimplybeingbeingwithaasactuallyhiredSupported



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