高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 4 Making the news课件 新人教版必修5

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1、必修五Unit 4Unit 4Making the newsMaking the news 理教材理教材理教材理教材 基础化基础化基础化基础化 析考点析考点析考点析考点 精准化精准化精准化精准化 研精题研精题研精题研精题 集约化集约化集约化集约化读名篇读名篇读名篇读名篇 规范化规范化规范化规范化 对应学生用书对应学生用书P P104 104 读名篇规范化学句式学句式 写佳作写佳作 积累卡片热点话题看法与态度好词attitude态度opinion观点,看法acknowledge承认,感谢hold持有(某观点)evident/obvious/apparent明显的divided分开的,不同的var

2、y变化,不同differ不同(adj.different adv.differently)adopt采用assume假定,认为view观点personally个人(看来)concern涉及,关系到,使担心、关心的事concerning关于involving涉及,牵涉到concerned关心的,有关的frank坦白的as to/as for关于convinced深信的otherwise不同地,要不然trust信任believe in信仰,相信insist on坚持stick to/hold on to坚持positive积极的,肯定的,正面的negative消极的,否定的,负面的optimist

3、ic乐观的pessimistic悲观的urgent紧急的vital至关重要的佳句1When it comes to failure/Talking of failure,people have/take/adopt/assume different attitudes towards it.Different people hold different attitudes towards it.谈到失败,人们的态度各不相同。2Different people have different opinions/views on this question.Some people believe t

4、hat.,while others argue that.对于这个问题,不同的人有不同的看法。有些人认为,另一些人主张3Peoples views on it/Peoples attitudes toward it vary from person to person.Some hold that.However,others believe that.人们对此的观点/态度因人而异。有些人认为然而其他人却认为4It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours.不用说,早睡早起是有益的。5It is generally/univers

5、ally believed/accepted/ thought/ held/acknowledged that knowledge can change ones fate.人们通常/普遍认为,知识能改变人的命运。6I personally think/In my personal opinion/view,health is more important than wealth.我个人看来,健康比财富更重要。7From my point of view,it is up to us ourselves to make a sensible plan for our future.在我看来,该

6、由我们自己为我们的将来制定一个合理的计划。8So/As far as Im concerned,it was a great success.在我看来,这是一个很大的成功。 9It is my belief that“honesty is the best policy”in most situations.我坚信,在多数情况下诚实是最好的策略。10It is obvious/clear/evident/selfevident that success favours the diligent.显然/不言而喻,成功垂青那些勤奋的人。11It cant be denied/There is no

7、 denying that the advance of science and technology is of vital importance/significance to Chinas modernization.不可否认,科学技术的发展对中国的现代化是至关重要的。12To be frank/honest/Frankly/Honestly speaking,whether you like it or not,you have no other choice.坦白/诚实地说,无论你是否喜欢,你别无选择。13I dont believe it right to hurt people

8、unnecessarily.我认为无端伤害他人是不对的。14Im greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure.我深信预防胜于治疗。对应学生用书对应学生用书P P105 105 理教材基础化习要点习要点 夯基础夯基础 基础知识过关自检一、重点单词追忆1_adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的2_n业余爱好者3_vt.更新;使现代化4_adv.故意地5_adj.犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的6_vt.出版;发行;发表;公布7_adj.彻底的;详尽的8_n约会;任命9_vt.帮助;协助;援助_n帮助;援助10_vt.递交;呈递(文件等)11_vt.集中


10、ion12acquire13.assess;assessment14.inform;information15accuse16.demand17.accurate18senior19.approve;approval20.process二、短语回顾1concentrate_集中;全神贯注于2have a good nose_对嗅觉敏感3inform sb._告知;通知4_the meanwhile期间;同时5depend_依靠;依赖(同义词)_6accuse sb._因指责;控告7get the wrong end of the_报道失实8_as to do为了做9ahead_在前面10_ca

11、se of 以防,万一答案:1.on2.for3.of4.in5.on;rely on6.of7.stick8.so9.of10.in三、经典句型必会1_Zhou Yang (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英文报纸的第一项工作任务。解读:never置于句首,句子用部分倒装。2His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin (HX),_strongly_his life as a journalist.他与他的新

12、老板胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生重要影响。解读:be to do在句中表示后来发生的事,常译为“注定会;一定”。3Have you ever had a_someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你有没有遇到过这种情况:别人控告你的记者,说他的报道失实呢?解读:where引导定语从句,修饰先行词a case。答案:1.Never will2.was to;influence3.case where对应学生用书对应学生用书P P105 105 析考点 精准化抓重点抓重点 重技法重技法 一、重点

13、单词1eager adj.渴望的;热切的be eager for/about/after.渴望be eager to do sth.渴望做某事be eager that.渴望be anxious to do sth.急切地想做某事be anxious for sth.急切地想得到某物long for 盼望,渴望be greedy for 渴望He is eager for success.他渴望取得成功。The company is eager to expand into new markets.那家公司急欲开辟新的市场。 eager 与anxiouseager 带有更多的热切、兴奋的情绪,

14、具有积极的心态。anxious带有更多的焦虑、担忧的情绪,具有消极的心态。She was eager about her progress.她渴望进步。He is anxious about her safety.他对她的安全感到焦虑。 单项填空The manager is_that the project should be started as early as possible.AeagerBworriedCanxious Dlonged解析句意:经理渴望工程应该尽快开始。句中考查be eager that.渴望。答案A 2acquire v获得;取得;学到I look on it as

15、 an opportunity to acquire fresh skills.我把这当作是一次学习新技能的机会。This beer isnt bad;Im beginning to acquire a taste for it.这啤酒不错,我开始喜欢喝了。acquire sth.得到、掌握、获得某物acquire a knowledge of 学会acquire a habit 养成习惯acquire,get,gain与obtain(1)acquire多指经过一段时间的艰苦努力而获得,获得的内容多是抽象的东西,并且一经获得就很难失去,如知识等。(2)get是一般用语,口语用词,用途很广。(3

16、)gain常指强有力的夺取,也可指渐渐获得某物的过程。(4)obtain常指通过努力工作而得到所需的东西。单项填空It took him a long time to_the skills he needed to become a professional artist.AacquireBinquireCrequireDrequest解析考查动词词义辨析。acquire“学到”;inquire“询问”;require“要求”;request“请求”。句中考查acquire the skills意为“学到技能”,故A项正确。答案A3case n情况;病例;案例in any case 无论如何;

17、总之in case 以防;万一in case of 万一;如果发生in no case 决不in that case 如果是那样的话;在那种情况下as is often the case 这是常有的事注意:in case 可以引出条件句,句中用一般现在时表将来;in no case 位于句首时,句子使用倒装语序;case 意为“情况;情形”时,后面定语从句的关系词为where。If thats the case, what can I do to feel better?如果是这种情况,我做什么才能感觉更好一些呢?In case of fire,call 119.如发生火灾,就打119。Tak

18、e your coat in case it rains.带着雨衣吧,以防下雨。In some cases,it is necessary to operate.在有些情况下,动手术是有必要的。单项填空Take more money when you travel_something unusual happens.Aever sinceBeven ifCsoon afterDin case解析句意:当你旅行时多带钱以防不测发生。in case“以防”;ever since“自从”;soon after“之后不久”;even if“即使”。故D项正确。答案D 4normal adj.正常的;正

19、规的;标准的normal temperature/working hours 正常温度/工作时间above/below normal 超过标准/低于标准return to normal 恢复正常bring sth.back to normal 使恢复正常behave normally 行为正常run normally 运转正常Rainfall has been above normal this July.今年7月降雨量超过正常雨量。Train services are now back to normal after last weeks strike.在上星期罢工以后,现在火车营运已经恢复

20、正常。单项填空Dont you think he is strange?Its perfectly_to get depressed sometimes.AregularBnormalCrightDworthwhile解析句意:难道你不认为他很奇怪吗?有时候压抑是完全正常的。normal“正常的”;regular“正规的”;right“正确的”;worthwhile“值得的”,故B项正确。答案B 5approve v赞成;认可;批准You made a good decision,and I thoroughly approved of it.你做了一个很好的决定,我不折不扣地表示赞同。The

21、 city council approved the building plans.市议会批准了这些建设计划。approve sth.通过、批准某事approve of sth.赞同、赞成某事approve oneself 证明自己是general approval 一致同意改错(1)Finally,her parents approved her marriage._(2)The government approved of a plan for supporting the housing program._答案(1)在approved之后加上of(2)去掉approved 之后的of二、

22、短语精粹1concentrate on 集中精力于;专心于concentrate on.(doing) sth.专心致志(做)某事concentrate ones mind/attention on 注意力集中在focus/fix ones attention on 集中注意力于put ones mind/heart into 专心于apply oneself/ones mind to 专心于be absorbed in.专心致志于be lost in.倾心于devote.to.专心于/献身于I cant concentrate on my work when I am hungry.我饿了就

23、无法集中精力工作。I hope that you will concentrate your energy on the experiment.我希望你们能把精力放在实验上。单项填空After several days of social activities,I decided to_on my research on the human behaviours.AfixBsettleCsetDconcentrate解析根据句意只有concentrate on sth.符合题意。答案D2accuse.of 因指责;控告accuse sb.of (doing) sth.控告某人(做)某事be a

24、ccused of 被指责;被控告rob sb.of sth.抢劫某人某物ask sb.of sth.向某人要求某物cure sb.of sth.治好某人的疾病She accused him of stealing her money.她指控他偷了她的钱。Are you accusing me of cheating?你是在指责我欺骗吗?accuse,chargeaccuse 意为“指控,指责,谴责,控诉”,不一定指很严重之事,也可用于法律上的控告,多与介词of搭配;charge 意为“指控,控告”,是法律上控告的正式用语,对严重行为而言,多与介词with 搭配。His youngest so

25、n was accused of stealing things from a supermarket.他最小的儿子被指控从超市里偷东西。Police have charged a 22yearold man with robbing two Japanese tourists.警察控告一名22岁的男子抢劫两位日本游客。单项填空The police_him of stealing a car and put him into prison.Awarned BchargedCaccusedDthreatened解析句意:警察控告他偷小汽车并把他送入监狱。accuse“指控”,构成短语accuse

26、 sb. of doing sth.,warn sb. of sth.“警告”;charge sb. with doing sth.指控某人;threaten“威胁”。答案C三、经典句型1.so its actually of special interest to me.因此,实际上我对此产生了特殊的兴趣。(1)“of抽象名词”是一种很常见的结构,如:of value/importance/help/use/benefit 等,此结构相当于一个形容词,通常在句中作表语、后置定语或补足语。(2)此结构中的抽象名词前还可加上no,some,any,great,little,much等修饰语。(3

27、)of还可以构成以下结构:of an age,of a size,of a colour,of a shape,of a type 等,其中的a/an还可换成the same,意为“年龄、大小、颜色、形状、种类相同”。These programmes are of help to learners of English.这些节目对英语学习者有帮助。She found nothing of interest in his pictures.她发现他的画不令人感兴趣。完成句子(1)那个经验对我很有益处That experience was _to me.(2)你认为中学生对这本书感兴趣吗?Do y

28、ou think the book _to middle school students?答案(1)of great benefit(2)of any interest 2He admitted that he knew the man who was supposed to have bribed him,but denied that he had ever taken any money.他承认他认识那个据认为向他行贿的人,但他否认他曾经受贿。句中be supposed to have done 表示“被认为做过某事”,使用不定式的完成时说明不定式动作发生在谓语动作之前。注意下列用法:s

29、uppose sb./sth.to be.认为某人/某物是be supposed to do sth.应当,理应;必须做某事;be supposed to be.被认为是be supposed to have done sth.“本应该做某事(而实际未做)”Its supposed that.人们认为I suppose that.我认为Suppose/Supposing that.假设(引导条件状语)That is supposed to be one of Zhang Yimous best films.那被认为是张艺谋最好的电影之一。We are not supposed to smoke

30、 in the waiting room.我们不应该在候车室里吸烟。The meeting was supposed to have taken place on Friday.会议本应该在周五举行。单项填空The train_arrive at 1130,but was an hour late.Awas about to Bwas likely toCwas supposed toDwas certain to解析be supposed to意为“应当”;be about to意为“正要做”,不能与具体的时间状语连用,be likely to do意为“可能”;be certain to意为“肯定”。故C项正确。答案C



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