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1、中国文化手工艺品Handicraft ArtHandicraftHandicraft art that began as a form of Chinese folk art in the Tang and Song Dynay (960-1279 AD) in China.Handicraft Art1.Chinese knots2.Jianzhi3.Embroidery4.New Year Picture Chinese knots are usually lanyard type arrangements where two cords enter from the top of the

2、 knot and two cords leave from the bottom. The knots are usually double-layered and symmetrical.Archaeological studies indicate that the art of tying knots dates back to prehistoric times.(史前时期)The art is also referred to as Chinese traditional decorative knots.In other cultures, it is known as deco

3、rative knots. knotting have also been found in literature, poetry and the private letters of some of the most infamous rulers of China. In the 18th century, one novel that talked extensively about the art was Dream of the Red Chamber.l 文字的前身 -易系辞载:上古结绳记事,后世圣人易之以书契。而和郑玄周易又注称;大事大结其绳,小事小结其绳。而在战国铜器上所见的数

4、字符号上都还留有结绳的形状,由这些历史资料来看,绳结确实曾被用作辅助记忆的工具,也可说是文字的前身。l 穿着的习惯 -最早的衣服没有今天的钮扣,拉链等配件,所以若想把衣服系牢,就只能借助将衣带打结这个方法。中国人一向有佩玉的习惯,历代的玉佩形制如玉璜,玉珑,玉等。在其上都钻有小圆孔,以便于穿过 线绳,将这些玉佩系在衣服上。l近代:结绳艺术 -到了清代,绳结发展至非常高妙的水准,式样既多,名称也巧,简直就把中国结这种优美的装饰品当成艺术品一般来讲究。在曹雪芹著的红楼第三十五回白玉钏亲尝莲叶羹,黄金莺巧结梅花络中,有一段描述宝玉与莺儿商 谈编结络子(络子就是结子的应用之一)的对白,就说明了当时结子

5、的用途,饰物与结子颜巴的调配,以及结子的式样名称等等的问题。历史为骨,艺术为翼 中有千千结1. 结绳记事2. 服饰之结3. 神灵之结 “绳”与“神”谐音,中国文化在形成阶段,曾经崇拜过绳子。据文字记载:“ 女娲引绳在泥中,举以为人。”又因绳像蟠曲的蛇龙,中国人是龙的传人,龙神的 形象,在史前时代,是用绳结的变化来体现的。蝴蝶结:福在眼前,富运迭至福字结:福气满堂,神星高照鱼结:年年富足,吉庆有余寿字结:人寿年丰,寿比南山藻井结:方正平整,井然有序双喜结:喜上加喜,双喜临门结饰涵义结饰涵义Chinese Paper Cutting or Jianzhi (剪纸) is the first typ

6、e of papercutting design, sincepaper was invented by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty in China. The art form later spread to other parts of the world with different regions adopting their own cultural styles. Because the cut outs are also used to decorate doors and windows, they are sometimes refe

7、rred to chung hu (窗花), meaning Window Flower.Chinese Paper Cutting11可编辑Paper-cutting originated from ancient activities of worshipping ancestors and gods, and is a traditional Chinese culture. According to the present archaeological records, it originated from 6th century, however people believed th

8、at its history could be traced as early as the Warring States Period ,long before the paper was invented. At that time, people used thin materials, like leaves, silver foil, silk and even leather, to carve hollowed patterns for beauty. Later, when paper was invented, people realized that this materi

9、al was easy to cut, store and discard. Thus paper became the major material for them to use, and people habitually called this artistry paper-cutting, or Jianzhi in Chinese. During Ming and Qing Dynasty, this artistry witnessed its most prosperous period. OriginPaper-cutting is one of the oldest and

10、 the most popular folk arts in China, and can be geographically divided into southern and northern style. The southern style, represented by works from Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province and Leqing in Zhejiang Province, featured ingenious and beautiful design, exquisite carve and interesting shape. Howeve

11、r, northern style, mainly from Yuxian and Fengning in Hebei Province and best represented by works from northern Shaanxi, featured overstatementClassificationToday, papercuttings are chiefly decorative. They ornament walls, windows, doors, columns, mirrors, lamps and lanterns in homes and are also u

12、sed on presents or are given as gifts themselves. Entrances decorated with paper cut outs are supposed to bring good luck.EmbroideryEmbroidery is the handicraft of Embroidery is the handicraft of decorating fabric or other materials decorating fabric or other materials with needle and thread or yarn

13、. with needle and thread or yarn. Embroidery may also incorporate other Embroidery may also incorporate other materials such as metal strips, materials such as metal strips, pearls, beads, quills, and sequins. pearls, beads, quills, and sequins. Embroidery is most often used on caps, Embroidery is m

14、ost often used on caps, hats, coats, blankets, dress shirts, hats, coats, blankets, dress shirts, denim, stockings, and golf shirts. denim, stockings, and golf shirts. Embroidery is available with a wide Embroidery is available with a wide variety of thread or variety of thread or yarn color.yarn co

15、lor.Embroidery has been dated to the Warring States period .The process used to tailor, patch, mend and reinforce cloth fostered the development of sewing techniques, and the decorative possibilities of sewing led to the art of embroidery.In a garment from Migration period Sweden, roughly 300700 CE,

16、 the edges of bands of trimming are reinforced with running stitch, back stitch, stem stitch, tailors buttonhole stitch, and whipstitching, but it is uncertain whether this work simply reinforced the seams or should be interpreted as decorative embroideryEmbroidery was a very important art in the Me

17、dieval Islamic world. One of the most interesting accounts of embroidery were given by the 17th century Turkish traveler Evliya elebi, who called it the craft of the two hands. It became a hugely popular art.Embroidery was visible on handkerchiefs, uniforms, flags, calligraphy, shoes, robes, tunics, horse trappings, slippers, sheaths, pouches, covers, and even on leather belts. Many craftsmen embroidered with gold and silver thread. 在汉族传统刺绣工艺品当中的,常常将产于中国中部湖南省的湘绣,中国西部四川省的蜀绣,产于中国南部广东省的粤绣和产于中国东部江苏省的苏绣合称为中国四大名绣。New Year Picture20可编辑



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