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1、一、新标准外研版英语七年级下期中一、新标准外研版英语七年级下期中 语法总复习课件语法总复习课件1.1.一般现在时一般现在时 2.2.现在进行时现在进行时3.3.一般将来时一般将来时4.4.比较级及最高级比较级及最高级5.5.各种句型,天气各种句型,天气1动词时态动词时态名称名称 特征词特征词 肯定句的动词肯定句的动词一般现在一般现在sometimes, usually, often always, every., 原形原形 第三人称单数第三人称单数现在进行现在进行look, listen, now, Its .(几点了几点了) . 后的句子后的句子Dont do sth. 后的句子后的句子 b

2、e + doing一般过去一般过去yesterday., just now, .ago, this morning, When I was young, 过去式过去式2动词否定句一般疑问句原形在主语后dont句前Do ? 第三人 称单数在主语后doesnt动词原形句前 Does 动词原形?过去式在主语后didnt动词原形句前Did动词原形?否定句一般疑问句只在其后not (some-any)将其放到句首.?句中没有be、can, may , must, would 的变法句中有be、can, may , must, would 的变法否定句、一般疑问句的结构否定句、一般疑问句的结构3回答回答:

3、Can you .? Yes, I can. No, I cant.Is he.? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.Do you .? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Does.she ? Yes she does. No, she doesnt.Did they.? Yes, they did. No, they didnt.Would you.? Yes, I would. No. I wouldnt.Were they.? Yes, they were. No, they werent.Should you.? Yes, I should. No, I sh

4、ouldnt.42.2.否定句:直接在否定句:直接在bebe后加后加not.not. 如:如:I am writI am writinging. . I am I am notnot writ writinging. .现在进行时的句式现在进行时的句式1.1.肯定句肯定句: : 主语主语+be +v-ing+be +v-ing+其它其它. . 如如: I : I amam read readinging a book. a book.53.3.一般疑问句及回答一般疑问句及回答: :问句问句, ,直接把直接把bebe提前提前, ,肯定回答肯定回答:Yes,:Yes,主语主语 +be +be 否定

5、回答否定回答: No,: No,主语主语+be+not+be+not-Are you draw-Are you drawinging ? ?-Yes,I am./No, I-Yes,I am./No, Im not.m not.6一一.用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.Look! The cat_(run)up the tree.2.The twins_(have)breakfast.3.-_he _(clean) the blackboard? -No,he isnt.4.Tom_(play)the piano in the room.Please ask him to

6、come here.5.Listen! They_(sing)in the classroom.is runningis runningare havingare havingIsIs cleaningcleaning is playingis playing are singingare singing7 汉译英汉译英1.我们正在看电视我们正在看电视.2.他们正在打扫教室他们正在打扫教室.3.汤姆正在吃早饭汤姆正在吃早饭.4.那对双胞胎正在睡觉那对双胞胎正在睡觉.We are watching TV.They are cleaning the classroom.Tom is having

7、breakfast.The twins are sleeping.8 二二.选择填空选择填空.1.My mother is _TV.A.looking at B.seeing C.reading D.watching2.-_you _a book? -Yes,I am.A.Do,read B.Are ,read C.Are ,reading D.Are ,looking3.Kate _,the others _.A.sing,listen B.is singing,is listening C.sing,are listeningD.is singing,are listening4.I _m

8、y eraser,but I cant _ it.A.look for ,finding B.am finding,look for C.am looking for,find D.find,look for9三三.句型转换句型转换1.I am watering the flowers.(否定句否定句)2.Shes jumping now.(一般疑问句一般疑问句)3.The boys are playing cards.(划线提划线提问问)4.He is doing his homework.(复数句复数句)I am not watering the flowers.Is she jumpin

9、g now?What are the boys doing?They are doing their homework.105.男孩子们正在踢足球男孩子们正在踢足球.6.她正在铺床她正在铺床.7.我正在玩电脑游戏我正在玩电脑游戏.8.你们正在听磁带吗你们正在听磁带吗?The boys are playing soccer.She is making the bed.I am playing computer games.Are you listening to the tape?111、我的妈妈正在做早饭。、我的妈妈正在做早饭。My mother is making breakfast.2、我

10、正要和我的朋友去看电影。、我正要和我的朋友去看电影。I am going to movies with my friend.3、他正在弹吉他吗?、他正在弹吉他吗?Is he playing the guitar?4、她不在拉小提琴。、她不在拉小提琴。She isnt playing the violin.5、她们在干什么?正在打篮球。、她们在干什么?正在打篮球。What are they doing? They are playing basketball.6、Lucy 和和Mary正在打排球。正在打排球。Lucy and Mary are playing volleyball.12Compa

11、rative and superlative degrees 比较级与最高级比较级与最高级Revision13Lets say together.ShanghaiHong Kong big small oldnewShanghai is _ than Hong Kong.Hong Kong is _ than Shanghai.Shanghai is _ than Hong Kong.Hong Kong is _ than Shanghai. bigger smaller newer older14Lets say together.ShanghaiHong Kong big small ne

12、w old hot very hotShanghai is hot, but Hong Kong is _ than Shanghai. hotter15 busy noisyLondon is _ and _ than Cambridge.LondonCambridge quietbusier noisier16quickThe bus is quick.The train is _.The plane is _. quicker the quickest17Cycling _ thanswimming. dangerousis more dangerous 18Gymnastics is

13、_of all. difficult the most difficult19Liu Xiang _ in the Olympic Games.ran (the) fastest20自我小结:自我小结:1.比较级指的是对人或物比较级指的是对人或物_之间之间 进行比较,句子中常用进行比较,句子中常用 “_” 连接连接 所比较的对象。所比较的对象。 最高级则是对最高级则是对_或或_的人的人 或物进行比较,常带有比较范围或物进行比较,常带有比较范围 (_.或或_.) 两者两者 than三者三者三者以上三者以上 of in211)单音节和)单音节和 部分双音节词部分双音节词 slow fast you

14、ng tallfine late thin bigeasy earlyslower slowestyounger youngest一般在词尾加一般在词尾加 er, est2)以字母)以字母e 结尾的词结尾的词3)重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时)重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,4)以辅音字母加)以辅音字母加“y”结尾的双音节词结尾的双音节词, finer finestlater latesteasier easiestthinner thinnestbigger biggestearlier earliesttaller tallestfaster fastest2. 形容词、副词的比较级和最高

15、级变化规律:形容词、副词的比较级和最高级变化规律:词尾加词尾加 r, st双写辅音字母双写辅音字母,加加 er, est先改先改“y”为为“i”再加再加er, est225)多音节和部分双音节词)多音节和部分双音节词delicious famousmoderncarefullymore delicious most delicious more famous most famous在词前加在词前加more或或most more modern most modern more carefully most carefully23不规则变化good / wellmany/muchlittlebad

16、 / illoldfar 原级原级 比较级比较级 最高级最高级年龄年龄辈份辈份距离距离程度程度betterbestmoremostworseworstolderoldesteldereldestfartherfarthestfurtherfurthestlessleast24badlittlemanymuchhappyinterestingdangerousillnicefarwell251.short - _ - _2.thin - _ - _3.early - _ - _4.red - _ - _5.fine - _ - _ 6.fat - _ - _7.cool - _ - _8.old

17、 - _ - _9.wet - _ - _10.dry - _ - _finerthinnerearlierredderdrierfattestcoolerolderwettershortershortestthinnestearliestreddestfinestfattercoolestoldestwettestdriest26比较级常用句型比较级常用句型:1.比较级比较级 than2.修饰词(修饰词( much/ a lot / even / a little/ a bit/ far 等)等) 比较级比较级 3.表示两者之间的选择可使用表示两者之间的选择可使用 Who/ Which is

18、 比较级,比较级, A or B?4. 比较级比较级and比较级比较级/ more and more+ 原级原级5. the 比较级,比较级, the 比较级比较级27Tom is_ Jack.Jack is _ Tom.TomJacktaller thanshorter than28John Ken fat/ thinJohn is _ Ken.Ken is_ John. fatter than thinner than29 spring warm summer hot autumn cool winter coldSpring is _ autumn.Summer is _ Spring.

19、warmer than hotter than30 spring warm summer hot autumn cool winter coldAutumn is _ spring.Winter is _ autumn. cooler than colder than31 cheese cake chocolate cake strawberry cakeThe cheese cake is nice.The chocolate cake is _.The strawberry cake is _ than the cheese cake. nicer much nicer32Baseball

20、 is small.Table tennis is _ than baseball.Baseball is_ than football.Table tennis is _ than football. smaller a little smaller much smaller33 rich (富裕)(富裕) tall Who is_, Bill Gates _Yaoming?-Bill Gates .richeror Who is_, Bill Gates _Yaoming?-Yaoming. talleror34Which one is_, the red one_the purple o

21、ne?-The purple one.cheap beautifulWhich one is_, the red one _the purple one?- I think the red one is more beautiful.cheaperorRMB300RMB200more beautifulor35Who/ Which is 比较级,比较级, A or B? interesting fast happy36用用and 连接同一个形容词的连接同一个形容词的 2个比较级或个比较级或由由more and more +原级原级, 意为意为“越来越越来越”, 表示程度的递增。表示程度的递增。

22、e.g.Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.我们的国家变得越来越强大。我们的国家变得越来越强大。Mobile phones are more and more popular among students. 手机在学生当中越来越流行。手机在学生当中越来越流行。37练习练习:My English is getting _. Its becoming _to find a job. It becomes _when summer comes. 2. 夏天来了,天气变得越来越热了。夏天来了,天气变得越来越热了。1.找工作越来越困难了。找工作越来

23、越困难了。3. 我的英语越来越好了。我的英语越来越好了。more and more difficulthotter and hotterbetter and better38The more money you make, the more you spend.the 比较级,比较级, the 比较级比较级 表示表示“ 越越越越 ”e.g. The sooner,the better.越快越好。越快越好。钱你赚得越多,花得越多。钱你赚得越多,花得越多。39练习练习:1.她吃得越多就越胖她吃得越多就越胖. 2.我们种越多的树我们种越多的树,环境就会越好环境就会越好._she eats , _sh

24、e will be._trees we plant,_the environment will be.The morethe fatterThe morethe better402.表示三者之间的选择可使用表示三者之间的选择可使用“Which / Who is+最高级最高级 , or?”1.the+最高级最高级+of (in)3.one of the+最高级最高级+名词复数名词复数最高级常用句型:最高级常用句型:(最(最.之一)之一)41Zhou Xun Kates hair is the longest of all. Liu YifeiKateWhose hair is the longe

25、st?42JimJim is the youngest in his family.Who is the youngest in the family?43 The black one is the longest of the three.Which ruler is the longest, the blue one, the yellow one or the black one?44TomsBettysLinglingsLinglings watch is the best of the three.Whose watch is, , or? good better best45Dam

26、inglinglingmoreLingling has the most apples of the three.Tony manymostWho has , , or?46tiger The elephant is the heaviest of the three.Which is., , ,or ?polar bearelephant(heavy)the heaviest47farfartherfarthestThe sun is the farthest from the earth.satellite(卫星)(卫星)Which is , , or ? earth48Mountain

27、Tai 泰山是中国最有名的山之一。泰山是中国最有名的山之一。Mountain Tai is _in China. one of the most famous mountains49长江是世界最长长江是世界最长河流之一。河流之一。The Yangtze River is _in the world.one of the longest rivers50桂林是中国最美丽的城市之一。桂林是中国最美丽的城市之一。Guilin is _ in China.one of the most beautiful cities511.比较级比较级 than2.修饰词(修饰词( much/ a lot / ev

28、en / a little/ a bit/ far 等)等) 比较级比较级3. 两者之间选择两者之间选择Who/ Which is 比较级,比较级, A or B?4. 比较级比较级and比较级比较级/ more and more+ 原级原级5. the 比较级,比较级, the 比较级比较级 最高级常用句型最高级常用句型1.the+最高级最高级+of (in)2.三者之间的选择三者之间的选择“Which / Who is+最高级最高级 , or?”3.one of the+最高级最高级+名词复数名词复数Summery比较级常用句型比较级常用句型52( )1. My moon cake is

29、nicer his. A. like B. with C. for D. thanD( )2. The pen is _ than that one. A. more cheap B. cheap C. much cheaper D. quite cheaperC( ) 3. He jumps _ of the three. A. far B. further C. farthest D. furthestC53( ) 4. Susans flowers are _than Kittys. A. beautifuler B. more beautiful C. beautiful D. the

30、 most beautiful( ) 5.The _you listen to English, the _ it becomes. A. many;easy B. many; easier C. more; easy D. more; easier( ) 6. He is getting _ and _. A. stronger; stronger B. strong; strong C. stronger; strong D. strong; strongerBDA54( )7. The Changjiang River is one of _ in the world. A. the l

31、ongest river B. longest rivers C. the longest rivers D. longer rivers( ) 8.Who has_ apples now, Jim, Lily or Lucy? A. much B. biggest C. better D. the mostCD55改错改错1.Lesson 9 is more easier than Lesson 10.2.He is one of tallest boys in his class.3.Betty is the youngest on the three girls.4.Mother is

32、the busiest of my family.5.You can jump very higher on the moon than on the earth.the tallestofinmuch56Homework1.Review the comparative and superlative degrees of adjective words and adverbial words.2. Remember the sentence structures.57Homework1.Zhao Lei is one of _ (young) boys in his school.2.Whi

33、ch is _ (big),the sun, the earth or the moon ?the youngestthe biggest3.Mary has three brothers.Smith is_(tall) of the three.the tallest4.Mount Qomolangma is _ (high) in the world .the highest5.Jim jumped _ (high) of the all.highest58 一般将来时 (the future tense) 1.一般将来时表示在将来某一时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示将来某一段时间

34、内经常发生的动作或存在的状态。2.结构: be going to +动词原形 will +动词原形be going to will59句式的变化规则:1.变否定句-在be/will后加not 。2.变一般疑问句-将be/will动词提前。(主语是第一人称I 时,变一般疑问句时将I 变you)3.特殊疑问句(也就是对划线部分提问)-要用特殊疑问词what +一般疑问句。60练一练:练一练: A、根据中文,完成句子,每空一词。、根据中文,完成句子,每空一词。1)我打算明天和我的朋友去旅行。)我打算明天和我的朋友去旅行。 I go on a trip with my friends tomorrow

35、. 或或者:者:I go on a trip with my friends tomorrow. 2)下个星期一你打算去干嘛)下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。我想去打篮球。 -What next Monday? -I play basketball. 或者:或者:-What you do next Monday? -I play basketball. 3)你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。)你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。 - your mother go shopping this ? -Yes, she . She buy some fruit. Pra

36、ctice61练一练:练一练: A、根据中文,完成句子,每空一词。、根据中文,完成句子,每空一词。1)我打算明天和我的朋友去旅行。)我打算明天和我的朋友去旅行。 I am going to go on a trip with my friends tomorrow. 或或者:者:I will go on a trip with my friends tomorrow. 2)下个星期一你打算去干嘛)下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。我想去打篮球。 -What are you going to do next Monday? -I am going to play basketball. 或

37、者:或者:-What will you do next Monday? -I will play basketball. 3)你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。)你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。 - Is your mother going to go shopping this weekend ? -Yes, she is . She is going to buy some fruit. Practice62改写句子改写句子1)Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定句)(改否定句) Nancy going to go camping.

38、2)Ill help them.(改否定句)(改否定句) I help them. 3)Im going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问(改一般疑问句)句) to get up at 6:30 tomorrow? 4)We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(改一般疑(改一般疑问句)问句) you meet at the bus stop at 10:30?5)She is going to listen to music after school.(对(对划线部分提问)划线部分提问) she after school?

39、63改写句子改写句子1)Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定句)(改否定句) Nancy isnt going to go camping. 2)Ill help them.(改否定句)(改否定句) I wont help them. 3)Im going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问(改一般疑问句)句) Are you going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow? 4)We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(改一般疑(改一般疑问句)问句) Will you meet

40、 at the bus stop at 10:30?5)She is going to listen to music after school.(对(对划线部分提问)划线部分提问) What is she going to do after school? 64祈使句祈使句无人称、动词开头,无人称、动词开头,带命令色彩的句子。带命令色彩的句子。 肯肯定定式式 否否定定式式Open the window, please.Look at here.Please read after me.Dont open the window.Dont look at here.Dont read after

41、 me.65二、话题二、话题1.1.天气及季节天气及季节2.2.人的相貌及性格人的相貌及性格3.3.健康健康 4.4.假期假期66三、三、句句子子简单句简单句并列句并列句复合句复合句选择问句选择问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问句感叹句感叹句一般疑问句一般疑问句否定句否定句祈使句祈使句67简单句简单句并列句并列句复合句复合句选择问句选择问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问句感叹句感叹句This is an orange bike. He knows me and I know him. When I was 5, I could swim. Did you live here or there? What did th

42、ey learn just now? What a heavy rain it is! Does Tom speak French? I dont understand it. Stand (Dont) up.一般疑问句一般疑问句否定句否定句祈使句祈使句68四、句型四、句型 (及交际用语及交际用语)1.某人用多长时间做某事某人用多长时间做某事: It takes/took sb. + time + to do sth.2. 提问时间提问时间: Whats the time? What time is it? What time is it by your watch?693.提问日期提问日期:

43、 Whats the date today? What was the date yesterday?4. 提问星期几提问星期几: What day is it today? What day was yesterday?705.提问某人的生日提问某人的生日: When is ones birthday?6. 提问天气提问天气: What is the weather like today? (How is the weather today?) What was the weather yesterday? (How was the weather yesterday?717.提问温度提问温

44、度: Whats todays temperature? How about the temperature?8. 提问人的相貌提问人的相貌: What does.look like?9. 提问人的性格提问人的性格: What is . like?7210.询问对方情况询问对方情况: Whats wrong with.sb.? Whats the matter with .sb.?11. 到该做什么事的时候了到该做什么事的时候了。 Its time to do sth. Its time for sth.7312. 提建议用语提建议用语: Why not do sth.? Why dont y

45、ou do sth.? What about sth. / doing sth.? Its best to do sth. Youd better do sth.7413.谈论健康问题谈论健康问题: 1) 用英文叙述自己的病症用英文叙述自己的病症 have a fever have a cold have a pain here have a headache have a sore through have a stomachache.75 2) 就此病症提出合理建议就此病症提出合理建议 Take / Have some / these medicine three times a day.

46、 Drink more water and stay in bed for a few days. Its nothing serious. Youll be / get / become OK / well soon/ in one or two days. Dont be so tired.76五、词类五、词类1. 动词动词6. 形容词、副词形容词、副词2. 系动词系动词7.数词数词3. 代词代词8. 频率副词频率副词4.不定代词不定代词9. 介词介词5. 连词连词10. 疑问词疑问词771.动词动词(谓语谓语)He watches TV every day.He is watching

47、TV now.He watched TV a moment ago. 78 动词动词(非谓语非谓语)He enjoys watching TV. Jim makes me laugh.I wanted to see it again.792.系动词系动词 (+形容词的动词形容词的动词)lookturnsoundbecometastebefeelsmellget801) Jims idea sounds nice.2) Kate looks taller.3) I feel nervous now.4) Beijing becomes bigger.5) The days get long.6)

48、 The cake tastes delicious.813.代词代词人人称称代代词词主格主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格宾格 me youhimheritusyoutheir物物主主代代词词形容形容词性词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词名词性性mine yours his hersits ours yours theirs824.不定代词不定代词1. other, others, the other, the others, another, One., the other., any other2. one, ones, ones 3. some

49、thingsomebody / someone anythinganybody / anyone everythingeverybody / everyone nothingnobody / no one835. 连词连词1. and 7. when2. but 8. before3. or 9. after4. so 10. as5. though 11. if6. because84用用and, when, because, but, or, so, though before, after, if, 填空填空1. Jim often helps me with my English _

50、I often help him with his Chinese.2. _ the question is very difficult, few of us can answer it.3. Mr. Black is over 70 years old, _ he still works 8 hours a day.Becauseandbut854. Everyone must be here _ 6:00 tomorrow.5. _it is raining heavily, the farmers are still working in the field.6. I can help

51、 you _ I have time.用用and, when, because, but, or, so, though before, after, if, 填空填空Thoughbeforeif867. _ getting up, I always listen to the radio for a while.8. We must be quick, _ we cant follow them.9. To catch the early bus, _ I got up very early this morning.用用and, when, because, but, or, so, th

52、ough before, after, if, 填空填空soorAfter8710. _ the teacher came in, I was thinking about the game.11. _ you know him, why not go and meet Jim instead of me, Kate?用用and, when, because, but, or, so, though before, after, if, 填空填空IfWhen886.形容词、副词形容词、副词形容词形容词与副词与副词的转换的转换在词尾处在词尾处+ lyy结尾时结尾时,去去y + ily有的有的e结

53、尾的单词结尾的单词,需去需去y + ly,有的则直接,有的则直接+ly。1.quickquickly 2. easy-easily3.terrible-terribly 4. true-truly5.brave-bravely 6. careful-carefully89形容词、副词的使用形容词、副词的使用形形容容词词副副词词修饰修饰名词名词修饰修饰动词、形容词动词、形容词They are clever boys.I prefer long hair.It really sounds nice.They work very hard.907. 数词数词数数词词基数词变序数词基数词变序数词百百,

54、千千,万万,的表达的表达几分之几几分之几用来表达时、分用来表达时、分用来表达年、月、日用来表达年、月、日918. 频率副词频率副词92 用用How often 对它们进行提问。对它们进行提问。 他们体现了动词出现的频率程度。他们体现了动词出现的频率程度。 I always have milk for breakfast.I usually have eggs for breakfast.I often have noodles for it. I sometimes have fruits for it. I seldom have rice for it. I never have meat

55、 in the morning.939. 与与时时间间相相关关的的介介词词for 时间段前时间段前in 某年、某月前某年、某月前on 具体日子、节日、具体日子、节日、 生日、星期几前生日、星期几前at 某分,某时前某分,某时前当当“早上、下午、晚早上、下午、晚上上”被修饰被修饰时不用时不用 in 而用而用on. 94表示表示方位的方位的介词:介词: 某物处在某处的某物处在某处的东南西北东南西北。northsouthwestnortheastsoutheastnorthwestsouthwesteastThe Position95in, to, on 的区别的区别on 某处在某某处在某处之处之内

56、内某处与某某处与某处处相接壤相接壤某处某处在某在某处之处之外外 in to 96with 的多的多种用种用法法do sth. with sb./ sth.a girl with long haira room with two doorsa city with large populationbe busy with sth.be popular with.be with a style of.talk with sb. help sb. with sth.an action movie with Jackie ChanWhats wrong / the matter with.?9710.

57、疑问词疑问词提问提问几点几点钟钟What time is it?Whats the time?价格价格 how much地点地点where数量数量 how many.how much.程度、程度、方式方式how动词、动词、宾语宾语what.do. what主语主语who, whom.性格性格 Whats.like?时间时间when长相长相 What does/ do.look like?频率频率how often天气天气 Whats .like?Hows.?98六、常用短语六、常用短语1.wake up 8. fall off2. wake.sb. up 9. come out3. tell.

58、 about 10. get along with.4. talk to / with sb. 11. turn on / off5. invite .to. 12. put on6. play with 13. take off7. think about. 14. be always doing. think out 15. add. to think of. 16. know about9917. learn about26. in many ways18. start with27. in fact19. give of28. in summer20. be called / name

59、d 29. in the sun21. stop off30. in ones thirties22. on the telephone31. in space23. on the Internet32. in 199024. on weekend33. in the 1990s25. on the earth34. in the night on the moon35. at night10036. at this time of year 46. on the top37. at the same time 47. a road to.38. at the moment 48. to sb

60、.39. at the end of. 49. be different 40. from.to. from.41. for a while 50. be difference42. for a drink between43. for days 51. go to sw. for a44. on the other side of. holiday45. on ones way to. 52. as usual10153. be interested in. 63. in class54. be always doing. 64. first of all55. by bike 65. in

61、 the past56. on Kates bike 66. last year57. a photo of. 67. from the 1960s58. a photographer for 68. apart from.59. not.at all 69. thousands of.60. get into trouble hundreds of.61. listen to music 70. for example62. go to concerts 71. the trip to.10272. too much noise 82. all night73. much too expen

62、sive 83. a lot of fun74. save up 84. plan to do75. go on vacation 85. decide to do76. take photos 86. want to do 77. stay at a hotel 87. a big meal78. on the same team 88. keep out79. need .for. 89. one third80. do sth. on ones own 90. the time of.81. make one stop 91. a form of.10393. drive to sw.

63、103. the same as94. the capital of. 104. all the time95. be full of. 105. all kinds of96. more than 106. 3 times a day97. the shape of. 107. take the 98. 10 thousand medicine99. a northern city of.100. get a view of .101. the population of Beijing102. a population of 13 million104七、易混淆的词、词组七、易混淆的词、词

64、组What is .like?What does.look like? to dohow to do itin the cornerat the cornerwake upwake sb. up5.get dresseddress sb.6.7.there behave / hasjointake part in.1059.10.11.in the east of.to the east of.triptravelother, othersthe other, the othersOne., the other., anotherany other schoolsany

65、 other school8.a population of.the population of.10612.13.14.15.stop to do sth.stop doing sth.besidesexcepta little, little, a bit, a bit of.a few, fewget to.arrive in / at.reach16.too muchmuch too17.by car, in Jims carby bike, on Jims bike10718.19.excited, interested, amazedexciting, interesting, a

66、mazingIts time to . .Its time for. .21. noise, voice, sound22. hear, listen, listen to23. say, tell, talk, speak24 wear, put on, dress, get dressed25. read, watch, see, look, look at20.likeas108八、易八、易错错的词的词+doing还有还有介词介词busyfinish enjoy spend keep prefer practicemakelet+do+doingplantorderdecidewanta

67、sk +to do1091.Without thinking more, he left here.2.I cant finish writing it in only a few minutes.3.Everyone is busy getting ready for the final exams.4.Mother always spends much time doing such foolish things.5.Jim was good at dancing when he was young.6.Lets practice speaking English, OK?110九、不易用

68、对的词九、不易用对的词 enough (名词名词前前) enough water enough books enough time enough people enough (形容词、副词形容词、副词后后) tall enough strong enough good enough big enough111十、形容词十、形容词与与不定代词不定代词的位置的位置something easy, hard, important.anything useful, interesting, funny.nothing difficult, cheap, amazing, exciting. 112一点点建议:一点点建议:心心要要明明、路路要要准准、题题要要精精、量量要要均均。出错、出错、记错记错、要、要知错知错,检查、落实、再落实检查、落实、再落实。分数分数虽诱人,虽诱人,技巧技巧不能少。不能少。拼搏拼搏呈可贵,呈可贵,健康健康价更高。价更高。113



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