高中英语 Unit 5 The power of nature Period 2 Learning about Language & Using Language同步课件 新人教版选修6

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1、配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 Period 2Learning about Language & Using Language配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 .单词识记1_v. to suddenly feel so frightened that you cannot think clearly or behave sensibly2_n. someone who is being considered for a job or is competing in an election3_v. to deliberately kill or injure someone using

2、a gun4_n. a feeling of being gratefulpanic candidate shoot appreciation 配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 5_adj. very different from each other6_n. someone who writes novels7_n. drops of salty liquid that come out through your skin when you are hot, frightened, ill, or doing exercise8_n. a piece of paper that has o

3、fficial information on it9_adj. valuable and important10_n. a very violent tropical stormdiversenovelistsweat documentprecioustyphoon配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 .短语天地1匆匆看一遍 _2从到不等 _3多种多样的 _4对有天赋 _5保持原始状态 _6生产 _glance throughvary from to a diversity ofhave a gift forin a natural stategive birth to配人教版英语选修配人教版英

4、语选修6 .句型搜索1_ a scream,I rushed downstairs _ my hostess lying unconscious on the floor,surrounded by her guests.听到一声尖叫后,我冲到楼下,却看到我的女主人躺在地上,不省人事,周围都是她的客人。【答案】Having heard;only to see配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 2_ cranes,black bears,leopards and tigers.珍稀动物有鹤,黑熊,豹和虎。【答案】Among the rare animals are3It is said that

5、 this boy,_ _,is the father of the Manchu people.据说,这个有着语言天赋,善于说理的男孩就是满族的祖先。【答案】who had a great gift for languages and persuasion配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 4I think the boy is likely to achieve _ in painting,but he needs training.我认为那个男孩很可能在绘画方面取得成功,但是他需要训练。【答案】success配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 5When you arrive you a

6、re rewarded _ with the sight of its clear waters,_ by the view of the other sixteen mountain peaks that surrounded Tianchi.你一到达山顶就会得到回报你不仅可以看到天池清澈如镜的湖水,还可以看到天池四周的其他16座山峰。【答案】not only;but also配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 1anxious adj.忧虑的,不安的I was so anxious and couldnt move at first.我非常担心,一开始吓得动弹不得。单词扫描 配人教版英语选

7、修配人教版英语选修6 配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 They were anxious that aid should be sent to Yushu quickly.他们盼望救助物品迅速送到玉树。She was anxious for them all to leave the room.她渴望他们全都离开这个房间。配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 完成句子我为她的安全担心。Im _ her safety.【答案】anxious about当我听到火车事故的消息时,我很担心他的安全。I _ his safety when I heard the news of the train

8、accident.【答案】was anxious about/felt anxious for/about配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 2panic(1)n.惊恐,惊慌She got into a real panic when she thought shed lost the tickets.想到自己把入场券丢了,她十分惊慌。be in a panic 处在恐慌中get into a panic 陷入恐慌in a state of panic 惊恐万状配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 (2)v.(使)恐慌,(使)惊慌失措。注意其过去(完成)式与现在分词形式分别是panicked,p

9、anicking。I felt very nervous and had to force myself not to panic.我非常紧张,不得不强迫自己不要惊慌。Shoppers are panicked into buying things they dont need.购物者因恐慌抢购一些他们并不需要的东西。配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 完成句子鸟儿听到枪响,吓得四处飞散了。The birds _ the sound of the gunfire,flying in all directions.【答案】were panicked at配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 火山喷

10、发吓得很多人逃离了这个地区。The eruption of volcano _ many people _ this area.【答案】panicked;into leaving配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 3guarantee(1)vt.担保I guarantee that he will turn up in time.我保证他会及时到达。We guarantee to replace the broken door free of charge.我们保证免费更换这损坏了的门。配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 (2)n.担保,保证书Do you think good educati

11、on is a guarantee of success?你认为良好的教育是成功的保证吗?(1)guarantee to do sth保证要做某事guarantee that 保证guarantee sb sth/guarantee sth to sb 向某人担保某事(2)under guarantee 在保修期内配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 完成句子这台电脑保修2年。This computer has a _.【答案】twoyear guarantee配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 4vary v相异,存在不同之处;变化She varied her dress as fashion

12、 changes.她的穿着随潮流变化。Prices vary with the seasons.物价随季节而变化。配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 variety n. 种类various adj. 各种各样的vary with 随而变化vary in 在方面不同/有区别配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 翻译句子在某些山区天气时刻变化。【答案】The weather varies from hour to hour in some mountainous areas.配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 显然,男人与女人之间,富人与穷人之间,他们的希望、目标、恐惧和渴望有很大区别。【答案】I

13、t is obvious that the hopes,goals,fears and desires vary widely between men and women,between the rich and the poor.配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 5bathe v洗澡;游泳Others come to walk in the mountains,to see the spectacular waterfalls or to bathe in the hot water pools.另外一些人来到山中散步,观看壮观的瀑布或在温泉池中洗澡。The children bathed

14、,got dressed and went downstairs for lunch.孩子们洗澡,穿好衣服,然后下楼吃午饭。配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 bath n洗澡;沐浴;洗澡水;浴缸;浴室bathe ones feet洗脚go for a bath去游泳go bathing去游泳have/take a cold/hot bath洗一个冷水/热水澡in the bath在浴室;在洗澡配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 完成句子山谷沐浴在温暖的阳光下。The valley was _ warm light.【答案】bathed in配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 6swallow

15、 v吞,咽;轻信;n.吞,咽;燕子Having swallowed the fruit,the girl became pregnant 吞下了这颗果子后,女孩怀孕了She quickly swallowed the rest of her coffee.她迅速地咽下剩余的咖啡。I found the films ending a bit hard to swallow.我发现这部影片的结尾有点令人难以置信。配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 swallow ones words取消前言;承认失言swallow a laugh忍住不笑swallow down吞下,咽下swallow up吞没;

16、淹没;耗尽,用尽take a swallow of 喝一口配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 完成句子他非常急,所以吞了几口面包喝了点牛奶就上班去了。He was in such a hurry that he _ some bread and milk and went to work.【答案】swallowed他最后不得不抛开面子求助。He finally had to _ and ask for help.【答案】swallow his pride配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 1glance through浏览;匆匆看一遍He asked if he might glance th

17、rough my album.他问他是否可以浏览一下我的影集。glance over 粗略看一遍glance at 粗略地看一下at(the)first glance 第一眼就短语释义 配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 完成句子他经常在早晨浏览报纸。He often _ newspapers in the morning.【答案】glances through配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 我会带你去看实物玩具的,但我们不妨先浏览几张图片。Ill show you the actual toys,but lets _ a few pictures first.【答案】glance thr

18、ough配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 2take by surprise出乎的意料,使大吃一惊;突然袭击,出奇兵攻占The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD took the people of Pompeii by surprise.公元79年,维苏威火山的爆发使庞培地区的人们大吃一惊。Rebel forces took their capital by surprise.叛军出其不意地攻占了首都。The earthquake took the whole people by surprise.这次地震出乎全国人民的意料。配人教版英语选修配人教版英

19、语选修6 catch by surprisetake by surprise 使大吃一惊in surprise吃惊地much to ones surpriseto ones great surprise令某人非常吃惊地是配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 翻译句子暴风雨令渔民们猝不及防。【答案】The violence of his language took us all by surprise.配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 3be home to 是的栖息地;原产地 and is home to a great diversity of rare plants and animals

20、.是多种多样珍稀动植物的生长地。Australia is home to kangaroos.澳大利亚是袋鼠的原产地。California is home to many vineyards.加利福尼亚有许多葡萄园。配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 at home and abroad国内外back home回家/回国be/feel/look at home舒适自在;无拘束配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 完成句子中国是大熊猫的原产地。China _ pandas.【答案】is home to家庭生活对我来说非常重要。My _ is very important to me.【答案】hom

21、e life配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 4have a gift for 有的天分It is said that this boy,who had a great gift for languages and persuasion,is the father of the Manchu people.据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,他具有语言天赋,善于说理。It is very clear that he has a gift for art.非常明显他有艺术天分。She gets her gift for languages from her mother.她从母亲那里继承了语言天赋。

22、gifted adj.有天分的a gifted child有天分的孩子配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 完成句子妈妈总能让人们感到宾至如归。Mother _ making people feel at home.【答案】has a gift for我对音乐一窍不通。I _ music.【答案】have no gift for配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 1I think the boy is likely to achieve success in painting,but he needs training.我认为那个男孩很可能在绘画方面取得成功,但是他需要训练。本句中的succes

23、s是不可数名词,意为“成功”,但success作“成功的人或事”讲时是可数名词。The weather holds the key to our success or failure.我们成功与否取决于天气。He has scored a great success with his new play.他的那出新戏获得了极大的成功。句式突破 配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 完成句子Her party was _(很成功);everyone enjoyed it.【答案】a success配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 2Having heard a scream,I rushed do

24、wnstairs only to see my hostess lying unconscious on the floor,surrounded by her guests.听到一声尖叫后,我冲到楼下,却看到我的女主人躺在地上,不省人事,周围都是她的客人。配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 (1)having heard a scream为现在分词短语作状语。(2)本句中only to see是“only动词不定式”结构,该结构常表示未预料到的或令人沮丧的结果。He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起石头砸了自己的脚 。He h

25、urried to the station only to find that the train had left.他急忙赶到车站,却发现火车已经开走了。配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 完成句子Dina,_ for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency.(struggle)【答案】having struggledTom took a taxi to the airport, only _(find)his plane high up in the s

26、ky.【答案】to find配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 .单词拼写1Basic human rights,including freedom of speech,are now _(保障)2The mother was filled with _(焦虑) about her daughters health.3The leaves _(摇动) in the breeze.4To show our _(感激) for all your hard work,wed like to give you a bonus.配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 5I _(洗澡),washed my h

27、air and got dressed.6She wiped the _(汗) from her face and drank a glass of water.7A bomb exploded on the subway,causing _(惊慌) among people.8Music and biology are _(不同的) subjects.【答案】1.guaranteed2.anxiety3.trembled4.appreciation5.bathed6.sweat7.panic8.diverse配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 .短语填空vary from to ; glan

28、ce through; give birth to; have a gift for ; get into a panic; be anxious about; be rewarded with ; a diversity of 1The old man _ when he found the door was open.【答案】got into a panic2She _ very _ the safety of her daughter.【答案】is;anxious about配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 3The boy is very clever and _ art.【答案】h

29、as a gift for4This nature reserve is home to _ rare plants and animals.【答案】a diversity of5She _ a baby last night.【答案】gave birth to配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 6_ the text and then answer the following questions.【答案】Glance through7The situation _ slightly _ country _ country.【答案】varies;from;to8Everyone who rea

30、ched the summit _ a magnificent view.【答案】was rewarded with配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 .用恰当的介、副词填空1The situation varied _ day to day.2She gave birth _ a beautiful girl.3He had a gift _ dancing.4There are a great diversity _ plants and animals in the thick forest.5Changbaishan is home _ northeast tigers.6The beach is bathed _ sunshine.【答案】1.from2.to3.for4.of5.to6.in



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