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1、R九年级上册第三课时第三课时Unit 6 When was it invented?Leading in Do you know how the apples can taste?Yes.They may taste sweet .And they oranges ?.crispy and salty1a-It tastesHow does it taste?It tastesHow does it taste?It tastessourHow does it taste?It tastessweetsaltyHow does it taste?It tastes1b. Write the n

2、ame of a different food after each word. sweet _crispy_salty_sour_1c. Listen and circle T for true or F for false. 1. Potato chips were invented by mistake. 2. They were invented in 1863. 3. The customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough.4. The customer said they were not salty enough. 5. Ge

3、orge wanted to make the customer happy.6. The customer was happy in the end.TFTTTTTFFFFFThe customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough.顾客认为土豆不够薄顾客认为土豆不够薄。单词单词enough修饰修饰名词名词不倒装不倒装.如:如:I have enough money. There isnt enough food in the dinning hall.其修饰其修饰形容词形容词、副词副词要要倒装倒装。如:如: He wrote careful

4、ly enough to get the award of the competition.语法重点一语法重点一enough常可以和常可以和词组词组so-that, too-to转换转换。如:他跑得不够快,赶不上了其他人。如:他跑得不够快,赶不上了其他人。 用用enoughHe didnt run fast enough to catch up with the others. 用用so-thatHe ran so slowly that he couldnt catch up with the others. 用用too-toHe ran too slowly to catch up wit

5、h the others.The customer was happy in the end.顾客最终高兴了。顾客最终高兴了。(1) in the end 后来,最后,终于后来,最后,终于 at the end of . 在在. 末末 by the end of . 到到. 末为止末为止如:如:At the end of this month well have a meeting. By the end of last year weve made ten planes.语法重点二语法重点二(2) in the end 用一个单词表达可以是用一个单词表达可以是finally用一个短语表达可以

6、用用一个短语表达可以用at last 。 如:最后如:最后他赢了他赢了。He won in the end. He won finally. He won at last. 1d. Listen again Complete the sentences. The History of Potato ChipsDo you know how potato chips were invented? Potato chips _ by a cook called George Crum. They were invented in _. George Crum cut the potatoes re

7、ally, really_ and then cooked them for a long time until they were _. Finally he put lots of salt on them so they were _.1e. Make a conversation about the invention of potato chips. Use the information in 1c and 1d. Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake? Wow, I didnt know that. Who inve

8、nted them? ( ) 1. He is _ to go to school. A. enough old B. old enough C. young enough( ) 2. _ I got there. A In the end B last C. finally ( ) 3._ the last month, my cousin got to Beijing to meet his grandparents. A In the end B At the end of C. By the end of小结训练小结训练4. The chips _ (cut) by him caref

9、ully.5. The cook wanted to make the customer_ (please).6.同义句转换:同义句转换:-He wrote carefully enough to get the award of the competition.- He wrote _carefully _ he could get the award of the competition.were cutpleasedthatso1. 完成课时作业。完成课时作业。2.熟读并背诵熟读并背诵1d。 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!必须记住我们学习的时间有限的。时间有必须记住我们学习的时间有限的。时间有限,不只由于人生短促,更由于人事纷繁。限,不只由于人生短促,更由于人事纷繁。斯宾塞斯宾塞



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