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1、Is this your pencil?Unit 3Lets play!If you see a word or picture, please read it loudly.如果你看到了单词或图片,请大声读出来。If you see a tiger, please shout Ahh!如果你看到了一只老虎,请大叫Ahh。Rules (规则)yourrulerpencila penpencil caseschoolbaga pencilisntmythatspenABCFEDa pencil casea rulera schoolbaga pena crayona pencila rubber

2、GLets read!Is this/that a ?Lets guess!Is this/that a ?Lets guess!Is this/that a ?Lets guess!Is this/that a ?Lets guess!Is this/that a ?Lets guess!Is this/that a ?Lets guess!Is this/that a ?Lets guess!Mike cant find his pencil. Hes looking for his pencil. Who helps Mike? Mike找不到他的铅笔了。他正在寻找他的铅找不到他的铅笔了

3、。他正在寻找他的铅笔。谁帮助了笔。谁帮助了Mike?Lets order!ABCDEA 。同学们,你们能帮这些图片排顺序吗?同学们,你们能帮这些图片排顺序吗?What did they say?试着说说他们都说了些什么?试着说说他们都说了些什么?BDCEIs this your pencil?No, it isnt.Is that your pencil?No, it isnt.Oh, thats my pencil.This isnt my pencil.Is that a pencil?Yes, it is. Its a pencil.Fun time失物招领失物招领Lost and fo

4、und你捡到了同学们丢失的学习用品,你你捡到了同学们丢失的学习用品,你想帮它们找到各自的主人,快去找你想帮它们找到各自的主人,快去找你的小伙伴们问问吧。的小伙伴们问问吧。Rules(规则规则): 1. 四人为一小组。四人为一小组。2. 每人轮流询问一次。每人轮流询问一次。Useful sentences(可以用的句子)(可以用的句子):Hello/Hi/Good morning!Is this your?Here you are./This is for you.配上动作和表情,配上动作和表情,使对话更逼真使对话更逼真。Please take good care of our things!请

5、妥善保管好我们的学习、生活用品!请妥善保管好我们的学习、生活用品!Its on the floor,Just beside the door.Hello, Mr Fuller.Is this your ruler?在 地 上就 在 门 旁 边Yes, it is.A rulerRhyme timeHello, Mr Fuller.Is this your ruler?Its on the floor,Just beside the door.A rulerer erooroorHello, , Is this your ?Its on the floor,Just beside the doo

6、r.A New rhymerubberMr Fullerrubberrubber同学们,你能用所给的词来同学们,你能用所给的词来编个新的歌谣吗?编个新的歌谣吗?Hello, , Is this your ?Its on the floor,Just beside the door.A New rhymeHelenpenpenHelenpenIts on the floor,Just beside the door.Hello, Mr Fuller.Is this your ruler?在 地 上就 在 门 旁 边Yes, it is.A ruler有哪些带有哪些带/r/发音的单词呢?发音的单词

7、呢?rubberrulerrun robot/r/ rulerred rubberSound timeA ruler, a rubber,A re(d) ro-bot has a ruler and a rubber.A robot has a and a .A , a ,rulerredrubberrulerrubberSound timeMr , dont in the .robotlibraryrunMake a sentenceA jacket, a skirt, They all look .greatbrowngreenMake a sentenceballFind friends

8、同学同学们,请帮下列帮下列单词宝宝找到他宝宝找到他们的朋友吧!的朋友吧!blackcaprubberredbluebirthdaypiesleeppleaserulerrunbrotherrobotopen1. ball black ( ) 2. pie book ( ) 3. red robot ( ) 4. run robot ( ) 5. cap sleep ( ) 6. orange ruler( )读一一读,判断,判断下列下列单词中划中划线字母的字母的发音是否相同,音是否相同,相相同的用同的用“”表示,不相同的用表示,不相同的用“”表示。表示。Read and judge1.当我们询问某物是不是对方的,可以说:当我们询问某物是不是对方的,可以说:2.当我们肯定对方答案时可以说:当我们肯定对方答案时可以说:3.当我们否定对方答案时可以说:当我们否定对方答案时可以说:Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Is this/that your?4. 字母字母r的发音是:的发音是:/ r /Lets summary!



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