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1、Useful Words and Expressions最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()1. attack n. v. 攻击攻击,袭击袭击 make an attack on the enemy对对敌人敌人进行袭击进行袭击遭受攻击的遭受攻击的部队部队a troop under attack 我突然从背后遭受袭击我突然从背后遭受袭击。I was suddenly attacked from behind.The village was attacked from the air.They made an air attack on the town.最新外研版高中英语必修四mod

2、ule6知识点()心脏病突发心脏病突发a heart attackhave an attack of fever突发高烧突发高烧.an attack of flu 患上流行性感冒最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点() 2. exist vi. They existed on very little money.他们靠着一点钱生存着他们靠着一点钱生存着。existence n. 存在存在 come into existenceDo you believe in the existence of God?最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()3. dive v. n. 1.为了

3、救那个落水儿童,他从桥上跳进水中为了救那个落水儿童,他从桥上跳进水中2.他做了一个漂亮的跳水他做了一个漂亮的跳水3. 3.他向门口冲去他向门口冲去He dived from the bridge to water in order to rescue the drowning child.He made a beautiful dive.He made a dive for the door.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()4. He claims to have seen You seem to have got the good news.She pretended to

4、have seen the film.He claimed that he had finished thework but I didnt believe him.claim that/to do/ to have done最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()5.cover v. 覆盖覆盖;包含包含, 包括包括;占地面积占地面积;走完走完路路,看了几页书看了几页书;报道,对报道,对.进行采访进行采访;涉及,涉及,最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()(覆盖)(覆盖)be covered with (表状态)表状态)be covered by (表动作(表动作)Cover

5、ed with a table cloth, the table looks very nice.The Red Army covered 25,000li during the Long March(走过走过)最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()我们学校我们学校占地面积占地面积二十平方公里二十平方公里。Our school covers an area of 20 square kilometers.How many pages have you covered the book?这本书你这本书你读读了多少页了了多少页了?最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()(涉及)涉

6、及)His lecture covered this subject.During the Olympic Games , journalists from all over the world came to cover the event.(采访)(采访)最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()这本书这本书包括包括了其他任何书上都没有的事了其他任何书上都没有的事实实。The book covers the facts that you cant find in any other book.6.adapt v.适应适应 修改修改 改编改编 adapt to适应适应He could

7、not adapt his way of life to the company.他无法使他的生活方式他无法使他的生活方式适应适应公司公司。最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点() adapt1.He has learned to adapt _his disability.2.Its common that young people can adapt _new changes and new environment quickly.totovi适应适应 ; vt改编改编最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()很难为孩子们很难为孩子们改编改编这个故事这个故事。It is ha

8、rd to adapt this story for children.The movie was adapted from a novel.这部电影是由一部小说这部电影是由一部小说改编改编而来而来。最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()3. He adapted the novel.4. a play adapted_a novel5.books adapted_Chinese studentsfromfor最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点() 7.evolve1.The three species evolved from a single ancestor.2.Th

9、e company has evolved into a major chemical factory3. 进化;发展进化;发展最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()8.die out 消失消失,灭绝灭绝The old traditions are dying out.古老的传统正在消失古老的传统正在消失。9.throw light on 阐明某事阐明某事,帮助弄清楚帮助弄清楚The notes threw light on the texts.这些注解有助于课文的理解这些注解有助于课文的理解。最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()e straight to the poi

10、nt开门见山开门见山,谈正题谈正题他的讲话简明扼要他的讲话简明扼要,切中要害切中要害。无论何时他谈话时无论何时他谈话时,他都直奔主题他都直奔主题。His speech was short and to the point.Whenever he talks, he comes straight to the point.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()11.reputation n.名誉名誉,声誉声誉have a good reputation有一个好名声有一个好名声名誉扫地名誉扫地lose /ruin ones reputation最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点

11、()12.indicate 常与常与that连用连用,指出指出,暗示暗示Fever indicates sickness.I indicated that his help was not welcome.身体发烧表示有病身体发烧表示有病。13.fortune: n.运气运气,命运命运,财富财富 发财发财 make a fortune 最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()be fortunate in doing sth/ to do sth 在在方面运气好方面运气好我在最后一分钟赶上火车真是幸运。我在最后一分钟赶上火车真是幸运。I was fortunate to catch t

12、he train at the last minute.他很幸运地通过了入学考试。他很幸运地通过了入学考试。He was fortunate in passing the entrance examination.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Youre fortunate _such a good chance. A. for getting B. into getting C. to getting D. in getting 答案答案D最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()由于下雨由于下雨,比赛推迟了比赛推迟了。这起交通事故是由于你的粗心驾驶而这起交通事故是由

13、于你的粗心驾驶而造成的造成的。The accident is due to your careless driving.The game was postponed due to the rain.due to 由于由于, 因因而造成而造成最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()adj.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点() hairy unlikely frightening volcanic grey extinct sharp fierce mysterious generous calm unpredictable sceptical positive最新外研版高中英

14、语必修四module6知识点() frighten 1.The little boy was _ by the _ noise.2.From his _ appearance, we know he is not a brave man. frightened frightening frightened 最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点() calm / quiet/ still/ silent1.Well have to be _ so as not to wake the baby.2.Stand _,and Ill take a photo of you.3.Pupils

15、must be_during the study hour. quiet stillsilent 最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点() calm / quiet/ still/ silent4.Keep _!The meeting starts.5.The weather was fine and the lake was _.6.She remained_at the frightening news. silent/quiet calmcalm最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Nouns 最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点() footprint hor

16、n creature destruction claw emperor nail robe journal reputation sighting border seal identity surface myth fortune最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()尼斯湖水怪尼斯湖水怪最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()冰冰镐镐和和脚脚印印最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()喜喜玛玛拉拉雅雅山山雪雪人人最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()古古怪怪的的吸吸血血动动物物最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()喀喀纳纳斯斯湖湖水水怪怪最新外研版

17、高中英语必修四module6知识点()欧欧肯肯纳纳根根水水怪怪最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()出现在美国佛蒙特州强普林湖的水怪出现在美国佛蒙特州强普林湖的水怪最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()新新泽泽西西魔魔鬼鬼最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()水水怪怪草草图图最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()长白山天池长白山天池最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Choose the best way to complete the definitions of the words belowappear, clam, claim, di

18、ve, horn, repeat,skeptical, seal, sighting, temperature1.A sighting is when someone _.2. A. sees something 3. B. finds something4. C. puts something somewhere.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()2.A seal is _. A. a kind of animal B. a swimmer C. a kind of boat3. If you claim something you _. A. say it is true B

19、. say it is not true C. are not telling the true最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()4. A horn is a type of bone which comes out of an animals_. A.tail B. head C. back5.If you dive into water you go_. A.feet first B. bottom first C. hands and head first最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()6. If you repeat something you _. A.

20、 do it again B. stop doing it C. do it many times.7. Something which appears can be_. A. seen B. heard C. touched8. Calm water is not_. A. dangerous B. deep C. moving最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()9. If you are sceptical about something you _. A. know nothing about it B. believe it to be true C. dont reall

21、y believe it最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()10. The temperature of something is A. how heavy it is B. how hot or cold it is C. how deep it is最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Match the words with the definitions.attack, claw, creature, dinosaur, footprint,hairy, monster, spirit, tail1.an animal,especially if you dont

22、 know what kind of animal it is.2.an unknown animal that is big and frightening.creaturemonster最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()3. With a lot of hair4. The mark left on the ground by a foot5. a part that sticks out at the back of an animals body6. a large animal that lived thousands of years agohairyfootprin

23、ttaildinosaur最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()7. something that continues to exist after death8.the sharp nails that some animals and birds have on their feet9.to use violence against someonespiritclawsattack最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Read the 1st Paragraph:1.According to the text, what did the monster look lik

24、e?2.How many people saw it?About 200Black in color; jumped like a seal; its head looked like a horse.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()在最近几次露面后,中国东北吉林在最近几次露面后,中国东北吉林在最近几次露面后,中国东北吉林在最近几次露面后,中国东北吉林省长白山的省长白山的省长白山的省长白山的“天池里的怪物天池里的怪物天池里的怪物天池里的怪物”又成又成又成又成了新闻。据当地的旅游办公室主任了新闻。据当地的旅游办公室主任了新闻。据当地的旅游办公室主任了新闻。据当地的旅游办公室主任孟


26、也没看清楚过,但当地一位摄影师也没看清楚过,但当地一位摄影师也没看清楚过,但当地一位摄影师也没看清楚过,但当地一位摄影师薛俊林声称:怪物头看起来像马头薛俊林声称:怪物头看起来像马头薛俊林声称:怪物头看起来像马头薛俊林声称:怪物头看起来像马头. . . .最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Read the 2nd Paragraph:1.Who else saw the animal?2.What were they doing?3.What did it look like?A group of soldiers.They were walking along the side

27、ofthe lake.It was greenish-black and had a round head with 10cm horns.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()最近另有一次,一群战士证实:最近另有一次,一群战士证实:他们看见湖水的水面上有东西在他们看见湖水的水面上有东西在游动。正在湖边行走的战士看见游动。正在湖边行走的战士看见怪物游弋了大约五分钟。其中一怪物游弋了大约五分钟。其中一位战士说:位战士说:怪物的颜色是浅绿怪物的颜色是浅绿色带黑,圆形的头上有十厘米左色带黑,圆形的头上有十厘米左右的角。右的角。最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Read the

28、 3rd Paragraph:1.What did Li Xiaohe see?2.Why could they see the animal clearly?A round black creature moving quickly through the water. After 300 or 400 meters it dived into the water.The weather was fine and the lake was calm.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()有一篇报道来自李小何,当时他和有一篇报道来自李小何,当时他和家人正在湖边游玩。他说他看见圆家人正

29、在湖边游玩。他说他看见圆形黑色的东西在湖面快速游过三四形黑色的东西在湖面快速游过三四百米后潜入水中。十分钟后,怪物百米后潜入水中。十分钟后,怪物再次出现,并重复了相同的动作。再次出现,并重复了相同的动作。李小何先生说他和家人看清楚了怪李小何先生说他和家人看清楚了怪物,因为当时天气好,湖水平静。物,因为当时天气好,湖水平静。最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()1.How long was the history of reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi?2.What do many people think?3.What do the scient

30、ists think?Read the 4th Paragraph:Since the beginning of the last century.Since the beginning of the last century.The monster may be a distant cousin of the The monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland and there Loch Ness monster in Scotland and there might be similar cre

31、atures in other lakes might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world.around the world.The low-temperature lake is unlikely to be The low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.able to support such large living creatures.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()自自上上

32、世世纪纪以以来来,一一直直就就有有关关于于天天池池怪怪物物的的报报道道,尽尽管管还还不不曾曾有有人人近近距距离离目目睹睹过过。虽虽然然拍拍有有怪怪物物的的一一些些照照片片但但由由于于距距离离太太远远,看看起起来来模模糊糊不不清清。许许多多人人认认为为,天天池池里里的的怪怪物物或或许许是是苏苏格格兰兰尼尼斯斯湖湖中中的的怪怪物物的的远远亲亲。他他们们还还认认为为,在在世世界界其其他他地地方方的的湖湖中中可可能能也也有有类类似似的的怪怪物物。然然而而,科科学学家家们们表表示示怀怀疑疑。他他们们说说,温温度度低低的的湖湖 中中 不不 可可 能能 存存 活活 如如 此此 大大 的的 生生 物物 。最新

33、外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Read the 5th Paragraph:Information about Lake Tianchi:Height:Area:Depth:2189 m10 km2370 m deep in some places最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()天池是世界上最高的火山湖,海拔天池是世界上最高的火山湖,海拔2.189米面积米面积10平方公里,有的地方水平方公里,有的地方水深达到深达到370米。米。Find the topic sentence of the textThe “monster of Lake Tianchi” is b

34、ack in the news after several recent sighting.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Read the beginning of the passage and decide where it comes from.A. A tourist guideB.B. A newspaperC.C. A dictionaryD.D. A scientific journal.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Read the passage and then tell the main idea of each paragraph.T

35、he latest sighting of the Tianchi monsterAnother recent sighting of Tianchi monsterA third sighting of the Tianchi monsterParagraph1Paragraph2Paragraph3最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Paragraph4More information about the Tianchi monsterParagraph5Information about Lake Tianchi最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()1. the “

36、Monster of Lake Tianchi” is back in the news back: n. the back of the hand lie on ones back a full backLanguage points手背手背仰面躺着仰面躺着后卫球员后卫球员最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()adj. a back streetadv. talk back后街后街(离开市中心的离开市中心的)顶撞的回话顶撞的回话回嘴回嘴忍住眼泪忍住眼泪 a back answerhold back ones tears最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()v. back

37、sb. up支持某人支持某人一家大银行支持我们的公司一家大银行支持我们的公司。Our company is backed up by a large bank.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()2. the monster, which seemed to be 3. black in colour seem + (to be) + adj./n 看起来似乎看起来似乎 seem to do seem to be doing seem to have done seem to be done It seems that It seems as if/though It seems

38、like There seems to be最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()(1) The baby seemed to be eating something. (2) He seemed to have been told the news.(3) It seemed that he had been told the news.这个婴儿似乎正在吃东西这个婴儿似乎正在吃东西。他似乎已经被告知这个消息了他似乎已经被告知这个消息了。他似乎已经被告知这个消息了他似乎已经被告知这个消息了。最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()(4) It seems as if he h

39、as been at the scene ofthe crime.看样子他好像曾在犯罪现场看样子他好像曾在犯罪现场。我们似乎好几年不见了我们似乎好几年不见了。(5) It seems like years since we last met.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()There used to be an old temple here.There might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world.从前这儿有一座寺庙从前这儿有一座寺庙。在世界的其他湖里有可能也存在着类在世界的其他湖里有可能也存在着类似的动

40、物似的动物。3. There have been reports(1)在)在there be 之间加入之间加入used to, might 等单词等单词最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()(2)there be 的时态:的时态:There is/areThere was/wereThere will beThere have/has beenThere may/could/might/must beThere have been an old church in that town since long ago.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()Once there

41、lived a king, who loved newclothes than anything else.There existed a fact that he couldnt livewithout his parents.存在着这样一个事实存在着这样一个事实,即离开他的父母即离开他的父母他无法生存他无法生存。从前有一个国王从前有一个国王,喜欢新衣服胜过任何喜欢新衣服胜过任何东西东西。(3)用)用live, exist等表存在的词替代等表存在的词替代be最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()4. close up v. 关闭关闭 adv. 靠近靠近The teacher tol

42、d the children to close up to each other near the camp fire and then began his story.The old road has now been closed up since the highway was open to public use.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()5. be likely/unlikely to do很可能很可能 / 不可能不可能 Shes very likely to ring me tonight.The train is likely to be late. It

43、is unlikely to rain. They are unlikely to come since the weather is so bad.最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()The dusty air makes it_to get a clear picture of space. A. hardly B. likely C. impossible D.difficulty答案答案C最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()-Which team is_to win the game?-I dont know , but Ive found _for ours to win.A. probable, it unlikely B. likely, it possibleC. possible, it possibleD. likely , it possibly最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()6. be sceptical of/aboutIm extremely sceptical about what I read in the press. Environmental groups are sceptical of the governments claims. 最新外研版高中英语必修四module6知识点()



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