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1、BR-mainBeforeReading 1.StoryofExtraterrestrialsInvadingEarthListen to the StoryQuestions about the Story2.BackgroundInformation 3.Warm-upExercisesIssac AsimovVenus The Solar System Space Exploration US Federal GovernmentBR1.11Listen to the Story BR1.21QuestionsabouttheStory 1.How did the Earthlings

2、fight against the invasion of the An-vils? Were they successful?They fought with bullets, ordinary bombs, super-atom bombs, gases and bacteria, but they failed.BR1.22QuestionsabouttheStory 2. What was Knowall by profession? What tricks did he use to drive away the invaders? Was he successful?Knowall

3、 was a psychiatrist, a doctor treating mental illness. At first he filled the An-vils with human emotions so that they would fight each other. He didnt succeed. Then he made them feel homesick. This time his trick worked.BR1.23QuestionsabouttheStory 3. How come all the An-vils rose up from Earth at

4、a given signal one day and flew back to their own star?They were made to feel homesick, a strong desire to fly back to where they had started.BR2.1IssacAsimov Issac Asimov (19201992) was a Russian-born American writer and scientist. He was a distinguished biochemist, but is more widely known as the

5、author of many works of science fiction, books on science for non-scientists, and essays on a wide variety of subjects. Among his best-known science fiction is I, Robot (1950) and the Foundation trilogy (19511953). Building on Karel Capeks concept of the robot, in 1941 Asimov coined the term robotic

6、s.BR2.2BR2.3TheSolarSystem The nine planets in the solar system are placed in order of mass in the first picture. The numbers in the first picture indicate their positions in the solar system. Drag the numbers to their corresponding planets.StartStartBR2.3.1Jupiter木星木星 Neptune海王星海王星Earth地球地球Saturn土星

7、土星Venus金星金星Uranus天王星天王星Mars火星火星Mercury水星水星Pluto冥王星冥王星key1 2 3 456789S U N BR2.3.111 2 3 456789S U N BR2.3.121 2 3 456789S U N BR2.3.131 2 3 456789S U N BR2.3.141 2 3 456789S U N BR2.3.151 2 3 456789S U N BR2.3.161 2 3 456789S U N BR2.3.171 2 3 456789S U N BR2.3.181 2 3 456789S U N BR2.3.191 2 3 4567

8、89S U N BR2.3.-keyMercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto S U N BR2.4.mainSpaceExploration1. Introduction2. Soviet/Russian Space Program3. US Space Program4. Chinas First Man in Space BR2.4.1Introduction Space exploration was made possible by advances in rocket technology. It be

9、gan during the cold war when the Soviet Union launched the first space satellite.BR2.4.2Soviet/Russian Space Program BR2.4.3.1 Following the Soviet Sputnik I, in 1958 US sent into space the first artificial satellite Explorer I. Four years later, John Glenn became the first American in orbit. In 196

10、1US Space Program President Kennedy proposed the Apollo programme to achieve a manned lunar landing by 1970, and in 1969 it came true.BR2.4.3.2US Space Program BR2.4.3.3US Space Program BR2.4.4Chinas first man in spaceBR2.5.11 US Federal Government The US federal government is divided into three sep

11、arate, but equally powerful branches: the legislative (which writes the laws); the executive (which carries out the laws); and the judicial (which reviews the way laws are applied). The separation of powers also allows for a system of checks and balances within the government. Each branch is given c

12、ertain control over the other two, which balances the power and keeps the potential for abuse of power in check.BR2.5.12 US Federal Governmentexecutivelegislativemakethelawjudicialenforcethelaw1. suggest and veto legislation1. can override (越过越过,不考虑不考虑) a veto2. can impeach (弹劾弹劾) preside

13、ntappoint the justicescan force the President to follow the laws with no appealInterpretthelaw4.pass a new lawcan rule laws unconstitutional (违反宪法的违反宪法的)BR2.5.12.1 The President is the chief executive, or chief administrator, of the United States. His job is to manage all of the people who work in t

14、he executive branch and to make sure the laws ofthe nation are enforced. He is also the foremost representative of the nation and head of the diplomatic corps (外外交交使使团团). In addition, he has certain legislative and judicial powers. For example, he may suggest legislation to Congress that he feels wi

15、ll improve the “state of the union” and may also veto (reject) legislation that he feels should not become law. He nominates (任任命命,指指派派) Supreme Court justices (judges) and is also the commander in chief (总总司司令令) of the United States Armed Forces. BR2.5.12.2 The Constitution specifies that there sha

16、ll be two separate legislative bodies - the House of Representatives and the Senate. Together they are called the Congress. The two bodies of Congress worktogether to make the laws and regulations for the country. Before a new law can be made, both houses have to pass it, and it must then have the a

17、pproval of the President. In a system of government based on a series of checks and balances, the two houses of Congress act as a check on each other, as well as together forming a check on the powers of the executive branch, especially the President.BR2.5.12.3 The judicial branch of US federal gove

18、rnment operates the system of law courts. The Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. is the highest court in the US, and is very powerful. It is made up of nine judges who are called justices. There are one chief justice and eight associate justices. Traditionally, they are called the nine old men, altho

19、ugh there has been one woman justice. TheSupreme Court Judges are appointed by the President with Senates approval. They may serve for life or until they wish to retire.BR2.6.main Warm-upExercises 1. Word-web 2. Group Work 3. Text PredictionBR2.6.11 Word-webE.T.flying saucer invasionadvancedalienUFO

20、weirdabductionuniverse flying discouter spaceMartiangalaxyThink of as many words and phrases as possible about Extraterrestrials (E.T.) BR2.6.12 Group WorkBR2.6.13.1 Dictation related to the text Write down what you hear about the beginning of the text.No extraterrestrials will ever land on Earth an

21、y more. It was all Bart Camerons error. That day while he was buried in his complicated income tax form, Bart Cameron got awfully irritable. And just then the flying saucer landed. Text PredictionBR2.6.13.2 Prediction of the story The following pictures illustrate what happened next in the story. Wi

22、th the beginning part you have just written down, you are given five minutes to work in pairs to make up as many questions as possible about what happened next in the story. Text PredictionGR-mainGlobalReading1.PartDivisionoftheText 2.TrueorFalse 3.FurtherUnderstandingFor Part 2 Table CompletionPart

23、DivisionoftheTextParts Lines Main Ideas 1 2 178126The narrator claims that no extraterrestrials will ever land on Earth.The narrator gives an account of his encounter with extraterrestrials, making it clear why he claims that they will return no more.GR-1GR-2-11TrueorFalse1. Bart Cameron was a very

24、bitter man.2. Cameron was so absorbed in his income tax form that he wanted to dismiss the two strangers as quickly as possible.3. The Venusian said, “ We have had your people under observation a long time.” By “your people”, the Venusian meant people in Bart Camerons town.TFF( )( )( )The Venusian m

25、eant the people in U.S. or the human beings on Earth.Not always. Bart Cameron became very bitter when he had to work up his complex income tax.GR-2-124. When the Venusian said they were indeed foreigners, he meant that they came from other countries.6. Bart Cameron mistook the word “Venus” for “Veni

26、ce” simply because the two words sound very much alike.He meant they were not from America or any other country on Earth but from the outer space.FF5. The Venusians came to invite U.S.A. to join their organization.T( ) ( )( )It was because Bart Cameron had judged the Venusians as Italians by their a

27、ppearance. So everything they said sounded Italian to him. Therefore, he mistook Venus for Venice, a watery place in Italy.GR-3.11Table Completion The main body of the story can be divided into four sections according to time sequence. Please write down the paragraph numbers of each section and give

28、 its main plots. Sections Paragraphs Main Plots2 611451 (before the E.T.s arrival) Bart got quite irritable because of his complicated tax form.(the landing of the flying saucer)The narrator was shocked at the sight of a flying saucer landing on Earth and two men getting out ofit, while Bart didnt n

29、otice it at all.GR-3.12Sections Paragraphs Main Plots4 354812343 (after the E.T.s departure)Unaware of the guests identity and caught up with his tax form, Bart talked to the guests with an impatient and sarcastic tone and turned down their request rudely. Their conversation ended with the guests pr

30、omise of not coming back.(the meeting with the E.T.) After the E.T. left, the narrator got mad at Bart because of his irrational attitude to the guests. Bart didnt realize his stupid error until it wastoo late.AR-Main1.ListeningandDiscussion 2.SpeechStyle 3.RolePlay4.UsefulExpressions5.ExpositoryEss

31、ayWriting Review of How to Write an Expository Essay (1)AfterReadingHow to Write an Expository Essay (2)6.ProverbsandQuotationsHomework After-1-11. Discuss the following questions.1) Do you think the story sounds plausible? Why or why not?2) Do you think there exist extraterrestrials? Give reasons.3

32、) If there were intelligent groups of beings like ourselves existing somewhere, why do you think we havent heard from them? Listening and DiscussionAfter-1-11After-1-2 Listening and Discussion Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Difficult words and phrases:pessimistica

33、lly, civilization, over vast distances, inevitably, weapons of mass destruction, evolve, carbon molecules, silicon It has been rather suggested that when a civilization anywhere in the universe becomes enough to, say, develop radio telescopes or the ability to by radio over vast distances, that leve

34、l of technology almost inevitably is close to . This is true. It could be an answer to the question why we havent heard from other forms of life. pessimistically_advanced_communicate_atom bombs or similar weapons of mass destructiondestroying itself by_After-1-3 Listening and Discussion Listen to th

35、e recording and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Difficult words and phrases:pessimistically, civilization, over vast distances, inevitably, weapons of mass destruction, evolve, carbon molecules, silicon Its also possible that A really advanced civilization might have gone beyond biology to de

36、velop machine intelligence. They may have evolved not from carbon molecules as we did, but from silicon, . But you dont have to go to silicon. You could have other kinds of carbon-based organic life and still be living.an intelligent civilization might havemore in common with our machines than ourse

37、lves._the samekind of silicon thats the basis of computer technology_from life on this planet as we know itwhich could be very very different_After-1-4 Listening and Discussion Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Difficult words and phrases:pessimistically, civilizatio

38、n, over vast distances, inevitably, weapons of mass destruction, evolve, carbon molecules, silicon Today Earth is still the only place where we know for sure that life exists. . But there could be life out there. If it could be shown that life evolved somewhere, anywhere our own home planet, then li

39、fe on Earth would never be the same again.that we know aboutHuman kind has the only intelligent civilization_beyond doubt_other than_After-2-111. Look at the following sentences and browse the text to Say what you want to say quickly and briefly.Spit it out.I have only one close relative, my wife.My

40、 people? All I gots a wife.Are you foreigners?You guys foreigners?I want you to leave right now.Get the hell out of here.2. Find in the text the sentences of the two Venusians. In what way can they be put more colloquially? Speech Stylefind how the sheriff expressed these ideas.After-2-12 3. Compare

41、 the speech style of the sheriff with that of the two Venusians and fill in the blanks with the words given in the brackets. (Some of the words may not be used.)casual, informal, formally, active, passive, long, short, colloquial, elaborate, shortened, complete, incomplete, learned Sheriff Cameron u

42、sually spoke in a manner. Perhaps his town was so small that he knew all the townsfolk, therefore speech was proper. His sentences were , , and sometimes . He preferred phrases to single, words. He liked forms and abbreviations, with an occasional curse. But for once, he spoke . It was when he heard

43、 that the two strangers were foreigners and he tried to fulfill the duty of a government officer.informal_short_casual_colloquial_incomplete_learned_shortened_formally_Speech StyleAfter-2-13 3. Compare the speech style of the sheriff with that of the two Venusians and fill in the blanks with the wor

44、ds given in the brackets. (Some of the words may not be used.casual, informal, formally, active, passive, long, short, colloquial, elaborate, shortened, complete, incomplete, learned The Venusians spoke . Their sentences were and involved (复杂的), their word choice . They used voices and “if ” structu

45、res. Perhaps it was because they believe in the utter importance of their mission, or they might not have learned to speak freely in a strange tongue.long_Speech Styleelaborate_formally_passive_After-3-1Divide the class into groups and do the role play based on the plot of the story in Text A. Or ch

46、ange the plot of the story in Text A and do a role play accordingly. Role PlayModleSuppose Cameron happens to be away when the Venusians come to visit his office. His deputy tries to handle the situation. When he learns that the Venusians are ready to help humans, he proceeds to discuss with them so

47、me of the problems on Earth - pollution, the rapid exhaustion of natural resources, overpopulation, etc. - and seek their advice about solutions.After-4.useful-1UsefulExpressions1. on account of由于由于2. a general store杂货铺杂货铺3. a sheep ranch牧羊场牧羊场4. insist on doing sth非得,坚持非得,坚持5. a flying saucer飞碟飞碟Af

48、ter-4.useful-2UsefulExpressions6. be backed up against背靠着背靠着7. knock off下班下班8. hit the sack上床睡觉上床睡觉9. a shooting star流星流星10. bug ones eyes瞪大双眼瞪大双眼After-4.useful-311. a dark complexion深色皮肤深色皮肤12. have under observation观察观察13. spit out有话直说有话直说14. go for喜欢喜欢15. regardless of不论不论UsefulExpressionsAfter-4

49、.useful-416. at sb.s service为为效劳效劳17. a hurry-up message加快信,快件加快信,快件18. go to pieces气坏了气坏了19. recover ones wits回过神回过神20. make like假装,装扮作假装,装扮作UsefulExpressionsAfter-4.useful-521. knock down击倒,撞倒击倒,撞倒22. The breath goes out of sb.气都喘不出来了气都喘不出来了23. take off起飞起飞24. fade out逐渐消失逐渐消失UsefulExpressionsAfte

50、r-5.1Review of How to Write an Expository Essay (1)Unit 3, Book 1 has given us two tips about the writing of expository essays. They are :1. Narrowing the scope of discussion, which means we have to our discussion to a manageable topic rather than fighting with a too general or broad one.2. Making c

51、lear our attitude toward the subject, eg., clearly our attitude so as not to leave the readers with a vague idea of our opinion.limit/narrow/boil down/reduce_stating/expressing/presenting_After-5.2 To make our exposition both instructive and interesting, it is advisable to illustrate the discussion

52、by giving concrete examples and details. Vivid illustrations light up abstract ideas and make them clear, intriguing, memorable and convincing. Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions.How to Write an Expository Essay (2)1Preparing Enough MaterialAfter-5-21 Childhood was an illusion an

53、d the illusion was this: everything was bigger. No, I mean everything, not just houses and shops and grown-ups, but colours and flowers and journeys, especially journeys which seemed endless. “Are we there yet, Daddy?” Funfairs were huge things that spread for miles around you with noise and lights

54、and exciting danger. Rainy days at home when you were ill seemed to last for ever. Being an adult yourself was an unthinkable distant possibility. Every sound was louder, every game was grander, every pain unbearable. As Ive grown old, life has become smaller. Flavours have dulled. Surprises have tu

55、rned into shocks. Days go by unsavoured. How can I recapture childhood when it was an illusion?How to Write an Expository Essay (2)After-5.22How to Write an Expository Essay (2)Questions :1) What does the author mean by saying “everything was bigger”?When he was young, his senses seemed sharper and

56、everything around him seemed bigger.2) What examples does the author use to make his point well understood?Houses, shops and grown-ups were bigger;Colors and flowers were brighter;Journeys were longer;Funfairs were bigger, noisier and more dangerous;Rainy days at home when you were ill were longer;E

57、very sound was louder, every game grander, every pain more unbearable.After-5.23How to Write an Expository Essay (2)3) What is the authors attitude toward childhood and adult life? Do you think the examples help to clarify it?The detailed examples very much vividly depict a childs perception of the

58、world around him and helps greatly to reveal the authors nostalgic feeling of the childhood days and his disappointment in adult life.After-5.242. Dramatizing the Issue If we can present the issue of our topic in the way which catches and holds the readers imagination, it will be much easier to draw

59、 the reader into our exposition. For example, on a serious topic as sexism (性性别别歧歧视视) in China, we may start by listing the statistics illustrating the inequality between men and women. However, it can be quite novel if we begin, for example, by discussing some terms such as “爱爱妻妻牌牌洗洗衣衣机机”, “女女强强人人”

60、 and use them as examples of sexism in our language. And it can be equally effective to present the problem by telling the story of a particular person or family. This would very quickly and dramatically get the readers attention.How to Write an Expository Essay (2)After-5.3Write an essay entitled “

61、Pressing Problems on Our Planet I Wish to Discuss with Extraterrestrials”. Use the writing strategies just introduced to you.Homework Model:Pressing Problems on Our Planet I Wish to Discuss with ExtraterrestrialsAfter-6-proverbs-1 ProverbsandQuotations1.Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for t

62、hereby some have entertained angels unawares.别慢待有求于你的陌生人,因为你也许无意中招待了天使。别慢待有求于你的陌生人,因为你也许无意中招待了天使。忙踩脚跟分外忙。忙踩脚跟分外忙。/越忙越乱,越乱越忙。越忙越乱,越乱越忙。偏见来自愚昧。偏见来自愚昧。英国作家、评论家英国作家、评论家W.哈兹里特哈兹里特2. Haste trips over its own heels.3. Prejudice is the child of ignorance. - William Hazlitt, British writer and criticAfter-6-

63、proverbs-24.He who thinks himself wise, O, heaven! is a great fool. - Voltaire, French philosopher and historian5. Anger begins in folly, and ends in repentance. - Pythagoras, Ancient Greek mathematician 自以为聪明的人,哦,天哪!是个大笨蛋。自以为聪明的人,哦,天哪!是个大笨蛋。法国哲学家、历史学家法国哲学家、历史学家伏尔泰伏尔泰愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终。愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终。 古希腊

64、数学家古希腊数学家 毕达哥拉斯毕达哥拉斯 Proverbs and QuotationsTHE WATERY PLACE Were never going to have visitors from space. No extraterrestrials will ever land on Earth - at least, any more.Article1_S Im not just being a pessimist. As a matter of fact, extraterrestrials have landed. I know that. Spaceships are criss

65、crossing space among a million worlds, probably, but they will never come here. I know that, too. All on account of a ridiculous error. Ill explain. It was actually Bart Camerons error and youll have to understand about Bart Cameron. Hes the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and Im his deputy. Bart Came

66、ron is an impatient man and he gets most impatient when he has to work up his income tax. You see, besides being sheriff, he also owns and runs the general store, hes got some shares in a sheep ranch, hes got a kind of pension for being a disabled veteran (bad knee) and a few other things like that.

67、 Naturally, it makes his tax figures complicated. It wouldnt be so bad if hed let a taxman work on the forms with him, but he insists on doing it himself and it makes him a bitter man. By April 14, he isnt approachable.Article2_SArticle3_S So its too bad the flying saucer landed on April 14, 1956. I

68、 saw it land. My chair was backed up against the wall in the sheriffs office, and I was looking at the stars through the windows and wondering if I ought to knock off and hit the sack or keep on listeningto Cameron curse real steady as he went over his columns of figures for the hundred twenty-seven

69、th time. It looked like a shooting star at first, but then the track of light broadened into two things that looked like rocket exhausts and the thing came down without a sound.Article4_S Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I

70、just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on bl

71、ack shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.Article5_S One of the two stepped forward. He said, “We have had your people under obser

72、vation a long time.” He pronounced each word carefully and all by itself. Cameron said, “My people? All I gots a wife. Whats she been doing?” The fellow in the suit said, “We have chosen this locality for our first contact because it is isolated and peaceful. We know that you are the leader here.” B

73、ut Cameron just looked up when the door opened and frowned. He said, “What can I do for you, folks?” and he tapped his hand on the forms so it was obvious he hadnt much time.Article6_S “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your m

74、ode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer

75、said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”Article7_S “We would like to ha

76、ve you make immediate arrangements for the important men of your U.S.A., as you call it, to be brought here for discussions leading to your people joining our great organization.” Slowly, Cameron got red. “Our people join your organization. Were already part of the U.N. and God knows what else. And

77、I suppose Im to get the President here, eh? Right now? In Twin Gulch? Send a hurry-up message?” He looked at me, as though he wanted to see a smile on my face, but I couldnt as much as fall down if someone had pushed the chair out from under me. The saucer man said, “Speed is desirable.” “You want C

78、ongress, too? The Supreme Court?” “If they will help, sheriff.”Article8_S And Cameron really went to pieces. He banged his income tax form and yelled, “Well, youre not helping me, and I have no time for wise guys who come around, especially foreigners. If you dont get the hell out of here straight a

79、way, Ill lock you up for disturbing the peace and Ill never let you out.” “You wish us to leave?” said the man from Venus. “Right now! Get the hell out of here and back to wherever youre from and dont ever come back. I dont want to see you and no one else around here does.” The two men looked at eac

80、h other. Then the one who had done all the talking said, “I can see in your mind that you really wish, with great intensity, to be left alone.Article9_S Cameron said, “Mister, Im tired of this garbage, so Ill count to three -” They turned and left, and I just knew that everything they said was so. I

81、 was listening to them, you see, which Cameron wasnt, because he was busy thinking of his income tax, and it was as though I could hear their minds, know what I mean? I knew that there would be a kind of fence around earth, keeping others out. “It is not our way to force ourselves or our organizatio

82、n on people who do not wish us or it. We will respect your privacy and leave. We will not return. We will put a warning around your world and none will enter.” Article10_S And when they left, I got my voice back - too late. I screamed, “Cameron, for Gods sake, theyre from space. Whyd you send them a

83、way?” “From space!” He stared at me. I yelled, “Look!” I dont know how I did it, he being twenty-five pounds heavier than I, but I heaved him to the window by his shirt collar. He was too surprised to resist and when he recovered his wits enough to make like he was going to knock me down, he caught

84、sight of what was going on outside the window and the breath went out of him. They were getting into the flying saucer, those two men, and the saucer sat there, large, round, shiny and kind of powerful, you know. Then it took off. It went up easy as a feather and a red-orange glow showed up on one s

85、ide and got brighter as the ship got smaller till it was a shooting star again, slowly fading out.Article11_S And I said, “Sheriff, whyd you send them away? They had to see the President. Now theyll never come back.” Cameron said, “I thought they were foreigners. They said they had to learn our lang

86、uage. And they talked funny.”Article12_S “Oh, fine. Foreigners.” “They said they were foreigners and they looked Italian. I thought they were Italian.” “How could they be Italian? They said they were from the planet Venus. I heard them. They said so.” “The planet Venus.” His eyes got real round. “Th

87、ey said it. They called it the watery place or something. You know Venus has a lot of water on it.” But you see, it was just an error, a stupid error, the kind anyone could make. Only now Earth is never going to have another Venusian visit us. That dope, Cameron, and his income tax! Because he whisp

88、ered, “Venus! When they talked about the watery place, I thought they meant Venice!” It was actually Bart Camerons error and youll have to understand about Bart Cameron. Hes the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and Im his deputy. Bart Cameron is an impatient man and he gets most impatient when he has t

89、o work up his income tax. You see, besides being sheriff, he also owns and runs the general store, hes got some shares in a sheep ranch, hes got a kind of pension for being a disabled veteran (bad knee) and a few other things like that. Naturally, it makes his tax figures complicated. It wouldnt be

90、so bad if hed let a taxman work on the forms with him, but he insists on doing it himself and it makes him a bitter man. By April 14, he isnt approachable.Article2_S_popwin_it1. What does “not approachable” mean here?2. Note:It means “not friendly or easy to talk to.”approachable用来形容人,表示易亲近的、用来形容人,表

91、示易亲近的、友好的友好的(friendly and easy to talk to); 用来形容某个地方,用来形容某个地方, 意思是可接近的意思是可接近的(able to be reached from a particular direction or by a particular means)。3. Why do you think by April 14, Bart Cameron isnt approachable?According to the author, Bart Cameron is an impatient man and gets very irritable whe

92、n he has to work up his income tax. April 15 is the deadline for tax forms to be mailed. So on April 14 some people stay up late trying to finish all the tax forms. Since Cameron has got very complicated tax figures, he naturally grows particularly impatient and testy when working on them. It was ac

93、tually Bart Camerons error and youll have to understand about Bart Cameron. Hes the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and Im his deputy. Bart Cameron is an impatient man and he gets most impatient when he has to work up his income tax. You see, besides being sheriff, he also owns and runs the general st

94、ore, hes got some shares in a sheep ranch, hes got a kind of pension for being a disabled veteran (bad knee) and a few other things like that. Naturally, it makes his tax figures complicated. It wouldnt be so bad if hed let a taxman work on the forms with him, but he insists on doing it himself and

95、it makes him a bitter man. By April 14, he isnt approachable.Article2_S_popwin_it4. Translate the two sentences into Chinese.要要是是让让税税务务人人员员帮帮他他填填表表就就不不至至于于那那么么糟糟糕糕,可可他他非非得得要要自自己己填填,于于是填得他牢骚满腹。每年到了是填得他牢骚满腹。每年到了4月月14日,他就变得难以接近。日,他就变得难以接近。Article3_S_popwin_curse So its too bad the flying saucer landed

96、on April 14, 1956. I saw it land. My chair was backed up against the wall in the sheriffs office, and I was looking at the stars through the windows and wondering if I ought to knock off and hit the sack or keep on listeningto Cameron curse real steady as he went over his columns of figures for the

97、hundred twenty-seventh time. It looked like a shooting star at first, but then the track of light broadened into two things that looked like rocket exhausts and the thing came down without a sound.What does “real steady” mean here?It means “constantly”.Article4_S_popwin_Icouldnt Two men got out. I c

98、ouldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying

99、saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was sca

100、red.1. Paraphrase the sentence.I was so amazed and scared that I could not even breathe or point this out to Cameron.2. Translate it into Chinese.我喉部肌肉僵直,也没法用手示意我喉部肌肉僵直,也没法用手示意。Article4_S_popwin_They Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug

101、 my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. Th

102、ey had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.1. Paraphrase the sentence.They wore black shoes and black hats.2.Note: have

103、 sth. on 意为:意为:be wearing sth.例如:例如:Our teacher has got a tie on today.He has a new T-shirt on.Article6_S_popwin_You “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learne

104、d your language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your

105、 people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”1. Paraphrase the sentence.You could notice Cameron was beginning to understand what they said.2. N

106、ote:其它含有类似其它含有类似light用法的短语有:用法的短语有:come/bring to light 成为人所周知成为人所周知see the light 了解真相;接受看法了解真相;接受看法throw/shed light on 解释,使显得清楚解释,使显得清楚Article6_S_popwin_cameron “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to

107、 assume your appearance. We have also learned your language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indee

108、d we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”Paraphrase the sentence.Although Cameron didnt like for

109、eigners very much, he would try to be fair to them.Article7_S_popwin_.but “We would like to have you make immediate arrangements for the important men of your U.S.A., as you call it, to be brought here for discussions leading to your people joining our great organization.” Slowly, Cameron got red. “

110、Our people join your organization. Were already part of the U.N. and God knows what else. And I suppose Im to get the President here, eh? Right now? In Twin Gulch? Send a hurry-up message?” He looked at me, as though he wanted to see a smile on my face, but I couldnt as much as fall down if someone

111、had pushed the chair out from under me. The saucer man said, “Speed is desirable.” “You want Congress, too? The Supreme Court?” “If they will help, sheriff.”1. Paraphrase the part. but I was so scared that I couldnt do anything, couldnt even fall down if someone took my chair away. All I could do wa

112、s sit and stare.2. Translate the part into Chinese.就算有人从我身后把椅子抽开,我也不会摔倒在地就算有人从我身后把椅子抽开,我也不会摔倒在地。3. Note: If you do not as/so much as do a particular thing, you do not even do that, when you were expected to do more. Example:John walked by without so much as giving me a glance of recognition.约翰走了过去,看

113、都没看我一眼约翰走了过去,看都没看我一眼。Article9_S_popwin_everything Cameron said, “Mister, Im tired of this garbage, so Ill count to three ” They turned and left, and I just knew that everything they said was so. I was listening to them, you see, which Cameron wasnt, because he was busy thinking of his income tax, an

114、d it was as though I could hear their minds, know what I mean? I knew that there would be a kind of fence around earth, keeping others out. “It is not our way to force ourselves or our organization on people who do not wish us or it. We will respect your privacy and leave. We will not return. We wil

115、l put a warning around your world and none will enter.” Paraphrase the sentence.everything they said was true.Article1_wTHE WATERY PLACE Were never going to have visitors from space. No extraterrestrials will ever land on Earth - at least, any more. Im not just being a pessimist. As a matter of fact

116、, extraterrestrials have landed. I know that. Spaceships are crisscrossing space among a million worlds, probably, but they will never come here. I know that, too. All on account of a ridiculous error. Ill explain. Article2_w It was actually Bart Camerons error and youll have to understand about Bar

117、t Cameron. Hes the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and Im his deputy. Bart Cameron is an impatient man and he gets most impatient when he has to work up his income tax. You see, besides being sheriff, he also owns and runs the general store, hes got some shares in a sheep ranch, hes got a kind of pens

118、ion for being a disabled veteran (bad knee) and a few other things like that. Naturally, it makes his tax figures complicated. It wouldnt be so bad if hed let a taxman work on the forms with him, but he insists on doing it himself and it makes him a bitter man. By April 14, he isnt approachable.Arti

119、cle3_w So its too bad the flying saucer landed on April 14, 1956. I saw it land. My chair was backed up against the wall in the sheriffs office, and I was looking at the stars through the windows and wondering if I ought to knock off and hit the sack or keep on listeningto Cameron curse real steady

120、as he went over his columns of figures for the hundred twenty-seventh time. It looked like a shooting star at first, but then the track of light broadened into two things that looked like rocket exhausts and the thing came down without a sound.Article4_w Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do

121、 anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gr

122、ay suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.Article5_w One of the

123、 two stepped forward. He said, “We have had your people under observation a long time.” He pronounced each word carefully and all by itself. Cameron said, “My people? All I gots a wife. Whats she been doing?” The fellow in the suit said, “We have chosen this locality for our first contact because it

124、 is isolated and peaceful. We know that you are the leader here.” But Cameron just looked up when the door opened and frowned. He said, “What can I do for you, folks?” and he tapped his hand on the forms so it was obvious he hadnt much time.Article6_w “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit

125、 it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside th

126、e army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at y

127、our service. What can I do for you?”Article7_w “We would like to have you make immediate arrangements for the important men of your U.S.A., as you call it, to be brought here for discussions leading to your people joining our great organization.” Slowly, Cameron got red. “Our people join your organi

128、zation. Were already part of the U.N. and God knows what else. And I suppose Im to get the President here, eh? Right now? In Twin Gulch? Send a hurry-up message?” He looked at me, as though he wanted to see a smile on my face, but I couldnt as much as fall down if someone had pushed the chair out fr

129、om under me. The saucer man said, “Speed is desirable.” “You want Congress, too? The Supreme Court?” “If they will help, sheriff.”Article8_w And Cameron really went to pieces. He banged his income tax form and yelled, “Well, youre not helping me, and I have no time for wise guys who come around, esp

130、ecially foreigners. If you dont get the hell out of here straight away, Ill lock you up for disturbing the peace and Ill never let you out.” “You wish us to leave?” said the man from Venus. “Right now! Get the hell out of here and back to wherever youre from and dont ever come back. I dont want to s

131、ee you and no one else around here does.” The two men looked at each other. Then the one who had done all the talking said, “I can see in your mind that you really wish, with great intensity, to be left alone.Article9_w Cameron said, “Mister, Im tired of this garbage, so Ill count to three -” They t

132、urned and left, and I just knew that everything they said was so. I was listening to them, you see, which Cameron wasnt, because he was busy thinking of his income tax, and it was as though I could hear their minds, know what I mean? I knew that there would be a kind of fence around earth, keeping o

133、thers out. “It is not our way to force ourselves or our organization on people who do not wish us or it. We will respect your privacy and leave. We will not return. We will put a warning around your world and none will enter.” Article10_w And when they left, I got my voice back - too late. I screame

134、d, “Cameron, for Gods sake, theyre from space. Whyd you send them away?” “From space!” He stared at me. I yelled, “Look!” I dont know how I did it, he being twenty-five pounds heavier than I, but I heaved him to the window by his shirt collar. He was too surprised to resist and when he recovered his

135、 wits enough to make like he was going to knock me down, he caught sight of what was going on outside the window and the breath went out of him. Article11_w They were getting into the flying saucer, those two men, and the saucer sat there, large, round, shiny and kind of powerful, you know. Then it

136、took off. It went up easy as a feather and a red-orange glow showed up on one side and got brighter as the ship got smaller till it was a shooting star again, slowly fading out. And I said, “Sheriff, whyd you send them away? They had to see the President. Now theyll never come back.” Cameron said, “

137、I thought they were foreigners. They said they had to learn our language. And they talked funny.”Article1_w_popwin_ on account of THE WATERY PLACE Were never going to have visitors from space. No extraterrestrials will ever land on Earth - at least, any more. Im not just being a pessimist. As a matt

138、er of fact, extraterrestrials have landed. I know that. Spaceships are crisscrossing space among a million worlds, probably, but they will never come here. I know that, too. All on account of a ridiculous error. Ill explain. on account of : (fml ) because ofThe house isnt really suitable for an old

139、person on account of all those stairs.The president declined to deliver the speech himself on account of a sore throat.Collocation:account for解释,说明解释,说明NB: 与与on account of 意义、用法相近的短语:意义、用法相近的短语:because of, as a result of, due to, owing to, thanks toArticle2_w_popwin_work up It was actually Bart Came

140、rons error and youll have to understand about Bart Cameron. Hes the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and Im his deputy. Bart Cameron is an impatient man and he gets most impatient when he has to work up his income tax. You see, besides being sheriff, he also owns and runs the general store, hes got som

141、e shares in a sheep ranch, hes got a kind of pension for being a disabled veteran (bad knee) and a few other things like that. Naturally, it makes his tax figures complicated. It wouldnt be so bad if hed let a taxman work on the forms with him, but he insists on doing it himself and it makes him a b

142、itter man. By April 14, he isnt approachable.work up: spend time and effort preparing; produce or develop graduallyThe head of the department asked me to work up some sample compositions and give them to the students.Lets go for a walk to work up an appetite. (to make ourselves hungry)Article2_w_pop

143、win_ pension.1 It was actually Bart Camerons error and youll have to understand about Bart Cameron. Hes the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and Im his deputy. Bart Cameron is an impatient man and he gets most impatient when he has to work up his income tax. You see, besides being sheriff, he also owns

144、 and runs the general store, hes got some shares in a sheep ranch, hes got a kind of pension for being a disabled veteran (bad knee) and a few other things like that. Naturally, it makes his tax figures complicated. It wouldnt be so bad if hed let a taxman work on the forms with him, but he insists

145、on doing it himself and it makes him a bitter man. By April 14, he isnt approachable.pension: n. an amount of money paid regularly to someone who can no longer earn (enough) money by workingWhen added to Social Security payments, pensions enable many retired Americans to live comfortably.A pensioner

146、 is one who receives a pension, especially the retirement pension.Put into each gap one of the following words in its proper form.installment, alimony, pension, allowance1.A(n) is a small amount of money given regularly to a child by its parents. allowance_Article2_w_popwin_ pension.2 It was actuall

147、y Bart Camerons error and youll have to understand about Bart Cameron. Hes the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and Im his deputy. Bart Cameron is an impatient man and he gets most impatient when he has to work up his income tax. You see, besides being sheriff, he also owns and runs the general store,

148、hes got some shares in a sheep ranch, hes got a kind of pension for being a disabled veteran (bad knee) and a few other things like that. Naturally, it makes his tax figures complicated. It wouldnt be so bad if hed let a taxman work on the forms with him, but he insists on doing it himself and it ma

149、kes him a bitter man. By April 14, he isnt approachable.2. If you pay for something in , you pay small sums of money at regular intervals over a period of time.3.The is the money that someone has to pay regularly to their former wife or husband after they have been divorced. 4. The employees in many

150、 companies put aside money for their retirement . installments_alimony_pensions_Article2_w_popwin_ disable It was actually Bart Camerons error and youll have to understand about Bart Cameron. Hes the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and Im his deputy. Bart Cameron is an impatient man and he gets most i

151、mpatient when he has to work up his income tax. You see, besides being sheriff, he also owns and runs the general store, hes got some shares in a sheep ranch, hes got a kind of pension for being a disabled veteran (bad knee) and a few other things like that. Naturally, it makes his tax figures compl

152、icated. It wouldnt be so bad if hed let a taxman work on the forms with him, but he insists on doing it himself and it makes him a bitter man. By April 14, he isnt approachable.disable: vt. make (a person) unable to use his/her body properlyAfter the war, many disabled veterans ended up miserably in

153、 Germany.新的保险条例规定因公伤残者将得到更多的抚恤金。新的保险条例规定因公伤残者将得到更多的抚恤金。The new insurance rules specify that the disabled for the public benefit are to receive bigger pensions.Article2_w_popwin_ complicated.1 It was actually Bart Camerons error and youll have to understand about Bart Cameron. Hes the sheriff at Twin

154、 Gulch, Idaho, and Im his deputy. Bart Cameron is an impatient man and he gets most impatient when he has to work up his income tax. You see, besides being sheriff, he also owns and runs the general store, hes got some shares in a sheep ranch, hes got a kind of pension for being a disabled veteran (

155、bad knee) and a few other things like that. Naturally, it makes his tax figures complicated. It wouldnt be so bad if hed let a taxman work on the forms with him, but he insists on doing it himself and it makes him a bitter man. By April 14, he isnt plicated: adj. difficult to understand or deal with

156、The new computer is too complicated even for a skilledoperator to handle.I dont know how to handle a complicated heart.CF: complicated & complex 两者都有两者都有“复杂复杂”之意。之意。complex 意为意为“综合的、合成的综合的、合成的”,指组成某种机器的零件、构成某,指组成某种机器的零件、构成某件事的因素或构成数学题的元素不仅很多,而且相互的关系件事的因素或构成数学题的元素不仅很多,而且相互的关系或相互的作用也令人眼花缭乱,需要深入研究或具有专门

157、的或相互的作用也令人眼花缭乱,需要深入研究或具有专门的知识才能理解。例如:知识才能理解。例如:The situation in Afghanistan is so complicated that many people are uncertain what will happen next.Article2_w_popwin_ complicated.2 It was actually Bart Camerons error and youll have to understand about Bart Cameron. Hes the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idah

158、o, and Im his deputy. Bart Cameron is an impatient man and he gets most impatient when he has to work up his income tax. You see, besides being sheriff, he also owns and runs the general store, hes got some shares in a sheep ranch, hes got a kind of pension for being a disabled veteran (bad knee) an

159、d a few other things like that. Naturally, it makes his tax figures complicated. It wouldnt be so bad if hed let a taxman work on the forms with him, but he insists on doing it himself and it makes him a bitter man. By April 14, he isnt approachable.the complex mechanism of a watchPhysics is a rathe

160、r complex subject involving the study of matter and motion.手表的复杂结构手表的复杂结构物理是一门非常复杂的、涉及物质与运动研究的学科。物理是一门非常复杂的、涉及物质与运动研究的学科。complicated 具有具有complex的一切意义,但更强调复杂得难以解释或的一切意义,但更强调复杂得难以解释或理解。一道算式题可能非常理解。一道算式题可能非常complex,但未必,但未必complicated;而一道;而一道complicated的算式题一般总的算式题一般总 是是complex的。例如的。例如:That puzzle is too

161、 complicated for the children.那谜语对儿童来说太难了。那谜语对儿童来说太难了。The material has a complicated pattern.这种料子的图案很复杂(指很难看懂)。这种料子的图案很复杂(指很难看懂)。Article3_w_popwin_knockoff So its too bad the flying saucer landed on April 14, 1956. I saw it land. My chair was backed up against the wall in the sheriffs office, and I

162、was looking at the stars through the windows and wondering if I ought to knock off and hit the sack or keep on listeningto Cameron curse real steady as he went over his columns of figures for the hundred twenty-seventh time. It looked like a shooting star at first, but then the track of light broade

163、ned into two things that looked like rocket exhausts and the thing came down without a sound.knock off: (infml) stop working, usu. at the end of a dayIf I get this paper done Ill knock off early today.When do you usually knock off for supper?Collocation:knock down撞倒撞倒Article3_w_popwin_hitthesack So

164、its too bad the flying saucer landed on April 14, 1956. I saw it land. My chair was backed up against the wall in the sheriffs office, and I was looking at the stars through the windows and wondering if I ought to knock off and hit the sack or keep on listeningto Cameron curse real steady as he went

165、 over his columns of figures for the hundred twenty-seventh time. It looked like a shooting star at first, but then the track of light broadened into two things that looked like rocket exhausts and the thing came down without a sound.hit the sack: (infml) go to bed Louise was so tired that he hit th

166、e sack soon after supper.Time to hit the sack, lights out!Collocation:hit the deck起床起床Article3_w_popwin_rocket So its too bad the flying saucer landed on April 14, 1956. I saw it land. My chair was backed up against the wall in the sheriffs office, and I was looking at the stars through the windows

167、and wondering if I ought to knock off and hit the sack or keep on listeningto Cameron curse real steady as he went over his columns of figures for the hundred twenty-seventh time. It looked like a shooting star at first, but then the track of light broadened into two things that looked like rocket e

168、xhausts and the thing came down without a sound.rocket:甘肃酒泉发射中心的发射台上神州三号宇宙飞船和搭甘肃酒泉发射中心的发射台上神州三号宇宙飞船和搭乘它的长征运载火箭正在做最后的准备。乘它的长征运载火箭正在做最后的准备。1. n. a tube-like device containing material that burns rapidly and propels the tube through the air2. vi. (of an amount, price, etc.) increase very rapidly and su

169、ddenlyThe Shenzhou III spacecraft and its Long March carrier rocket are undergoing final preparations on the pad at the Jiuquan Launch Centre in Gansu Province.Sales of milk in supermarket are rocketing.Article4_w_bug.1 Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point

170、; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dar

171、k red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.bug: v. (eyes) stick out or cause (eyes) to stick out;an

172、noy sb.His eyes bugged with horror.The naughty kid from next door put a frog in my mailbox, which really bugged me. Dont bug me with petty details.Article4_w_bug.1.1 Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Camero

173、n? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black ha

174、ts. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.1.He closed the windows to keep the bugs out. “Bugs” here are:_.dustssmall insects, creeping or flyinginfectio

175、us diseasesLook at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.ACBArticle4_w_bug.1.A Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never look

176、ed up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dar

177、k complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.1.He closed the windows to keep the bugs out. “Bugs” here are:_.dustssmall insects, creeping or flyinginfectious diseasesLook

178、at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.AACBArticle4_w_bug.1.B Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There wa

179、s a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions,

180、black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.1.He closed the windows to keep the bugs out. “Bugs” here are:_.dustssmall insects, creeping or flyinginfectious diseasesLook at the picture

181、and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.BACBArticle4_w_bug.1.C Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on th

182、e door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair

183、 and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.1.He closed the windows to keep the bugs out. “Bugs” here are:_.dustssmall insects, creeping or flyinginfectious diseasesLook at the picture and the sentenc

184、e below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.CACBArticle4_w_bug.2.1 Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It open

185、ed and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes

186、. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.2.Im running a fever; I must have picked up a bug somewhere. “A bug” here is:_.small living thing causing disease, typically a bacterium; a germa colda small insect, creep

187、ing or flyingLook at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.ACBArticle4_w_bug.2.A Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never lo

188、oked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had d

189、ark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.2.Im running a fever; I must have picked up a bug somewhere. “A bug” here is:_.small living thing causing disease, typically

190、 a bacterium; a germa colda small insect, creeping or flyingLook at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.AACBArticle4_w_bug.2.B Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug

191、 my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. Th

192、ey had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.2.Im running a fever; I must have picked up a bug somewhere. “A bug” here is

193、:_.small living thing causing disease, typically a bacterium; a germa colda small insect, creeping or flyingLook at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.BACBArticle4_w_bug.2.C Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anythi

194、ng. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suit

195、s, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.2.Im running a fever; I must

196、 have picked up a bug somewhere. “A bug” here is:_.small living thing causing disease, typically a bacterium; a germa colda small insect, creeping or flyingLook at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.CACBArticle4_w_bug.3.1 Two

197、men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt

198、seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike

199、. God, I was scared.a computer virusan error or malfunction in a computer program or systema small insect, creeping or flying3.The system failed again because of a bug in that old software. “A bug” here is:_.Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to comp

200、lete the second sentence.ACBArticle4_w_bug.3.A Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I wo

201、uld have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were abou

202、t five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.a computer virusan error or malfunction in a computer program or systema small insect, creeping or flying3.The system failed again because of a bug in that old software. “A bug” here is:_.Look at the picture and the sentence belo

203、w it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.AACBArticle4_w_bug.3.B Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and

204、 the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They

205、 had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.a computer virusan error or malfunction in a computer program or systema small insect, creeping or flying3.The system failed again because of a bug in that old software. “A bug”

206、 here is:_.Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.BACBArticle4_w_bug.3.C Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never loo

207、ked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had da

208、rk complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.a computer virusan error or malfunction in a computer program or systema small insect, creeping or flying3.The system failed

209、again because of a bug in that old software. “A bug” here is:_.Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.CACBArticle4_w_bug.4.1 Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even

210、bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties.

211、 They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.a kind of insect which loves travellinga disease infecting travellersan e

212、ager but sometimes foolish or not lasting interest in travelling.4.He was bitten by the travel bug. The “travel bug” is:_ .Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.ACBArticle4_w_bug.4.A Two men got out. I couldnt say anythin

213、g or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They

214、wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.a kind of inse

215、ct which loves travellinga disease infecting travellersan eager but sometimes foolish or not lasting interest in travelling.4.He was bitten by the travel bug. The “travel bug” is:_ .Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.A

216、ACBArticle4_w_bug.4.B Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they wer

217、e city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. T

218、hey looked very much alike. God, I was scared.a kind of insect which loves travellinga disease infecting travellersan eager but sometimes foolish or not lasting interest in travelling.4.He was bitten by the travel bug. The “travel bug” is:_ .Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click

219、to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.BACBArticle4_w_bug.4.C Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from

220、 the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious

221、 looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.a kind of insect which loves travellinga disease infecting travellersan eager but sometimes foolish or not lasting interest in travelling.4.He was bitten by the travel bug. The “travel bug” is:_

222、 .Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.CACBArticle4_w_bug.5.1 Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. T

223、here was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark comple

224、xions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.Aminiaturemicrophonewasconcealedtoeavesdrop(窃听窃听)orrecordillicitlytheconversationsonthetelephoneTherewasamalfunctionofthetelephoneThet

225、elephonewasfixed5.The telephone in her room was bugged. It means:_.Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.ACBArticle4_w_bug.5.A Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt ev

226、en bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ti

227、es. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.5.The telephone in her room was bugged. It means:_.Look at the picture

228、 and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.AACBAminiaturemicrophonewasconcealedtoeavesdrop(窃听窃听)orrecordillicitlytheconversationsonthetelephoneTherewasamalfunctionofthetelephoneThetelephonewasfixedArticle4_w_bug.5.B Two men got out. I couldnt sa

229、y anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer la

230、nd. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.5.The

231、 telephone in her room was bugged. It means:_.Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.BACBAminiaturemicrophonewasconcealedtoeavesdrop(窃听窃听)orrecordillicitlytheconversationsonthetelephoneTherewasamalfunctionofthetelephoneThe

232、telephonewasfixedArticle4_w_bug.5.C Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have th

233、ought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot

234、 ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.5.The telephone in her room was bugged. It means:_.Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.CACBAminiaturemicrophonewasconcealedtoeavesdrop(窃听窃听)orrecordillicitlyth

235、econversationsonthetelephoneTherewasamalfunctionofthetelephoneThetelephonewasfixedArticle4_w_bug.6.1 Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened a

236、nd the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. Th

237、ey had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.to remove insectsto identify and remove errors from computer hardware or softwareto detect and remove concealed microphone6. He is debugging the computer. To “debug” is:_.Look

238、 at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.ACBArticle4_w_bug.6.A Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There wa

239、s a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions,

240、black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.to remove insectsto identify and remove errors from computer hardware or softwareto detect and remove concealed microphone6. He is debugging

241、the computer. To “debug” is:_.Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.AACBArticle4_w_bug.6.B Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Ca

242、meron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and blac

243、k hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.to remove insectsto identify and remove errors from computer hardware or softwareto detect and remove conc

244、ealed microphone6. He is debugging the computer. To “debug” is:_.Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.BACBArticle4_w_bug.6.C Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything. I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt eve

245、n bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown tie

246、s. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.to remove insectsto identify and remove errors from computer hardware o

247、r softwareto detect and remove concealed microphone6. He is debugging the computer. To “debug” is:_.Look at the picture and the sentence below it. Then click to choose the right answer to complete the second sentence.CACBArticle4_w_popwin_alike Two men got out. I couldnt say anything or do anything.

248、 I couldnt choke or point; I couldnt even bug my eyes. I just sat there. Cameron? He never looked up. There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadnt seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits,

249、with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike. God, I was scared.alike: a., ad. similar; in the

250、same manner Teachers are required to treat all their students alike.She and her cousin look very much alike.Article5_w_popwin_isolate One of the two stepped forward. He said, “We have had your people under observation a long time.” He pronounced each word carefully and all by itself. Cameron said, “

251、My people? All I gots a wife. Whats she been doing?” The fellow in the suit said, “We have chosen this locality for our first contact because it is isolated and peaceful. We know that you are the leader here.” But Cameron just looked up when the door opened and frowned. He said, “What can I do for y

252、ou, folks?” and he tapped his hand on the forms so it was obvious he hadnt much time.isolate: vt. set apart; cut off from othersIt would certainly be unnatural for someone to totally isolate themselves.In the early decades of its history, the United States was relatively isolated from Europe and oth

253、er parts of the world.When Im angry, I find it best to isolate myself from other people for a little while.Article6_w_popwin_adopt “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We ha

254、ve also learned your language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the wat

255、ery place your people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”adopt: vt.Some immigrants discarded their old customs and adopted American ways.1. ta

256、ke over and use as ones own 2. take sb. elses child into ones family and legally become its parentSeveral private international organizations have adopted standards for consumer protection in electronic commerce.我我们采用了新的采用了新的酿酒方法。酒方法。We adopted the new method of making wine.The Red Cross has adopted

257、 a lot of homeless children in Afghanistan.Article6_w_popwin_mode.1 “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language.” You could see the light break i

258、n on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye

259、. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”mode: n. a manner, way or method of doingRailways are the most important mode of transport for the economy.CF: mode, method & manner这几个词都是名词,都有这几个词都

260、是名词,都有“方式方式”、“方法方法”、“手段手段”之意。之意。 mode他突然富有起来了,从而改变了他的整个生活方式。他突然富有起来了,从而改变了他的整个生活方式。He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole mode of life.The mode of thinking of the western people is quite different from that of the eastern.西方人的思维方式与东方人很不相同西方人的思维方式与东方人很不相同。为为正正式式用用语语,侧侧重重指指某某种种符符合合习习俗俗、传传

261、统统或或个个人人爱爱好好而而养养成成的的、较较独独特特的的固固定定方方式式或或风风格格,表表现现在在说说话话做做事事、生生活活行行为为、思思考考写作等方面。例如:写作等方面。例如: Article6_w_popwin_mode.2 “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned

262、 your language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your

263、people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”I still remember now the mode of reasoning my teacher told me in my college years.CF: mode, method &

264、 manner method指为达到目的或解决某一问题而采取的有系统、有步骤、有指为达到目的或解决某一问题而采取的有系统、有步骤、有条理的方法或措施。它可指抽象的或具体的方法步骤,并强条理的方法或措施。它可指抽象的或具体的方法步骤,并强调效率性和技术性。例如:调效率性和技术性。例如:我现在还记得大学期间老师给我讲的推理方法我现在还记得大学期间老师给我讲的推理方法。Professor Johnson is a man of methods of teaching English.约翰逊教授在教英语方面很讲究方法约翰逊教授在教英语方面很讲究方法。The mechanic used a new me

265、thod to test the oil consumption of the machine.机械师用一种新的方法来测试机器的耗油量机械师用一种新的方法来测试机器的耗油量。Article6_w_popwin_mode.3 “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned you

266、r language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your peop

267、le call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”CF: mode, method & manner manner指个人所采用的方式、过程或程序,也可指行为、举止或态指个人所采用的方式、过程或程序,也可指行为、举止或态度,并强调实行这些方法或行为举止时的好或

268、坏的效果。例度,并强调实行这些方法或行为举止时的好或坏的效果。例如:如:His manner showed his honesty.他的态度表明了他很诚实他的态度表明了他很诚实。There is nothing new in his life. He always does everything in a routine manner.他的生活毫无新意。他总是按常规做事他的生活毫无新意。他总是按常规做事。Article6_w_popwin_mode.4 “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your tro

269、uble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally h

270、e tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I

271、 do for you?”mode, method & mannerPut into each gap one of the above words.1. It is bad to spit everywhere. 2. Youll have to change your of life once you have a baby. 3. We use new so that we can do the job quickly and cheaply. 4. There is not much in the way they do their accounts. 5. This fever wi

272、ll return from time to time, if it follows its usual . mode_manner_methods_method_mode_一般情况下,这种热病每隔一阵子就会再发作。一般情况下,这种热病每隔一阵子就会再发作。他们那样的算法没有什么条理。他们那样的算法没有什么条理。Article6_w_popwin_gofor “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode

273、of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said

274、, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”go for: be attracted by; like or pr

275、eferMany young people go for pop music.What sort of men do you go for?Article6_w_popwin_blink.1 “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language.” You

276、 could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus.”

277、Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”blink: vi. shut and open the eyes quickly; flash on and off Staring for hours at a computer screen dries out the eyes as

278、 people blink less.You can see a light blinking on a fence showing that you have reached the end of the new road.CF: blink & twinkle这两个词作动词用,都这两个词作动词用,都有有“闪烁闪烁”、“闪亮闪亮”的意思。的意思。blink 指眨眼,可作及物和不及物动词用;也可指远处的灯光等明灭不定。指眨眼,可作及物和不及物动词用;也可指远处的灯光等明灭不定。twinkle 为为不及物动词,常指远处的星星、灯火闪烁不定,与不及物动词,常指远处的星星、灯火闪烁不定,与blink

279、相比更相比更 遥远、更微弱;也可指眼睛闪烁着愉快的光。例如:遥远、更微弱;也可指眼睛闪烁着愉快的光。例如:She blinked (her eyes) as the bright light shone on her. 亮光照射着她时,她眨了眨眼睛亮光照射着她时,她眨了眨眼睛。Article6_w_popwin_blink.2 “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and eve

280、n to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? I

281、ndeed we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”When he saw her there, his eyes twinkled with amuse

282、ment.As the ship drew near to the port in darkness, we could see lights blinking on the land.看见她在场,他的眼睛里闪烁着惊喜看见她在场,他的眼睛里闪烁着惊喜。船在黑暗中靠近港口时,我们可以看见岸上灯火闪烁船在黑暗中靠近港口时,我们可以看见岸上灯火闪烁。Twinkle, twinkle little starHow I wonder what you areUp above the world so highTwinkle, twinkle all the nightTwinkle, twinkle l

283、ittle star How I wonder what you areArticle6_w_popwin_regardless “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language.” You could see the light break in o

284、n Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. H

285、e said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”Medicare, another form of federal health insurance, pays a large part of the medical bills for the disabled, regardless of age.Each state in America ha

286、s two senators, regardless of population.regardless of: without worrying about or taking account ofRegardless of the dangers he might face, Henson helped many slaves travel the Underground Railroad to freedom.NB 找出与找出与regardless of 意义相近、用法相同的词和短语:意义相近、用法相同的词和短语: 1. despite 2. despite of 3. in spite

287、of 4. although5. thoughKey 1,3Article6_w_popwin_atsbs.1 “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron

288、. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “

289、All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?”at sb.s service: willing to help sb. “Would you fetch me my glasses from the kitchen, Bob?” “At your service, madam.” Collocation:be of service (to sb.)在(为在(为)服

290、役)服役(对某人)有用处;能帮忙(对某人)有用处;能帮忙在职;在服现役在职;在服现役(尤指车辆等)在使用中(尤指车辆等)在使用中/已不能用已不能用on servicein/out of servicein the service (of) Article6_w_popwin_atsbs.2 “Im the sheriff, if thats what you mean, so spit it out. Whats your trouble?” “We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your ap

291、pearance. We have also learned your language.” You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, “You guys foreigners?” Cameron didnt go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair. The man from the saucer said, “Foreigners? Indeed we are. We co

292、me from the watery place your people call Venus.” Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, “All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. Im at your service. What can I do for you?” Complete the following sentences with the above phrases.1.This type o

293、f aircraft has been since the early 1970s.2.Instead of celebrating the many remarkable actions he had performed his country, the inscription on the monument acquaints us only with the manner of his death.3.His professional knowledge has been to us.4.If you need any help, Im .in service/out of servic

294、e_in the service of_of (great) service_at your service_Article7_w_popwin_supreme “We would like to have you make immediate arrangements for the important men of your U.S.A., as you call it, to be brought here for discussions leading to your people joining our great organization.” Slowly, Cameron got

295、 red. “Our people join your organization. Were already part of the U.N. and God knows what else. And I suppose Im to get the President here, eh? Right now? In Twin Gulch? Send a hurry-up message?” He looked at me, as though he wanted to see a smile on my face, but I couldnt as much as fall down if s

296、omeone had pushed the chair out from under me. The saucer man said, “Speed is desirable.” “You want Congress, too? The Supreme Court?” “If they will help, sheriff.”supreme: adj. greatest in power, rank or degreeThe Supreme Court meets in Washington, D.C., and the other federal courts are located in

297、cities throughoutthe United States.他们辩称安理会拥有最高职权,而联合国大会事实上没有对维和行动进他们辩称安理会拥有最高职权,而联合国大会事实上没有对维和行动进行授权的权力。行授权的权力。They argued that the Security Council was the supreme authority and the General Assembly had in fact no right to authorize peacekeeping activities.Article8_w_popwin_gotopieces And Cameron r

298、eally went to pieces. He banged his income tax form and yelled, “Well, youre not helping me, and I have no time for wise guys who come around, especially foreigners. If you dont get the hell out of here straight away, Ill lock you up for disturbing the peace and Ill never let you out.” “You wish us

299、to leave?” said the man from Venus. “Right now! Get the hell out of here and back to wherever youre from and dont ever come back. I dont want to see you and no one else around here does.” The two men looked at each other. Then the one who had done all the talking said, “I can see in your mind that y

300、ou really wish, with great intensity, to be left alone.go to pieces: If you go to pieces, you are so upset or nervous that you lose control of yourself and cannot do what you should do.Anne is a strong woman, but she nearly went to pieces when she heard her colleague died in the car accident.Article

301、8_w_popwin_comearound.1 And Cameron really went to pieces. He banged his income tax form and yelled, “Well, youre not helping me, and I have no time for wise guys who come around, especially foreigners. If you dont get the hell out of here straight away, Ill lock you up for disturbing the peace and

302、Ill never let you out.” “You wish us to leave?” said the man from Venus. “Right now! Get the hell out of here and back to wherever youre from and dont ever come back. I dont want to see you and no one else around here does.” The two men looked at each other. Then the one who had done all the talking

303、 said, “I can see in your mind that you really wish, with great intensity, to be left e around: visit sb. at their houseHalfway through the party, a neighbor came around to complain about the noise.“Why didnt you come around while you were in Beijing on business?NB: 下列哪些动词短语可以表示下列哪些动词短语可以表示“走访走访”、“拜

304、访拜访”或或“顺便造顺便造访访”?1. call at/on 2. call off3. call in4. drop in5.drop in on sb6. stop by7. stop in8. visit on9. pay a visitKeyArticle8_w_popwin_comearound.11 And Cameron really went to pieces. He banged his income tax form and yelled, “Well, youre not helping me, and I have no time for wise guys who

305、come around, especially foreigners. If you dont get the hell out of here straight away, Ill lock you up for disturbing the peace and Ill never let you out.” “You wish us to leave?” said the man from Venus. “Right now! Get the hell out of here and back to wherever youre from and dont ever come back.

306、I dont want to see you and no one else around here does.” The two men looked at each other. Then the one who had done all the talking said, “I can see in your mind that you really wish, with great intensity, to be left e around: visit sb. at their houseHalfway through the party, a neighbor came arou

307、nd to complain about the noise.“Why didnt you come around while you were in Beijing on business?NB: 下列哪些动词短语可以表示下列哪些动词短语可以表示“走访走访”、“拜访拜访”或或“顺便造顺便造访访”?1. call at/on 2. call off3. call in4. drop in5.drop in on sb6. stop by7. stop in8. visit on9. pay a visitKey 1,3,4,5,6,7,9短暂拜访短暂拜访取消取消顺路到某处或某人家里顺路到某处或

308、某人家里顺便走访顺便走访顺便走访某人顺便走访某人顺便访问顺便访问顺便访问顺便访问迁怒迁怒造访造访Article8_w_popwin_leftalone And Cameron really went to pieces. He banged his income tax form and yelled, “Well, youre not helping me, and I have no time for wise guys who come around, especially foreigners. If you dont get the hell out of here straight

309、 away, Ill lock you up for disturbing the peace and Ill never let you out.” “You wish us to leave?” said the man from Venus. “Right now! Get the hell out of here and back to wherever youre from and dont ever come back. I dont want to see you and no one else around here does.” The two men looked at e

310、ach other. Then the one who had done all the talking said, “I can see in your mind that you really wish, with great intensity, to be left alone.leave alone: allow one to be by oneself; allow sb. or sth. to remain untouched or unchanged 我叫你别碰那个花瓶,你看你现在把它打碎了。我叫你别碰那个花瓶,你看你现在把它打碎了。I told you to leave th

311、at vase alone - now youve broken it.Its useless to talk to her since she is so upset; just leave her alone.Article9_w_popwin_garbage Cameron said, “Mister, Im tired of this garbage, so Ill count to three ” They turned and left, and I just knew that everything they said was so. I was listening to the

312、m, you see, which Cameron wasnt, because he was busy thinking of his income tax, and it was as though I could hear their minds, know what I mean? I knew that there would be a kind of fence around earth, keeping others out. “It is not our way to force ourselves or our organization on people who do no

313、t wish us or it. We will respect your privacy and leave. We will not return. We will put a warning around your world and none will enter.” garbage: n. nonsense; rubbish Family members hauled bags of trash outto the garbage can, and, once or twice a week, collection crews would dump them into a garba

314、ge truck.Peter was talking a lot of garbage about taxation.Article10_w_popwin_heave And when they left, I got my voice back - too late. I screamed, “Cameron, for Gods sake, theyre from space. Whyd you send them away?” “From space!” He stared at me. I yelled, “Look!” I dont know how I did it, he bein

315、g twenty-five pounds heavier than I, but I heaved him to the window by his shirt collar. He was too surprised to resist and when he recovered his wits enough to make like he was going to knock me down, he caught sight of what was going on outside the window and the breath went out of him. They had t

316、o heave the piano onto the stage.heave: vt. raise or lift with great effortThe teacher heaved Mary to her feet and took her to the office.Article10_w_popwin_wit And when they left, I got my voice back - too late. I screamed, “Cameron, for Gods sake, theyre from space. Whyd you send them away?” “From

317、 space!” He stared at me. I yelled, “Look!” I dont know how I did it, he being twenty-five pounds heavier than I, but I heaved him to the window by his shirt collar. He was too surprised to resist and when he recovered his wits enough to make like he was going to knock me down, he caught sight of wh

318、at was going on outside the window and the breath went out of him. He lacked the wit to respond in time.wit: n. (also wits) quick understanding; intelligenceThe policeman used his wits more than his gun to tame the local criminals.Collocation:collect/gather ones wits绞尽脑汁,冥思苦想绞尽脑汁,冥思苦想使自己镇定下来,不慌乱使自己镇

319、定下来,不慌乱展露才智展露才智/动脑筋动脑筋神志失常神志失常/恢复正常恢复正常display/exercise ones witslose/regain ones witsrack ones wits风趣的人风趣的人a man of wits智穷技尽;再也没有办法了智穷技尽;再也没有办法了at ones wits/wits end把把吓得魂不附体吓得魂不附体frighten/scare sb. out of his witsArticle10_w_popwin_knock down And when they left, I got my voice back - too late. I sc

320、reamed, “Cameron, for Gods sake, theyre from space. Whyd you send them away?” “From space!” He stared at me. I yelled, “Look!” I dont know how I did it, he being twenty-five pounds heavier than I, but I heaved him to the window by his shirt collar. He was too surprised to resist and when he recovere

321、d his wits enough to make like he was going to knock me down, he caught sight of what was going on outside the window and the breath went out of him. The old man died in hospital after being knocked down by a car.knock down:The driver was in serious trouble for knocking down a pedestrian on a pedest

322、rian crossing.2) destroy and remove sth.1) cause someone to fall to the ground by pushing or hitting himThe house is being knocked down to make way for a new road.Were planning to knock the dividing wall down so as to make one large room.Article10_w_popwin_make like And when they left, I got my voic

323、e back - too late. I screamed, “Cameron, for Gods sake, theyre from space. Whyd you send them away?” “From space!” He stared at me. I yelled, “Look!” I dont know how I did it, he being twenty-five pounds heavier than I, but I heaved him to the window by his shirt collar. He was too surprised to resi

324、st and when he recovered his wits enough to make like he was going to knock me down, he caught sight of what was going on outside the window and the breath went out of him. The old man made like a monkey to amuse the children.make like: (infml) act as if one were; pretend to be Bob made like he was

325、a fish blowing bubbles.Pattern:make like sb./sth.make like + clauseArticle10_w_popwin_catch sight of And when they left, I got my voice back - too late. I screamed, “Cameron, for Gods sake, theyre from space. Whyd you send them away?” “From space!” He stared at me. I yelled, “Look!” I dont know how

326、I did it, he being twenty-five pounds heavier than I, but I heaved him to the window by his shirt collar. He was too surprised to resist and when he recovered his wits enough to make like he was going to knock me down, he caught sight of what was going on outside the window and the breath went out o

327、f him. I caught sight of her just as she turned the corner and disappeared.catch sight of : see for a moment Collocation:透过窗户我瞥见一个人影匆匆而过。透过窗户我瞥见一个人影匆匆而过。约翰经过我们办公室的时候我碰巧看见他。约翰经过我们办公室的时候我碰巧看见他。I caught a glimpse through the window of a figure hurrying by.Translate the following sentences into English.

328、I happened to catch sight of John as he was going past our office.她抓住他的手臂,不肯放开她抓住他的手臂,不肯放开。She caught hold of his arm and wouldnt let go.catch a glimpse of 瞥见catch the vision of看见;洞察catch hold of抓住Article11_w_popwin_fadeout1 They were getting into the flying saucer, those two men, and the saucer sat

329、 there, large, round, shiny and kind of powerful, you know. Then it took off. It went up easy as a feather and a red-orange glow showed up on one side and got brighter as the ship got smaller till it was a shooting star again, slowly fading out. And I said, “Sheriff, whyd you send them away? They ha

330、d to see the President. Now theyll never come back.” Cameron said, “I thought they were foreigners. They said they had to learn our language. And they talked funny.”As its getting colder and colder, their enthusiasm for doing sports in the morning faded out.fade out: disappear graduallyMy daughters

331、interest in drawing has now almost completely faded out.Collocation:fade in(使)淡入,渐显(使)淡入,渐显逐渐凋谢;慢慢减弱逐渐凋谢;慢慢减弱fade awayArticle11_w_popwin_fadeout2 They were getting into the flying saucer, those two men, and the saucer sat there, large, round, shiny and kind of powerful, you know. Then it took off. I

332、t went up easy as a feather and a red-orange glow showed up on one side and got brighter as the ship got smaller till it was a shooting star again, slowly fading out. And I said, “Sheriff, whyd you send them away? They had to see the President. Now theyll never come back.” Cameron said, “I thought t

333、hey were foreigners. They said they had to learn our language. And they talked funny.”1 The music, with the image of the violinist , slowly and then . Complete the following sentences according to what you see or hear. faded in_faded out_2 Maybe this is forever. , like a rocket ascending in the space. Forever fades away_



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