八年级英语上册 Module 6模块评价检测配套课件 外研版

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1、(六)(六)Module 6(45分钟分钟 100分分)第第卷(共卷(共55分)分). 单项选择(单项选择(20分)分)1. Look! There is a beautiful bird_ the tree. A. on B. for C. to D. in【解解析析】选选D。句句意意: 看看!在在树树上上有有一一只只美美丽丽的的鸟鸟。on the tree 表表示示树树上上长长的的东东西西;in the tree 表表示示外外界界的的人人或或事事物物在在树树上,而不是树自身长的东西。上,而不是树自身长的东西。2. What film have you seen recently? I ha

2、ve seen a film _The Spy Next Door. A. called B. calling C. to call D. call【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:你你最最近近看看过过什什么么电电影影?我我看看过电影过电影邻家特工邻家特工。过去分词作定语修饰名词,表示被动。过去分词作定语修饰名词,表示被动。3. Tom sent a postcard _ his parents yesterday. A. to B. for C. with D. at【解解析析】选选A。寄寄给给某某人人某某物物 send sth. to sb. 或或 send sb. sth. 。当。当sb.

3、和和sth. 都是代词时只能用都是代词时只能用send sth. to sb. 。4. 10阜康中考阜康中考Your tea, please. There must be _in the tea. I like this kind of tea with sugar. A. nothing sweet B. something sweetC. sweet something D. sweet nothing【解解析析】选选B。形形容容词词修修饰饰不不定定代代词词应应该该放放在在不不定定代代词词之之后后;在肯定句中用在肯定句中用something。5. I dont want to do any

4、thing because I feel very_. A. happy B. happily C. tired D. tiring【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:我我不不想想做做任任何何事事,因因为为我我感感到到很很疲疲劳劳。根根据据意意思思可可以以排排除除A和和B。tired 和和tiring疲疲劳劳的的,都都是是形形容容词词,但但tired 的主语是人,而的主语是人,而tiring的主语是物。的主语是物。6. When I was reading newspapers, the light suddenly_. A. went off B. turned off C. got off D.

5、 took off【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:当当我我在在读读报报纸纸时时,电电灯灯突突然然熄熄灭灭了了。A项项意意为为“(灯灯)熄熄灭灭,停停(电电)”,B项项意意为为“关关闭闭”,C项项意为意为“下车下车”,D项意为项意为“脱下脱下”。 7. Whats wrong, Danny? I _the tree. A. fell down B. fell offC. fell behind D. fell into【解解析析】选选B。fall off 或或fall down from意意为为“从从掉掉下下”, fall behind 落后,落后,fall into可以分为。可以分为。8. I

6、saw them _football when I passed the playground. A. play B. playingC. played D. was playing【解解析析】选选B。see sb. do sth. 看看见见某某人人经经常常做做某某事事,强强调调动动作作的的过过程程;see sb. doing sth. 看看见见某某人人正正在在做做某某事事。when引引导导的的时时间间状状语语从从句句表表示示时时间间点点,表表示示在在过过去去某某一一时时间间点点做做某某事,应用进行时态。事,应用进行时态。9. Bob, can you help me close the do

7、or? _? A. What about B. How about C. What is it D. What for【解解析析】选选D。what for 用用来来询询问问对对方方为为什什么么要要干干某某事事, 相相当当于于why。10. 10淮淮安安中中考考What were you doing when I called you at 8 oclock yesterday? I _the violin at that time. A. play B. is playingC. played D. was playing【解解析析】选选D。强强调调在在过过去去某某一一时时间间点点正正在在做做

8、某某事事,应应用用过过去进行时。去进行时。. 完形填空(完形填空(15分)分) When I was a teenager growing up in France, I wanted to leave school and have my own life. The only way I could 1 this was to work in the local paper factory in my town, or get married. I was very nervous when I told my 2 I wanted to leave school. I thought he

9、 would say, “ 3 You are going to college(大大学学). ” I was very 4 when he said, “OK. Lets go to the paper factory. ” Two days later, 5 took me to the factory. I imagined everyone to be friends 6 together and having fun. I even imagined there would be music and singing. I 7 I had watched too many movies

10、 as a teenager. When we 8 the factory gate, my father spoke to the guard(门门卫卫) and one minute later we were 9 . I walked around the factory looking at the building, the workers, and listening to the noise. It was 10 . I ran back to my father and said, “I want to go home. ”He asked me, “What do you t

11、hink of the 11 ? ” “Too bad, ” I answered. “And marriage is even 12 ! ”he said. I went back to school the next day thinking about studying hard 13 I could get into a good college. I 14 studying English so I decided to major in (主主修修)languages at college. Thanks to my father and our 15 to the paper f

12、actory, I now work at the United Nations and my father is very proud of me. I married a very good man and my life is much better than it would have been working in the factory! 1. A. say B. do C. receive D. find【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:“我我惟惟一一能能这这样样做做(指指离离校校,独独自自生生活)的办法就是去镇上的当地纸厂工作或结婚。活)的办法就是去镇上的当地纸厂工作或结婚。”2.

13、 A. teacher B. friend C. father D. husband【解解析析】选选C。由由下下文文可可知知,作作者者是是同同家家长长商商量量退退学学,后后文文“同同意意并并送送我我到到工工厂厂”可可以以照照应应,同同时时全全文文只只出出现现我我和和父父亲亲及门卫三个人。及门卫三个人。3. A. Yes! B. No! C. Really? D. OK? 【解析解析】选选B。我原以为他会说。我原以为他会说“不行,你要上大学。不行,你要上大学。”4. A. angry B. tired C. nervous D. surprised【解解析析】选选D。当当我我听听到到他他说说“行

14、行,咱咱到到纸纸厂厂工工作作。”时时,我感到吃惊,与上文照应。我感到吃惊,与上文照应。5. A. he B. she C. it D. they【解解析析】选选A。此此处处he指指父父亲亲。父父亲亲带带我我到到工工厂厂,与与上上段段照照应。应。6. A. working B. studying C. singing D. farming【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:我我设设想想大大家家都都是是朋朋友友,一一起起工工作作,一一起娱乐。起娱乐。7. A. guessed B. meantC. said D. hoped【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:我我甚甚至至设设想想会会有有音音乐乐和和歌歌声声,

15、我我猜猜想想是作为青少年的我看的电影太多了。是作为青少年的我看的电影太多了。8. A. looked at B. returned toC. arrived at D. left for【解解析析】选选C。当当我我们们到到达达厂厂门门口口时时,arrive at意意思思是是“到到达达”,本空与,本空与took me to the factory照应。照应。9. A. outside B. inside C. back D. away【解解析析】选选B。句句意意为为“我我父父亲亲和和门门卫卫打打了了招招呼呼,一一会会儿儿我我们进了厂门。们进了厂门。”10. A. terrible B. wond

16、erful C. funny D. special【解析解析】选选A。由。由I want to go home. 知知B、C、D不合题意。不合题意。11. A. workers B. guard C. building D. factory【解解析析】选选D。“你你觉觉得得工工厂厂怎怎么么样样?”因因为为作作者者不不想想读读书书,想想到到工工厂厂上上班班,结结果果看看到到工工厂厂的的情情形形后后,想想回回家家。显显然然,作作者的父亲是问作者对工厂的看法。者的父亲是问作者对工厂的看法。12. A. better B. harder C. worse D. easier【解解析析】选选C。作作者者

17、对对工工厂厂的的看看法法是是too bad, 由由even提提示示,此此处应表递进,故选比较级处应表递进,故选比较级worse。13. A. but B. if C. so D. or 【解解析析】选选C。so表表示示因因果果关关系系。第第二二天天我我返返回回学学校校,努努力力学学习以便能够进入好大学。习以便能够进入好大学。but表转折,表转折,if表条件。表条件。14. A. enjoyed B. stopped C. disliked D. minded【解解析析】选选A。由由. . . so I decided to major in languages at college. 可知作者

18、对学语言感兴趣,故选可知作者对学语言感兴趣,故选A。15. A. way B. idea C. plan D. trip【解解析析】选选D。跟跟父父亲亲去去纸纸厂厂只只能能是是trip(旅旅行行), 而而不不可可能能是是way(路)、(路)、idea(主意)或(主意)或plan(计划)。(计划)。. 阅读理解(阅读理解(10分)分) One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe(斧斧子子) fell into the water. He felt very sad be

19、cause he lost his only axe. Then all at once a beautiful fairy(仙仙女女) came out and asked the man what was the matter. “I have lost my axe, ” he said,“It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood. ” The fairy showed him a gold(金金) axe and asked, “Is this yours? ” “No, ” said the man. The fairy t

20、hen showed him a silver (银银)axe and asked again, “Is this yours? ” “No, ” again answered the man. Then she showed him the old axe. “Yes, that is mine, ” called out the happy man. “I know it well enough, ” said the fairy, “I only wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, and now Ill give you the

21、gold axe and the silver axe besides your own one. ”1. One day when the man was cutting something, _. A. he fell into the waterB. his axe dropped into the riverC. his axe fell into a lakeD. he saw a beautiful fairy【解解析析】选选B。由由短短文文第第一一段段第第一一句句和和第第二二句句可可知知男男子子在在砍砍木头时,斧子掉进了河里。木头时,斧子掉进了河里。2. The man was

22、sad because_. A. he was poor and had no other axesB. he could not go on workingC. he liked his axe very muchD. his axe was a gold axe【解解析析】选选A。由由短短文文第第一一段段第第三三句句可可知知他他因因为为丢丢失失了了他他惟惟一的斧子而感到难过。一的斧子而感到难过。3. The fairy gave him a gold axe and a silver axe, but he didnt take them. Because he _. A. did not

23、 like themB. did not know they were made of gold and silverC. was very richD. knew these axes were not his【解解析析】选选D。由由男男子子和和仙仙女女的的对对话话可可知知,男男子子因因为为金金银银斧斧子不是自己的而没有接受。子不是自己的而没有接受。4. At the end of the story the man had _. A. only one axe B. two axesC. three axes D. many axes【解解析析】选选C。由由短短文文最最后后一一句句可可知知

24、男男子子除除得得到到自自己己原原来来的的斧子外,还得到了一把金斧和一把银斧。斧子外,还得到了一把金斧和一把银斧。5. The fairy helped the man because he was _ man. A. an old B. a youngC. a poor D. an honest(诚实的诚实的)【解解析析】选选D。由由短短文文最最后后一一句句可可知知仙仙女女因因为为男男子子的的诚诚实实而而帮助他。帮助他。第第卷(共卷(共45分)分). 词汇运用(词汇运用(10分)分) ()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)分)1. Tom and his fr

25、iends were having a tea p_ at this time yesterday. 2. The air is fresh o_. Lets go and take a walk, shall we? 3. I saw a rabbit running a_ the field. 4. My daughter doesnt like the black dress. Do you have a p_ one? 5. The box is too heavy. Can you help me c_ it? 答案:答案:1. party 2. outside 3. across

26、4. pink 5. carry()用所给词的适当形式填空()用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)分)6. When I left this morning, it _ (rain). 7. Alice is thinking of _ (make) a daisy chain. 8. The teacher is coming. Lets stop _ (talk). 9. I saw Lucy _ (lie) on the ground. 10. We walked in the forest. _ (sudden),a tiger ran past us. 答案:答案:6. was raini

27、ng 7. making 8. talking 9. lying10. Suddenly. 完成句子(完成句子(10分)分)1. 一天爱丽丝拿着一本书坐在河边。一天爱丽丝拿着一本书坐在河边。One day Alice was sitting _the river_ a book. 2. 你昨天晚上八点钟在做什么?你昨天晚上八点钟在做什么?_ _ you _ at 8: 00 pm yesterday? 答案:答案:1. by;with 2. What were;doing3. I dont know what we will do next. (改为同义句改为同义句)I dont know _

28、 _ _ next. 4. 我累了,让我们停下来休息一下。我累了,让我们停下来休息一下。I am very tired. Lets stop _ _ _ _ . 5. 你觉得这部电影怎么样?你觉得这部电影怎么样?What do you _ _ the film? 答案:答案:3. what to do 4. to have a rest 5. think of. 补全对话补全对话 (10分)分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。A. Ive never heard of it. B. Isnt it A Thousand and One Nig

29、hts? C. Do you like the book? D. What do you think of the book? E. What are the stories about? F. What were you doing when I called you last night? G. Have you ever read the book before? David:Hello, Carol. This is David speaking. Carol:Hello, David. This is Carol. David:(1) _Carol:Im sorry that I d

30、idnt answer your phone. I was reading a book named Arabian Nights at the bookshop at that time. David:Arabian Nights? (2) _Carol:There are many old and interesting stories in it. David:(3) _Carol:A queen tells all the stories. The king of a country married a new queen every day and killed her the ne

31、xt morning. . . David:Stop, stop here! (4) _ Carol:Yes, you are right. (5) _David:Yes. Ive already read it twice. I think it is very interesting. Carol:Me, too. And I like it very much! 答案:答案:15. FAEBG. 书面表达(书面表达(15分)分) 童童话话故故事事是是世世界界文文学学宝宝库库里里的的一一枝枝奇奇葩葩,深深受受孩孩子子们们喜喜爱爱。你你读读过过哪哪些些童童话话故故事事?请请把把你你印印象象最

32、最深深的的一一部部写写下下来来,和大家一起分享。和大家一起分享。80词左右。词左右。_【参考答案参考答案】My favourite story I love reading and I have read many books. My favourite story is The Three Little Pigs. There are three little pigs in the story. They built their own houses. The first built a straw house. The second built a wood house. The thi

33、rd built a house with bricks. Then a wolf ate the first and second pigs. But he couldnt eat the third one because the third pigs house was very strong. At last the third pig killed the wolf. This is my favourite story because it is interesting and it teaches us to be hard-working. There are also many colourful pictures in the book.



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