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1、亚克力化妆品瓶的制作流程 The production process of aacrylic bottle绍兴上虞溢尔塑业有限公司是一家研发与生产一体的化妆品包材生产企业。它坐落于山清水秀的浙江绍兴,临近宁波港口和嘉绍跨海大桥,交通便利。溢尔塑业成立于2008年6月,注册资金50万人民币,总投资金额3000万人民币,占地面积为8000平方米。我们一直采用时代最先进的技术,依托当今最前卫的时尚理念,持续投入巨大的科研资金,领先在日新月异的化妆品包材行业时尚、潮流的前沿。如今溢尔塑业已经发展成为集产品的研发模具制造注塑喷漆/电镀/印刷烫金组装为一体的公司,成为了国际化专业性的化妆品包材生产商。公

2、司的主要产品包括:亚克力瓶、真空膏霜瓶、真空瓶等。所用材料为PMMA、MS、ABS和PP等。稳定的质量和富有时尚设计的产品,深受国内外客户的喜爱和好评。我们拥有强大的制造能力,也拥有坚实的技术能力,更拥有高效率的服务理念。“客户至上、诚信至上、服务至上”是我们经营的理念。开拓者的创新精神让我们勇于革新,以人为本的团队精神让我们更加团结,主人公的责任精神让我们敢于担当。Shaoxing shangyu yier plastic co.,ltd is a cosmetic Cosmetic packaging manufacturer which integrate production and

3、R&D,it is located in Shaoxing, a most beautiful city,nearby Ningbo port and Jiashao bridge,so it has very convenient transportation.Yier plastic co.,ltd was founded on June 2008,Its registered capital is 500,000 RMB,and the total investment is 30 million RMB,the total area of the company is 8,000 sq

4、uare meters.Our company adopts advanced technology and avant-garde production concept, constant investment in research. It has been at the forefront of fashion in the cosmetic packaging industry for a long time.Now yier plastic has developed into a international and specialization cosmetic manufactu

5、rer which integrate product developmentMould manufacturingInjectionPainting/UV/PrintingStampingAssembling.The companys main product include:acrylic bottle、airless cream jar、airless bottle .All materials include PMMA、MA、ABS and PP. Its stable quality and stylish products deeply loved and praised by d

6、omestic and foreign customers.We have enormous production capacity and Strong technical capability others we also have efficient service concept.“Customer first, integrity first, service first” is our business philosophy.The pioneering spirit of innovation has given us the courage to innovate.The te

7、am spirit that puts people first makes us more United.The spirit of responsibility of the hero allows us to take responsibility.原材料(Material)注塑(Injection)喷漆(Painting)印刷(Printing)装配(assembling(assembling) )成品(Finishedproducts)模具制作Mouldproduction生产流程生产流程生产流程生产流程Production processProduction processProd

8、uction processProduction process1原材料1亚克力粒拌料AB拌料机亚克力粒我公司主要生产亚克力化妆品包材,所用原材料主要是亚克力。our main product is acrylic container,so the main material is acrylic2模具制作 2模具制作公司根据不同客户的瓶形需求,可提供开模服务,厂区内部配有专业的模具师傅为客户提供专业的技术知识,这也使得公司产品多样化。According to the requirements of different customers, the company can provide op

9、en mold service. The factory area is equipped with a professional mold master to provide professional technical knowledge for customers, which also makes the companys products diversified.3注塑 3注塑公司配有30多台注塑机,每天的产量可以满足大量客户的订单。The company is equipped with more than 30 injection molding machines, daily

10、production can meet the orders of a large number of customers.4喷漆 4喷漆喷漆车间流水线喷漆车间流水线顶部装有风扇,快速吹干喷出来的瓶子The top of the paint shop assembly line is equipped with a fan to quickly dry the sprayed bottles.5印刷PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载

11、: 试卷下载: 教案下载: 字体下载: 5印刷烫印车间烫印车间烫印车间烫印车间印刷车间印刷出来的瓶子经过光渡机,可以使瓶身上的油漆快速干The bottles printed in the printing shop pass through the light machine, which can make the paint on the bottle dry quickly6装配PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载:

12、 教案下载: 字体下载: 6装配流水线上每个操作工负责一道工序,整个包装环节非常的感觉快速,包装车间配有加湿设备,使产品不会附着上灰尘Each operator on the assembly line is responsible for a process. The entire packaging process is very fast. The packaging workshop is equipped with humidifying equipment so that the product does not adhere to dust.7成品展示PPT模板下载: 行业PPT

13、模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: 字体下载: 7成品展示每一件成品都经过注塑,喷漆,印刷,装配,检验的过程,每一个产品都是质量检验合格才能到客户的手中,我们注重生产过程中的每一个环节Each finished product has been injected, painted, printed, assembled, and inspected. Each product is qualified for quality inspection before it can reach the customer. We pay attention to every part of the production process.THANKYOU



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