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1、E-C/C-E Translation英汉互译专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比如果把汉语句子的主语和作英语句子的主语比较一下,就会发现汉语常以有生命的、具体的名词或代词作句子的主语,而英语注重客观事物对人的作用和影响,因此无生命、抽象的名词做作主语远比汉语中多。在翻译时注意到这一点,往往能译出地道的英语和汉语。主语的生命性:主语的生命性:英语多物称主语英语多物称主语 汉语多人称主语汉语多人称主语专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比理据:英语语言中的思维注重客观事物客观事物对人的作用和影响,以认知自然为视觉焦点,崇尚自然、认识自然、探索自然,最终征服自然,主宰宇宙。在语言上表现为英语多用无生命的无生命的名词名词

2、作主语,主动主动和被动被动两个范畴始终泾渭分明。汉语语言中的思维往往以人人为中心,认为只有人才能做出有意识的动作,因而对思维的主体和客体不加区分,在语言上表现为汉语常以有生命的名词有生命的名词作主语。也就是说,英语较常用物称表达法,即不用人称来叙述,而让事物以客观的口气呈现出来,让作者与读者均有置身其外的感觉,这在正式文体中很常见。请看一则图书馆通告:专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly. Students

3、are asked to remind themselves of the rules for the borrowing and return of books, and to bear in mind the needs of others students. Penalties for overdue books will in future be strictly enforced.近来已注意到馆存书惊人地减少。此事令人关切。现要求学生不要忘记借还书规则,并考虑其他学生的需要。今后凡借书逾期不还者,必将严格按章处罚。(隐含的主语是“我们图书馆”)专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比其实英语写作教

4、学中也建议不要滥用这种非人称表达,认为这会使文章缺乏“personal reference and human touch”,失去“people-to-people relationship”,显得“abstract and official”,甚至”cold and inhuman”。上例多用人称表达,则可显得不那么正式:The number of books in the library has been going down. Please make sure you know the rules for borrowing and dont forget that the librar

5、y is for everyones convenience. So from now on, were going to enforce the rules strictly. You have been warned!专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比虽然如此,非人称表达法仍是英语常见的一种文风,尤其常见于书面语,如公文、新闻、科技论著以及散文、小说等文学作品。这种表达法往往使叙述显得客观、公正,结构趋于严密、紧凑,语气较为委婉、间接。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比汉语则较注重主体思维,这种思维模式以“万物皆备于我”作主导,往往从自我出发来叙述客观事物,或倾向于描述人及其行为或状态,因而常用人称。当人


7、汉语常用人称主语英语可用人称主语表达,也常用非人称主语表达。用非人称主语表达时,往往注重“什么事发生在什么人身上”,而汉语则较常用人称主语表达,往往注重“什么人怎么样了”,如:What has happened to you? 你出了什么事啦?An idea suddenly struck me我突然想到了一个主意。A strange peace came over her when she was alone她独处时,感到一种特殊的安宁。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比英语用非人称作主语的句子大体可以分为以下两大类:1.抽象名词/无生命名词作主语2. 用代词it 1用抽象名词或无生命的事物名称作主

8、语,同时又使用本来表示人的动作或行为的动词作其谓语,因而这种句式往往带有拟人化修辞色彩,语气含蓄,令人回味,反映了英美民族的幽默感。汉语虽然也有用拟人法来描述抽象的概念或无生命的事物,如“什么风把你吹来的?”,“爱情把我们的心连在一起”,“高山低头,河水让路”,但这种表达法较常见于形象的比喻或轻松的文体,无论从使用的语境或出现的频率来看,都远远不及英语。汉人较缺乏幽默感,注重的是“什么人做什么事”,往往用人或比较确定的事物作主语。试比较:专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比Not a sound reached our ears 我们没有听到任何声音。A great elation overcame t

9、hem 他们欣喜若狂。Alarm began to take entire possession of him.他开始变得惊恐万状。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热,于是打定主意,一碰到合适的阴凉处就坐下来休息。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比英语这类非人称主语句采用“无灵主语”,表示抽象概念、心理感觉、事物名称或时间地点等,但谓语却常常使用“有灵动词”,表示人或社会团体的动作和行为,如see


11、jing has witnessed many great historical events星光很早以前就踏上了旅程。 The light from the stars started on its journey long long ago.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比(略) 2用非人称代词“it”作主语。代词“it”除了用来代替除人以外的生物或事物之外,还广泛用作填补词(expletive),如: 1)用作先行词(preparatory “it”),代替真正的主语或宾语,如:It never occurred to me that she was so dishonest我从来也没有想到她

12、这么不老实。It is not our view that the substance or the tone of his remarks this morning will contribute to creating a lasting peace in the Middle East我们认为,他今天上午发言的内容和口气都无助于在中东建立持久的和平。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比 2)用作虚义词,代替的主语是难以言明的现象或情形,如用以表示自然现象、时间、空间以及用于惯用语之中:Its only half an hours walk to the ferry. 只要走半个钟头就可以到轮渡。

13、How is it with the sick man? 那病人怎么样了? 专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比英语的非人称代词“it”往往使句子显出物称倾向,汉语没有这类用法的非人称代词,因而常用人称,或省略人称,或采用无主句。此外,英语的“There be”句式及用不定代词“one”作主语的甸子也具有非人称倾向,汉语则采用比较具体的人称或事物作主语,或不用主语: In 1958,there was a strike participated in by five thousand workers1958年,五千个工人参加了一次罢工。 One must be a servant before one

14、can be a master要当主人,先当仆人。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比3)用作强调词,引导所要强调的成分,也是一种形式主语:It is in the hour of trial that a man finds his true profession人总是在面临考验的关头,才发现自己的专长 It is a good horse that never stumbles 人有失误,马有失蹄。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比在英汉互译中,用“物称”代替“人称”或反过来常常是一种有效的手段专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比练习:物称人称主语(英译汉)From the moment we stepped int

15、o the Peoples Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side.Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比The forty years,184080,brought almost ten million migrants to America.The little chaps goodnatured honest face won his way for himMy good fortune has sent you t

16、o me,and we will never part.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson.Memoranda were prepared in advance of private meetings on matters to be discussed.Her good work and obedience have pleased her teacher.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比Astonishment and even horror oppressed him.Excitement

17、deprived me of all power of utterance. The sight of the big tree always reminds me of my childhood. 专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比参考译文:From the moment we stepped into the Peoples Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side.一踏上中华人民共和国国土,我们就随时随地受到关怀与照顾Excitement deprived me of all power of utteran

18、ce我兴奋得什么话也说不出来。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比The forty years,184080,brought almost ten million migrants to America从1840至1880这四十年中,近一千万移民移居美国。The little chaps goodnatured honest face won his way for him这小伙子长相老实,看上去脾气也好,到处有人缘。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比My good fortune has sent you to me,and we will never part.我很幸运,能够得到你,让我们永不分离吧。Am

19、erican education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson.托马斯杰佛逊为美国的教育事业做出了巨大的贡献。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比Memoranda were prepared in advance of private meetings on matters to be discussed.在举行个别交谈前,我已经就所有要讨论的问题预先拟好了备忘录。Her good work and obedience have pleased her teacher.她学业优良、性情温顺,深得老师喜欢。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比Astonishment

20、and even horror oppressed him.他感到惊讶甚至恐惧。 The sight of the big tree always reminds me of my childhood. 我一看到那棵大树就想起了童年的情景。 专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比练习:人称物称主语(汉译英)在美国,人人都能够买到枪。你可以从因特网上获得这一消息。他突然想到了一个新主意。谁也不能以不懂法律来为自己辩解。必须保证8小时睡眠。近来忙于其他事务,未能早些复信,深感抱歉。恕我孤陋寡闻,对此关系一无所知。凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,但我实在受之有愧。五四运动以后,开始了“新红学”时代,代表人物有胡适、俞


22、觉地朝公园走去,跨过了一座人行小桥。走廊的地毯厚厚的,我走在上面,一点脚步声也没有。没有几天的功夫,由于抢购,商店里的货就卖光了。专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比参考译文:在美国,人人都能够买到枪。In the United States, everyone can buy guns.In the United States, guns are available to everyone.你可以从因特网上获得这一消息。You can obtain this information on the Internet.This information is available on the Interne

23、t.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比他突然想到了一个新主意。He suddenly thought out a new idea.A new idea occurred to him.谁也不能以不懂法律来为自己辩解。Ignorance of the law excuses no man.必须保证8小时睡眠。Eight hours sleep must be guaranteed.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比近来忙于其他事务,未能早些复信,深感抱歉。I am very sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from s

24、ending an earlier reply to your letter恕我孤陋寡闻,对此关系一无所知。My total ignorance of the connection must plead my apology.凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,但我实在受之有愧。My conscience told me that I deserved no extraordinary politeness专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比五四运动以后,开始了“新红学”时代,代表人物有胡适、俞平伯等这样一些学者。The May Fourth Movement of 1919 saw the beginning

25、of the “New Redology”,represented by scholars such as Hu Shi and Yu Pingbai小梅心地善良,性情温和,对她朋友这种没有心肝的行为,实在看不顺眼。 Xiaomeis kindly and gentle nature could not but不得不 revolt at her friends callous behavior专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比因此,小地方的红色政权得以应运而生Thus opportunities are provided for the rise of Red political powers in

26、small areas. 如用red political power in small areas(作主语就难以译出地道的汉语,但调整为opportunities作主语就不大一样了)我们早就用不着为了量入为出而极力节省了。The need for strict economy in our lives has long since disappeared.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比我害怕起来了,而且越来越害怕。Then fear set in and commenced to build up.孩子们看到这个菜就眉开眼笑,可他们知道是难得吃这种菜的。The delight of the chi

27、ldren at the sight of the dish showed that it was a rarity.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比我是在大学学的英语。但是没有几年,我就彻底忘记了。I learned English when I was at college, but in later years it totally escaped my memory.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比大多数的家庭主妇常常逛商店,这样他们可以不要老做家务了,也可解解无聊。To most housewives, a shopping trip often serves as an escape from

28、 housework as well as a relief from boredom.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比 但人们始终没有,也永远不可能忘记文化大革命那可怕的一幕。But the terrible story of the Cultural Revolution has not been, and may never be, expunged from public memory.他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。A little flattery would set him carried away.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比大多数人对学生的要求持同情的态度。Theres consi

29、derable public sympathy for the students demands.那时我常常会被她的一个电话激动得心跳。Just a phone call from her could often send me quivering with excitement.我们沿着小道不知不觉地朝公园走去,跨过了一座人行小桥。Somehow our path took us toward the park and across a footbridge.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比尤其是原文中表示条件、原因等意思的词语可在翻译中用来作主语。走廊的地毯厚厚的,我走在上面,一点脚步声也没有。

30、The thick carpet on the corridor killed the sound of my footsteps.没有几天的功夫,由于抢购,商店里的货就卖光了。Within days, panic buying emptied store shelves.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比由于计划不周,他不仅浪费了时间,而且浪费了所有钱。Poor planning wasted all his money as well as his time.他们片面地注重重工业,忽视农业和轻工业,因而市场上货物不够。Their lopsided stress on heavy industry

31、to the neglect of agriculture and light industry results in a shortage of goods in the market.专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比练习: An Ideal FamilyThat evening for the first time in his life, as he pressed through the swing door and descended the three broad steps to the pavement, old Mr. Neave felt he was too old for t

32、he spring. Spring - warm, eager, restless - was there, waiting for him in the golden light, ready in front of everybody to run up, to blow in his white beard, to drag sweetly on his arm. And he couldnt meet her, no; he couldnt square up once more and stride off, jaunty as a young man. He was tired a

33、nd, although the late sun was still shining, curiously cold, with a numbed feeling all over. 专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比Quite suddenly he hadnt the energy, he hadnt the heart to stand this gaiety and bright movement any longer; it confused him. He wanted to stand still, to wave it away with his stick, to say, Be

34、off with you! Suddenly it was a terrible effort to greet as usual - tipping his wide-awake with his stick - all the people whom he knew, the friends, acquaintances, shopkeepers, postmen, drivers. But the gay glance that went with the gesture, the kindly twinkle that seemed to say, Im a match and mor

35、e for any of you - that old Mr. Neave could not manage at all. He stumped along, lifting his knees high as if he were walking through air that had somehow grown heavy and solid like water. And the homeward-looking crowd hurried by, the trams clanked, the light carts clattered, the big swinging cabs bowled along with that reckless, defiant indifference that one knows only in dreams . 专英汉翻译-2英汉语言对比



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