江苏省姜堰区叶甸初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling复习课件 (新版)牛津版

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江苏省姜堰区叶甸初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling复习课件 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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《江苏省姜堰区叶甸初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling复习课件 (新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省姜堰区叶甸初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling复习课件 (新版)牛津版(76页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2Revision结婚结婚/嫁嫁/娶娶 v.感觉到感觉到 vt.想念想念/思念思念 vt.这样的这样的 pron.死的死的 adj.极好极好/美妙的美妙的adj.室内的室内的 adj.结束结束 adv.卡通卡通/动画片动画片 n.城堡城堡 n.词汇识记词汇识记castlecartoonoverindoorfantasticdeadsuchmiss (三单misses)feel ( the wind)marry (sb.)in such a short timeIt _(死死) for a week.has been deadThe film _for an hour. ( 结束结束)

2、has been over词汇识记词汇识记n.旅行n.速度n.沙/沙滩n.乘坐n.馅饼/派n.(庆祝) 游行n.魔法n.对,数个n.乡下/农村n.人物travellingspeedsandridepieparademagiccouplecountrysidecharacter去度假去度假加入某人,和某人一起加入某人,和某人一起拿我所有的东西拿我所有的东西来自某人写的故事来自某人写的故事想念某人想念某人/错过做某事错过做某事玩得愉快玩得愉快度过一整天度过一整天一个室内的过山车一个室内的过山车以高速以高速/低速低速/全速全速go for a holiday /go on holidayjoin s

3、b.get all my thingscome from the story written by sb.miss sb. /miss doing sth.have a fantastic time/have fun/enjoy oneselfspend the/a whole dayan indoor roller coasterat high/low/full/top speed重点短语:重点短语:以每小时以每小时50公里的速度公里的速度贯穿这次乘坐贯穿这次乘坐匆忙去饭店匆忙去饭店匆匆吃了一餐匆匆吃了一餐卡通人物卡通人物例如例如迪士尼人物游行迪士尼人物游行傍晚傍晚一天中做好的部分一天中做好

4、的部分追赶追赶情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事at a speed of 50 kilometres an hourthrough the ridehurry to a restauranthave a quick mealcartoon characterssuch as /for examplea parade of Disney characterslater in the afternoonthe best part of the dayrun aftercant stop doing sth看4-D电影感觉到风数把钥匙环在末端/ 最后看烟火出席会议去野炊到达香港在寒假的第一天watch

5、a 4-D filmfeel the winda couple of key ringsat the end of /in the endwatch fireworksattend a meetinggo for a picnicarrive in Hong Kong/.on the first day of the winter holiday自然美景的地方海边城市出差中国园林终年,一年到头水上运动那儿的景点五一假计划places of natural beautyseaside cities on business Chinese gardensall year roundwater sp

6、ortsthe views thereplans for the May Day holiday搭乘直飞航班为你核实它要点欣赏自然美景去湖边钓鱼去南山的一次访问美味海鲜前往机场在清晨三个半小时take a direct flightcheck it for youmain pointsenjoy the natural beautygo fishing by the lakea visit to South Hilldelicious seafoodleave for the airportin the early morningthree and a half hours /=three h

7、ours and a half一:现在完成时的结构现在完成时的构成:have/has + done助动词助动词 过去分词过去分词规则动词:直,去,双,变规则动词:直,去,双,变不规则动词:不规则动词:AAA,ABB,ABA,ABCmovelivelovelike写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词:visitrepairwatchfinishvisited visited repaired repairedwatched watchedfinished finishedmoved moved lived lived loved loved liked liked ver

8、bed以以e结尾结尾d写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词:stopmoptrapplanstopped stopped mopped moppedtrapped trappedplanned planned注注:以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双写最后一个辅音字母双写最后一个辅音字母ed双写双写edstudy hurrystudied studiedhurried hurried变变yied注注:以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y结尾的词结尾的词,去去yied.写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词:begive see

9、make put comewritewas/were beengave givensaw seenmade madeput putcame comewrote written二、二、ADVERBS OF TIME(标志性的时间状语)(标志性的时间状语) before(句末句末)(以前)(以前), by now /so far(到目前为止到目前为止), once, twice, three times, just(刚刚刚刚), recently(最近),(最近), yet(否否/疑疑)(还(还/已经)已经), already(肯肯)(已经)(已经), ever(否否/疑疑)(曾经)(曾经), n

10、ever(从不)(从不), all ones life(一生)(一生) , in /during the past /last 5 years(在过去的五年里)(在过去的五年里), for + 一段时间一段时间 口诀口诀以前从来不出现,以前从来不出现,最近曾经一两遍,最近曾经一两遍,自从刚刚自从刚刚for一段,一段,目前已经很明显。目前已经很明显。三:现在完成时掌握的重点现在完成时的现在完成时的结构结构现在完成时的现在完成时的否定,疑问形式否定,疑问形式过去分词的构成(规则变化和不规则变化)过去分词的构成(规则变化和不规则变化)现在完成时的现在完成时的关键词关键词现在完成时的现在完成时的用法用

11、法have/has gone与与have/has been 区别区别for/since 用法区别用法区别现在完成时与一般过去时的现在完成时与一般过去时的比较比较延续性动词和非延续性动词延续性动词和非延续性动词在现在完成时中的使用在现在完成时中的使用1.都表示都表示过去去发生的事生的事2.现在完成在完成时强调过去和去和现在的在的联系,系,不能不能和具和具体的体的时间状状语(时间点点)连用;用;3.一般一般过去去时强调过去去发生的生的动作或状作或状态,与表,与表示示过去的具体去的具体时间连用用(last, ago, yesterday, etc. )presentpastI have lived

12、here for two years.I have lived here for two years.I lived here 2 years ago.I lived here 2 years ago.四:现在完成时和一般过去时的区别及联系:四:现在完成时和一般过去时的区别及联系:20122014六:六:SINCE 和和FOR:1) Eddie has lived with Millie since 2001. Eddie has lived with Millie since 4 years ago. Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born

13、.小结小结:since + 时间点时间点 ( 词、词组或句子)词、词组或句子)2) Eddie has lived with Millie for four years.小结小结:for + 时间段时间段 3) 对以上句子划线部分提问对以上句子划线部分提问:How long has Eddie lived with Millie?1.We have learned English _ Grade Three in primary school.We have learned English _ five years.2.He hasnt felt well _ last night. Has

14、he seen the doctor?3. I have read this story book _ three days ago. I havent finished reading it yet.选用选用since 或或for 填空填空:sinceforsincesinceEXERCISES His father has died. (for 2 years)The football match has begun.(since9:00a.m)The twins have joined the army. (since they are 18years old)My teacher ha

15、s just left Nanjing. (since 3 days)His father has been dead for 2 years.The football match has been on since 9:00 a.m.The twins have been soldiers/ been in the army since they are 18years old. My teacher has been away from Nanjing since 3 days ago.七:延续性动词和非延续性动词七:延续性动词和非延续性动词在现在完成时中的使用在现在完成时中的使用延续性动

16、词延续性动词: : be, have, know, live, work, study, learn, teach, wait, wear, walk, sleep等,这些动词可以和表示一段时间的状等,这些动词可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。语连用。非延续性动词非延续性动词: :come, go, arrive, leave, begin, start, buy, join, die, borrow等,等, 这些动词这些动词可用于现在完成时可用于现在完成时,说明某个动作,说明某个动作的的结果还存在结果还存在,但,但不能不能与表示与表示一段时间一段时间的状语连用的状语连用。通常延续性动词可以表示一

17、种状态,和表示一段时间的状语通常延续性动词可以表示一种状态,和表示一段时间的状语连用。连用。He has been here for two hours.而非延续性动词通常表示某一动作的发生,要想用非延续性而非延续性动词通常表示某一动作的发生,要想用非延续性动词和表示一段时间的状语连用,必须要用相对应的延续动词和表示一段时间的状语连用,必须要用相对应的延续性动词进行转换。性动词进行转换。He has bought a new book.He has bought a new book for three days.had具体见课本具体见课本P 28 buyhavecome /go/get to

18、be injoin be inbe a memberleave be away borrow keep begin be on finish be over die be dead return be back CORRECTING 1. I have borrowed the book for 3 months.2. My bother has joined the army since he was 18.3. Jack and Tom have lived here since 5years.4. The film has been on since I have come to the

19、 cinema.5. When has Mr. Li caught a bad cold? have kepthas been in/ been a member of the armysince 5 years ago/ for 5 yearscame didcatch6. Ten years have passed since they got married.7. Jim has gone to Beijing for 2 years.8.What time have the factory opened?9.I have gone to Chunhua Middle School tw

20、icehashas been indidopenbeen to重点句型重点句型:IT IS/ HAS BEEN+段时间段时间+SINCE从句从句 段时间段时间+HAS PASSED+ SINCE从句从句eg. 他死了两年了:He died two years ago.He has been dead for two years /since two years ago It is/ has been two years since he died.Two years has passed since he died. 1. 这本书我借了一个月了。I borrowed this book a m

21、onth ago.It is/ has been a month since I borrowed the book.I have kept the book for a month. /since a month ago.A month has passed since I borrowed the book.I have been in Chen Ji since 2003.改写出三个同义句改写出三个同义句I lived in Chen Ji from 2002.It has 12years since I lived in Chen Ji.Twelve years has passed

22、since I lived in Chen Ji.同义句改写同义句改写1.He bought this motorcycle over two years ago.2.She borrowed this book nearly three weeks ago.3.Kitty arrived in Hong Kong two days ago.4.She left home a month ago.5.Simon joined the Football Club last year.6.The lamb died quite some time ago.7.They got married mo

23、re than fifteen years ago.8.My cousin went/came to Beijing a month ago.9.The parade began almost an hour ago.10.The conference stopped last Saturday.来自非洲的黑人朋友Andrew最近几年经常到东海桃林的摩托车市场采购,在春暖花开的时节,他到桃林西边的黑龙潭(Black Dragon Pool)游玩,回来后要给家里的女儿写封邮件,以下是具体内容。请你也写一份110词左右的邮件,比较一下和Andrew的邮件的差异。1前天到达桃林,乘飞机花了20多个小

24、时。2刚刚去了黑龙潭(Black Dragon Pool)游玩。黑龙潭是桃林的象征,近年来变化很大,。3乘车前往,道路比原来好多了,所以汽车高速运行。大约早上九点到黑龙潭。首先在入口处拍照,不停地拍。4这里的天气和家里的不同。本次活动由老朋友马先生组织,户外活动比呆在宾馆里看电视健康多了Dear daughter,I am very glad to write an email to you. My feeling now is like the spring here. I arrived at Taolin the day before yesterday.(1分) It took me

25、more than 20 hours to fly here. (1分) I have just been to Black Dragon Pool. (1分) It is the symbol of Taolin. (1分) There have been many changes to the place over the recent years. (1分) It is even more beautiful than before. I went there by car. The road is much better than before and our car moved at

26、 high speed. (1分) I arrived at Black Dragon Pool at about nine in the morning. (1分) First I took photos in front of the entrance. (1分) The trees and flowers are so beautiful. I couldnt stop taking photos. (1分) The weather here is quite different from ours at home. (1分) Its really wonderful to go out

27、 at this time. Todays activity was organized by Mr Ma, my old friend. (1分) Outdoor activities are healthier than watching TV in the hotel. (1分)It sounds interesting, doesnt it?The following are some photos taken today. Hope you will enjoy them. Love you.Dad 2015年期中复习(2)8BUnit 2复习指导大王词汇运用:A.谓语动词和非谓语动

28、词。1.I have many hobbies, such as _(collect) stamps, playing basketball and so on.2.The beach in Sanya is very beautiful. I often see visitors _(take) photos on the sand.3.Is your father at home? No, Im afraid he _(go) out.4.I couldnt stop_(take) photos of them because they all looked so nice.5.Shall

29、 we do some _(shop) this weekend?collectingtakeHas gonetakingshopping6.The little boy _(hurry) past me without stopping. 7.Kitty will show us the beautiful photos when she _(come) back.8.More and more people are interested in _(旅行).9.Little Mary _(想念) her mother very much when she was out.10.At that

30、 moment, I _ (感到) very frightened to _ (感觉到) a snake on my back. It _ (感觉起来) soft but very cold.hurriedcomestravellingmissedfeltfeel felt11.The parade has been _(结束) for two hours. I think it is really _( excite).12.My parents got _(结婚) fifteen years ago.13.The old man has been _(死) since five years

31、 ago.14.Shell _(加入) us for lunch.15.Look! This is my cousin. She _ (离开)China to the UK for five years.overexcitingmarrieddeadjoinhas been away from16.Lucy _ (去)London for half a year.17.How long may I_(借)this book? Two weeks.18.There _ (be) many great changes in many areas of China since 2000.19.Lin

32、da _(not go) to see the film this evening ,because she _ (see)it twice20.Could you _me your e-dictionary? Sorry ,I _it to Mr.Wu. He has _ it for a month. (借) has been inkeephave beenwont gohas seenlendhave lentkept21.I dont think he saw me. He _just _(play) computer games.22.My parents have been bus

33、y (take) care of my cousin for two weeks.23._ (check)your homework before you hand it in . _ (check)your homework, you need to read it again and again. _ (check)your paper helps you get high marks.24.While I _ (visit) Suzhou, I _(take) a lot of photos.25.You _ (have) an unusual experience if you joi

34、n this activities. wasplaying takingCheckTo checkChecking was visitingwill havetookB.格、性、数、级及单词拼写。1.Its dangerous to climb _ (mount) or hills on cold and snowy days.2.My dad has been to Chengdu on _ (busy) twice.3.It was the _(good) part of the day.4.The music is _(美妙的) that we all like it very much

35、.5.There is a big _(室内的)swimming pool in this hotel.mountainsbusinessbestfantasticindoor6.The train moved at high _(速度) .7.We went for a cycle _(乘坐)last Sunday.8.One of my favourite_(卡通) characters is Snoopy.9.We all love Liu Qians _(魔术).10.Pumpkin _(馅饼) are a traditional American dish served on Tha

36、nksgiving Day.speedridecartoonmagicpies11.The _(两人) plans to wed next summer.12.The _ (城堡) look very beautiful in the picture. I like them .13.In this photo I see Andy playing on the _(沙滩).14.Every Saturday my family go to the _(乡下) to visit my parents.15.We can go to Mount Huang in any season _ (除了

37、以外) winter.couplecastlessandcountrysideexcept16.Were going to take a _ (直达的)_( fly) to Chengdu.17.When writing, we can organize our ideas by using the following five main _ (要点) .18.We went to a seafood restaurant and enjoyed the _ (美味的) seafood there.19.My parents and I left for the _ (机场) in the e

38、arly morning.20My mother bought a lot of presents for our _ (亲戚) and her friends.flightpointsdeliciousairportrelativesdirect21.Can you tell me something about your exciting _(经历) in Beijing and Shanghai.22.Whats the _(首都) of Denmark?- Copenhagen.23.He was very _(激动的) to see the sea for the first tim

39、e.24.Today is _(特殊的) for me. I was born on this day.25I have been there many times _(以前)experiencescapitalexcitedspecialbefore根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的短语并用其适当形式填空,使对话内容完整。by the way, from time to time, such as, a bit, in the pastWendy: How is your life in the new city?Andy: Well, I like my life there, but

40、I still miss my old friends (55)_.Wendy: We miss you, too. from time to timeAndy: And I have some problems with my life, (56)_ the noise pollution and the weather. Its sometimes too noisy near my flat and the weather is (57)_ hot.Wendy: (58)_, how are you getting along with your colleagues (同事)?Andy

41、: Quite well. I never worked with any foreigners (59)_. And now I work closely with them. They are nice to me.Wendy: Glad to hear that. Wish you good luck. such asa bitBy the wayin the past二、选词填空(共填空(共10分)分)be on, the capital of, theme park, visit Chinese gardens , leave ,take photos ,do, like, have

42、, excite1.Spring is the best time for _ 2.The view is so beautiful that I cant stop _. 3.Do you know Copenhagen, _ Denmark?visitingChinese gardenstaking photosthe capital of4.She this dress for two weeks.5.What your uncle ?He is a policeman.6.We were screaming and laughing .7.This is a nice present

43、I have bought for you. Imsure you _ it8.Kate_ China to London for two years.9.Hong Kong Disney is one of the most famous _.10. Hurry up! The film _ for 20 minutes.has haddoesdoexcitedlywill likehas been away fromtheme parkshas been on三、同义句转换:(将短暂性动词转换为延续性动词)1.The film began two minutes ago. The film

44、 _ _ _ for _ _.2.The meeting finished six hours ago. The meeting _ _ _ for six hours.3.They came here last week.They _ _ here since _ _.hasbeenminutesontwohasbeenoverhavebeen lastweek4. They borrowed the book last week. They _ _the book since _ _.5. His grandpa died in 2002. His grandpa _ _ _ _ 2002

45、.6. My uncle left his hometown when he was a child.My uncle _ _ _ _ his hometown _ he was a child.7. I bought the pen two months ago. I _ _the pen for _ _.havekeptlastweekhasbeen deadsincehasbeen away fromsincehavehad twomonths8.They got married 20 years ago. They _ _ _ _ 20 years.9.He joined the Le

46、ague two years ago.1)He _ _ _ the League for two years.2)He _ _ a _ _ the League for two years.3)It _ two years _ he joined the League.hasbeen marriedforinhasbeenhasbeen memberofis/has beensince四、改错:1. Ketty has left Beijing for two days . _2. I have bought the bike for three weeks _3. I have borrow

47、ed the book since two days ago. _4. His grandfather has died for two years. _has been away fromhave kept has been deadhave had5. Tom has arrived in Hongkong for two days. _6. Siomon has joined the Football Club since last year. _ 7. They have got married for more than fifteen years. _8. The film has

48、 begun for five minutes. _ 9. We have begun to learn English for five years. _10. I have lived here for two years ago. _ has been inhave been marriedhas been on have learnt / have learnedfor two years has been in 期中复期中复习2(2 )Unit 2 Traveling 1. Kitty misses Millie so much because they _(not see) eac

49、h other for a week. 2. They have been in the fantastic city for 3 days. (提问)?3.The indoor roller coaster (高速移动)and was (真的)exciting.4. Were they (尖叫)and laughing through the ride? How long have they been in ?moved at high speedreallyscreaminghavent seen5. Everybody (激动起来)and _ (忍不住拍照).6. The 4-D fil

50、m like magic and we could even smell the apple pie and feel the wind. 7. Xi Jinping Donghai?(去)-Yes. He (参观)Xuetuan Village in 2009.8. Lily is not at home at the moment. She her primary school. A. has gone to B. has been to C. has gone D. has been couldnt stop taking photoswasHasbeen to visitedAbeca

51、me/got excited9. She likes (自然景观),(例如)Mount Tai. She can go there in any season e winter. 10. you (直飞)to Chengdu tomorrow? 11. It will take us 7 hours to get to the mountain. (提问)?12. Have they (买)any presents for their (亲戚)at the airport? places of natural beauty such asAre going to take a direct f

52、light How long will it take you to get to the mountain?boughtrelativesxcept13. Is the seafood (美味的)in this restaurant.14. Are there (少)students in our class than in Class 2? Yes, our class has (少)students among all.the most delicious fewerthe fewest写出下列句子的同义句。15. The film started 20 minutes ago. The

53、 film _ on _ 20 minutes. 16. Did she leave her home last week? _ she _ home for a week? 17. When did he borrow the book? How long _ the book? has beenfor Has been away from has he kept18. When did he join the club? _ he been in the club/a member of the club? 19. His wife died two years ago. His wife

54、 _ for two years. 20. Has the film been over for half an hour? ?How long hashas been deadDid the film finish half an hour ago 21. Have they been in the fantastic city for 3 days? . 22. Did they spend two hours visiting the museum yesterday? Have they been in the fantastic city since 3 days ago? Did it take them two hours tovisit the museum yesterday?



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