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1、ProjectInterviewing a professional THE FIRST ASTRONAUT OF SPACE EXPLORATION IN CHINAYangLiwei1. What do you know about these explorers? 2. What is required to be an astronaut mentally and physically?3. Do you admire them? Have you dreamt of travelling in space?READING: EXPLORERRead the text again an

2、d try to find out the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1: Introduction of Yang Liweis space exploration. Paragraph 2: Yang Liweis childhood Paragraph 3: Yang Liwei began his training as an astronaut. Paragraph 4: Yang Liwei was chosen to be the first astronaut for the Chinese space mission. Pa

3、ragraph 5: Conclusion of Yang Liweis space exploration Divide the paragraphs into the three sections: 1. Introduction:_ 2. Body:_ 3. Conclusion:_ Para 1Para 1Paras 2, 3, 4Paras 2, 3, 4Para 5Para 5LANGUAGE FOCUS1. (1) _(send) a man into space has been a dream for China for many years. (2) In October

4、2003, Yang Liwei went to space and returned, _(make) the dream a reality. (3) The team spent the next five years _ (train). Sendingmaking being trained being trained2.In October 2003, Yang Liwei went to space and returned, making the dream a reality. (P58 Line 2) It made him Chinas first astronaut a

5、nd 241st person in space. (Project Line5) (1) 你你认为是什么使他成是什么使他成为一位杰出的科学家的一位杰出的科学家的? What do you think made him a great scientist? (2) Everyone worked hard, which _ the 10th National Sports _ (使使.非常成功非常成功). made a great success/ successful3 . fun (un ) 乐趣趣 ; 有趣的事有趣的事 (人人)(1) _it is to have a talk with

6、 those humorous people! A. What a fun B. What fun C. How fun D. How funny (2) have a lot of fun make fun of 取笑取笑;嘲笑嘲笑 for fun 闹着玩的着玩的B4.(1) _(bear) in 1965, Yang wanted to fly since he was a young boy. (2) He was one of the only 14 _(pick) from 1,500 candidates. (3) They not only studied all the sub

7、jects _(require) to be an astronaut but also learned survival skills. Born Born picked picked= who were picked= who were picked required required = that were required = that were required5. His dreams was encouraged by his parents as well as his older sister and younger brother.他的梦想得到父母他的梦想得到父母亲和姐姐弟

8、弟的鼓励。和姐姐弟弟的鼓励。encourage vt.用法指南用法指南encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做鼓励某人做We all encourage him to study hard.我我们鼓励他努力学鼓励他努力学习。举一反三一反三discouragre sb from doing sth.劝阻某人做阻某人做 discourage sb from smoking劝阻某人抽烟阻某人抽烟例:例:_ by us, though he failed again, he wanted to try again.A. Asked B. Questioned C. encouraged

9、D. Encouraging解析:解析:C. 句意:句意:“受到我受到我们的鼓励,他想再的鼓励,他想再试一一试。意思。意思不不对。”A、B(询问、盘问)意思不)意思不对。根据。根据by us,应该用用过去分去分词。6. He was chosen as a member of Project 921,which is now called Shenzhou. 他被他被选为921工程的一名成工程的一名成员,这个工程就是个工程就是现在在所所说的神舟工程。的神舟工程。choose vt.选择,挑,挑选;用法指南用法指南Choose sth 选择choose sth from 从从中挑中挑选choos

10、e three from these booksWhom will we choose as our monitor?He chose to stay home rather than go fishing.例:例:We have many types for you to _.A. choose B. choose from C. pick D. pick out解析:解析:B.句意:句意:“我我们有有许多型号供你多型号供你选择。”言下之意言下之意是你可以从中挑是你可以从中挑选一个,所以一个,所以应该用用choose from.7. They not only studied al l th

11、e subjects required to be an astronaut but also learned survivals skills and all about how spaceship and rockets are built.他他们不不仅学学习宇航宇航员必修的科目,而且学必修的科目,而且学习生存的技巧和如何建造火箭、生存的技巧和如何建造火箭、飞船的知船的知识。 require vi. & vt.要求要求require sb to do sth = sb be required to do sthrequire+宾语从句(从句(谓语部分用部分用should+动词原形)原形)H

12、e requires me to go there.他要求我去那儿。他要求我去那儿。He required that we should go at once.他要求我他要求我们立即去那儿。立即去那儿。It is required that the students must have a medical examination once a year.法律要求学生每年体法律要求学生每年体检一次。一次。例:例:The desk requires _. A. repairing B. to repair C. being repaired D. repair解析:解析:A.句意:句意:“这个桌子

13、需要修理个桌子需要修理”。表示。表示“需要需要”require后面后面应该接接doing或者或者to be done,其余形式不其余形式不对。The desk requires repairing.The desk requires to be repaired.这个桌子需要修理。个桌子需要修理。补充充讲解解 require,want.need 表示表示“需要需要”的含的含义时,主,主语为物物时,后面接后面接动词的两种形式的两种形式 doing或或to be done.8. Yang scored among the very top in every thing the group stud

14、ied.他在每一他在每一门学科的考学科的考试中都名列前茅。中都名列前茅。score 用法指南用法指南:n.分数,(比分数,(比赛)得分)得分achieve /make a score 得一分得一分the score is 2 to one. 比分是二比一比分是二比一vt.进球;得分;球;得分;给评分分score a goal 进一个球一个球score a student 给学生学生评分分9. In September 2003,only three out of the 14 candidates were picked for the Chinese space adventure, and

15、 Yang was one of them.在在2003年九月,三个人被挑年九月,三个人被挑选出来参加中国的航天探出来参加中国的航天探险,杨利利伟是其中的一个。是其中的一个。【词组精精讲】three out of 14 candidates=three candidates in 14out of 从从中中【词汇精精讲】pick vt挑挑选pick the best seeds 挑挑选最最好的种子好的种子【举一反三一反三】pick up 捡起起,用,用车接或者送,偶然学到接或者送,偶然学到,很便宜地,很便宜地买到到,能收到能收到无无线电信号信号pick out 挑挑选;分辨出:;分辨出:pic

16、ked out their cousins from the crowd.从人群中从人群中认出他出他们的堂兄弟的堂兄弟10. He took all kinds of tests to prove he was qualified for this important task.他参加了各种各他参加了各种各样的的测试,以,以证明他明他胜任任这个重要的个重要的工作工作prove vt证明明prove sth证明明prove+宾语从句从句Can you prove your idea?你能你能证明你的明你的观点点吗?How can you prove you are right?你怎你怎样证明你是

17、明你是对的?的?link-vi证明是(不用被明是(不用被动语态和和进行行时态)sth proves right证明是正确的明是正确的His idea proved right./His idea proved to be right.他的他的观点点证明是正确的。明是正确的。The idea he talked about _ right.A. provingB. was provedC. provedD. to prove解析:解析:C. 句意:句意:“他他谈论的的观点点证明是明是对的。的。”he talked about是定是定语从句修从句修饰idea,所以不是,所以不是talk about

18、 doing,证明是明是对的的应该说“sth proves right”11 . Although, it was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him his position as Chinas first astronaut. 正是心理学考正是心理学考试的高分使他的高分使他赢得中国首位宇航得中国首位宇航员的的资格。格。这是个是个强调句型。在英句型。在英语里,如果要里,如果要强调句子的主句子的主语、宾语、状状语,可以用,可以用It is/was+被被强调部分部分+that+其余部分其余部分。除了被除了

19、被强调的主的主语是人可是人可who用,被用,被强调的的宾语是人可用是人可用whom之外,其余全部用之外,其余全部用that。 It was I that (who )found a wallet on the playground yesterday.It was a wallet that I found on the playground yesterday. What was it that you found on the playground yesterday? It was on the playground that I found a wallet yesterday Whe

20、re was it that you found a wallet yesterday? It was yesterday that I found a wallet on the playground. I found a wallet on the playground yesterday. 1. It was in the room_ he worked _ we had a meeting.A. that ;that B. where ; whereC. where ; that D. that ; where解析:解析:C. 句意:句意:“在他工作的地方,我在他工作的地方,我们开了会

21、开了会”。第一。第一个部分是定个部分是定语从句修从句修饰room,第二部分是,第二部分是强调句型,此句型,此时只能用只能用that.如果将第一部分看着如果将第一部分看着强调句型,句型,则后面的从句后面的从句找不到修找不到修饰的的对象(不可能修象(不可能修饰,一般情况下,一般情况下worked,定,定语从句从句应紧跟先行跟先行词)2. It is the man _ you saw just now _ save your child.A. who ; who B. that; whomC. whom; whom D. whom; that解析:解析:D.句意:句意:“正是你正是你刚才看到的那个

22、人救了你的小孩。才看到的那个人救了你的小孩。”前面是定前面是定语从句修从句修饰man,后面是后面是强调句型。句型。man在定在定语从句里充当从句里充当宾语,只能用,只能用whom或或that;被;被强调的是主的是主语人,人,可以用可以用who或或that。 12. His name will go down in history with those of Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard, the first Russian and American Astronauts.他的名字将和俄他的名字将和俄罗斯的宇航斯的宇航员尤里尤里加加林以及美国的艾加加林以及美国的艾伦

23、谢泼德一德一起起载入史册入史册【词组精精讲】go down (船等)下沉,(船等)下沉,(飞机)机)坠落,(日月等)落下,落,(日月等)落下,被接受,受被接受,受欢迎迎:(价格数量)下降(价格数量)下降; 被被载入,入, 传下去下去用法指南用法指南The ship went down and only 3 passengers survived.那个船沉了,只有三人生那个船沉了,只有三人生还。The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.太阳每天从太阳每天从东方升起,在西方落下。方升起,在西方落下。His explanation won

24、t go down with me.他的解他的解释不能不能为我接受。我接受。His great discovery will go down in history.他的他的发现将流芳百世。将流芳百世。13. The people can be proud of YangLi wei and young people all over the world can look up to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream.我我们为他他骄傲,年傲,年轻人很崇拜他,因人很崇拜他,因为他是成功他是成功实现自自己梦想的楷模。己梦

25、想的楷模。【词组精精讲】look up to sb 尊敬某人尊敬某人We look up to the old worker as our teacher.我我们将那个老工人尊称将那个老工人尊称为我我们的老的老师。举一反三一反三look back 向后看,向后看, 回回顾look up 抬抬头看;(在字典、参考看;(在字典、参考书里)里)查询look out 朝外看;朝外看;for小心,留意小心,留意look into 朝朝里面看;里面看;调查look after 照看,照料照看,照料14. manage vt & vi经营,管理;,管理;对付付manage sth 经营,管理,管理 / 对付

26、付manage to do 成功地成功地设法做法做-Shall I help you with your box?-No, thanks. I can manage it.要我帮助拿箱子要我帮助拿箱子吗?不,我能不,我能对付。付。How will you manage the factory?你将怎你将怎样管理那家工厂?管理那家工厂?He managed to pass the exam.他他设法通法通过了考了考试.举一反三一反三Succeed in doing 成功做成功做try to do 尽力做尽力做(但未必成功)(但未必成功)他成功通他成功通过了考了考试.He succeeded in

27、 passing the exam.他尽力想找个工作,但没有成功。他尽力想找个工作,但没有成功。He tried to find a job,but without luck.15. live ones dream 实现某人的梦想某人的梦想Only by working hard,can we live our dream.只有通只有通过努力学努力学习,我,我们才能才能实现我我们的梦想的梦想“实现某人的梦想某人的梦想”还可以用可以用realize ones dream某人的梦想某人的梦想实现了了ones dream come true(realize是及物是及物动词,而,而come true则

28、是不及物是不及物动词短短语,一般,一般不用于被不用于被动态) 例:例:After many failures, he_ to _ his dream, _ made his parents very happy.A. managed; realize; whatB. tried; realize; whatC. managed; live; thatD. managed; live; which解析:解析:D.句意:句意:“经历许多失多失败之后,他之后,他终于于实现了梦想,了梦想,这使他父母非常高使他父母非常高兴。”从他父母非从他父母非常高常高兴,可以知道他成功了,可以知道他成功了,应该用用manage,他成功他成功这件事使父母非常高件事使父母非常高兴,应该用用which代代指前面整个句子的内容。指前面整个句子的内容。what不能引不能引导定定语从句。从句。



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