七年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 1 I love history课件 (新版)外研版

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1、 Unit 1 I love history. To master the expressions of time(时间表(时间表达)达). To know school subjects. To talk about your school day with your partners. Learning aims (学习目标)(学习目标) 310:2 : 15two fifteenthreeten-What time is it? / Whats the time?-Its _ .7 : 40seven forty时间表达法时间表达法1. 按顺序表达按顺序表达(从左往右读)(从左往右读)3

2、:12three twelve 2. 半小时以内半小时以内(表盘右半部分)(表盘右半部分),用几分过几点表达,用几分过几点表达 “_ past _”5:13thirteen past five 3. 超过半小时超过半小时(表盘左半部分)(表盘左半部分),用差几分到下一点,用差几分到下一点 表达表达 “_ to _”3:55five to four4:20 10:381:06 7:1711:57 6:35four twentyten thirty-eightsix past one seventeen past seventhree to twelvetwenty-five to seven 4

3、:00four oclock6:00 11:00six oclockeleven oclock3:30half past three5:30 12:30half past fivehalf past twelve4. 整点时,用整点时,用oclock表达表达5. 半点时,用半点时,用half past +几点表达几点表达12693126931269312693Its twenty-five to nine.Its six oclock. Its half past four. Its five past two.What time is it? / Whats the time?Its _ .

4、 Whats the time now? What subject do we have now? What other subjects do you know?语文语文 英语英语美术美术信息技术信息技术历史历史地理地理数学数学Englishartmaths IT Chinesehistorygeography体育体育 PE 英语英语12693地理地理12693历史历史12693语文语文12693科学科学12693We have _ at _.We dont have_.Monday1234567ChinesemathsEnglishPEartgeographyhistoryTime8:00

5、8:5510:1010:552:303:254:40When do we have _?We have_at_.Lets design!Lets design!Lets design!Lets design!Design your ideal school day. ( (设计理想中一日的课程表设计理想中一日的课程表) )一、根据提示完成句子。一、根据提示完成句子。1. -Whats the time? -Its half p_ nine.2. We have Chinese at eight o_.3. Her favourite subject is _(美术美术).4. We dont

6、have_(地理地理) today.5. China is a great country with a long _(历史历史).Exercisesastclockartgeographyhistory二、完成句子。二、完成句子。1 1、现在是八点十分。、现在是八点十分。It is _ _ _.2 2、在十点钟我们有体育课。、在十点钟我们有体育课。We _ _ at 10:00.3 3、我们下午没有音乐课。、我们下午没有音乐课。We _ _ _ in the afternoon.4 4、我们、我们1212点半在餐厅吃午饭。点半在餐厅吃午饭。We have lunch in the dining hall _ _ _ _ . ten past eight have PE dont have music at half past twelve 1) Discuss the school subjects you like and dont like.2) Preview the dialogue in this unit.Share time Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人。 Goodbye!



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