湖北省武汉为明实验学校九年级英语全册 Unit 1012复习课件 人教新目标版

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1、英语新课标(RJ)英语新课标(RJ)Unit 10 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理基础知识梳理 重点单词 .根据汉语提示写出单词1 1冲;奔冲;奔_2 2锁;锁上锁;锁上 _3 3breakbreak的过去式的过去式_4 4空的;排空;倒出空的;排空;倒出_5 5嫁;娶;与嫁;娶;与结婚结婚_rushlockbrokeemptymarry英语新课标(RJ).根据英语单词写出汉语根据英语单词写出汉语1oversleep_2relative_3costume_4embarrassed_5exhausted_6announce_7convincing_Unit 10 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理睡过头;睡得过

2、久亲戚;亲属(特定场合穿的)成套服装;戏装尴尬的;为难的极其疲惫的;精疲力竭的宣布;宣告令人信服的;有说服力的Unit 10 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理8panic_9authority_10reveal_11hoax_12flee_13hrill_14ending_15embarrassing_英语新课标(RJ)恐慌;惊恐权威机构;行政管理机构揭示;揭露骗局;恶作剧;玩笑逃;逃走(使)非常激动;(使)非常紧张结局;结尾令人尴尬的;令人为难的 重点短语 Unit 10 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理把下面的短语译成英语 1到时候;到之前_ 2发出响声_ 3跑掉;迅速离开 _ 4让某人搭便车_ 5成功做

3、到_ 6停止运转;出故障_ 7熬夜;不睡觉_by the timego offrun offgive sb. a ridemake itbreak downstay up8愚人节_9化妆舞会_10出席;露面_11激起;引起_12卖完;售光_13结婚 _14穿上衣服_15一片;一块_April Fools DayUnit 10 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理英语新课标(RJ)a costume partyshow upset offsell outget marriedget dresseda piece of英语新课标(RJ) 巩固应用根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空1I have never _

4、(get) a letter from Julie before.2He _ (rush) upstairs to get his backpack, but the door was locked.3I dropped the cups and they _ (break) into pieces.4Remember _ _(lock) the door before leaving.5His last book had a rather strange _ (end). Unit 10 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理gotten/gotrushed broke to lockending 英语新

5、课标(RJ)能力提升训练Unit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练.单项填空( )1. What did Jim say? He said he _ the door and windows. Ahas locked Blocked Chad been locked Dhad locked( )2. By the end of last year, Linda _ to many places of interest in China. Ahave been Bhave gone Chad been Dhad goneDC英语新课标(RJ)Unit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )3.Im

6、sorry,Mrs Tang. I _ my homework at home. It doesnt matter. But dont_ it tomorrow,please. Aforgot; left Bleft; forget Cforgot; forgot Dleft; left( )4. My clock didnt _ at the right time. It made me angry. Ago off Brun off Cshow off Dput off( )5. A large number of students in our school_ boys. Aare Bi

7、s Cwas DbeBAA( )6. Yesterday our school bus _ on the way to school and we were all late. Abroken Bbroke out Cbroke down Dbreak off ( )7. John has been married _ Mary for two years. Awith Bto C/ Dfor Unit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练CB英语新课标(RJ)( )8. _ trees have been cut down so droughts and floods always happen

8、in our hometown. AOne or two BA thousand and a hundred CHundreds and thousands of DMany thousand( )9. Do you know whether Dr White _ for dinner this evening? No,but I think he _ when he is free. Awill come; comes Bwill come; will come Ccomes; comes Dcomes; will comeUnit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练CB英语新课标(RJ)( )

9、10.The fans were very excited because their favorite singer _ during the evening party. Aput up Bshowed up Cshowed off Ddressed upUnit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练B英语新课标(RJ) .完形填空 Mary did not_1_such sentences as “She is blue today”“You are yellow” “He has a _2_thumb(大拇指)”“He has told a little white lie.”and so

10、on. And she went to her teacher _3_help. “Mrs Smith, there is a _4_in each of these sentences. What do they mean?” she asked. “In_5_English, Mary, blue_6_means sadness and yellow horror(恐惧). A person_7_a green thumb grows plants well and a white lie is not a bad one, ” the teacher said. Unit 10 能力提升

11、训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)“Would you give me an_8_for a white lie, teacher?”“Certainly. Now I give you a cake. In fact you dont like it, but you wont say it. _9_,you say, No, thanks. Im not_10_. Thats a white lie.”Unit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)( )1. A. know Bunderstand Cread Dsee( )2. A. blue Byellow Cwhite D

12、green( )3. A. for Bto Cwith Dby( )4. A. word Bcolour Cmistake Dquestion( )5. A. today Bcommon Ceveryday DusualDABUnit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)BC( )6. A. sometimes Bsome times Csometime Dsome time( )7. A. to Bwith Cof Dat( )8. A. answer Bbook Cquestion Dexample( )9. A. And BInstead CBut DAlso( )10. A

13、. ill Bhappy Cfull DhungryBAUnit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)DBD Unit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ) .阅读理解 Although bicycles are still an important means of transportation for many people at present, more and more people are riding them purely for exercise and fun. This is especially true in some developed co

14、untries where cars are a common part of common peoples life. However, two centuries ago, when bicycles were first invented, they were used only for transportation. In the eighteenth century, people usually traveled by horse and wagon(四轮马车). Many people worked in cities, but they liked to go to the c

15、ountryside for weekends and holidays. But not everybody could afford a horse or a wagon. So there was a special need for the invention of a cheap and convenient means of transportation. Then in 1790 the first bicycle was made. People called it “the horse on wheels”. Compared with the bikes we ride t

16、oday, it was an extremely simple one. In 1861, after many improvements were made, the bicycle became a real means of transportation. People liked bikes because they werent as expensive as horses and didnt need to be fed. Also, they could go just about anywhere and were easy to ride.Unit 10 能力提升训练能力提

17、升训练英语新课标(RJ) ( )1. Bicycles today are used by more and more people for _. Ataking the place of cars and bus Bexercise and fun Criding in the crowded street Dgoing to the countryside ( )2. How did the people travel in the eighteenth century? ABy bus. BBy horse and wagon. CBy bicycle. DBy car.Unit 10

18、能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)BB( )3. The first bicycle was invented _. Ain 1790 Bin 1861 Cbefore the wagon was invented Dwhen people could not afford a horse or a wagonAUnit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )4. Why did people like bicycles? ABecause bicycles were cheap and didnt need to be fed. BBecause bicycles could go j

19、ust about anywhere and were easy to ride. CA and B. DBecause bicycles were new things people had never seen before.CUnit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )5. From the passage we can know that _. Apeople in developed countries use more bicycles Bthe bikes we ride today are extremely simple Cnot all people in the eig

20、hteenth century could travel to the countryside by horse and wagon Dtoday people only use bikes for funUnit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)C .书面表达 课余时间是我们忙碌的学习生活的调节剂。你是如何支配自己闲暇时间的呢?你是经常看电视、做体育运动、听音乐、阅读书报、郊游、帮父母做家务,还是 请你以“My Free Time”为题,描述一下自己的课余生活及感想。Unit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ) My Free Time I have a lot

21、 of things to do in my free time. Usually I take exercise after school. I like basketball and volleyball very much. Sports help me to keep healthy and study better. I often watch TV or do some reading in the evening. Sometimes I listen to music for a while. I find it a good way to relax myself. Of c

22、ourse, I help my parents with the housework at the weekends. I clean the house, wash clothes and learn cooking. Sometimes I go on a field trip with my friends. We always have a good time!Unit 10 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)英语新课标(RJ)Unit 10 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )1. I _my hometown for a long time, so I really mis

23、s it! A. left B. went away from C. have left D. have been away from易错点针对训练 解析 考查动词时态。由for a long time可判定该句为现在完成时,排除A和B;leave为短暂性动词,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用,排除C;状语for a long time表示一段时间,应该与延续性动词或表状态的词连用,故选D。D ( )2. British Prince William(威廉王子) and Kate _ for nearly two months. A. married B. have married C. have

24、 been married D. have got marriedC英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查动词时态。从句后的for nearly two months 可知谓语动词是现在完成时表示时间段的延续动词。marry 是瞬间动词,应变成其延续动词。故选C。Unit 10 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )3. You are too late. The film _ since half an hour ago. A. has begun B. has been on C. began D. begins B英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查动词时态。根据since half an hour ag

25、o可知,句中应是现在完成时,排除C和D。A中是begin的过去分词,begin为短暂性动作,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。故选B。 Unit 10 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练英语新课标(RJ)英语新课标(RJ)阶段综合测试卷二阶段综合测试卷二 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )1. I ll never forget the day_the great scientist came to our school and gave us a speech. A. that B. which C. when D. where 易错点针对训练 解析 考查定语从句的用法。句意为:我从来不会忘记这位伟大

26、的科学家来我们学校给我们做演讲的这一天。从句中有主语,也有宾语,可判断先行词做状语,表示时间用when。that和which是关系代词,做主语或宾语;where做状语时表示地点。故选C。C ( )2. I hate people_dont help others when they are in trouble. A. who B. which C. whose D. whereA英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查定语从句的用法。由先行词people 决定定语从句的引导词指人,并且作主语,因此排除B,D。whose意为“谁的”,用作定语,故选A。阶段综合测试卷二阶段综合测试卷二 易错点针对训练易错

27、点针对训练( )3. What kind of movies do you like? I like the movies_are about Chinese history. A. who B. whom C. whose D. thatD英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查定语从句的用法。句意为“你喜欢哪种电影?”“我喜欢关于中国历史的影片”。先行词the movies为物,要用指物的关系代词that。排除其他选项。故选D。阶段综合测试卷二阶段综合测试卷二 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )4. Who is the man_is reading a book over there? A. th

28、at B. which C. whose D. whatA英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查定语从句的用法。句意为:那边正在读书的人是谁?先行词man指人,从句中缺少主语,用that。whose做从句的定语。which做引导词时,先行词必须指物。故选A。阶段综合测试卷二阶段综合测试卷二 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练英语新课标(RJ)英语新课标(RJ)Unit 11 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理基础知识梳理 重点单词 .根据汉语提示写出单词1魔术;魔力_2新鲜的;清新的 _3借给;借出_4停车 _5直接的;直率的_magicfresh lendparkdirect 英语新课标(RJ)6命令;指示 _7觉

29、得奇怪;想知道 _8引导;引诱 _9(使)烦恼;麻烦;打扰 _Unit 11 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理orderwonderleadtrouble英语新课标(RJ).根据英语单词写出汉语1restroom_2shampoo_3drugstore_4cafe_5block _6uncrowded_7staff_8market_9offend_10certain_Unit 11 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理公共厕所;休息室洗发剂;香波杂货店;药店咖啡馆;小餐馆街区;街道不拥挤的;宽敞的职工;工作人员;全体职员市场;集市广场冒犯;得罪,使生气某;某些;某个 重点短语 Unit 11 基础知识梳理基础知识

30、梳理把下面的短语译成英语1打电话_2向左拐_3换钱_4紧挨书店_5闲逛_make a telephone call to sbturn leftexchange moneynext to the bookstorehang out6百货商店_7穿上盛装;装扮_8交上;提交;呈送_9听起来粗鲁_10取决于;依靠_Unit 11 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理英语新课标(RJ)department storedress uphand insound rudedepend on英语新课标(RJ) 巩固应用.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空1The little boy asked _ (polite) i

31、f he might have another piece of cake. 2In China, we change the way we speak when _ (talk) to different people. 3There are several new _ (dictionary) on the shelf. 4As a _ (strange), he lost his way in the street.5China is the worlds _ (large) developing country.Unit 11 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理politelytalkingdi

32、ctionariesstrangerlargest6What _ (lead) you to such a decision? 7Would you mind my _ (park) my bicycle here? 8Lily likes books and she doesnt like _ (lend) her books. 9I _ (wonder) whether you could lend me your car. 10No one knows exactly what _ (happen) but several people have been hurt. ledUnit 1

33、1 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理英语新课标(RJ)parkinglendingwonderedhappened.根据句意及汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空1My friends and I _ (度假) at the beach last month. 2You will _ (快乐) learning English this term.3I am not going to _ (闲逛) with him any more because he is impolite. 4Wait a minute, please. Ill _ (打电话) to my mother. 5He _ (攒钱) bit

34、 by bit until he had enough to buy a car.Unit 11 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理英语新课标(RJ)took a vacationhave funhang outmake a telephone callsaved money6I _ (路过) the bank at 7:00 yesterday and saw many people crowded there. 7. _ (另一方面), we must work out a plan. 8Health _ (取决于) good food, fresh air and enough sleep.9Yo

35、u dont need _ (打扮) to go to the pubjeans and a Tshirt will do. 10Have you _ (上交) the watch you found to the teacher? went pastOn the other handdepends onto dress uphanded inUnit 11 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理英语新课标(RJ)能力提升训练Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练.单项填空 ( )1.Does anyone know _? I hear that she was born in Canada. Awhen

36、 was she born Bwhere she comes from Cwhen she was born Dwhere does she come from( )2. Could you tell me _? He is in the library. Awhere Simon was Bwhere is Simon Cwhere was Simon Dwhere Simon isBD英语新课标(RJ)Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )3.Do you know _ the man with glasses is? A reporter, I think. Awho Bthat

37、 Cwhat Dwhere( )4.Excuse me. Could you tell me _ from here to the bookstore? Sure. About two miles. Ahow much is it Bhow much it is Chow far is it Dhow far it is D C ( )5.Could you tell me _ at the meeting? Sorry, I dont know. I didnt go to the meeting that day. Awhat does he say Bwhat he says Cwhat

38、 he said Dwhat did he say ( )6.Please _ this book to me next week. Abring Btake Cborrow DhaveUnit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练CA英语新课标(RJ)Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )7. We _ running _ swimming in the past. Aprefer; than Bpreferred; to Cpreferred; with Dpreferred; than( )8. I think the room is very nice but _ small. Ak

39、ind of Ba kind of Call kinds of Da kind( )9.Every year Jims father likes to dress _ Father Christmas on Christmas Day. Aup Bup for Cup in Dup asBA英语新课标(RJ)D英语新课标(RJ)Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )10. I dont know _ he will come here _ it doesnt rain tomorrow. Awhether; if Bwhether; whether Cif; whether Dwhet

40、her; weather( )11. Lets hurry!Theres no time _ . Aleave Bleaving Cleft Dto leave( )12._ right _ the second crossing,then youll see the school. ATake; on BTurn; at CTurn; from DGet; atACB .任务型阅读 There are traffic and road signs all around us when we drive. We have known them well, but when you are dr

41、iving in Australia or New Zealand the road signs will have different meanings. When you see a red sign with white text, they usually tell us forbidden actions. Even when you feel it is not necessary to make a full stop, doing so is the safest choice as you drive.Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ) Most of

42、 signs that are green with white letters are informational signs. These signs usually tell us directions, distances and places. Brown signs with white text are usually signs for parks, historic sites, ski areas, forests and campgrounds. These signs are usually found first on the freeway and as you f

43、ollow them off the freeway they will guide you to your destination. A blue background with white text will usually means rest areas, food, gas or petrol and other services. Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ) Warning signs are usually posted with a yellow background and black text or signs. Some of these

44、signs simply have pictures of something that the driver needs to be careful about. In many places of the USA there are yellow diamond shaped signs with a deer jumping. We understand that this means we need to be careful of deer jumping into the road as we are driving. Drivers in Australia often see

45、a kangaroo jumping. It means they need to be_cautious_of kangaroos jumping into the road. These yellow and black signs are not always for animals. They may show a sign of children playing or just tell you that there is a school zone ahead.Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)1Which road sign means direction

46、s, distances and places? _2When you see a red sign with white text in the road, what should you do? _3Which signs are usually found first on the freeway? _Green signs with white letters.Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)I should make a full stop.Brown signs with white text.4What does the underlined phras

47、e “be cautious of” in the last paragraph mean? _5What is the text mainly about? _It means “be careful about”Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)Something about road signs. Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)A. Please ask that girl.BWhich bus shall I take?CGo along this street until you reach the second traffic l

48、ights, then turn left.DIs it far from here?ECan I take a bus to get there?FIts my pleasure.GDont thank goodness.情景交际 A: Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me how to get to the zoo?B: Sorry, I dont know. Im new here. 1_A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the zoo?C: 2._ At the end of the str

49、eet, youll see the zoo.A: 3._C: Yes, you can.A: 4._C: You can take the No. 6 bus.A: Thank you very much.C: 5._Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)ACEBF .书面表达 假如你是小明,周末去公园的时候遇到了一个外国朋友,他想去书店,你告诉了他去书店的路,并且简单地介绍了公园附近的超市、邮局、图书馆等地。Unit 11 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ) I went to the park with my friends last weekend. We

50、met a foreigner when we were walking in the park. He wanted to go to a bookstore, but he didnt know where the nearest bookstore was. I showed him the way to the bookstore, and told him some places near the park. For example, the supermarket is behind the bookstore, the post office is across the book

51、store, and so on. He was very glad and expressed his thanks again and again. I felt very happy. 英语新课标(RJ)Unit 11 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )1. Excuse me. Could you tell me_? It will leave at 4:00 pm. A. how will you go Shanghai B. how you will go to Shanghai C. when will the bus leave for Shanghai D. When the

52、 bus will leave for Shanghai易错点针对训练 解析 考查宾语从句。从答句知问的应该是时间,排除A和B。又因为宾语从句必须用陈述语序,故选D。D ( )2. Can I join you? Sure, we are talking about _. A. when shall we go to the movie B. how can we go there C. who should we go with D. why we like the movieD英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查宾语从句。宾语从句应用陈述句的语序,故排除A、B、C,选D。Unit 11 易错点针

53、对训练易错点针对训练( )3. Could you tell me _? You can take No. 16 bus. A. how can we get to the Olympic Park B. how we can get to the Olympic Park C. how did we get to the Olympic Park D. how we got to the Olympic Park B英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查宾语从句。特殊疑问句作宾语从句时,用陈述语序;可排除A、C;根据答语可知问句用一般现在时,可排除D;故B为正确答案。Unit 11 易错点针对训练易

54、错点针对训练( )4. Can you tell me how many colors _ in a rainbow? Seven. A. there are B. are there C. they are D. are they A英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查宾语从句。表示“在哪里有什么”用there be结构。先排除C和D;宾语从句中特殊疑问词陈述句。故选A。Unit 11 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )5. Could you tell me_? Hes a bank clerk. A. who your father is B. what your father does C.

55、 where your father works D. how your father worksB英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查宾语从句及情景交际。从答句知道问的是职业。故选B。Unit 11 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )6. Could you please help me choose an MP4 player online? _. My computer doesnt work. A. I dont agree B. I hope so C. Im afraid I cant D. I dont knowC英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查情景交际。此题考查请求别人帮助的交际用语。

56、根据下文回答“我的电脑不工作了”,可知答语为否定,意为“恐怕不能”。因此选C。Unit 11 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )7. Could you please pass me the book? _. A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldnt C. Sure. Here you are D. No, thats no problemC英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查交际用语。根据问句“请你把书递给我,好吗?”可知这是一个表示请求的一般疑问句,故答案选C,意为“当然可以。给你。”Unit 11 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练英语新课标(RJ)英语新课标(RJ)Unit

57、 12 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理基础知识梳理 重点单词 .根据汉语提示写出单词1摇动;震动 _2吻;亲吻 _3放松的;宽松的_4国家;国土;土地 _5对于;关于 _6刺;戳;插 _7叉;餐叉 _shakekissrelaxedlandtowardsstickfork8吃饱的;过饱的 _9刀;餐刀 _10垃圾;废物 _11电子邮件;发电子邮件_12谜语_13合适的;适宜的;恰当的_14通常;正常地 _fullUnit 12 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理kniferubbishemailriddlepropernormally.根据英语单词写出汉语1custom_2bow_3greet_4wipe_5

58、rude_6manner_7gradually_8particular_风俗;习俗;习惯Unit 12 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理鞠躬;弯腰问候;向打招呼擦;揩;抹粗鲁的;无礼的礼貌;礼仪;规矩逐渐的;渐渐的特殊的;独特的9unfamiliar_10crowd_11seek_12chatline_13type_14mostly_15phrase_16queue_不熟悉的;陌生的Unit 12 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理挤满;充满寻找;探究聊天热线(用打字机或计算机)打字多半;主要地;通常短语;词组(排队等候的)一队人;排队 重点短语 Unit 12 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理1握手_2第一次_3犯错

59、误_4对随意_5和家人及朋友共度时光 _6顺便(或偶然)拜访 _7毕竟;终究;究竟 _把下面的短语译成英语shake handsfor the first timemake mistakesbe relaxed aboutspend time with family and friendsdrop byafter all8发出令人不愉快的声音_9特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事_10使某人感到宾至如归 _11餐桌礼仪_12捡起_13指向_14习惯于 _15自学 _Unit 12 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理英语新课标(RJ)make a noisego out of ones way to do sthm

60、ake sb. feel at hometable mannerspick uppoint atbe/get used tolearnby oneself英语新课标(RJ) 巩固应用.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空 1Who do these _ (spoon) belong to? 2I feel completely _ (relax) when I listen to music. 3. _ (who) books are these, do you know? 4What time does he _ (normal) get home from work?5What do thos

61、e _ (mark) in the middle of the road mean? Unit 12 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理spoonsrelaxedWhosenormallymarks6Mary _ (kiss)her mother and left in a hurry.7Youll find the knives and _ (fork) in the lefthand drawer.8At the party we guessed _ (riddle) and played games. 9She _ (stick) the needle into her arm. 10He sto

62、od up and then walked _ (towards)me. Unit 12 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理英语新课标(RJ)kissedforksriddlesstucktowards.根据句意及汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空1People in Korea _ (应该) bow when they meet for the first time. 2When people meet for the first time, they usually _ (握手)3Ive just _ (顺便拜访) to see what you are doing here. 4I care abou

63、t their health. They are my friends _ (毕竟). 5Mr Smith was angry not because we were late but because we _ (弄出声音)Unit 12 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理英语新课标(RJ)are supposed toshake handsdropped byafter allmade a noise6. _ (餐桌礼仪) of course have changed with time.7 After a month, she _ (习惯) the hot weather here. 8 The h

64、ostess tried her best to _ (使我感 到宾至如归). 9They _ (不怕麻烦) think of ways to serve all the passengers.10He _ (拾起) the waste paper on the floor and threw it into the dustbin. Table mannersgot used tomake me feel at homego out of their way topicked upUnit 12 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理英语新课标(RJ)能力提升训练Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练.

65、单项填空 ( )1. You were _ here at 8:00 am,but you didnt. Asuppose coming Bsupposed to come Csupposed to coming Dsupposed coming( )2. Wheres Jim? Nobody has seen him yet. I think he _ . Acomes Bcame Chas come Dshould have comeBD英语新课标(RJ)Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )3.I like soft music. It can make me _. Arelax

66、 Brelaxing Crelaxed Dto relax( )4. After several weeks,they_ here with their neighbours. Aused to live Bused to living Cwere used to live Dgot used to living( )5.Its rude to point _ anyone with your chopsticks. Aat Bto Cwith DonD CA ( )6.You mustnt make _ while_ the film. Asound; watch Bvoice; seein

67、g Cnoise; watching Dnoise; to see ( )7.The plane was supposed to arrive at 7:00, _ it arrived at 10:00. Aand BBut Cthough Dso ( )8. It is _ to stare at people. Aa bad manner Bbad manner Cgood manners Dbad mannersCBDUnit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )9.The boy went _ his way _ his mother so t

68、hat his mother could buy him a new bike. Aon;helping Bout;to help Cout of;to help Din;helping( )10.Jim _ a wallet on the way to school and handed it in. Alooked up Bpicked up Ccut up Dused up C英语新课标(RJ)B . 2010泰安 阅读理解 In Britain you may often hear “Drop in any time” or “Come to see me soon”, but you

69、 cant really do that. People just say those things to make you feel welcome. It is better to telephone before visiting someone at home. If you receive a written invitation to an event that says RSVP,_you should reply to let the person who sent the invitation know whether or not you plan to go. Unit

70、12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ) You should never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go. You may refuse by saying, “Thank you for inviting me, but I will not be able to come.” If, after accepting, you are unable to go, be sure to tell those who are expecting you as soon as possible that you will

71、 not be there. Although it is not necessarily expected that you give a gift to your host, it is considered polite to do so, especially if you have been invited for a meal. Flowers, chocolate, or a small gift are all appropriate(合适的). A thankyou note or telephone call after the visit is also consider

72、ed polite and is an appropriate way to express your appreciation for the invitation.Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ) ( )1.What can you do when a British friend says,“Drop in any time”? AVisit him or her at any time. BSay no time to him or her seriously. CTelephone him or her before visiting. DVisit him

73、 or her soon.( )2. What does the underlined word “RSVP” probably mean in Chinese? A请自便 B请回复 C请审阅 D请来访Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)CB( )3.What should you do if your British friend sends you an invitation but you do not want to go? ADo not give him or her an answer. BTell another friend to go instead

74、of you. CTell him or her that you cant be there for some reason. DTell him or her that you dont want to go there.( )4. Which of the following is considered impolite in Britain? ABuy small presents when invited. BRefuse the invitation without telling anyone. CWrite a thankyou note after a visit. DGiv

75、e a telephone call after a visit.Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)CB( )5. Where would you probably see this passage? AIn an invitation. BIn a guidebook. COn a poster. DIn a newspaper.Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)BUnit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ).根据汉语意思完成句子1拉尔文习惯使用筷子吃饭了。 Calvin is/gets _ chopsticks when he

76、has meals. 2看到这可怕的一幕,很多问题涌上了我的心头。 Seeing the terrible scene, many questions _. 3我不知道为什么我犯了那么多错误。 I dont know why I _. used to usingcrowded my mindmade so many mistakes 4吃面条时不要发出声响。 Dont _ while eating noodles. 5我们喜欢出行前做计划是因为我们不想浪费时间。 We like to _ before leaving because we do not want to waste time.

77、Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)make noisemake plans.情景交际Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)A. Any more questions?BI cant get there in time, what should I do?CI really dont know what to do.DJust make sure youre not earlier than that.E. Do you know what to buy?FDont be late.GDidnt they tell you the time?Li Hu

78、aLSueSL: Sue, Ive been asked to a party tonight. What time should I arrive for that?S: 1._L: Yes, they did. They said seven.S: Then you can get there at 715.2._L: Why so?S: Thats just what it is here. Maybe they are still busy with something.L: If something happens and 3._ Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(

79、RJ)GDBS: You must call and say you will be late. And if you really arrive late, say sorry as soon as you get there and then dont worry about it.L: 4._ I certainly cant go there without any presents.S: For the first time, you can bring a small present. You dont want to show how rich you are, do you?L

80、: No, certainly not.S: 5._L: No, thank you very much.Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)EA .书面表达 你的美国笔友Andrew打算来中国度假,他想先了解一些有关中国的风俗习惯,请你写一篇文章来向他介绍一下,包括以下几方面:Greeting; Eating meals with other people; Attending a party等。Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ) China is a country with a long history, so there are many

81、customs in it. Firstly, you are supposed to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time. Secondly, when you eat dinner with other people, its rude to point at others with your chopsticks. Besides, if you are going to a party, you are supposed to arrive at the party on time, or a few minutes

82、 late. You are not supposed to give a clock or a watch to your friends as a present, because it means “death” in Chinese. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” If you are going to China, please follow the rules.Unit 12 能力提升训练能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)Unit 12 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )1. Mary is used to_a Tshirt and jean

83、s. A. wear B. put on C. wearing D. putting on易错点针对训练 解析 考查词义辨析。句意为:玛丽习惯于穿T恤衫和牛仔裤。 “be used to doing sth.”意为“习惯于做某事”,因此排除选项A、B, wear强调状态, put on强调动作,由句意知此处表示状态,故选C。C( )2. Bamboo can _ paper. A. used to make B. be used make C. be used to make D. be used to makingC英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查词义辨析。 “used to do sth.”

84、意为“过去常常做某事”; “be used to do sth.”意为“被用来做某事”; “be used to doing sth.”意为“习惯做某事”。由句意可知“竹子被用来造纸”,故选C。Unit 12 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )3. I _ keep dogs for protection, but now I keep them as pets. A. would rather B. had better C. used to D. have to C英语新课标(RJ) 解析 考查短语辨析。 would rather意为“宁愿”; had better意为“最好”; used to意为“过去常常”; have to意为“必须”;根据后句句意“但是现在我把它们当宠物养”可知过去常常是为了安全而养狗。故选C。Unit 12 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练



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