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1、MarkTwainMarkTwain-MirrorofAmerica-MirrorofAmericaMade by: Chanel LuoPara13TextAnalysisMirrorofAmericav “Mirror” Is a piece of glass or other shinny/polished surface that reflects images. vHere,itisametaphor.vItmeansa faithful representation or description of something (the USA).vWhy does the author

2、 say that Mark Twain is the mirror of America?Mark Twain: Samuel Langhorne ClemensHis Life _ Historic Events of USAHis Life _ Historic Events of USAu Tramp printer 印刷工印刷工- Prosperous u River pilot 领航员领航员- Mississippi River Transcontinental Railroadsu Guerrilla 游击队员游击队员-The Civil Waru Prospector 淘金者淘

3、金者- Gold Rushu Reporter 记者记者 - Westward Expansionu Correspondent 通信员通信员 - Europe, the Holy Landu Writer 作家作家 -Tom Sawyers innocence Huck Finns experienceThe assertion that Mark Twain is the mirror of America is made in two senses. Mark Twains exciting, adventuresome life stories themselves mirror a

4、part of true American history, and the life of ordinary American people. Second, his life experience furnished him with a wide knowledge of humanity, as well as with the perfect grasp of local customs and speech, which Mark Twain has manifested so well in his writing. His works mirror the real socie

5、ty of his time.vThe whole sentence structure: parallelism.vrememberas e.g.鲁迅创造了阿Q, 这是大多数的中国人所熟知的. Most Chinese people remember Luxun as the father of Ah Qu.vFather: metaphor, here means the creator or the author.vcruise through eternal boyhood:journey through lasting boyhoodvendless summer of freedo

6、m and adventure:long summer full of free and adventurous activities vEternal & Endless: hyperbole夸张,这两个词说明哈克贝利费恩和汤姆索亚两个人物会永远活在读者心中,突出了马克吐温笔下的两个文学形象的永恒魅力.vIdyllic cruise 诗情画意的旅程诗情画意的旅程 Idyllic: a simple happy period of life, often in the country, or a scene from such a time. cruise: a sea voyage for

7、pleasure, especially one on a large ship and lasting for s everal days or weeks.MostAmericansrememberMarkTwainasthefatherofHuckFinnsidylliccruisethrougheternalboyhoodandTomSawyersendlesssummeroffreedomandadventure. vIn-deed,thisnationsbest-lovedauthorwaseverybitasadventurous,patriotic,romantic,andhu

8、morousasanyonehaseverimagined.vevery bit as as :just asas, quite asas 完全,同样的 e.g. He is every bit as clever as you are. Adventurous Patriotic Romantic HumorousDotheyhavedeepmeaningsapartfromtheirliteralmeanings?v“Adventurous” Mark Twain liked to try something new, like a new life, a new place and ne

9、w writing skills and so on. v“patriotic” shows his strong passion or love for his country, countrymen and natural scenery. v“romantic” idealistic ,emotional and artistic.v“humorous” he made people laugh, brought them fun and joy, his writing is full of witty languages.Further understanding of these

10、adjectivesFurther understanding of these adjectivesvvCynical Cynical 愤世嫉俗的愤世嫉俗的愤世嫉俗的愤世嫉俗的 a cynicdenying the sincerity of peoples motives and actions; seeing no goodness in human behavior. having little faith in human sincerity or goodness.E.G. a cynical man / a cynical attitude / a cynical smile vv

11、Profound: to emphasize that Profound: to emphasize that sthsth. is very great and . is very great and intense intense 深度的深度的深度的深度的, , , ,深远的深远的深远的深远的E.G. His love/feeling for his country was profound. vvdeal: to give , to give out, to strike, to distributedeal: to give , to give out, to strike, to d

12、istribute给给予予予予 deal sb. a blow to cause sb. great difficulties He dealt me a hard blow on the chin.vvobsess: v . To occupy the mind of excessively, keep thinking obsess: v . To occupy the mind of excessively, keep thinking about about sthsth. and find it difficult to think about anything else. . an

13、d find it difficult to think about anything else. 使着迷使着迷使着迷使着迷, , 困困困困扰扰 The fear of death obsessed her throughout her old age.vfrailty: a weakness of character or behavior.虚弱虚弱,弱点弱点 One of the frailties of human nature is laziness. Frailty, thy name is woman! (Hamlet)v“A black wall of night” - Rhet

14、oric device, Structure, Imply ? Rhetoric device - Metaphor, compare the dark night as the black wall Structure - n.+of (像)+n. Imply - the color “black” or “dark” and “night” -implies something hopeless. opposite to “day” and “daybreak and “light” - “hope” or “hopefulness”. “a black wall of night” -

15、“despair and hopelessness”. e.g. He did not see a bright future but a dark one and a hopeless one.vtramp:流浪汉流浪汉 a person who has no home or permanent job and very little moneyvguerrilla游击队员游击队员a member of an unofficial fight group which attacks the enemy in small groups unexpectedly.vStarry-eyedopti

16、mist耽于幻象的耽于幻象的乐乐天派天派 a person disposed to take a favorable of view of thingsvacid-tonguedcynic语语言尖刻的言尖刻的讽讽刺家刺家 a person who believes the worst about people or the outcome of eventsvrange across 浪迹浪迹 to travel without any definite plan or destination, a fairly literary use.同义词区别同义词区别:wander,range,sau

17、nter,strollvRange to travel without any definite plan or destination, a fairly literary use.vWander implies the absence of a fixed course or more or less indifference to a course that has been fixed or otherwise indicated. The term may imply the movement of a walker whether human or animal, but it m

18、ay be used of anything capable of direction.漫游,徘徊vSaunter stresses a leisurely pace and in idle and carefree mind. 漫步,闲逛vStrolldiffers from saunter chiefly in the implications of an objective, (as sight-seeing or exercise) pursued without haste and sometimes with wandering from one place to another.

19、散步,漫步HowtounderstandthesentenceHowtounderstandthesentence“digesting the new American “digesting the new American experience before sharing it with the experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer”world as writer and lecturer”?Possible answers: Mark Twain travelled around the wo

20、rld and wrote about things or the experience that he had been observed and absorbed. He acted as a carrier to spread or introduce his idea and his information to his readers through his books or lectures.Here digest means that you think about it, understand it, and remember it.WhydidMarkTwainadopthi

21、spennamemeaningtwofathomsdeep”? Draw Draw readers readers attention attention The sailing The sailing experience takes experience takes up an important up an important part in his heartpart in his heartImpress the Impress the listenerslistenersa nautical(a nautical(航海的航海的航海的航海的) ) term used by term

22、used by sailors to report sailors to report soundingssoundingsvnavigable:可通航的可通航的deep and wide enough to allow ships to travelvattest:证实证实,证明证明to show to be true, to give proof of, to declare solemnlyvartery:动脉动脉,干线干线 blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body, here is a

23、metaphor, to describe it as the main transportationvkeelboat:龙骨船龙骨船a long bar along the bottom of a boat or ship from which the whole frame of the boat or ship is built up.vthefirstmajorcommerce最重要的商品最重要的商品the most important commoditiesvLumber木材木材 tree trunks, logs or planks, timberTheMississippiriv

24、ervThe Mississippi River is the second longest river system in the United States. The Mississippi flows 2,340 miles from its source to its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico. Today, it is often called “Old Man River”. vDeltacountry河口三角洲地区河口三角洲地区 Delta is the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet, which is shape

25、d like a triangle. Therefore anything in the shape of a delta, esp. a deposit of sand and soil formed at the mouth of some rivers is called a delta.vMolasses糖浆糖浆the thick brown uncrystallized(非结晶的) bitter syrup obtained from sugar during refiningvBasin流域流域 A basin of a large river is the area of lan

26、d around it. From the basin water and streams run down into the river. the Yellow River Basin.vDrain流干流干 to cause to become gradually dry or emptyGiveabriefaccountofTwainsGiveabriefaccountofTwainsexperiencebeforehebecameawriter.experiencebeforehebecameawriter.vHe used to move here and there,and he f

27、irst worked as a printer,then a river pilot, a Confederateguerrilla,agoldminer.vWhenhewasyoung,heembodied hope and beautiful dreams,sohewasquiteoptimistic.vButlaterhebecamemorecynical and sarcastic.vartery&heart&drainmetaphor “artery动脉” - main route “heart心脏” - the central part or center “drain流干” -

28、to cause liquid flow away(排走) vitliterallymeanstheMississippiRiverdrainedthevastareaalongitsbanks.vThe Mississippi valley takes up or covers three quarters of the populated area of the U.S.A of that time.RhetoricaldevicesMetaphorMetaphorMark Twain- Mirror of America &main artery of transportation in

29、 the young nations heartHyperboleHyperboleHuck Finns idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyers endless summer of freedom and adventure. PersoniPersoni- -ficationficationone who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt himHyperboleHyperboleoroverstatem

30、entisafigureofspeechoroverstatementisafigureofspeechinwhichexaggerationisusedtoemphasizeainwhichexaggerationisusedtoemphasizeapoint,tocreatehumor,ortoachievesomesimilarpoint,tocreatehumor,ortoachievesomesimilareffects.effects.夸张夸张HyperboleHyperbole夸大夸大1.Belindasmiled,andtheentireworldwasgay.2.Shewasscaredtodeath.3.Mybackkillsme.4.Itoldyouathousandtimesthatyoucantbehavelikethat.HuckFinnsidylliccruisethrougheternal boyhoodandTomSawyersendless summer of freedom and adventure.



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