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1、 Run-on sentence(融合句)(融合句) Sentence Fragments(破碎句)(破碎句)2021/8/21 Run-on sentenceA run-on sentence is also called fused sentence. It is a sentence in which two or more independent clauses (complete sentences) are joined without appropriate punctuation or conjunction.融合句即一个句子中有两个或两个以上独立的从句(完整的句子)而没有适当

2、的标点符号或连词。Definition:2021/8/22It is important to realize whether a sentence is a run-on or not has nothing to do with the length of the sentence.A run-on sentence can be as short as four wordsfor instance: I drive she walks.In this case there are two independent clauses: two subjects paired with two

3、intransitive verbs.2021/8/23Heres a sample of a good 239-word sentence. Although it is very long, it is not a run-on sentence.Knowing that millions of people around the world would be watching in person and on television and expecting great things from him at least one more gold medal for America, i

4、f not another world record during this, his fourth and surely his last appearance in the World Olympics, and realizing that his legs could no longer carry him down the runway with the same blazing speed and confidence in making a huge, eye-popping leap that they were capable of a few years ago when

5、he set world records in the 100-meter dash and in the 400-meter relay and won a silver medal in the long jump, the renowned sprinter and track-and-field personality Carl Lewis, who had known pressure from fans and media before but never, even as a professional runner, this kind of pressure, made onl

6、y a few appearances in races during the few months before the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, partly because he was afraid of raising expectations even higher and he did not want to be distracted by interviews and adoring fans who would follow him into stores and restaurants demanding autograph

7、s and photo-opportunities, but mostly because he wanted to conserve his energies and concentrate, like a martial arts expert, on the job at hand: winning his favorite competition, the long jump, and bringing home another Gold Medal for the United States, the most fitting conclusion to his brilliant

8、career in track and field.2021/8/24Run-on sentences happen typically under the following circumstances:a. a. An independent clause gives an order or directive based on what was said in the prior independent clause.Example:This next chapter has a lot of difficult information in it, you should start s

9、tudying right away.2021/8/25b b. Two independent clauses are connected by a transitional expression (conjunctive adverb) such as however, moreover, nevertheless.Example:Mr.Harper has sent his four children to ivy-league colleges, however, he has sacrificed his health working day and night in that du

10、sty bakery.2021/8/26c. c. The second of two independent clauses contains a pronoun that connects it to the first independent clause. Example:This computer doesnt make sense to me, it came without a manual. 2021/8/27The most common mistake we usually make is a comma splice.Example:The sun is high, pu

11、t on some sunblock(防晒霜).Explanation:The punctuation comma(逗号)cant be used to connect two independent sentences.2021/8/28RemediesRemedies(纠正办法)(纠正办法)It is nearly half past five, we can not reach town before dark. Use separate sentences. It is nearly half past five. We can not reach town before dark.

12、Use a semicolon(分号). It is nearly half past five; we can not reach town before dark. Use a conjunction(连词). It is nearly half past five, so we can not reach town before dark.2021/8/29Wrong: Billy was sleepy, he went to bed.Correct: Billy was sleepy. He went to bed. Billy was sleepy; he went to bed.

13、Billy was sleepy, so he went to bed. Because Billy was sleepy, he went to bed. 2021/8/210 Sentence FragmentsA sentence is defined as a group of words containing a subject, a verb and a complete thought(that is, it must make sense by itself). If any of these elements are missing, then the group of wo

14、rds isnt a sentence.A sentence fragment is a group of words that is punctuated like a sentence and that is trying to function as a sentence, but it is lack of the necessary elements.2021/8/211Fragments That Do Not Contain a Fragments That Do Not Contain a Subject or a VerbSubject or a VerbThis type

15、of fragment is often a phrase that is, a group of words that go together to form a unit but that cannot function as a sentence. Sometimes, this type of fragment contains an ing word or an infinitive(不定式) that looks like a verb, so the writer is deceived into thinking that a verb is present.2021/8/21

16、2Examples:(a) I opened the door. Expecting to see my brother standing on the porch(门廊).This fragment can be corrected in either of two ways it can be attached to the sentence before by replacing the period with a comma, or it can be expanded to make a complete thought:I opened the door, expectingdoo

17、r, expecting to see my brother standing on the porch. I opened the door. I was expectingdoor. I was expecting to see my brother standing on the porch.2021/8/213(b) With a sudden loud bang and a shower of multicolored sparks. The mixture exploded.Once again, we have two word groups punctuated as sent

18、ences. The second one is a sentence because it contains the subject mixture and the verb exploded and makes a complete thought.The first, however, is merely a long word group consisting of two prepositional phrases. Although there are many words, there is no subject or verb. Therefore, the word grou

19、p is a fragment. In order to be correct, it needs to be attached to the sentence that comes after it:With a sudden loud bang and a shower of multicolored sparks, thesparks, the mixture exploded.2021/8/214Fragments That Contain a Fragments That Contain a Subject and a VerbSubject and a Verb This type

20、 of fragment is usually a dependent clause. Every dependent clause contains a subject and a verb, but it does not make sense by itself.2021/8/215Examples:While Donald was checking his trapline. He saw an enormous black bear.The subordinating conjunction while makes the first sentence into a dependen

21、t clause; it no longer makes sense by itself, so it cannot stand alone as a sentence. It is a fragment, even though it contains a subject and verb. Now it must be attached to the sentence which comes after it:While Donald was checking his trapline, hetrapline, he saw an enormous black bear.2021/8/21

22、6Correct use of fragments1. A sentence fragment can be used for effect, to draw attention to a particular phrase or statement.Example A: And what drew Wanda to love Arthur? Personality, pure personality.Explanation: The writer wants to emphasize the effect of personality on their relationship. By is

23、olating the word into a sentence fragment, special attention is focused on that word. 2021/8/217Example B: Bigotry. It exists when a group of people want to prohibit the rights that they have from a particular group of people identified by a common trait.Caution: If you overuse this emphasis techniq

24、ue, then it loses its effectiveness by becoming so common that the technique no longer draws attention to itself.2021/8/2182. A sentence fragment can be used to express a particular emotion.Example A: The teams defense had an excellent game against their rivals. Yeah, right! They lost 38-26.Example B: Another argument is that having a ban on marijuana(大麻) can lead to a ban on tobacco. Hooray(万岁)!2021/8/219Thank you.2021/8/220个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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