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1、Terminator 2: Judgment Day My favorite movienThe film is the pinnacle(巅峰之巅峰之作作) of Schwarzenegger, has been named the most classic of 1990s sci-fi action movie, has unsurpassed masterpiece.b yng yng Plot introductionIn order to prevent the human resistance, by Skynet rule the future world sending ad

2、vanced T-1000 type liquid metal cyborg, dating from the 2029 A.D. returned to Losangeles to kill a grown John, at the same time, John also sent T-800 to go back to protect juvenile he. In experience and T-1000 risk tense hunt, John and Sarah finally convinced T-800. In order to change the fate of ma

3、nkind, John, Sarah and the terminator found Skynet system researchers, the Ting companys technical director Dr. Silberman, and destroyed all the relevant Skynet information, and in the ensuing battle finally destroyed T-1000. In order to destroy all the chips, T-800 made the sacrifice of their choic

4、e, from being destroyed for molten steel.Thats it,god damn it.Some fragments(一些花絮)Watching John with the machine together,Mind suddenly clear up . .The terminator would never stop running.Never leave him, and would never hurt him . .Dont shout at him, drunk and beat him . .Or is too busy to have wit

5、h him.It will accompany(陪伴) him forever,Would die to protect him . .This thing, this machine . .Wonderful dialogueTheTerminator:Whydoyoucry?终结者:你们为什么哭?JohnConnor:Youmeanpeople?约翰:你是说人类?TheTerminator:Yes.终结者:是的。JohnConnor:Idontknow.Wejustcry.Youknow,whenithurts.约翰:我不太清楚。你知道,当我们感到难受时,就会哭。TheTerminator

6、:Paincausesit?终结者:疼痛导致的么?JohnConnor:No,itswhentheresnothingwrongwithyou,butyoucryanyway.Yougetit?约翰:不,那是两码事。当你没有任何不对劲时,但你就是觉得内心悲痛。你明白么?TheTerminator:No.终结者:不明白。Wonderful dialogue The Terminator: Stay here, Ill be back!终结者:呆在这儿,我会回来的。The Terminator:Come with me if you want to live.终结者:想活命跟我走 John Con

7、nor: Were not gonna make it, are we? People, I mean.约翰:我们做不到,是么?我是说人类。The Terminator: Its in your nature to destroy yourselves.终结者:是你们的本性导致了自我毁灭。The directors confession约翰曾经教会T-800一句名言“Hasta la vista,baby”是一句西班牙语,这句话被影迷们广为传诵。它的意思是“until I see you,baby”,在电影中的翻译可以是“待会儿见,宝贝”。Terminator-800This guy is t

8、he director of a friend, all the way from Tokyo in order to fly, in the glorious(光荣的)(光荣的) dead.路人甲路人甲nT-1000 deformation is the sound of your microphone pack, and then dip cereal voice sampling. T-1000 died screaming is director Cameron dubs.nT-1000变形时的声音是把麦克风包好,然后蘸麦片粥的声音取样。变形时的声音是把麦克风包好,然后蘸麦片粥的声音取

9、样。T-1000死时的惨叫声是导演卡梅隆配音的。死时的惨叫声是导演卡梅隆配音的。T-1000nT-800 took the machine gun Gatlin is actually a real gun, used to hold on a helicopter or use on automobile. Rate of fire is 6000 rounds per minute. The actual filming has dropped to 2000, because of this flame effect more violent.n 阿诺拿着的加特林机枪实际上是一把真枪,用

10、来装在直升飞机或者汽阿诺拿着的加特林机枪实际上是一把真枪,用来装在直升飞机或者汽车上使用的。射速是每分钟车上使用的。射速是每分钟6000发。实际拍摄的时候降到了发。实际拍摄的时候降到了2000发,发,因为这样火舌的效果更猛烈。因为这样火舌的效果更猛烈。n T-800那把很酷的枪(就是单手旋转一下就可以上子弹的)实际上是特制的,加大了扳机圈,让枪可以自如的在T-800(阿诺)的手中转动。More Chinese titlen魔鬼终结者2n未来战士2n终结者2:末日审判n魔鬼终结者第二集:审判日n终结者续集:世界末日n这是历史上第一部投资超过1亿美元的电影。外传外传未来战士未来战士3:歼灭者歼灭者TX终结者终结者1终结者:救终结者:救世主世主Other relevantThe terminator seriesThank you !



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